MockY[10/31/12 12:07 PM ]: Where do we have the Eurpoeans?

tgs3[10/31/12 12:07 PM ]: In Europe

MockY[10/31/12 12:08 PM ]: Funny guy

tgs3[10/31/12 12:09 PM ]: I'll be here all week, folks!

MockY[10/31/12 12:10 PM ]: Maybe there's a storm going over them atm, killing the entire civilzation as we know it

tgs3[10/31/12 12:11 PM ]: Yes, because those two are never late...

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:11 PM ]: Have you guys seen pictures from Sandy on the east coast

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:11 PM ]: ?

MockY[10/31/12 12:11 PM ]: Pretty narly

tgs3[10/31/12 12:12 PM ]: not that many. What do you have for us?

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:12 PM ]: I was just watching the CNN stuff

MockY[10/31/12 12:12 PM ]: It's somewhat cool to see parts of the city full of water and cars all over the place

MockY[10/31/12 12:12 PM ]: Though I prefer those scenes ina movie than in real life

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:13 PM ]: it's crazy, yachts in people's front cards and cars piled up in tunnel entrances

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:13 PM ]: yards, not cards

tgs3[10/31/12 12:14 PM ]: Pretty happy to live in Sac at the moment

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:14 PM ]: yeah

tgs3[10/31/12 12:16 PM ]: The New Jersey governer (a Republican) is taking shit from his party for praising Obama's response to Sandy. Pretty fucking lame

MockY[10/31/12 12:17 PM ]: What a bunch of idiots

MockY[10/31/12 12:17 PM ]: I thought this is the job of a President, and when he is doing his job, people who support it gets shit

MockY[10/31/12 12:17 PM ]: man, det skjuts för lite

tgs3[10/31/12 12:20 PM ]: I hate to say it, but Sandy probably helps Obama. He gets to look presentential and Romney just sits there with his dick in his hand saying stupid shit

MockY[10/31/12 12:21 PM ]: He is actually still rallying.. and hopefully that is a bad move

MockY[10/31/12 12:22 PM ]: "dick in his hand saying stupid shit"

MockY[10/31/12 12:22 PM ]: lol

MockY[10/31/12 12:24 PM ]: Man, The Daily Show has not been on at all

MockY[10/31/12 12:24 PM ]: Stupid Sandy

tgs3[10/31/12 12:24 PM ]: Yeah, filming in NY doesn't help

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:25 PM ]: I'm thinking that our European brethren might have forgotten about today, seems strange that they are both this late

MockY[10/31/12 12:26 PM ]: Been watching Game Of Thones lately?

tgs3[10/31/12 12:26 PM ]: No. Nina and I stopped watching months ago

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:27 PM ]: why would we watch it lately?

tgs3[10/31/12 12:27 PM ]: Peter doesn't really understand how time works...

MockY[10/31/12 12:27 PM ]: The use of the word brethren

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:28 PM ]: ahh...I just thought that word captured both cousin & brother in one words

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:28 PM ]: -s

MockY[10/31/12 12:28 PM ]: I know you guys finished the second season long time ago

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:28 PM ]: I guess I could have said relatives

MockY[10/31/12 12:29 PM ]: YEah, this seems a bit to much of a coincidence

MockY[10/31/12 12:29 PM ]: 28 minutes without a single dude

tgs3[10/31/12 12:29 PM ]: Damn them!

tgs3[10/31/12 12:30 PM ]: Its still a coindedence

tgs3[10/31/12 12:30 PM ]: Unless you think they schemed together to not show up

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:30 PM ]: maybe they're out trick or treating

tgs3[10/31/12 12:30 PM ]: Do you really think those two communicate outside of SOTD?

tgs3[10/31/12 12:33 PM ]: I wasn't ready to vote at noon. That is no longer true.

