tgs3[01/28/13 11:56 AM ]: Peter, did you change the color scheme? Something feels different.

ragee[01/28/13 11:59 AM ]: plupp

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:00 PM ]: plopp

tgs3[01/28/13 12:00 PM ]: yes

MockY[01/28/13 12:00 PM ]: Men tjenixen på er

MockY[01/28/13 12:01 PM ]: Yes I did, but that was in the beginning of last season. I had other plans, but got bored in the midfdle of things and did not complete

ragee[01/28/13 12:01 PM ]: läget då?

MockY[01/28/13 12:01 PM ]: You must have had the old styles cashed in your browser for quite some time

tgs3[01/28/13 12:02 PM ]: Judging my the fact that 5 old bands are in round 1, are we getting rid of the "5 New Bands" rule?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:02 PM ]: Like we did last season?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:02 PM ]: inte vet jag

MockY[01/28/13 12:02 PM ]: Vad vet du då?

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:03 PM ]: I vote we get rid of the rule

tgs3[01/28/13 12:03 PM ]: That's a good question

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:03 PM ]: då gör vi det

tgs3[01/28/13 12:03 PM ]: Wow. Nina has a lot of power

ragee[01/28/13 12:04 PM ]: Women always do¨

ragee[01/28/13 12:04 PM ]: ....

ragee[01/28/13 12:04 PM ]:

ragee[01/28/13 12:04 PM ]: All I wanna do is to listen to some good new tunes so I am very fine with removing that rule

ragee[01/28/13 12:05 PM ]: well atleast 2 new bands per season I would say but that probably happens anyway

MockY[01/28/13 12:05 PM ]: Lots of blur this season in other words

tgs3[01/28/13 12:05 PM ]: I see 2 more old bands this round so far, so it looks like we all agree

MockY[01/28/13 12:05 PM ]: blue*

tgs3[01/28/13 12:06 PM ]: 2 new band rule is basically the same as no rule. I didn't use 2 new last season, but that was only because I thought the rule would be back.

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:07 PM ]: jag tror jag hade nått nytt band jag minns inte

MockY[01/28/13 12:08 PM ]: New bands naturally tag along every season

MockY[01/28/13 12:08 PM ]: At least for me

ragee[01/28/13 12:08 PM ]: samma här

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:09 PM ]: I use lots of new bands

tgs3[01/28/13 12:10 PM ]: I use less and less as time goes on, but I'll probably use as many as 5 some seasons

MockY[01/28/13 12:10 PM ]: For better and for worse

ragee[01/28/13 12:10 PM ]: har vi brottom?

MockY[01/28/13 12:10 PM ]: Jag måste bajsa, så nej

ragee[01/28/13 12:11 PM ]: inte vad jag ville höra när jag tänkte säga att jag ska nog värma på like käk

tgs3[01/28/13 12:11 PM ]: No hurry for me

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:12 PM ]: micron går väl snabbt

ragee[01/28/13 12:12 PM ]: jo men ändå

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:12 PM ]: värm på du

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:13 PM ]: jag blev precis klar

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:13 PM ]: I'm not in a hurry

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:16 PM ]: what is going on with Anders' connection

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:16 PM ]: ?

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:16 PM ]: Are you having a storm where you are?

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:18 PM ]: Anders, do you know that you are coming in and out and in and out of the chat room?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:18 PM ]: ha ha modemet stod i köket

MockY[01/28/13 12:18 PM ]: ok?

MockY[01/28/13 12:18 PM ]: Och det brukar det inte göra?

MockY[01/28/13 12:19 PM ]: Det va då ett jävla rännande

MockY[01/28/13 12:20 PM ]: Seems like we have all the time in the world....

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:20 PM ]: kommer nog att hända fler ggr av olika orsaker

MockY[01/28/13 12:21 PM ]: Varför är det värre än normal?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:21 PM ]: It's too damn cold. The internet clearly doesn't want to be there

MockY[01/28/13 12:22 PM ]: A+ for effort I guess

tgs3[01/28/13 12:22 PM ]: So what's the thought on voting schedule. Stick to the Mondays and Wednesdays when Anders isn't traveling or working?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:23 PM ]: That means we vote again on Wednesday, but then we're off for 2 weeks

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:23 PM ]: I'm fine with that

MockY[01/28/13 12:23 PM ]: Actually, itäs not that cold at this very moment

MockY[01/28/13 12:23 PM ]:ön

ragee[01/28/13 12:24 PM ]: back

tgs3[01/28/13 12:25 PM ]: FYI, round 10 won't be until April 22nd

tgs3[01/28/13 12:25 PM ]: no, change that to April 3rd

ragee[01/28/13 12:27 PM ]: två månader är inte så illa

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:28 PM ]: nu funkar det

tgs3[01/28/13 12:28 PM ]: Jan 30, Feb 18, Feb 20, Feb 25, Mar 11, Mar 13, Mar 18, Apr 1, Apr 3 are the vote dates for the rest of the season

ragee[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: cool cool

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: jag kan rösta från malmberget

