tgs3[10/09/13 11:26 AM ]: I'm here, mother fuckers! Where is everyone?

tgs3[10/09/13 11:49 AM ]: he sure has

thebrat13n[10/09/13 11:55 AM ]: ahh, back to normal

tgs3[10/09/13 11:57 AM ]: yeah, baby

MockY[10/09/13 11:59 AM ]: Finally

MockY[10/09/13 12:03 PM ]: HEBBE!!!

MockY[10/09/13 12:03 PM ]: Trodde aldrig du skulle komma tillbaka

tgs3[10/09/13 12:04 PM ]: We've been worried about you

MockY[10/09/13 12:04 PM ]: Du stormade ut som en surkart i Måndags

tgs3[10/09/13 12:05 PM ]: still not talking to us

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:07 PM ]: bara lite less och ångrar att jag gick med den här säsonen över huvud taget

tgs3[10/09/13 12:07 PM ]: YOu hate us that much, huh?

MockY[10/09/13 12:07 PM ]: Tydligen

MockY[10/09/13 12:08 PM ]: Men det är ju lite tråkigt att höra

MockY[10/09/13 12:08 PM ]: Result åsido, så finns vi ju alltid här att prata med endå

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:08 PM ]: inte för att jag kom sist utan för att jag saknar motivation att hitta ny musik

tgs3[10/09/13 12:08 PM ]: Then just use old songs

MockY[10/09/13 12:09 PM ]: Släkt med Robert tydligen

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:09 PM ]: ser du väl att jag gör

MockY[10/09/13 12:09 PM ]: Mjo, dom har mossa på sig

tgs3[10/09/13 12:09 PM ]: haven't really paid attention, to be honest

tgs3[10/09/13 12:09 PM ]:

tgs3[10/09/13 12:10 PM ]: I see 4 songs from 2013 so far this season from Anders

tgs3[10/09/13 12:11 PM ]: I only have 1

tgs3[10/09/13 12:11 PM ]: So what the fuck are you two talking about?

MockY[10/09/13 12:11 PM ]: Jag har samtliga

MockY[10/09/13 12:12 PM ]: I replaced the player in the search engine Theron

tgs3[10/09/13 12:13 PM ]: i see that

MockY[10/09/13 12:13 PM ]: Will skin it when Iäm very bored and have absolutely nothing to do Ö=

MockY[10/09/13 12:13 PM ]:

MockY[10/09/13 12:13 PM ]: It looks a bit out of place atm

tgs3[10/09/13 12:13 PM ]: seems fine to me

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:14 PM ]: inga nya band

MockY[10/09/13 12:14 PM ]: In FF, this particular player has issues with the 3 extra Swedish letters, and refuse to play it

MockY[10/09/13 12:15 PM ]: Gotta work on that later

tgs3[10/09/13 12:15 PM ]: Yes, Swedeen needs to stop supporting such a dead language and switch to English

MockY[10/09/13 12:16 PM ]: word

Ragee[10/09/13 12:16 PM ]: Oh my trodde jag var tidig hehe

Ragee[10/09/13 12:16 PM ]: Sa inte vi 21:30

MockY[10/09/13 12:16 PM ]: Du behöver använda en kalender ffs

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:16 PM ]: det har jag redan glömt

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:17 PM ]: me too

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:17 PM ]: but we said for you it's still 21:00

MockY[10/09/13 12:17 PM ]: Nu när alla är här, ni kan nu streama alla låtar i SOTD genom sökmotorn

MockY[10/09/13 12:17 PM ]: Ska funka på alla mobiler

tgs3[10/09/13 12:17 PM ]: I thought we said it was 20.30 for Niklas and 21.00 for the rest of us

MockY[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: Skulle lagt till detta 30 säsongen bättre sent än aldrig

MockY[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: Niklas should have 19:00

MockY[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: the day before

Ragee[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: Bläää på er haha

MockY[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: then he might be on time

tgs3[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: See, its when you say stuff like that no one takes you seriously and the humor is just lame

tgs3[10/09/13 12:18 PM ]: You need to learn to moderate your crazy statements

MockY[10/09/13 12:19 PM ]: moderate poderate

tgs3[10/09/13 12:19 PM ]: And nobody knows lame humor better than me

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:21 PM ]: det här säsongen blir det battle of queensryche och disturbed

tgs3[10/09/13 12:21 PM ]: What about Evans Blue?

