thebrat13n[09/25/13 11:53 AM ]: I texted Theron, but didn't get a response, so we'll see...

thebrat13n[09/25/13 11:53 AM ]: I'll call if other people show up

MockY[09/25/13 11:54 AM ]: Aight

tgs3[09/25/13 12:00 PM ]: What surprise to find you two

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:00 PM ]: shocking

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:00 PM ]: Peter is a little suprising right now

MockY[09/25/13 12:02 PM ]: I'm also a loose cannon. People pulling my sleeve at all time. And it's nap time at the moment. 2pm or 9am works better for me at the moment

MockY[09/25/13 12:02 PM ]: Going to see if I can get Dana to drive Mia around

tgs3[09/25/13 12:02 PM ]: you can always see if the Swedes are flexible. I assume Nina is

tgs3[09/25/13 12:03 PM ]: And my errands are done for the day and I'm probably "home" the rest of the day

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:04 PM ]: I'm fine with whatever

MockY[09/25/13 12:04 PM ]: brb

MockY[09/25/13 12:08 PM ]: Hebbe...texta Nicke

MockY[09/25/13 12:09 PM ]: Så slipper jag

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:12 PM ]: ok

Ragee[09/25/13 12:13 PM ]: sorry sorry

Ragee[09/25/13 12:13 PM ]: WAAAAA

MockY[09/25/13 12:13 PM ]: Men tjenixen

MockY[09/25/13 12:14 PM ]: verkligen

Ragee[09/25/13 12:14 PM ]: allt bra eller gott folk

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: fine

MockY[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: mjo då. Liver rullar vidare

MockY[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: livet

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: jo det är väl ganska bra

MockY[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: levern rullar även den

MockY[09/25/13 12:15 PM ]: i öl

tgs3[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: of course

tgs3[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: I'm in doing good in Colorado

tgs3[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: Vising my son.

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: inte lika nöjd med mitt nuvarande uppdrag på skolan som förra gången

tgs3[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: Henry.

Ragee[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: va mumsigt

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: I think having a second child is making Peter an alcoholic

Ragee[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: så vad är det du gör nu då

MockY[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: I agree with that Nina

tgs3[09/25/13 12:16 PM ]: Yes, looks like that was the push he needed to go full blown alcoholic

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: This is a bad trend

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: or is it...?

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: I am now a habitual drd

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]:

tgs3[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: apparently the 3rd child means Redbull and vodka

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: d.rd

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: fucking emoticons

tgs3[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: ha

MockY[09/25/13 12:17 PM ]: hahahahah

tgs3[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: So what's different at school, Anders

MockY[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: I doubt I will head that direction

tgs3[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: ?

MockY[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: But the IPA's might be in the +10% range

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: jag är personlig assistent

MockY[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: Är inte det bättre?

MockY[09/25/13 12:18 PM ]: Färre att hålla reda på

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: Do you not like the person you're assisting?

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: så mitt uppdrag riktar sig i princip på en elev istället än 2 klasser

Ragee[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: låter ju mycket bättre

MockY[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: precis

MockY[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: mer kockar gör sällan en bättre soppa

MockY[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: heter det ju

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:19 PM ]: han är besvärligare än dom 2 klasserna jag hade förut

MockY[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]: Men om denna person får för sig att konstant hugga dig med knivar, ja då kan det ju vara jobbigt

MockY[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]: Låter som du behöver mer Vodka och Red Bull

MockY[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]: ha ha ha ha

tgs3[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]: haha

Ragee[09/25/13 12:20 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:21 PM ]: än har han bara slagit mej med knytnävarna

tgs3[09/25/13 12:21 PM ]: Getting just one problem child does sound kinda shitty

tgs3[09/25/13 12:21 PM ]: How old?

