thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:04 PM ]: hello

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:05 PM ]: hej

tgs3[09/18/13 12:05 PM ]: yes

ragee[09/18/13 12:06 PM ]: danke

tgs3[09/18/13 12:06 PM ]: he keeps doing that

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:07 PM ]: I'm going to tell him the next time he's definitely back in

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:07 PM ]: I don't know if he knows, but he normally tries to switch internets

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:07 PM ]: Anders, your are going in and out repeatedly

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:08 PM ]: batteriet till datorn tog slut

tgs3[09/18/13 12:08 PM ]: ah

tgs3[09/18/13 12:08 PM ]: Peter should be in soon

ragee[09/18/13 12:09 PM ]: cool cool,

ragee[09/18/13 12:10 PM ]: gonna switch to my laptop brb

MockY[09/18/13 12:11 PM ]: Hej svejs all människor

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:12 PM ]: hej

MockY[09/18/13 12:12 PM ]: Hur mås det din gammling?

tgs3[09/18/13 12:12 PM ]: The doctor is in!

MockY[09/18/13 12:13 PM ]: He he he

MockY[09/18/13 12:14 PM ]: I get a renewed high everytime I go back in time

Ragee[09/18/13 12:14 PM ]: Yay Peter is here now utz utz

tgs3[09/18/13 12:14 PM ]: yes

Ragee[09/18/13 12:15 PM ]: så Peter hur gåre med nytillkomsten?

MockY[09/18/13 12:15 PM ]: *turning on German porn*

tgs3[09/18/13 12:16 PM ]: ??

MockY[09/18/13 12:16 PM ]: ett jävla massa sovandes...för lill parverl. Själv sover man i 20 minuters intervaller dygnet runt

Ragee[09/18/13 12:16 PM ]: mysigt haha

MockY[09/18/13 12:16 PM ]: the pron is in reference to Niklas' "utz utz utz"

tgs3[09/18/13 12:17 PM ]: Isn't there a point when Mia and June are both sleeping?

tgs3[09/18/13 12:17 PM ]: For more than 20 minutes?

tgs3[09/18/13 12:17 PM ]: Seriously, I'm wondering.

MockY[09/18/13 12:18 PM ]: That would be at night. However, since Juniper tends to wake up all the time as she wants to nurse, there is no way to keep a solid nights sleep

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:18 PM ]: nog sov jag längre än 20 minuter åt gången

MockY[09/18/13 12:18 PM ]: Also, Mia at times wakes up when the little one is fuzzing

MockY[09/18/13 12:18 PM ]: We kinda sleep in different rooms on and off right now

MockY[09/18/13 12:19 PM ]: We enforcea maximumof 3 hours of sleep iun one sitting

MockY[09/18/13 12:19 PM ]: So if Mia allows, that happens as well

MockY[09/18/13 12:20 PM ]: Easier during the day, as I take care of Mia and the other ladies can sleep.

MockY[09/18/13 12:21 PM ]: Ohh, that was the timer. One of Nina's casseroles is done

tgs3[09/18/13 12:21 PM ]: Cool. We'll be over

tgs3[09/18/13 12:25 PM ]: I guess none of the rest of us has any news

MockY[09/18/13 12:25 PM ]: Was just handed Juniper. She looks like Anders when she is yawning

tgs3[09/18/13 12:25 PM ]: I've seen about 25 SOTD bands live since we last chatted

Ragee[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: nice one

MockY[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: Tell us all about it Mr. Consert goer

tgs3[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: jag har börjat jobba igen

MockY[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: I kinda missed the party

Ragee[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: even moe nice one

MockY[09/18/13 12:26 PM ]: Silly Juniper

tgs3[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: Saturday was little hazy and the sound was distorted for most of it since I spent most of the time in the "bar"

Ragee[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: odlingen igen`

Ragee[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: `?

tgs3[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: Anders, new job?

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: norrängskolan

tgs3[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: Ah. Back to that. Are you happy with it?

