thebrat13n[10/28/13 12:55 PM ]: wow, I'm shocked, we're the first ones here

MockY[10/28/13 12:57 PM ]: yeah, that's a new one

MockY[10/28/13 12:57 PM ]: Someting serious must have happened

Ragee[10/28/13 12:59 PM ]: Brackaaatackiiiii Fan va roligt nästan alla ärt här

MockY[10/28/13 12:59 PM ]: Du kom i tid

MockY[10/28/13 12:59 PM ]: tror aldrig det har hänt förut

MockY[10/28/13 12:59 PM ]:

Ragee[10/28/13 12:59 PM ]: tss

Ragee[10/28/13 1:00 PM ]: Skit snack hehe

tgs3[10/28/13 1:01 PM ]: poor Niklas

Ragee[10/28/13 1:02 PM ]: Såååå Peter hur går det med minstingen?

Ragee[10/28/13 1:02 PM ]: poor me?

tgs3[10/28/13 1:02 PM ]: Peter is making fun of you

Ragee[10/28/13 1:03 PM ]: yes true, poor me

MockY[10/28/13 1:03 PM ]: hon lever

Ragee[10/28/13 1:03 PM ]: det är ju bra

MockY[10/28/13 1:03 PM ]: Kan man knapps säga om mog dock

MockY[10/28/13 1:03 PM ]: knappt

Ragee[10/28/13 1:04 PM ]: pga av henne?

MockY[10/28/13 1:04 PM ]: Båda ungarna

MockY[10/28/13 1:04 PM ]: Men man blir bara starkare väl?

tgs3[10/28/13 1:05 PM ]: keep telling yourself that

Ragee[10/28/13 1:05 PM ]: Peter förresten, har ni fortfarande planer att komma i Påsk? eller är det förtidigt att tänka på

tgs3[10/28/13 1:06 PM ]: silence...

Ragee[10/28/13 1:06 PM ]: hmmm

Ragee[10/28/13 1:07 PM ]: undrar nämnligen för Robban funderar på att komma till England i påsk

Ragee[10/28/13 1:07 PM ]: vorre ju lite trist om du kommer så är vi i England

MockY[10/28/13 1:08 PM ]: Jag sa till Sofi att Påsken mest troligt inte blir av

MockY[10/28/13 1:08 PM ]: Så kramas i England ni era jävlar

Ragee[10/28/13 1:09 PM ]: okidoki

tgs3[10/28/13 1:09 PM ]: shocked to hear that its not happening

MockY[10/28/13 1:09 PM ]: lol

MockY[10/28/13 1:09 PM ]: I have yet to ask Diana, but I can safely speak for her in this matter

tgs3[10/28/13 1:11 PM ]: Last I heard she said she didn't want to travel to Sweden without a 3rd adult with you guys

Ragee[10/28/13 1:11 PM ]: hahahaha

MockY[10/28/13 1:12 PM ]: So wait until Mia is an adult

MockY[10/28/13 1:12 PM ]: gotcha

MockY[10/28/13 1:12 PM ]:

Ragee[10/28/13 1:12 PM ]: yo Hebbster

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:13 PM ]: hej baberiba

MockY[10/28/13 1:13 PM ]: hebbe monstret

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:14 PM ]: näe jag är nog inget att vara rädd för längre

MockY[10/28/13 1:14 PM ]: Dina fräknar kommer alltid vara läbbiga

MockY[10/28/13 1:15 PM ]: Eller skrämmande

MockY[10/28/13 1:15 PM ]: Är du i himlen nu? Pimplar dagar i enda

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:16 PM ]: det är lite för varmt det blir så begränsat med sjöar

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:17 PM ]: måste hålla mej på tjärnar

MockY[10/28/13 1:17 PM ]: Bra som fan att snön inte pajjat isen än

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:18 PM ]: ja men isen ligger bara på tjärnarna, sjöarna är halvt eller helt öppna

tgs3[10/28/13 1:20 PM ]: this conversation is too metaphysical for me

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:20 PM ]: då fortsätter vi med den

Ragee[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: nej inte meta, pimplaphysical

Ragee[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: tihi

MockY[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: Sicken rolig pojke

Ragee[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: sååååååå innåt

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: jag har en ny pirk som är grym på trögfiskade abborrar