MockY[09/25/13 12:21 PM ]: Ja om han sprakar en i pungen stup i ett

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:21 PM ]: gjorde inte ont men det är jobbigt

MockY[09/25/13 12:22 PM ]: Köp en använd surfplatta och gå och lägg dig i ett hörn

MockY[09/25/13 12:22 PM ]: Låter som han har mentala hinder

MockY[09/25/13 12:22 PM ]: Eller så är han avundsjuk på digg fina hårdrockshår

MockY[09/25/13 12:22 PM ]: ditt

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:23 PM ]: tror inte jag kan säga mer nu jag har tysnadsplikt

MockY[09/25/13 12:23 PM ]: Som man nu finner på bröstet istället för huvudet

MockY[09/25/13 12:23 PM ]: Då tycker jag du ska hålla käften

MockY[09/25/13 12:23 PM ]: Plokar bort denna konversation från loggen ifall du vill och ingen vet något

tgs3[09/25/13 12:23 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: men dom ringde från LKAB i söndags och ville ha mej på en anställningsintervju

Ragee[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: ahh great

MockY[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: Jag förskaffade mig nyss ett utomhushem till Edgar. Ska bli spännande och se ifall han nu överlever vintern

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: what is LKAB?

MockY[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: Prospectors

Ragee[09/25/13 12:24 PM ]: mining4

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]: ok

MockY[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]: LK AB

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]: dom som äger gruvan jag jobbade i

MockY[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]: Anders, tycker du ska vara på deras förstasida

MockY[09/25/13 12:25 PM ]: Istället för den där finnen

MockY[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]: Dags för öl nr 5

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]: sökte ett jobb som borrare där innan min uppsägningstid var över

MockY[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]: Adam tog hit för tok för lite öl

MockY[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]:

tgs3[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]: only 5?

MockY[09/25/13 12:26 PM ]: Måste snart dricka Heiniken

MockY[09/25/13 12:27 PM ]: Tragiskt

tgs3[09/25/13 12:27 PM ]: that must be like water for you now

MockY[09/25/13 12:27 PM ]: Så denna intervju är för ett borrningsjobb?

tgs3[09/25/13 12:27 PM ]: Well hopefully things go well in your interview, Anders

MockY[09/25/13 12:27 PM ]: After all these Lagunitas, even the Sierras taste like water

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:28 PM ]: yes, good luck

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:28 PM ]: men det är bara ett vikariat fram till nyår

MockY[09/25/13 12:28 PM ]: My belly is ready to go back to work. I have had the worst farting I have ever had in my life, and that is on a daily basis. I think my drinking is catching up with me

MockY[09/25/13 12:28 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:28 PM ]: Diana is less than pleased by the smell

MockY[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: Du kanske skulle ta och starta eget?

tgs3[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: Yes, i noticed you farted an awfully lot on Family Night

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: då får du skärpa dej peter

MockY[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: Nå mer än enbart jiggar alltså

tgs3[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: More than usual, I mean

MockY[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: I usually don't smell.....

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:29 PM ]: jag är nog för feg men jag har lite ideer

MockY[09/25/13 12:30 PM ]: Sounds like Anders needs to get over here for a month and join our thinking tank

tgs3[09/25/13 12:30 PM ]: Yes it does

tgs3[09/25/13 12:30 PM ]: And he'll get permission for that like Chris did.

tgs3[09/25/13 12:30 PM ]: So a big NO!!! in other words

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:30 PM ]: thinking tank?

MockY[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: Great beer, awesome dart playing, and fabolous ideas that makes us rich instantly., With 2 offices in 2 different countries

tgs3[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: Sit around and come up with job plans together

MockY[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: Sounds awesome to me

tgs3[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: With lots of beer...

MockY[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: yeah, that may be a hard sell

Ragee[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: sounds super duper

tgs3[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: Sounds like Niklas wants to join

MockY[09/25/13 12:31 PM ]: Though the prospect of making gold may sway her our way

MockY[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: ha ha ha ha

Ragee[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: guess more weed for me than beer but I would not mind

MockY[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: The drug of choice is up to you

MockY[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: as long as you have fun and bring ideas...other than games

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: låter farligt det där

MockY[09/25/13 12:32 PM ]: fegis

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]: det är ju det jag sa

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]:

tgs3[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]: brb

MockY[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]: 50 000 nya arbetstillfällen och landets främsta tillväxtbransch.