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: ok

ragee[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: kan bli problem med mars 18

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: but can you upload?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: But your and Niklas work times don't seem to match up at all, Anders

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:29 PM ]: bara internet är inkopplat

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:30 PM ]: jag jobbar förmiddag nästa period

tgs3[01/28/13 12:30 PM ]: That doesn't really answer the question, Anders

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:30 PM ]: då kan vi rösta 20.00

tgs3[01/28/13 12:31 PM ]: Not 21.00?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:31 PM ]: då jag jobbar eftermiddag är det ganska kört

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:31 PM ]: jag kliver upp 03.30 på morgonen

tgs3[01/28/13 12:32 PM ]: So you know when you work mornings and when you work afternoons?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:32 PM ]: jo

tgs3[01/28/13 12:32 PM ]: Niklas, can you vote an hour earlier?

ragee[01/28/13 12:33 PM ]: 19:00?

ragee[01/28/13 12:33 PM ]: if then yes

ragee[01/28/13 12:33 PM ]: jag vaknar runt 18:00

ragee[01/28/13 12:33 PM ]: så det är lugnt

tgs3[01/28/13 12:34 PM ]: 19.00 for you, 20.00 for Anders, 11.00 for the rest of us

tgs3[01/28/13 12:34 PM ]: Should we switch to that always? Or only when Anders works?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:34 PM ]: It gets confusing to switch between different vote times

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:35 PM ]: 20.00 blir bra

ragee[01/28/13 12:35 PM ]: jo jag är lätt på att ha kl 19:00 hela tiden

ragee[01/28/13 12:35 PM ]: och ja jag håller med blir så mycket att hålla koll på annars

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:35 PM ]: I vote for always

MockY[01/28/13 12:35 PM ]: So this would be the times for every vote then, or will it change depending on Ander's morning/night shedule?

ragee[01/28/13 12:36 PM ]: always

MockY[01/28/13 12:36 PM ]: Ultra

MockY[01/28/13 12:36 PM ]: With wings

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:36 PM ]: när jag jobbar eftermiddag blir det uppehåll

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:37 PM ]: tror ingen vill rösta 8.00

MockY[01/28/13 12:37 PM ]: Kanske din mamma

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:37 PM ]: not really

tgs3[01/28/13 12:37 PM ]: So can you vote this time when you're at home without getting in trouble with your woman?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:37 PM ]: hon är inte med

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: I have enough trouble getting my sleep schedule regular as it is

tgs3[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: I mean tge 20.00 time for Anders...

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: brb

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: ungarna sover före åtta

MockY[01/28/13 12:38 PM ]: Sicken tur du har

tgs3[01/28/13 12:39 PM ]: Ok. so this will be the new vote time from now on

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:39 PM ]: inte oskar då men han får ingen saga

MockY[01/28/13 12:39 PM ]: Stackars jäkel

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:39 PM ]: gärna för mej

tgs3[01/28/13 12:39 PM ]: That means this season will now fly along. We'll be voting twice a week this week and the next 3 after it

MockY[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: The two times on the site will remain. Niklas have managed so far

tgs3[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: Good ol' Niklas

MockY[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: He's getting old alright

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: I rememeber when SOTD was 3 people in Swedish time zone and one poor guy in California. My how times have changed...

ragee[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: snart

ragee[01/28/13 12:40 PM ]: ge mig lite till

ragee[01/28/13 12:41 PM ]: ¨har problem med botten låtarna

ragee[01/28/13 12:41 PM ]: sitter inte riktigt rätt ännu med poängen

MockY[01/28/13 12:41 PM ]: When did we vote back in those times?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:41 PM ]: gör som du är van lägg min i botten

MockY[01/28/13 12:41 PM ]: I mean, we rarely voted the same time and so forth, but in the ballpark on average

ragee[01/28/13 12:42 PM ]: tror jag är tvungen att skjuta upp till att en blir 9p

MockY[01/28/13 12:42 PM ]: At night for Sweden I would guess

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:42 PM ]: Im back

tgs3[01/28/13 12:43 PM ]: More or less like we do now. Middle of the day for me, night in Sweden

ragee[01/28/13 12:43 PM ]: aja nu så tror jag att jag ör nöjd

tgs3[01/28/13 12:43 PM ]: I think it might have been a bit later back then. You guys were younger and could stay up later