MockY[10/28/13 1:21 PM ]: Det låter inte snällt

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:22 PM ]: så funkar den när snön har kommit också så blir jag giftig i vinter

MockY[10/28/13 1:22 PM ]: stackars fiskar

MockY[10/28/13 1:22 PM ]: Du kommer kallas för Arsenik-Hebbe

MockY[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: Alla kommer att frukta dig

Ragee[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: som sagt Hebbe monstret

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: det kommer att sruta fisk ur hålen

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: spruta

MockY[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: Har sett på för mycket Forensic Files under nätterna. Det är alltid arsenik dom avlivar varanadra med

Ragee[10/28/13 1:23 PM ]: spruta tihi fniss

MockY[10/28/13 1:24 PM ]: Tror Niklas är inne på sin andra joint

Ragee[10/28/13 1:24 PM ]: tror jag fått i mig för mycket kaffe hehe

MockY[10/28/13 1:25 PM ]: TomAto TomEJto

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:25 PM ]: ska vi rösta

MockY[10/28/13 1:25 PM ]: sure

MockY[10/28/13 1:25 PM ]: 1

Ragee[10/28/13 1:25 PM ]: får lov att gömma undan de u, Silvia föreldrar kommer om två timmar och hälsar på i en vecka

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: 2

Ragee[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: visst visst

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: 3

MockY[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: gömma undan kaffet

MockY[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: ?

MockY[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: Tycker du ska ta avstånd från dom dära päronen

Ragee[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: ska bli spännade hur de går för de med flyget utan att kunna ett ord Engelska

MockY[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]:

Ragee[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: nej det gröna dummer

MockY[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: magiska under

Ragee[10/28/13 1:26 PM ]: 39287648176547123568914

tgs3[10/28/13 1:27 PM ]: 66

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:27 PM ]: artic monkeys 3p

MockY[10/28/13 1:27 PM ]: Klara Dianas morsa med att ta tåg från San Diago till Sacramento och tillbaka, då klarar sig dom det alldeles utmärkt ska du se

MockY[10/28/13 1:27 PM ]: Device 5p

Ragee[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Artic Monkeys 2p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Arctic Monkeys 3p

MockY[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Så vitt jag vet pratar hon inte ett enda ord engelska heller

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Soilwork 4p

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: soilwork 4p

MockY[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Arctic Monkeys 6p

Ragee[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Scott Stapp 6p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:28 PM ]: Scott Stapp 5p

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Scott Stapp 6p

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: within temptation 7p

MockY[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Soilwork 7p

Ragee[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Within Temptation 7p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Within Temptation 6p

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Device 7p

MockY[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: Scott Stapp 8p

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: device 8p

MockY[10/28/13 1:29 PM ]: oops

Ragee[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: Device 8p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: Soilwork 8p

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: Within Temptation 8p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: 5p, peter?!?

MockY[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: A high point from Nina on Within Temptation. The rest must suck for you

MockY[10/28/13 1:30 PM ]: yeah, boring ass song

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: 1. Device

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: You still won, congrats

tgs3[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: YEAH!!

MockY[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: two awesome dudes sometimes fuck eachither in the ass to much and what comes out of that is mush

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: grattis theron

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: 2. Within Temptation

Ragee[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: hehe Theron springer ifrån nu

MockY[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: grätz

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: 3. Scott Stapp 25p

tgs3[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: I find if odd that the person that overall uses the most boring songs is the first person to call other songs boring

Ragee[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: hahaha

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: 4. Soilwork 23p

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: I agree with Theron

tgs3[10/28/13 1:31 PM ]: I'm sure Theron will suck at the end of the season here

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:32 PM ]: 5. Arctic Monkeys 14p

MockY[10/28/13 1:32 PM ]: tss

tgs3[10/28/13 1:33 PM ]: Arctic Monkeys has got to be one of the all time worst SOTD performers

tgs3[10/28/13 1:34 PM ]: Last time it got 16p, but there was 6 of us them...

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:34 PM ]: I like that song

tgs3[10/28/13 1:34 PM ]: Peter also prefers it to Device..