MockY[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]: men va fan, hur kan du vara arbetslös med sådana löften

MockY[09/25/13 12:33 PM ]: Låter som skitsnack ju

MockY[09/25/13 12:34 PM ]: Sitter Fransson också på bänken?

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:34 PM ]: det var inte LKAB som drog ner

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:34 PM ]: det var Boliden

MockY[09/25/13 12:35 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:35 PM ]: Ser ut som att dom enbart anställer kvinnor

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:35 PM ]: men Drillcon gick efter las-listan sist in först ut

MockY[09/25/13 12:35 PM ]: Där har du ju problemet. Du har ingen fitta

Ragee[09/25/13 12:36 PM ]: du har jo nog med ungar nu så dags att byta kön

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:36 PM ]: jo ibland när nettan är sugen

MockY[09/25/13 12:36 PM ]: sant

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:36 PM ]: men det är ju klart den sitter ju inte på mej

MockY[09/25/13 12:37 PM ]: Hon verkar ha större chans att få jobb där än du

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:37 PM ]: hon ska börja på lassarettet igen

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:37 PM ]: nästa vecka

tgs3[09/25/13 12:37 PM ]: I thought she liked it better where she was

Ragee[09/25/13 12:37 PM ]: är det bra?

tgs3[09/25/13 12:38 PM ]: Why is she bacj\\k?

tgs3[09/25/13 12:38 PM ]: damn laptop keyboard...

MockY[09/25/13 12:38 PM ]: Theron found the Vodka I see

MockY[09/25/13 12:38 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:38 PM ]: för mycket strul på kommun

tgs3[09/25/13 12:39 PM ]: I'm keeping sober until the weekend

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:40 PM ]: jame sa katta

MockY[09/25/13 12:40 PM ]: Ohh Anders har Red Bull planer i helgen låter det som

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: vi ska fira nettan på lördag

MockY[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: Jag ska hålla mig nykter till klockan 08:00 i morgon har jag tänkt

MockY[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: Det du

MockY[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: ja just det ja, hon fyller äldre

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: 40

tgs3[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: A week ago almost

MockY[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: The big Four Ohh

tgs3[09/25/13 12:41 PM ]: Happy birthday to both you and her, Anders

MockY[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: What he said

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: Happy Birthday!

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: jo i torsdags

Ragee[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: Happy Happy Birthday!!

tgs3[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: I wish I could make you guys a pancake cake like I got. It was awesome!!!

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: tack

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:42 PM ]: ha ha ha

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:43 PM ]: hon kan när hon vill nettan

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:43 PM ]: nä nu får vi rösta

MockY[09/25/13 12:43 PM ]: Hon kan alltid. Nettan sviker alldrig

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:43 PM ]: 1

MockY[09/25/13 12:43 PM ]: 2

tgs3[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: 3

MockY[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: -l

MockY[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: Förbannade USA och förstör

tgs3[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: Are we back to Anders as secretary?

MockY[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: I hope so

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: 4

Ragee[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: 876887908973025745978

MockY[09/25/13 12:44 PM ]: I miss his slow but accurate recap

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]: Besides, he IS the secretary

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]: further seems forever 4p

MockY[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]: I shall cry like Ryan Star then

MockY[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]: Ryan Star 4p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:45 PM ]: fel knapp

Ragee[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: go go go

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: nina har tagit över

MockY[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: Kan du hitta rätt knapp?

MockY[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: Men va fan

MockY[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: Nina har ju inte din erfarenhet

tgs3[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: WTF?

tgs3[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: Niklas?

Ragee[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: what I am here

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: I think Niklas needs us to start over...

MockY[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: Hebbe: further seems forever 4p

MockY[09/25/13 12:46 PM ]: MockY: Ryan Star 4p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: You're up, Niklas

Ragee[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: ¨further seems forever 5p

MockY[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: "Jävla hjärna" hahaha

tgs3[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: Ryan Star 4p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: haha cepe peter

Ragee[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: eller ja cepe hund

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: Ed Kowalczyk 3p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: ouch

MockY[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: Är jag en hund nu?