tgs3[10/09/13 12:22 PM ]: Both singers in, anyway

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:22 PM ]: då får jag läsa på

MockY[10/09/13 12:22 PM ]: Evans Disturbed

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:22 PM ]: låter som evans blue

MockY[10/09/13 12:24 PM ]: Disturbed Blue låter bättre

tgs3[10/09/13 12:24 PM ]: agreed

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:24 PM ]: yes

tgs3[10/09/13 12:25 PM ]: The other way just sounds like you're talking about some angry dude named Evan

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:26 PM ]: disturbed evan

tgs3[10/09/13 12:27 PM ]: poor guy

MockY[10/09/13 12:28 PM ]: lol

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:30 PM ]: Device is out

MockY[10/09/13 12:31 PM ]: in the colde

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:31 PM ]: I don't which song I should use to torture you guys with

MockY[10/09/13 12:31 PM ]: New try

tgs3[10/09/13 12:31 PM ]: poor little thing

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:31 PM ]: can't, not don't

tgs3[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: you also forgot the word "decide"

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: that whole sentence sucked, I apparently can't type

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: I can't decide what song to torture you guys with

tgs3[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: old fart

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: there

tgs3[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: can't chat

tgs3[10/09/13 12:32 PM ]: excellent

tgs3[10/09/13 12:33 PM ]: looks like someone really wants Device in this round

MockY[10/09/13 12:33 PM ]: lots of featurings'

Ragee[10/09/13 12:34 PM ]: hehe was thinking the same

tgs3[10/09/13 12:35 PM ]: David is a slut apparently

tgs3[10/09/13 12:35 PM ]: and bi

Ragee[10/09/13 12:38 PM ]: Haha Avicii lolololololololol

MockY[10/09/13 12:38 PM ]: din mamma

tgs3[10/09/13 12:38 PM ]: I feel like I'm missing a joke

MockY[10/09/13 12:39 PM ]: Hence my response

Ragee[10/09/13 12:39 PM ]: Udda att se en House DJ i sotd

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:39 PM ]: avicii pratade eleverna i 4:an om

tgs3[10/09/13 12:39 PM ]: He was on House?

MockY[10/09/13 12:39 PM ]: Ská använda SHM nästa runda

Ragee[10/09/13 12:40 PM ]: mer udda än när Robert ställde upp med Backstreet Boys

Ragee[10/09/13 12:40 PM ]: haha

tgs3[10/09/13 12:41 PM ]: THe song sounds like something Robert might use

Ragee[10/09/13 12:41 PM ]: den avicii låten går på repeat just nu på nattklubbarna i Cambridge

tgs3[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: You go clubbing, Niklas?

MockY[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: He's young

Ragee[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: inte ofta men det händer

MockY[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: gay

tgs3[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: I was young once, but I would never step foot in such a hell hole

Ragee[10/09/13 12:42 PM ]: hahahahahaha

MockY[10/09/13 12:43 PM ]: after 8 shots of vodka and a joint you probably would

Ragee[10/09/13 12:43 PM ]: det tror jag oxå

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:43 PM ]: it wouldn't even take that much

tgs3[10/09/13 12:43 PM ]: After 8 shots you could probably get me to do just about anything, so that doesn't say much

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:44 PM ]: Theron becomes "Sure" man pretty quickly

tgs3[10/09/13 12:44 PM ]: Luckily people I drink with don't want to go to a club any more than I do

MockY[10/09/13 12:45 PM ]: haha

Ragee[10/09/13 12:46 PM ]: tror inte Avicii kommer få allt för mycket poäng

Ragee[10/09/13 12:46 PM ]: hade Silvia varit med hade nog denna låt får 10p

tgs3[10/09/13 12:47 PM ]: hey now, no talking shit about songs before we vote

Ragee[10/09/13 12:48 PM ]: nje menar bara att ingen här verkar vara en club människa

tgs3[10/09/13 12:49 PM ]: not that I know what I'm talking about, but that's not a song I would think of as a club song