Ragee[09/18/13 12:27 PM ]: ahh cool cool

MockY[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: Really bummed I missed All That Remains

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: så nu är jag bara ledig på helgerna

tgs3[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: LIke most people

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: jo jag trivs där

MockY[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: I was supposed to go Sunday....

tgs3[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: So this means season 53 is your last SOTD for a while?

MockY[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: I just had to play Doctor

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: men jag kommer sakna min gamla lön

tgs3[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: You were supposed to go Saturday!

tgs3[09/18/13 12:28 PM ]: naturally

MockY[09/18/13 12:29 PM ]: Jag saknar inte min gammla lön

MockY[09/18/13 12:30 PM ]: Diaper change...brb

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:30 PM ]: jag behöver ta en ordentlig paus från sotd

tgs3[09/18/13 12:31 PM ]: I think you might not be the only one...

Ragee[09/18/13 12:31 PM ]: time for Risk gatherings after this then

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:32 PM ]: risk eller något annat roligt

tgs3[09/18/13 12:32 PM ]: I think so

tgs3[09/18/13 12:32 PM ]: Don't know if Anders has time for that either

MockY[09/18/13 12:33 PM ]: Ticket To Ride ftw

Ragee[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: never played so maybe it is time I tried

tgs3[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: THat could be fun

tgs3[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: And easy to learn

tgs3[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: And its on Steam

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: jo jag vill ha kvar kontakten men jag vill inte förbereda mig vill bara sätta mej och köra igång

tgs3[09/18/13 12:34 PM ]: So you want to be like Nina and Niklas?

tgs3[09/18/13 12:35 PM ]: And me last season...

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:35 PM ]: ha ha ha

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:38 PM ]: vi kanske kan spela kort över internet

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:38 PM ]: vem vill vara sekreterare idag?

Ragee[09/18/13 12:38 PM ]: pax inte jag

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:39 PM ]: jag sitter i soffan och tänker inte hämta papper och penna

Ragee[09/18/13 12:39 PM ]: är nog nästan lika trött som Peter

Ragee[09/18/13 12:39 PM ]: har inte sovet på nästan 30h nu

MockY[09/18/13 12:39 PM ]: Jag är pigg som satan. Sänkte nyss 2 Lagunitas IPA

MockY[09/18/13 12:39 PM ]: Crashar om 20 minuter dock

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: I can take down the points, no problem

tgs3[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: Was about to offer as well

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: maybe we should vote before Niklas and Peter fall asleep

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: ok bra

tgs3[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: You do it with a paper and pen? OMG you are so fucking old, Anders

tgs3[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: But thank you very much for doing it all these years!

Ragee[09/18/13 12:40 PM ]: hahahahaha

Ragee[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: thought Anders used excel

MockY[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: hahahahahahahahahaha

MockY[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: Things never change

MockY[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: And that's the beauty of Anders

tgs3[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: Yup. What a beautiful man

MockY[09/18/13 12:41 PM ]: Thanks for Lunch Nina

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: how is it?

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: det är bra för hjärnan att räkna

MockY[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: He is drop dead gorgeous

MockY[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: It will do among canned food during war

MockY[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: Just kidding

MockY[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: It's delish

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: 2

tgs3[09/18/13 12:42 PM ]: 2

MockY[09/18/13 12:43 PM ]: 5

Ragee[09/18/13 12:43 PM ]: 245

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:43 PM ]: jimmy eat world 5p

MockY[09/18/13 12:43 PM ]: Carpark North 3p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Jimmy Eat World 5p

tgs3[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Last Amanda 5p

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Carpark North 3p

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: papa roach 7p

MockY[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Papa Roach 4p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Last Amanda 6p

tgs3[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Jimmy Eat World 6p

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:44 PM ]: Blue October 6p

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: carpark north 8p

MockY[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: Jimmy Eat World 6p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: Papa Roach 7p

tgs3[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: Carpark North 8p

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: Papa Roach 8p

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: last amanda 9p

MockY[09/18/13 12:45 PM ]: Blue October 8p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: Blue October 8p

tgs3[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: Blue October 9p

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: Last Amanda 9p

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: ser bra ut

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: 1 Blue October 31p

MockY[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: Överaskande vinnare

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:46 PM ]: 2 Last Amanda 29p

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: 3 Papa Roach 26p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: oj de jag trodde skulle gilla min låt hata den medans de jag trodde skulle hata min låt gilla den