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:47 PM ]: frank turner 5p

MockY[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: Further Seems Forever 5p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: Ed Kowalczyk 6p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: Further Seems Forever 5p

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: Ryan Star 5p

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: ra 6p

MockY[09/25/13 12:48 PM ]: Frank Turner 7p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Ryan Star 7p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Frank Turner 6p

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Ra 6p

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: ed 7p

MockY[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Ra 8p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Ra 8p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Ed Kowalczyk 7p

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Frank Turner 8p

MockY[09/25/13 12:49 PM ]: Dumma Nina

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: yup

MockY[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: PMS?

MockY[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: om vi har toppat nu så vill jag inte höra resten av säsongen

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: I do have it, so go ahead and blame it on that

MockY[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: Whining men usually does not cut it then

tgs3[09/25/13 12:50 PM ]: just warming up, Anders

MockY[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: Exactly. By season 66, we'll be right on track

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: då gick det åt fel håll

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: Was Anders serious that he wanted me to take care of the points?

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: jo

MockY[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: hahaha

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: 1 Ra 28p

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:51 PM ]: 2 Frank Turner 25p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: Holy Shit.What's that?

Ragee[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: Gick ju rätt så bra för Silvias låt

Ragee[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: shoohoo

tgs3[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: I didn't think I'd ever win again

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: 3 Ed Kowalczyk 23p

tgs3[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: Don't care that I had to steal to do it...

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: 4 Ryan Star 20p

MockY[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: hahaha

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: 5 Further Seems Forever 19p

Ragee[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: hahaha

Ragee[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: Survival of the fittest

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:52 PM ]: congrats

Ragee[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: kill or be killed

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: grattis

tgs3[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: I worry about what the rest of the Ryan Star album sounds like

tgs3[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: thanks

Ragee[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: ja va fan har hänt

MockY[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: That was a shitty song Ryan

MockY[09/25/13 12:53 PM ]: What the fuck is wrong with you

MockY[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: Please go back to your Stage band mates before something worse happens

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: han sjunger ju bra och en ganska trevlig melodi men musiken

Ragee[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: resten av stage få tag i han och skrämma lite vätt i han

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: I thought it was fine, better than Ed's

tgs3[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: Nope, Anders. Neither of those things are true

tgs3[09/25/13 12:54 PM ]: OK, he sings good

tgs3[09/25/13 12:55 PM ]: But saying impossible over and over again to a crappy electronic drum machine sound is not good music

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:55 PM ]: jag gillar melodin på sången annars hade jag aldrig kört det

MockY[09/25/13 12:55 PM ]: Jo, han har inte tappat rösten, men va fan är resten...?

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:55 PM ]: yeah, the edge I used to like about him is missing

thebrat13n[09/25/13 12:56 PM ]: he's going a little too pop

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:56 PM ]: musiken var hemsk

tgs3[09/25/13 12:56 PM ]: I blame his girlfriend. He needs to dump her

tgs3[09/25/13 12:56 PM ]: He's going a little too poop

Hebbe[09/25/13 12:56 PM ]: ha ha ha

tgs3[09/25/13 12:58 PM ]: I'm liking what I've heard so far this round

tgs3[09/25/13 12:58 PM ]: Only thing missing is a 5th song...

MockY[09/25/13 12:58 PM ]: Theron i ledningen

MockY[09/25/13 12:59 PM ]: Vem kunde tro det efter förra säsongen

MockY[09/25/13 12:59 PM ]: "a little" to pop?

MockY[09/25/13 12:59 PM ]: That man has completely lost his roots

MockY[09/25/13 1:00 PM ]: He needs some serious drugs to reboot his musical brain of his

MockY[09/25/13 1:00 PM ]: Fucking asshole for throwing away such an awesome talent and voice

tgs3[09/25/13 1:00 PM ]: I still say he's been Yoko Onoed

MockY[09/25/13 1:00 PM ]: Agree with Theron, he is Poop ATM

tgs3[09/25/13 1:01 PM ]: He needs to be angrier and hungier

MockY[09/25/13 1:01 PM ]: or he needs to poop. Either way, someone needs to slap him hard

