tgs3[02/13/13 10:51 AM ]: tgs3 Har kommit till rummet

tgs3[02/13/13 11:00 AM ]: Jag är så ensam

tgs3[02/13/13 11:02 AM ]: Duh. Forgot we moved it to noon today. Stupid tgs3

Ragee[02/13/13 12:01 PM ]: plupp plupp

tgs3[02/13/13 12:03 PM ]: fizz fizz

Ragee[02/13/13 12:04 PM ]: Förbannat mumsig runda detta

MockY[02/13/13 12:05 PM ]: Härlish

tgs3[02/13/13 12:06 PM ]: too bad I'm totally dry for the rest of the season

Ragee[02/13/13 12:08 PM ]: aj då, jadu jag har då inge bättre låtar just nu än vad jag redan använt så det ser ut att bli en usel säsong för mig detta

MockY[02/13/13 12:08 PM ]: My music well only features morning dew at this point as well

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:09 PM ]: I guess Anders is going to win the whole thing then

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:09 PM ]: Or I'm going to find some amazing songs and win...but that is doubtful

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:09 PM ]: brb

Ragee[02/13/13 12:12 PM ]: yo yo hebb hebb

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:12 PM ]: men nu är jag här

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:12 PM ]: I'm back

MockY[02/13/13 12:13 PM ]: Men Hebbster då

MockY[02/13/13 12:15 PM ]: Jävlar, här trillar alla nya låtar in på samma gång

MockY[02/13/13 12:15 PM ]: Folk måste vara positiva inför nästa runda

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:15 PM ]: jag är här

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:16 PM ]: when you have so few songs to use, it

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:16 PM ]: would be annoying for someone else to use it before you

tgs3[02/13/13 12:17 PM ]: That's what it was for me

MockY[02/13/13 12:17 PM ]: haha

tgs3[02/13/13 12:17 PM ]: Meaning, its all I had, so why delay it

MockY[02/13/13 12:17 PM ]: I guess that makes sense

Ragee[02/13/13 12:18 PM ]: har låtar för resten av säsongen men ingen tror är en riktig hit hos er

tgs3[02/13/13 12:18 PM ]: same here

tgs3[02/13/13 12:18 PM ]: Maybe you guys will surprise me

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]: jag har planen ganska klar för mej med

tgs3[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]: My plan is not clear at all. I really hope to not use these songs ")

tgs3[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]:

Ragee[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]: lätt att lista ut vilken som är Anders låt iaf, den enda låt som ej laddat klart haha

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]: jag är klar för röstning

tgs3[02/13/13 12:19 PM ]: me, too

Ragee[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: Snabbve

Ragee[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: ja med

Ragee[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: skulle vilja sätta poängen 9,8,8,7 men det går ju tyvär inte...

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: me too

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: jag har bra lina men inte till servern

MockY[02/13/13 12:20 PM ]: Jag behöver några minuter

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:21 PM ]: ready to vote, not the setting of points

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:21 PM ]: då pinkar jag

MockY[02/13/13 12:21 PM ]: Detta var fan värre än förra rundan

tgs3[02/13/13 12:21 PM ]: I guess I'm the only one that didn't have much trouble ordering this round

tgs3[02/13/13 12:22 PM ]: Well, you have plenty of time to figure it out while Anders is gone

Ragee[02/13/13 12:23 PM ]: trodde det skulle bli svårt men det satt rätt snabbt för mig med

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:25 PM ]: jag tycker det var ganska lätt röstning

MockY[02/13/13 12:25 PM ]: Vi såg några textfiler

MockY[02/13/13 12:25 PM ]: Det ör ju alltid roligt

MockY[02/13/13 12:25 PM ]: Jag är redo

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:25 PM ]: 1

tgs3[02/13/13 12:26 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:26 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/13/13 12:26 PM ]: 5

