MockY[12/12/12 11:55 AM ]: Theron Gerald Skyles

tgs3[12/12/12 12:01 PM ]: You have too many names, pcosb

MockY[12/12/12 12:02 PM ]: Sounds like a strand of a horrible disease

MockY[12/12/12 12:02 PM ]: P-COS B

MockY[12/12/12 12:02 PM ]: Deadly

tgs3[12/12/12 12:03 PM ]: Poor guy

tgs3[12/12/12 12:03 PM ]: Maybe that's what Sippa had

tgs3[12/12/12 12:03 PM ]: Or Magica has

MockY[12/12/12 12:04 PM ]: I think she got lead poisoning

tgs3[12/12/12 12:04 PM ]: Eventually, yes

MockY[12/12/12 12:04 PM ]: Magica might not have enough of P-COS B

MockY[12/12/12 12:04 PM ]: No one can

MockY[12/12/12 12:05 PM ]: It's airborne and comes in gas form

tgs3[12/12/12 12:06 PM ]: Then you should go to Nina's house

MockY[12/12/12 12:17 PM ]: Anders is probably wrestling with the amounts of snow they have over there, but Niklas has no such phenomenon

tgs3[12/12/12 12:18 PM ]: Niklas has been 30 minutes late several rounds in a row

thebrat13n[12/12/12 12:18 PM ]: it seems as if voting time is 12:30 now a days instead of 12:00

tgs3[12/12/12 12:18 PM ]: Did the Swedes change it and not tell us?

thebrat13n[12/12/12 12:22 PM ]: My vet is coming by my house to take a look at my cat, how's that for service?

thebrat13n[12/12/12 12:22 PM ]: She doesn't think she should be doing as bad as she is

MockY[12/12/12 12:22 PM ]: You certainly paid for it

tgs3[12/12/12 12:22 PM ]: pretty awesome

tgs3[12/12/12 12:22 PM ]: Suck it, socialist countries!!!

tgs3[12/12/12 12:23 PM ]: That communust, nazi Obama would never make a housecall

MockY[12/12/12 12:23 PM ]: add muslim

tgs3[12/12/12 12:23 PM ]: shhh. that's a secret

MockY[12/12/12 12:24 PM ]: maybe even gay

MockY[12/12/12 12:24 PM ]:

MockY[12/12/12 12:25 PM ]: I think he might be black as well

MockY[12/12/12 12:25 PM ]: Anders e vaken!!

tgs3[12/12/12 12:26 PM ]: and not froze to death

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:26 PM ]: oj jag glömde helt

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:26 PM ]: har niklas gett upp

MockY[12/12/12 12:26 PM ]: du e tydligen inte ensam

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:26 PM ]: var ute och skotta snö

MockY[12/12/12 12:27 PM ]: Det verkar finnas en glämskans virus i Europa då ni två alltid kommer in typ en timme sent

MockY[12/12/12 12:27 PM ]:

MockY[12/12/12 12:27 PM ]: haha, jag hade rätt

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:27 PM ]: nä 27 minuter

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:28 PM ]: blir ingen röstning på måndag

MockY[12/12/12 12:28 PM ]: Mer snö?

thebrat13n[12/12/12 12:28 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:28 PM ]: jag ska upp till malmberget och jobba

tgs3[12/12/12 12:28 PM ]: So when's the next vote?

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:29 PM ]: så nu får man krypa ner i gruvan

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:29 PM ]: vet inte

MockY[12/12/12 12:29 PM ]: Nyårsafton

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:29 PM ]: sista röstningen borde ju funka ändå

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:29 PM ]: från telefon

tgs3[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: Yup, no more uploading this season

tgs3[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: after today

MockY[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: Dags för Skype den gången

tgs3[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: If Niklas shows up

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: men då måste vi rösta ikväll

tgs3[12/12/12 12:30 PM ]: So how far down the mine will you go?

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:31 PM ]: 1250

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:31 PM ]: meter

MockY[12/12/12 12:31 PM ]: många långa...1..2..3

MockY[12/12/12 12:32 PM ]: On my way, sa Niklas

MockY[12/12/12 12:32 PM ]: Han är ju fan värre än farsan

MockY[12/12/12 12:32 PM ]: Bådar inte gått

tgs3[12/12/12 12:32 PM ]: Are you worried at all?