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:44 PM ]: måste ha varit senare då robert var i v-mina

tgs3[01/28/13 12:44 PM ]: probably

MockY[01/28/13 12:44 PM ]: Jag gick typ alrig och la mig p[ den tiden

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:44 PM ]: 1

tgs3[01/28/13 12:45 PM ]: 2

MockY[01/28/13 12:45 PM ]: MItt liv vas CS, jobb, och SOTD p[ den tiden

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:45 PM ]: 3

MockY[01/28/13 12:45 PM ]: 44

ragee[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: 253454254235

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: spiritual plague 4p

MockY[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: Spiritual Plague 4p

ragee[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: Spiritual Plague 6p

tgs3[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: Unheilig 6p

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: Spiritual Plague 5p

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: oceans divide 6p

MockY[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: I know who participated with that song

MockY[01/28/13 12:46 PM ]: Unheilig 6p

ragee[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: Oceans Divide 7p

tgs3[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: Papa Roach 7p

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: Papa Roach 6p

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: cult to follow 7p

MockY[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: Cult To Follow 7p

ragee[01/28/13 12:47 PM ]: Unheilig 8p

tgs3[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Oceans Divide 8p

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Unheilig 7p

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: papa roach 8p

MockY[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Papa Roach 8p

ragee[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Cult To Follow 9p

tgs3[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Cult To Follow 9p

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Oceans Divide 8p

MockY[01/28/13 12:48 PM ]: Jag och Anders tyckte lika om denna runda tydligen

ragee[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: vilken grej

MockY[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: Tror det aldrig hänt flörut

tgs3[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: Good round for me to use that song and stay out of the blood bath of this round...

tgs3[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: I bet it has

MockY[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: Not exactly

MockY[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: But I'm sure you have the answer

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:49 PM ]: 1. cult to follow 32p grattis nina

ragee[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: grattis grattis

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: Thank you!

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: wow starting off with a win...

MockY[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: w000t

ragee[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: vilken fin fin start

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:50 PM ]: I'm in the lead...has that ever happened?

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:51 PM ]: 2. papa roach och oceans divide 29p

MockY[01/28/13 12:51 PM ]: Tjena mittbena

tgs3[01/28/13 12:52 PM ]: You're probably won round 1 before, but congrats

tgs3[01/28/13 12:53 PM ]: 4 times, in fact

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:54 PM ]: var det onsdag eller torsdag nästa

tgs3[01/28/13 12:54 PM ]: haha. Every time nina has won round 1 she's come in last in round 2. She hats to be in the lead apparently

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:54 PM ]: too much pressure

tgs3[01/28/13 12:54 PM ]: Wednesday

Hebbe[01/28/13 12:55 PM ]: ok, god natt

MockY[01/28/13 12:55 PM ]: Godis

tgs3[01/28/13 12:55 PM ]: good night

MockY[01/28/13 12:55 PM ]: Men du stannade vid 3:e

MockY[01/28/13 12:56 PM ]: Gått och blivit lat?

tgs3[01/28/13 12:56 PM ]: Peter, season 35, round 10

tgs3[01/28/13 12:57 PM ]:

ragee[01/28/13 12:58 PM ]: ska ta och byta om jag då men vi ses om ett par dar då

tgs3[01/28/13 12:58 PM ]: SOunds good. Enjoy my song!

MockY[01/28/13 12:58 PM ]: damn, you found it

MockY[01/28/13 12:58 PM ]: haha

ragee[01/28/13 12:58 PM ]: bye bye

thebrat13n[01/28/13 12:59 PM ]: bye bye

tgs3[01/28/13 12:59 PM ]: It was hard though. There's a good chance that's the only one

MockY[01/28/13 1:00 PM ]: We gave eachother exactly the same point to on these two occations

tgs3[01/28/13 1:00 PM ]: U S A ! ! !

MockY[01/28/13 1:00 PM ]: Good job for finding that, Mr. Fact Checker

tgs3[01/28/13 1:00 PM ]: I thought that was one of the requirement. I only looked at rounds where you guys gave out the same number of points

MockY[01/28/13 1:01 PM ]: gotcha

tgs3[01/28/13 1:01 PM ]: There might be more if I take that out

MockY[01/28/13 1:01 PM ]: don't

MockY[01/28/13 1:02 PM ]: Not worth the time

tgs3[01/28/13 1:02 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/28/13 1:02 PM ]: I've stopped looking. My point was proven

MockY[01/28/13 1:03 PM ]: It certaintly was

MockY[01/28/13 1:03 PM ]: Now, get back to work young man

tgs3[01/28/13 1:03 PM ]: awwww