Ragee[02/13/13 12:26 PM ]: 456246624346

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: all that remains 5p

MockY[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: Apollo Drive 4p

Ragee[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: all that remains 6p

tgs3[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: All That Remains 5p

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: Plan Three 5p

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:27 PM ]: spoken 7p

MockY[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: All That Remains 6p

Ragee[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: Plan Three 7p

tgs3[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: Apollo Drive 6p

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: Apollo Drive 6p

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: apollo drive 8p

MockY[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: Plan Three 7p

Ragee[02/13/13 12:28 PM ]: Shinedown 8p

tgs3[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Plan Three 7p

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Spoken 7p

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: shinedown 9p

MockY[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Shinedown 8p

Ragee[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Spoken 9p

tgs3[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Spoken 8p

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:29 PM ]: Shinedown 9p

tgs3[02/13/13 12:30 PM ]: cool, cool

Ragee[02/13/13 12:30 PM ]: klar vinst där iaf hehe

tgs3[02/13/13 12:30 PM ]: I guess sitting on that song was a mistake

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:30 PM ]: fransson : plan three 10p

MockY[02/13/13 12:31 PM ]: lol

Ragee[02/13/13 12:31 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:31 PM ]: bra då vann plan three på 36p

MockY[02/13/13 12:31 PM ]: fuuusk

tgs3[02/13/13 12:31 PM ]: So he gave the rest of the songs 0p?

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:32 PM ]: 1. shinedown 34p grattis theron

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:32 PM ]: japp

tgs3[02/13/13 12:32 PM ]: thanks

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:32 PM ]: 2. spoken 31p

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:32 PM ]: 3. plan three 26p

MockY[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: tvåa på 31p wow

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: 4. apollo drive 24p

MockY[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: poängen fortsätter att flöda

MockY[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: kommer bli en intressant albumröstning

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: 5. all that remains 22p

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:33 PM ]: I came in second with 30 points last round

Ragee[02/13/13 12:34 PM ]: ser ut att bli ett bra album efter dessa rundor

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:35 PM ]: det var så här jag förväntade mej säsong 50

Hebbe[02/13/13 12:37 PM ]: jaha god natt då så hörs vi på måndag 20.00

tgs3[02/13/13 12:37 PM ]: sounds good

Ragee[02/13/13 12:37 PM ]: hade gött

tgs3[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: Well the standings look much better now than they did 2 rounds ago

Ragee[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: kvalitén sjönk då nästa runda

tgs3[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: Good. Maybe I have a chance

Ragee[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: nja vette fan krälar ju fortfarande runt i botten

Ragee[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: hoppas jag stiger istället

Ragee[02/13/13 12:39 PM ]: är min tur att få poäng nu

tgs3[02/13/13 12:41 PM ]: Go for it. Better you than Peter or Anders

MockY[02/13/13 12:41 PM ]: Börjar se ut som förra säsongen

MockY[02/13/13 12:42 PM ]: Anders är tätt inpå dock

tgs3[02/13/13 12:43 PM ]: I'm matching pretty much exactly half of what I had last season so far thru 5 rounds, but I really think I'm in trouble this 2nd half of the season if I don't find some new music soon

tgs3[02/13/13 12:43 PM ]: Maybe I'll actually listen to music and organize pictures this weekend

tgs3[02/13/13 12:44 PM ]: Been my failed plan for like the last 15 weeks...

MockY[02/13/13 12:44 PM ]: No "slösurfning" or TV for you this weekend

MockY[02/13/13 12:45 PM ]: Nästa runda låter ju inte alls illa

tgs3[02/13/13 12:45 PM ]: We shall see

tgs3[02/13/13 12:45 PM ]: I'll be shooting guns next weekend

MockY[02/13/13 12:48 PM ]: True

MockY[02/13/13 12:48 PM ]: We have one diqualification

MockY[02/13/13 12:48 PM ]: Prospect Hill is out

tgs3[02/13/13 12:49 PM ]: I was kinda surprised they'd never been SOTD before. Now that's still the case

tgs3[02/13/13 12:49 PM ]: At least we had a quick replacement

MockY[02/13/13 12:49 PM ]: I guess they are better than the majority of bands, but still not enough for SOTD?

tgs3[02/13/13 12:49 PM ]: Must have been one of the awesome Americans in SOTD that got text filed

tgs3[02/13/13 12:50 PM ]: I have a song of their in my list, but its fairly far down and never come all that close to being used

MockY[02/13/13 12:51 PM ]: No itäs even more unlikely

MockY[02/13/13 12:52 PM ]: The replacemnt sound better already

tgs3[02/13/13 12:53 PM ]: It's a steal from Theron. It must be better

MockY[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: Niklas used them before...