MockY[10/31/12 12:35 PM ]: They call eachother all the time

MockY[10/31/12 12:35 PM ]: They are just as close now as when Niklas was 6

MockY[10/31/12 12:35 PM ]:

tgs3[10/31/12 12:37 PM ]: sure

MockY[10/31/12 12:38 PM ]: They switched to Summer time already

tgs3[10/31/12 12:38 PM ]: oh shit

tgs3[10/31/12 12:39 PM ]: Yes, they are still 22 miutes away from voting time

tgs3[10/31/12 12:39 PM ]: I usually try to pay attention to this, but forgot about it

MockY[10/31/12 12:40 PM ]: ??

MockY[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: Either way, I'm pretty sure there wont be any voting

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: I realized when you went through my office a few times and didn't remind me about SOTD that I should remind you

tgs3[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: Why?

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: you can't vote at 1?

MockY[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: Sure I can

MockY[10/31/12 12:41 PM ]: But why would they show up at 1

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:43 PM ]: min klocka är 20.43

MockY[10/31/12 12:43 PM ]:

MockY[10/31/12 12:44 PM ]: October 28

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:44 PM ]: precis

MockY[10/31/12 12:44 PM ]: Det är nu ytterligare en timme mellan oss

tgs3[10/31/12 12:45 PM ]: Don't worry about it Anders. I forgot Europe already changed their time

MockY[10/31/12 12:45 PM ]: Och jag som skämtade år det utan att vara seriös

MockY[10/31/12 12:45 PM ]: haha

MockY[10/31/12 12:45 PM ]: Och så var det det i alla fall

tgs3[10/31/12 12:46 PM ]: Not sure if that makes you smarter or dumber than the rest of us

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:46 PM ]: men jag hade nog glömt ändå

MockY[10/31/12 12:46 PM ]: Neither

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:51 PM ]: tycker det är idiotiskt att ändra klockan över huvud taget

MockY[10/31/12 12:51 PM ]: håller med

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:51 PM ]: that's because you're so far up north that it doesn't make a difference

MockY[10/31/12 12:51 PM ]: Nå Tyskt påhitt

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:52 PM ]: here, I can still run before work for a while longer when we fall back, if I ran

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:52 PM ]: Not that I'm for it

tgs3[10/31/12 12:53 PM ]: I'm pretty neutral. Doesn't cause my any anger at all.

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:54 PM ]: I do wish that since we do it, that the whole world would be on the same scedule

MockY[10/31/12 12:54 PM ]: word

tgs3[10/31/12 12:54 PM ]: Nina, it's actually adjusting back that causes you to get an hour

tgs3[10/31/12 12:55 PM ]: The purpose of DST is to give people more daylight after work

tgs3[10/31/12 12:55 PM ]: Once the winter comes, they figure we're fucked anyway, so it goes back to "normal"

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:55 PM ]: ahhh....

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:56 PM ]: man kan ju jämka en halvtimme höst och vår och låta det vara jämt

tgs3[10/31/12 12:57 PM ]: We don't have those seasons here in Sacramento

Hebbe[10/31/12 12:57 PM ]: eller låta det vara sommartid hela tiden

tgs3[10/31/12 12:58 PM ]: Some countries have gone to that

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:59 PM ]: 3/4 of Australia stopped observing while 1/4 still does

thebrat13n[10/31/12 12:59 PM ]: that's just silly

tgs3[10/31/12 1:00 PM ]: In Indiana its by county. At least it was when I lived there

tgs3[10/31/12 1:00 PM ]: St. Joseph county did not obseve it. so half the time at Notre Dame I was on Central time and half the time I was on Eastern time...

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:00 PM ]: I wish they would just get rid of it.

MockY[10/31/12 1:00 PM ]: Iäm happy not to live in either of those places

tgs3[10/31/12 1:01 PM ]: A little extra math is good for people's brains

MockY[10/31/12 1:01 PM ]: Not for mine. It simply can't be processed and I would get Syntax Error

tgs3[10/31/12 1:01 PM ]: You need it more than anybody

tgs3[10/31/12 1:02 PM ]: Seriously thought about sending you packing back to Sweden when you first got here in 2004...