Ragee[10/09/13 12:49 PM ]: well maybe you should go clubbing more often haha

tgs3[10/09/13 12:49 PM ]: nope

thebrat13n[10/09/13 12:49 PM ]: that version of the song is actually not horribly clubby, there are about 10 versions of it

MockY[10/09/13 12:51 PM ]: There are acousting versions of the most horrid songs out there without being close to the original, so this may sound "normal"

MockY[10/09/13 12:52 PM ]: Don't judge the book by its cover

MockY[10/09/13 12:52 PM ]: Or Niklas by the length of his penis

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:52 PM ]: jag var tvungen att texta den också

tgs3[10/09/13 12:52 PM ]: Why just Niklas?

Ragee[10/09/13 12:53 PM ]: haha yeah Peter stopped making sense

tgs3[10/09/13 12:53 PM ]: You guys clearly listen to pop music too much

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:53 PM ]: går på radion hela tiden

tgs3[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: And you're listening to the radio why?

MockY[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: Nu jävlar textas det

MockY[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: Because he is tired of finding stuff himself

MockY[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: Though radio is not really the outlet I would use

tgs3[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: Now we know why he's in a bad mood!

Hebbe[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: var i dalarna i helgen och radion gick en del i bilen

tgs3[10/09/13 12:54 PM ]: Its the radio's fault.

tgs3[10/09/13 12:55 PM ]: But you'd clearly heard it before that or you wouldn't be text filing

MockY[10/09/13 12:55 PM ]: He's angry, remember

Ragee[10/09/13 12:55 PM ]: skulle vilja texta en till låt men hörde den enbart för två dagar sedan

MockY[10/09/13 12:56 PM ]: Låt bli

tgs3[10/09/13 12:57 PM ]: I pretty much stopped text filing songs unless I know them REALLY well. I guess I'm a cheater

MockY[10/09/13 12:57 PM ]: You don't listen to radio

tgs3[10/09/13 12:58 PM ]: Why would I?

tgs3[10/09/13 12:59 PM ]: I have no wive to appease and no social life

MockY[10/09/13 12:59 PM ]: Cause if you do, then you listen to radio?

tgs3[10/09/13 12:59 PM ]: That's the excuses Anders and Niklas are using

MockY[10/09/13 12:59 PM ]: Ahh

tgs3[10/09/13 12:59 PM ]: In the car with the family and clubs

MockY[10/09/13 1:00 PM ]: mmm makrill i tomatsås

tgs3[10/09/13 1:00 PM ]: Besdes, I lie. I listen to the radio sometimes, but you won't hear any pop songs on the stations I listen to

Ragee[10/09/13 1:00 PM ]: haha

tgs3[10/09/13 1:01 PM ]: Why is it that a song that you like that comes on the radio is way better than if you just put the song on yourself?

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: jo jag har hört den många gånger, lyssnar på radion när jag åker till och från jobbet också

tgs3[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: I knew it. Anders secretly loves pop music

tgs3[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: His votes all these years have clearly been lies

MockY[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: no, he's gay

tgs3[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: duh

MockY[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: which we already know

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:02 PM ]: hinner höra lite nyheter också

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: nä nu röstar vi

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: 1

tgs3[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: 2

Ragee[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: oki lika bra lär ta och käka snart

Ragee[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: 5123453646

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:03 PM ]: 4

MockY[10/09/13 1:04 PM ]: 8

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:04 PM ]: 7eventh time down 5p

MockY[10/09/13 1:04 PM ]: Dive 5p

Ragee[10/09/13 1:04 PM ]: Dive 5p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:05 PM ]: Dive 5p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 5p

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: placebo 7p

MockY[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: Fight Or Flight 6p

Ragee[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: Gemini Syndrome 6p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 6p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: Gemini Syndrome 7p

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:06 PM ]: gemini syndrome 8p

MockY[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 7p

Ragee[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Fight or Flight 7p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Gemini Syndrome 7p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Fight or Flight 8p

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: fight or flight 9p

MockY[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Placebo 8p

Ragee[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Placebo 8p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:07 PM ]: Placebo 8p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:08 PM ]: Dive 9p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:08 PM ]: At least Anders knows what he's doing

tgs3[10/09/13 1:08 PM ]: But I guess he's the biggest Evans Blue fan along with me

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:08 PM ]: tack Nina för att du uppskattar en riktigt bra låt

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:09 PM ]: I thought it was great, gave me goosebumps when I heard it

tgs3[10/09/13 1:09 PM ]: You're clearly sick

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:09 PM ]: 1. Placebo 32p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:09 PM ]: fuckin' Peter

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: yeah me!