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:32 PM ]: nä inte för att fara in i gruvan

tgs3[12/12/12 12:33 PM ]: I might get bothered depending on how tight the space is

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:34 PM ]: stor gruva det finns 50 mil asfalterad väg där nere

tgs3[12/12/12 12:34 PM ]: cool

tgs3[12/12/12 12:35 PM ]: A whole new world for you to explore

tgs3[12/12/12 12:35 PM ]: Maybe you'll run into hobbits

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:35 PM ]: det kör lastbilar där nere

ragee[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: gl;mde bort tiden lite

ragee[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: sååå yo yo

MockY[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: Kåge 2.0

ragee[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: ¨hur fan äre då

tgs3[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: what a surprise

thebrat13n[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: there are these things called alarms...

ragee[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: tss du kan vara kåge

tgs3[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: Cell phones have this new fancy app on them called alarms...

ragee[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: nja det äör fusk

MockY[12/12/12 12:36 PM ]: that sure sounds fancy

MockY[12/12/12 12:37 PM ]: They might not have such fancy stuff in England

tgs3[12/12/12 12:37 PM ]: fuckin' Limies

ragee[12/12/12 12:38 PM ]: Limies`? is that what american call brits?

tgs3[12/12/12 12:38 PM ]: yes

tgs3[12/12/12 12:39 PM ]:

tgs3[12/12/12 12:40 PM ]: Using limes and shit. What a horrible derogatory name

MockY[12/12/12 12:41 PM ]: I fail to see how this became a derogatory name

ragee[12/12/12 12:41 PM ]: cool to atleast learn something new

MockY[12/12/12 12:41 PM ]: It was a smart thing to do ffs

ragee[12/12/12 12:41 PM ]: gonna start calling them that hihi

tgs3[12/12/12 12:43 PM ]: Just like frogs for French people.

tgs3[12/12/12 12:43 PM ]: I like frogs, but all things French suck

ragee[12/12/12 12:44 PM ]: why sucha hatered for the people who set you free

MockY[12/12/12 12:44 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[12/12/12 12:44 PM ]: The French set me free?

tgs3[12/12/12 12:45 PM ]: I'm 75% Swedsh. Nobody set me free

MockY[12/12/12 12:45 PM ]: The Danes

tgs3[12/12/12 12:45 PM ]: Sweden was controlled by dogs for a while?

tgs3[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: My Swedish history knowledge is almost nonexistent

ragee[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: What the hell are you mumbling about now

MockY[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: no, dawgs

MockY[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: from the hood

tgs3[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: ah. So the Russians?

tgs3[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: That entire country is a hood

MockY[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: No name for them_

MockY[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: ?

MockY[12/12/12 12:46 PM ]: The Hoods haha

ragee[12/12/12 12:48 PM ]: The reds

MockY[12/12/12 12:49 PM ]: boring

tgs3[12/12/12 12:49 PM ]: I'm lost

MockY[12/12/12 12:49 PM ]: in the hood

tgs3[12/12/12 12:49 PM ]: Shall we vote?

ragee[12/12/12 12:49 PM ]: 5min more plz

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:50 PM ]: 5 min

ragee[12/12/12 12:50 PM ]: first thing text from anders

tgs3[12/12/12 12:50 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:51 PM ]: jag skev innan du kom sen tog du över

ragee[12/12/12 12:51 PM ]: jo har varit sjukt pratglad hehe

MockY[12/12/12 12:51 PM ]: Jag ska bajsa

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:52 PM ]: plopp

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:52 PM ]: klar

tgs3[12/12/12 12:54 PM ]: ralk

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:55 PM ]: ppol

ragee[12/12/12 12:55 PM ]: me too

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:55 PM ]: p

tgs3[12/12/12 12:55 PM ]: So, Anders. you'll let us all know about the next vote at some point?

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:55 PM ]: vi siktar på måndag så får vi se

tgs3[12/12/12 12:56 PM ]: ok

ragee[12/12/12 12:56 PM ]: jag hoppas då det för jag blir borta tisdag - lördag

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:57 PM ]: kanske vi ska rösta imorgon

tgs3[12/12/12 12:57 PM ]: fine with me

tgs3[12/12/12 12:57 PM ]: Assuming we have 5 songs before we leave

ragee[12/12/12 12:58 PM ]: jag är med på den iden

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:58 PM ]: ja kan nån lägga in min låt, hittade den inte och jag orkar inte streama

tgs3[12/12/12 12:58 PM ]: what song?