MockY[09/25/13 1:01 PM ]: like you said, make that fucker angry

tgs3[09/25/13 1:01 PM ]: Yes, an S&M mistress to whip him every time he writes a shit song

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:02 PM ]: vi får väl skriva honom lite brev

tgs3[09/25/13 1:02 PM ]: Jesus Christ. 28p is the most I've gotten since February... yuck

MockY[09/25/13 1:03 PM ]: Sounds like you need something Ryan has...a lady

MockY[09/25/13 1:03 PM ]: But not HIS lady as she seems to bring badness all around

MockY[09/25/13 1:03 PM ]: Hahaha, YES, an S&M mistress for Ryan sound about right

tgs3[09/25/13 1:03 PM ]: Yes, apparrently my long time of celibacy has caught up with me

MockY[09/25/13 1:04 PM ]: But he needs a 500 pounder to kick thing off with

tgs3[09/25/13 1:04 PM ]: But no S&M for me thanks

MockY[09/25/13 1:04 PM ]: He needs a "käftsmäll"

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:05 PM ]: kan nån lägg in min låt "Ours - Sing" orkar inte streama

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:05 PM ]: passenger är ute

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:06 PM ]: blir bara dålig kvalla hela tiden

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:09 PM ]: är jag kvar blev så tyst

tgs3[09/25/13 1:09 PM ]: I'll out it in soon

tgs3[09/25/13 1:09 PM ]: put

tgs3[09/25/13 1:09 PM ]: You scared us with such an awesome song

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:10 PM ]: jo säkert, den är bättre än ryans i alla fall

tgs3[09/25/13 1:11 PM ]: So then 2p for you next round...

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:12 PM ]: jag sa att det var bättre än ryans du brukar ju kunna räkna i alla fall

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: ja ja god natt

MockY[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: haha

tgs3[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: I assume you'll come in 1st or 2nd every round...

MockY[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: NEEEEJ

tgs3[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: good night

MockY[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: Jag vill ju chatta hela dagen

tgs3[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: See you Monday

MockY[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: Flickorna gick nyss i säng

tgs3[09/25/13 1:13 PM ]: poor Petey

tgs3[09/25/13 1:14 PM ]: poor drunken Petey

MockY[09/25/13 1:14 PM ]: Not drunken yet

MockY[09/25/13 1:14 PM ]: I should probably do some good by changing the focet in the kitchen, remove bunch of Pasion flower plants, and finish Edgars habitat

tgs3[09/25/13 1:14 PM ]: as far as you know

MockY[09/25/13 1:14 PM ]: correct

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: I can fool even the "soberest" person

tgs3[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: I think Edgar needs to be stuffed and mounted above your fire place

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: NOOO

tgs3[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: He's back!!!

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: You mean SOB

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: >(

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: nä nu blir jag fan förbannad

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: HEBBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: Stay For a While

MockY[09/25/13 1:15 PM ]: Ryan Star

tgs3[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: better song

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: vem i hellvete är så dum så att man kör bastille pompeii

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: Stay Awhile....can't remember the title of my own song

tgs3[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: what's up Anders?

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: Maybe I am drunk after all

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: S[ du hoppa in f;r att n[gon anv'nde en s[ng du inte riktigt h[ller med om_

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: hahahahahahahaha

tgs3[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: Bastille may be popular in Europe, but I never hear them here

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: Det var dagen

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: hahahaha

MockY[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: dagens

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:16 PM ]: skulle kört min låt med dom redan tidigare

tgs3[09/25/13 1:17 PM ]: Maybe Peter or Nina can text file, but I can't

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:17 PM ]: jag kan

tgs3[09/25/13 1:17 PM ]: Obviously

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:17 PM ]: jag ska ge den 1p i protest!!!!!!!