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:35 PM ]: but, I wouldn't have used it in RSOTD if I had anything that I thought would do better, but I'm tapped out

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:35 PM ]: it's upbeat and fun

tgs3[10/28/13 1:37 PM ]: I find it amazing in 8+ years of SOTD you never got a real list going

tgs3[10/28/13 1:37 PM ]: Good job

MockY[10/28/13 1:38 PM ]: Silence

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:38 PM ]: thank you

Hebbe[10/28/13 1:38 PM ]: god natt på er, ny röstning på onsdag

tgs3[10/28/13 1:38 PM ]: BTW, I actually cought the Device album. Crazy, but its probably the best album I've heard in a long time

tgs3[10/28/13 1:38 PM ]: What the last 2 Disturbed albums should have been

MockY[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: There is a devide forming

tgs3[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: seeya, Wednesday, Andera

tgs3[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: hah

Ragee[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: Jo håller helt klart med Theron

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: good night

MockY[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: Its fun to get one of those albums

Ragee[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: trodde dock ingen annan låt skulle gå bra i SOTD så jag använde aldrig den låten

Ragee[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: men det var nästa på min lista, synd att jag inte testa köra den

MockY[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: Jag förstår varför

Ragee[10/28/13 1:39 PM ]: well well

tgs3[10/28/13 1:40 PM ]: I like just about all of them, but agree not everything is SOTD material

tgs3[10/28/13 1:40 PM ]: Havent listen to my audiobooks in 2 weeks since I've been blasting that album in my car

Ragee[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: hehe sound like you like it then

Ragee[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: oh well gotta get some work done before the parents come

Ragee[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: so cya in two days

tgs3[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: Really like the Ozzy cover, too. Was 99.9% sure to be text filed, but I tried it anyway

tgs3[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: cya

MockY[10/28/13 1:41 PM ]: bye bye

tgs3[10/28/13 1:42 PM ]: Yes, to Peter's divide comment.

tgs3[10/28/13 1:42 PM ]: Looks like a race for first and a race to avoid last

MockY[10/28/13 1:42 PM ]: will I come for you is the question

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:42 PM ]: people are text filing away today

tgs3[10/28/13 1:42 PM ]: hmm. wasn't paying attention

tgs3[10/28/13 1:43 PM ]: Holy shit. Brandon Saller is in this round!

tgs3[10/28/13 1:44 PM ]: Peter and I have seen him live

tgs3[10/28/13 1:44 PM ]: And Anders and Adam...

tgs3[10/28/13 1:44 PM ]: And Jesse maybe

MockY[10/28/13 1:45 PM ]: indeed

MockY[10/28/13 1:46 PM ]: Don't know about the holy shit part though

tgs3[10/28/13 1:46 PM ]: not that I actually knew who he was until I Googled him

tgs3[10/28/13 1:46 PM ]:

MockY[10/28/13 1:47 PM ]: Same here

MockY[10/28/13 1:48 PM ]: thought first he was Mark Salling

MockY[10/28/13 1:48 PM ]: From Glee

tgs3[10/28/13 1:48 PM ]: Don't know him either

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: The man that perfected the duck face

tgs3[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: I know agent Bryce Larkin has been in glee

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]:

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: see

tgs3[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: Sang Peter's SOTD song

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: he sure did

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: and very well at that

tgs3[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: still don't recognize him

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: To bad he's gay or I would have married him

MockY[10/28/13 1:49 PM ]: because he would sooo want some of this meat

tgs3[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: Your first sentence makes no sense

MockY[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: "Bryce Larkin" that is

tgs3[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: Which is to be expected with the source

tgs3[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: ah

tgs3[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: He is a cutey

tgs3[10/28/13 1:50 PM ]: Chuck is lucky he died

MockY[10/28/13 1:51 PM ]: or is he....

MockY[10/28/13 1:51 PM ]: He seems to be able to come back from the most obvious deaths

MockY[10/28/13 1:51 PM ]: totally safe for work...

tgs3[10/28/13 1:51 PM ]: thanks

tgs3[10/28/13 1:51 PM ]: Its all safe for work for me

tgs3[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: Though employees going for a walk past my window might get the wrong idea about me

MockY[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: Got that as a result of Googling Matt Bomer

MockY[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: go figure

thebrat13n[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: OK, I'm going to leave you to your strange conversation and log off, talk to you later

MockY[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: bye you

tgs3[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: loser!

MockY[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: anti-gay female you

tgs3[10/28/13 1:52 PM ]: literally. Your song sucked

MockY[10/28/13 1:53 PM ]: I shall take a dump now because you said so

tgs3[10/28/13 1:53 PM ]: buh bye