Hebbe[12/12/12 12:59 PM ]: dark circle knights - lost daughter

MockY[12/12/12 12:59 PM ]: Nu har Theron lagt upp en låt som redan används denna säsong

tgs3[12/12/12 1:02 PM ]: Looks like I should have voted higher on it last time

ragee[12/12/12 1:02 PM ]: lol

MockY[12/12/12 1:02 PM ]: FFDP är diskade

MockY[12/12/12 1:03 PM ]: och naturligtvis ESO

MockY[12/12/12 1:03 PM ]: You have the album to vote for it again hehe

tgs3[12/12/12 1:04 PM ]: It seemed familiar

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:04 PM ]: vilken förkortning

tgs3[12/12/12 1:04 PM ]: I didn't make it ESO, that's how I found it

ragee[12/12/12 1:04 PM ]: gjorde faktist nästan samma sak denna säsong

ragee[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: hitta ESO och tyckte att detta lät ju trevligt. Och sen så kände jag igen låten som var i sotd¨

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: 1

MockY[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: mjo du, de var redigt fantasifulla haha

tgs3[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: 2

MockY[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: tur att jag uppade den då jag gjorde det med andra ord lol

MockY[12/12/12 1:05 PM ]: 3

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:06 PM ]: 4

ragee[12/12/12 1:06 PM ]: 6754754754745454

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:06 PM ]: witchcraft 4p

MockY[12/12/12 1:06 PM ]: Wilson the football 4p

ragee[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: witchcraft 5p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: Witchcraft 4p

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: The 69 Eyes 3p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: what a terrible joke execution. Not funny and Wilson was a vollyball

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: the 69 eyes 5p

MockY[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: ahah you're right, he was

MockY[12/12/12 1:07 PM ]: Witchcraft 5p

ragee[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: 69 eyes 6p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: Dan Wilson 5p

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: Awaken 4p

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: ravenscode 7p

MockY[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: Awaken 6p

ragee[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: Dan Wilson 7p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: The 69 Eyes 7p

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:08 PM ]: Dan Wilson 6p

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:09 PM ]: awaken 8p

MockY[12/12/12 1:09 PM ]: Ravenscode 8p

ragee[12/12/12 1:09 PM ]: Ravenscode 8p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:09 PM ]: Awaken 8p

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: Ravenscode 8p

tgs3[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: Looks good

tgs3[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: Too bad I panicked and threw up a shit song for the last round

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: 1. ravenscode 31p grattis theron

MockY[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: not for me

tgs3[12/12/12 1:10 PM ]: thanks

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: 2. awakwn 26p

MockY[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: dan wilson 22p

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: 3.

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: 4. 69eyes 21p

ragee[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: troddde inte jag skulle komma tvåa ens

tgs3[12/12/12 1:11 PM ]: Me neither, becuase I thought you were The 69 Eyes

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:12 PM ]: 5. witchcraft 18p

ragee[12/12/12 1:12 PM ]: haha

tgs3[12/12/12 1:13 PM ]: But I'm glad to see that it was Peter

tgs3[12/12/12 1:13 PM ]: I still have a theoretical chance to win this season.

tgs3[12/12/12 1:13 PM ]: I know in reality its zero, though

tgs3[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: Well, I have some errands to run

MockY[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: you run boy

tgs3[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: I hate to vote and run, but you guys were late!!!

tgs3[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: Seeya on Monday!!

MockY[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: 3 point only now. This got closer than Iäd like

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: hej då

tgs3[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: or tomorrow?

ragee[12/12/12 1:15 PM ]: späänande

tgs3[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: You guys can figure it out

tgs3[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: Ilm fine with whatevewr

ragee[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: Jag är då ok me att köra imorgon

MockY[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: Still just 4 songs

tgs3[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: 2 wins in a row helps...

MockY[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: so who knows

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: I'm fine with tomorrow

tgs3[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: Don't blame me, I uploaded 2 songs today

tgs3[12/12/12 1:16 PM ]: no, 3 songs

ragee[12/12/12 1:17 PM ]: fett

MockY[12/12/12 1:19 PM ]: Nu bidde det tyst

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:20 PM ]: jag ska ersätta min låt det var riktigt dålig kvalla på den här

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:21 PM ]: gör det imorgon om jag orkar

Hebbe[12/12/12 1:21 PM ]: god natt

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:21 PM ]: god night

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: unless it's really bad, I don't normally care about quality

MockY[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: It does unfortunately effect my vote

MockY[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: Just can't help it

MockY[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: as it sound bad

MockY[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: s

ragee[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: well natti natti

MockY[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: puss

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: I know, you care if it just has the garage band sound and isn't actually bad quality

thebrat13n[12/12/12 1:22 PM ]: dork head

MockY[12/12/12 1:23 PM ]: the sound is half the battle

MockY[12/12/12 1:23 PM ]: poor recording results in prro vote

MockY[12/12/12 1:23 PM ]: poor

MockY[12/12/12 1:23 PM ]: time for coffee