Ragee[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: damn you haha, well my fault if I missed it

MockY[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: So you are the stealer then

tgs3[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: Nevermind

tgs3[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: Had them in my list a long time, but never used them

tgs3[02/13/13 12:54 PM ]: Getting too old to remember all these different bands

MockY[02/13/13 12:55 PM ]: there are plenty

MockY[02/13/13 12:55 PM ]: I shall email Anders so he knows there is a new song in rotation

tgs3[02/13/13 12:55 PM ]: Plan Three has made the album 7 out of 7 times. We'll see if the latest song lives up to that

tgs3[02/13/13 12:56 PM ]: The person should have sent an email from the site since Anders was gone already

tgs3[02/13/13 12:57 PM ]: And it looks liek they did

MockY[02/13/13 12:57 PM ]: I still sent out one

MockY[02/13/13 12:57 PM ]: As people seems to not get them all the time it seems

tgs3[02/13/13 12:58 PM ]: You rebel

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:58 PM ]: FYI: I got that one fine

MockY[02/13/13 12:59 PM ]: But noit when it really matters

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:59 PM ]: should I have two if both people sent them out?

thebrat13n[02/13/13 12:59 PM ]: Or did Peter only send an email to Anders?

tgs3[02/13/13 1:00 PM ]: I think Peter went with a personal email to Anders

Ragee[02/13/13 1:00 PM ]: yes seems lie it

Ragee[02/13/13 1:00 PM ]: like it

MockY[02/13/13 1:00 PM ]: Just to Anders as we all here already know about the change

thebrat13n[02/13/13 1:01 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[02/13/13 1:01 PM ]: just curious

tgs3[02/13/13 1:01 PM ]: What if I forget?

MockY[02/13/13 1:01 PM ]: Your bad sir

MockY[02/13/13 1:01 PM ]: wtf, nästa runda är ju redigt trevlig

MockY[02/13/13 1:02 PM ]: Ni sitter tydligen på låtar som tilltalar mig men som ni inte vill använda förrän ni måste

MockY[02/13/13 1:02 PM ]: hmm

MockY[02/13/13 1:02 PM ]: Apart from Three Years Hollow, all songs are over 4 minutes

MockY[02/13/13 1:03 PM ]: TYH is however just 3 seconds off that mark

tgs3[02/13/13 1:03 PM ]: There's a nice variety. I'll say that

MockY[02/13/13 1:03 PM ]: This round clearly requires lots of listens

tgs3[02/13/13 1:03 PM ]: I also agree with that

MockY[02/13/13 1:03 PM ]: Blir höga poäng från mig skulle jag gissa

Ragee[02/13/13 1:04 PM ]: tur det är lång tid till nästa runda

MockY[02/13/13 1:04 PM ]: Behöver det då vi är fruktat lika i utgivna poäng

MockY[02/13/13 1:04 PM ]:

Ragee[02/13/13 1:04 PM ]: tönker nytt material för fullt så det blir en massa skräp att gå igenom oxå för mig

Ragee[02/13/13 1:04 PM ]: hoppas bara jag kan hitta något bättre än det jag har

MockY[02/13/13 1:05 PM ]: Nu blev Theron elak

MockY[02/13/13 1:05 PM ]: wb

tgs3[02/13/13 1:05 PM ]: A little bad clicking action on my part

MockY[02/13/13 1:08 PM ]:

tgs3[02/13/13 1:08 PM ]: Well, I miss Anders, so I shall leave and not return until Monday

MockY[02/13/13 1:08 PM ]: "No cause of death has been revealed as of yet."

MockY[02/13/13 1:08 PM ]: toxification maybe?

tgs3[02/13/13 1:09 PM ]: I think that's just weird. Just make something up if they have to

tgs3[02/13/13 1:09 PM ]: I'll just assume the worst anyway

tgs3[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: My assumption is he died of an over dose while masterbating with a rope and choked himself

MockY[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: Usually car-bike accident at that age

tgs3[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: My serious guess is overdose

MockY[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: Seeing he is finnish, he probably drank himself to death

tgs3[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: Why wouldn't they just say traffic accident if that's what it was?

MockY[02/13/13 1:10 PM ]: True

MockY[02/13/13 1:11 PM ]: Maybe the overlords of the word his other persona comes from, statched him up and he just vanished?

tgs3[02/13/13 1:12 PM ]: You scared Nina with that talk

MockY[02/13/13 1:13 PM ]: Maybe they took her as well