MockY[10/31/12 1:02 PM ]: because of math...

MockY[10/31/12 1:03 PM ]: You still have that option, though it would be a bit harder

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:03 PM ]: it seems to be math and computers go together, just not for you

MockY[10/31/12 1:03 PM ]: It's a myth. You don't have to be good a math in order to program

tgs3[10/31/12 1:04 PM ]: I was like "Fuck Anders for not warning about this!!!"

MockY[10/31/12 1:04 PM ]: Does it help...sure. Math help everywhere, no matter what you do

MockY[10/31/12 1:04 PM ]: Maybe not so much if you are shoveling shit all day long

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:06 PM ]: matte är ganska kul

ragee[10/31/12 1:06 PM ]: Chocoloooocooo

MockY[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: Niklas!

MockY[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: En timme sen

MockY[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: sen sla stavas seen

tgs3[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: fucker

ragee[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: vad snackas det om?

MockY[10/31/12 1:07 PM ]: och sen (sedan, senare) ska stavas senn

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:08 PM ]: har ni någon pumpatävling iår

tgs3[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: We had one at work. Only 2 people participated

MockY[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: Ingen har riktigt snackat om det

tgs3[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: Without the kids and Amy around, it loses a bit

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: they were awesome though

MockY[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: If I knew that, I would have made one

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: ha ha ha

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:09 PM ]: köpte en pumpa i dag

tgs3[10/31/12 1:13 PM ]: TIme to make a pie

MockY[10/31/12 1:13 PM ]: mm cake pop

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:18 PM ]: svårröstat idag

ragee[10/31/12 1:19 PM ]: mm lite knepigt var det

tgs3[10/31/12 1:19 PM ]: I got an extra hour to listen, so it got easier after a while

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:20 PM ]:

MockY[10/31/12 1:20 PM ]: same here, though it did not change my inital list

MockY[10/31/12 1:21 PM ]: Hey, you are using your Christmas present

tgs3[10/31/12 1:21 PM ]: OMG. New pictures

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:21 PM ]: only those two

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:22 PM ]: dom var kul

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:22 PM ]: those were the pumpkins from work

tgs3[10/31/12 1:23 PM ]: Yeah, they were good at least

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:23 PM ]: I really need to add some pictures to my site

tgs3[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: You have pictures?

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: I figured it out now, took me a second since it involved .zip files

tgs3[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: I shouldn't talk. Mine is also not updated

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: I'm gonna do that with my extra hour this weekend

tgs3[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: cool

MockY[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: sweet

tgs3[10/31/12 1:24 PM ]: If only an hour would do it..

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:25 PM ]: I don't really take that many pictures, so we'll see

MockY[10/31/12 1:25 PM ]: Looking forward to get a glimpse into your life

MockY[10/31/12 1:25 PM ]: This is how the thumbnail turned out after blowing it up and adding some adhancements

MockY[10/31/12 1:25 PM ]:

tgs3[10/31/12 1:26 PM ]: Who's the handsome guy falling behind you?

MockY[10/31/12 1:26 PM ]: I see a very nice butt and a scalp

MockY[10/31/12 1:27 PM ]: Canät eblieve she actually made the race as well

MockY[10/31/12 1:27 PM ]:

ragee[10/31/12 1:27 PM ]: much tougher than her daddy

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:28 PM ]: nä nu röstar vi, jag är trött

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:28 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:29 PM ]: 2

MockY[10/31/12 1:29 PM ]: 2

tgs3[10/31/12 1:29 PM ]: 5

ragee[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: 54345243543

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: lovex 5p

MockY[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: I-Exist 4p

ragee[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: I-exist 5p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: Dimitri's Rail 5p