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: 4 Carpark North 22p

Ragee[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: haha helt förvirrad

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: 5 Jimmy Eats World 22p

tgs3[09/18/13 12:47 PM ]: I thought Nina was Carpark, so her 3p really surprised me

thebrat13n[09/18/13 12:48 PM ]: well, you thought wrong

tgs3[09/18/13 12:48 PM ]: Looks like Peter was to make sure to nail the Music Hater award before we go on a big break...

Ragee[09/18/13 12:48 PM ]: sure seems that way

tgs3[09/18/13 12:48 PM ]: Yes

tgs3[09/18/13 12:49 PM ]: Nina did the points and not Anders. Feel like we've broken a sacred tradition

MockY[09/18/13 12:49 PM ]: Borderline terrible round...

tgs3[09/18/13 12:50 PM ]: Been listening to the Blue October album this past week. You chose well, Anders

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:50 PM ]: det fanns ingen annan låt att välja

tgs3[09/18/13 12:52 PM ]: There was one other possibility, but I agree, it was the obvious choice

MockY[09/18/13 12:52 PM ]: That does not bode well

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:52 PM ]: måste säga att detta var deras sämsta platta hittills

Ragee[09/18/13 12:52 PM ]: oh nej va trist

tgs3[09/18/13 12:53 PM ]: Actually, I thought it was better than the last one, but there wasn't much SOTD material on it

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:54 PM ]: onej inte ens i närheten

tgs3[09/18/13 12:54 PM ]: Well, I didn't think much of the last one

tgs3[09/18/13 12:54 PM ]: I also didn't give it much of a chance, I admit

tgs3[09/18/13 12:54 PM ]: Maybe I had just lowered my expectations enough for this one

MockY[09/18/13 12:55 PM ]: Stop with the electronic elements for fucks sake, and go back to real instruments

tgs3[09/18/13 12:56 PM ]: While I agree with that, its far from the biggest problem

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:57 PM ]: det är det största problemet med hela musikindustrin

MockY[09/18/13 12:57 PM ]: According to Anders it is >(

MockY[09/18/13 12:57 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/18/13 12:57 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[09/18/13 12:57 PM ]: Well, I don't know shit about making music, obviously, but the lack of good songs is the biggest problem

MockY[09/18/13 12:58 PM ]: Yeah, the whole industry is in fact lacking nuggets of tunes

tgs3[09/18/13 12:59 PM ]: Yup

MockY[09/18/13 12:59 PM ]: Hence the likes of Raised Fist never gets old och steel away from the good shit

MockY[09/18/13 12:59 PM ]: steer

Ragee[09/18/13 1:00 PM ]: undrar när nästa skiva kommer

Ragee[09/18/13 1:03 PM ]: well när ska vi rösta igen`?

tgs3[09/18/13 1:04 PM ]: I assume Monday?

Ragee[09/18/13 1:04 PM ]: fine by me¨

Hebbe[09/18/13 1:05 PM ]: ok

tgs3[09/18/13 1:05 PM ]: Well, I need to go do some work with Adam in the mail room. See you all in 5 days

Ragee[09/18/13 1:05 PM ]: and I can not keep my eyes open much longer

Ragee[09/18/13 1:05 PM ]: soooo cyyaaaaa

thebrat13n[09/18/13 1:05 PM ]: bye bye

Hebbe[09/18/13 1:06 PM ]: god natt

MockY[09/18/13 1:07 PM ]: puss

thebrat13n[09/18/13 1:12 PM ]: I gotta go, people are very needy at work today