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: 2. Fight or Flight 30p

MockY[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: Yeah...but wrong song...

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: grattis nina

tgs3[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: Congrats, Nina, but you don't need to cheat. 31p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: 3. Gemini Syndrome 28p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:10 PM ]: sorry, you're right

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:11 PM ]: 4. Dive 24p

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:11 PM ]: 5. 7eventh Time Down 23p

tgs3[10/09/13 1:11 PM ]: Wow. Nina up into 3rd place

Ragee[10/09/13 1:11 PM ]: vilken jämn säsong

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: bara Nina som uppskattar en saxofon

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: well, unless I find something before Monday, that's not going to last long

Ragee[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: oh well gotta go eat and work

Ragee[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: cya all next week

thebrat13n[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: bye bye\\

tgs3[10/09/13 1:12 PM ]: bye

MockY[10/09/13 1:13 PM ]: puss

MockY[10/09/13 1:13 PM ]: Dags att hitta några dödarlåtar

MockY[10/09/13 1:13 PM ]: Theron kan ju inte vinna säsongen. Han kom ju dundersist förra....

tgs3[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: Arctic Monkeys mispelled in the database it seems

MockY[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: Inte köra en en tvärt om "efter pott blir man pustad"

MockY[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: puttad

MockY[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: eller va fan den nu går

tgs3[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: I doubt I'll win the season

MockY[10/09/13 1:14 PM ]: No longer true

MockY[10/09/13 1:16 PM ]: It plays, so it's correct in the file

tgs3[10/09/13 1:16 PM ]: Isn't the spelling on the homepage and the file coming from the same source?

MockY[10/09/13 1:16 PM ]: And I can hear why it ended last

MockY[10/09/13 1:16 PM ]: no

tgs3[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: Wouldn't it be impossible for them not to match?

MockY[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: no

tgs3[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: Are you sure you're rading what I wrote?

MockY[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: The file is changed by hand. And the database has the entry entered by hand as well

MockY[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: 2 seperate processes

tgs3[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: I realize now you mean the old song when I thought you meant the new song

tgs3[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: I asked about the homepage, not the database

MockY[10/09/13 1:17 PM ]: ahh

MockY[10/09/13 1:18 PM ]: I see

MockY[10/09/13 1:18 PM ]: yes, it is the same source, so that would be impossible

MockY[10/09/13 1:18 PM ]: The new songs are not even in the database

tgs3[10/09/13 1:18 PM ]: Suck it, IT man

MockY[10/09/13 1:18 PM ]: I could kill for a beer right about now

MockY[10/09/13 1:19 PM ]: Fucking fridge..being all empty and shit

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:20 PM ]: kan du inte ta en vit månad

MockY[10/09/13 1:20 PM ]: Jag är inte självmordsbenägen

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:20 PM ]: jag kan stödja dej

tgs3[10/09/13 1:21 PM ]: It like a 3 minute round trip to go to the gas station and buy more beer

tgs3[10/09/13 1:21 PM ]: Takes you longer to take a shit

MockY[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: lol

MockY[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: Dessutom är det mot dokorns råd

MockY[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: Han sa 2 öl om dagen är bra för mig

MockY[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: och det rådet kommer jag stötta....and then some

MockY[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: I'll bring in some beverages tomorrow

tgs3[10/09/13 1:22 PM ]: He's checking your foot, not your liver

MockY[10/09/13 1:23 PM ]: And he better stay off my liver

Hebbe[10/09/13 1:29 PM ]: god natt

MockY[10/09/13 1:32 PM ]: USA first in, USA last out