MockY[09/25/13 1:17 PM ]: Hahahaha

MockY[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: Du hoppa online igen i ren protest

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: sämsta låten på plattan helt söndertjatad på radion

MockY[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: Du m[ste vara elak som satan

MockY[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: LOL

tgs3[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: Tyra has probably played that song for me, but I didn't really pay attention

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: det kan du ge dej fan på

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: hennes favvolåt

tgs3[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: You seem to listen to the radio a lot more than the rest of us, Anders

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:18 PM ]: du måste ha hört början

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: tänk efter nu

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: nu får jag dump

tgs3[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: Seems better than the last song

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: Theron doen't know he hears songs all the time

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: I'll hear a song at the gym 20 times and Theron will say he's never heard it

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: men nina du var ju här

tgs3[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: Even if I recognized the first 30 seconds, I wouldn't text file based on that

tgs3[09/25/13 1:19 PM ]: And this doesn't seem familiar at all

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:20 PM ]: förstår varför niklas blev tyst

tgs3[09/25/13 1:20 PM ]: Its a sign of great intelligence to be able to block out unimportant background data

Ragee[09/25/13 1:20 PM ]: låten borde väl vara disdkad nu

Ragee[09/25/13 1:20 PM ]: jag har då textat iaf

Ragee[09/25/13 1:21 PM ]: och det borde ju anders oxå ha gjort

tgs3[09/25/13 1:21 PM ]: Unless one of you is lieing and pranking the rest of us

tgs3[09/25/13 1:21 PM ]: Freaking radio listening liars!!!

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:21 PM ]: It's me, just wanted to see if Niklas would pay attention

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: nu har jag gjort det också

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: tack nu är det borta

Ragee[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: I always do

Ragee[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: haha så arg Anders haha

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: no you don't

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: nobody over here has ever heard of Bastille

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: ska ni köra dom så använd en bra låt snälla

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:22 PM ]: before it was used

tgs3[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: I think Nina would have gotten away if Anders had been such a baby about it

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: I think that song is better than the one that was used

tgs3[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: Quite a bit better

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah ah ah ha ah ha, nonononononononononononononoooo

tgs3[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: Anders and Peter have logical issues with radio singles...

tgs3[09/25/13 1:23 PM ]: see?

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: speciellt den här

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: I know

MockY[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: I aint text filing

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: dadda hink o spade och god natt

tgs3[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: What a great country, where no one has heard of Bastille

Ragee[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: jag gillar faktsit pompeii

tgs3[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: USA! USA! USA!

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:24 PM ]: me too

MockY[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: LOL

tgs3[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: Too bad it was destroyed many years ago

Ragee[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: så arg

Ragee[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: hahaha

Ragee[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: rolig kille Theron

MockY[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]: Han kunde använda dom själv

tgs3[09/25/13 1:25 PM ]:

MockY[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: så ilskan tog över

tgs3[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: That's why he was upset

tgs3[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: His Eruocentric views hurt him

tgs3[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: Eurocentric

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: Jesse and I finished Dexter

MockY[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: I think he must be turning gay

tgs3[09/25/13 1:26 PM ]: Damn you

tgs3[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: Still 3 episodes to go

MockY[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: and he is getting a bit irritated over this fact

tgs3[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: So much self hate for Anders then

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: Now I'm working on Breaking Bad

tgs3[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: That's why they never got married!!!

tgs3[09/25/13 1:27 PM ]: He's saving himself for the right guy

tgs3[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: Good. I'll spoil Breaking Bad sooner or later

Ragee[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: alright this is getting wierd

Ragee[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: I am out

Ragee[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: haha

tgs3[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: Not on purpose

Ragee[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: cya all next week

tgs3[09/25/13 1:28 PM ]: bye bye

Hebbe[09/25/13 1:29 PM ]: tack nu har vi lite kvalla i sotd, tack!!!! god natt igen

tgs3[09/25/13 1:29 PM ]: haha

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:29 PM ]: good night

tgs3[09/25/13 1:29 PM ]: Anders just can't bring himself to really leave

tgs3[09/25/13 1:29 PM ]: Lets hope he doesn't read the chat log...

tgs3[09/25/13 1:30 PM ]: See you guys later. Enjoy a nice round

thebrat13n[09/25/13 1:31 PM ]: bye

MockY[09/25/13 1:31 PM ]: lol

MockY[09/25/13 1:31 PM ]: this was the funnies chat in a looong time

MockY[09/25/13 1:31 PM ]: thank you Anders