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:30 PM ]: Lovex 5p

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:31 PM ]: dimitris rail 6p

MockY[10/31/12 1:31 PM ]: Lovex 5p

ragee[10/31/12 1:31 PM ]: thousand foot krutch 6p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:31 PM ]: Adakain 6p

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:31 PM ]: I-Exist 6p

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: i-exist 7p

MockY[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: Adakain 7p

ragee[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: Dimitri's Rail 7p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 7p

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: Adakain 7p

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: thousand foot krutch 8p

MockY[10/31/12 1:32 PM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 8p

ragee[10/31/12 1:33 PM ]: adakain 8p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:33 PM ]: Lovex 8p

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:33 PM ]: Dimitri's Rail 8p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:33 PM ]: Well that will even things up a bit

tgs3[10/31/12 1:33 PM ]: Bad choice, Theron

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: we switched today

ragee[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: hmm detta sög ju hihi

ragee[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: well well bara början

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: 1. thousand foot krutch 29p grattis nina

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: thank you

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: 2. adakain 28p

ragee[10/31/12 1:34 PM ]: grääätz

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:35 PM ]: 3. dimitris rail 26p

tgs3[10/31/12 1:35 PM ]: Congrats, Nina. You're still in 2nd place Niklas

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:35 PM ]: 4. lovex 23p

ragee[10/31/12 1:36 PM ]: trodde jag kom sist så shooohoo

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:36 PM ]: 5. i-exist 22p

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:36 PM ]: points were pretty close

tgs3[10/31/12 1:36 PM ]: yup

tgs3[10/31/12 1:38 PM ]: Looks like Cage9 is mispelled in the database

MockY[10/31/12 1:38 PM ]: Ser trevligare ut i listan

MockY[10/31/12 1:38 PM ]: No space apparently

tgs3[10/31/12 1:39 PM ]: Hmm. Don't think I'll do much better in this next round. Really need to find some music

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:39 PM ]: oh, you'll do atleast better and not come in last

tgs3[10/31/12 1:40 PM ]: probably

MockY[10/31/12 1:41 PM ]: I'm felling pretty good about next round

MockY[10/31/12 1:42 PM ]: Hoping my dreams wont be crushed

ragee[10/31/12 1:42 PM ]: lets hope they will moahahaha

MockY[10/31/12 1:43 PM ]: Evil sob

MockY[10/31/12 1:44 PM ]: Sablar. Säsong 50 börjar bli redigt jämn

MockY[10/31/12 1:44 PM ]: skoj

MockY[10/31/12 1:44 PM ]: Var rädd att Theron skulle vinna redan efter runda 5

tgs3[10/31/12 1:44 PM ]: I was not afraid of that

ragee[10/31/12 1:44 PM ]: nje detta blir den tightaste säsongen någonsin

MockY[10/31/12 1:45 PM ]: Nina behöver en vinnst till snart i så fall

MockY[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: Mycket blått denna säsong

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: well, I had a better song lined up, but I lagged uploading and they were already there

MockY[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: Första runda med enbart blått på ett bra tag

tgs3[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: Some thievery appears to be happening this round

MockY[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: The law of the jungle apparently

MockY[10/31/12 1:47 PM ]: S50 is rough

MockY[10/31/12 1:48 PM ]: It's like WW3....

MockY[10/31/12 1:48 PM ]:

MockY[10/31/12 1:48 PM ]: Theron has his name on 3 of those bands

MockY[10/31/12 1:48 PM ]: haha

ragee[10/31/12 1:48 PM ]: haha stackare, utsatt för så mycket tjuvar

MockY[10/31/12 1:49 PM ]: Så går det då man är rik

MockY[10/31/12 1:49 PM ]:

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:49 PM ]: I was going to chose another song though, just the same band

tgs3[10/31/12 1:49 PM ]: I'll just have to return the favor is later rounds

tgs3[10/31/12 1:50 PM ]: I had planned to use one of the bands this round, too, but just couldn't decide what song to use. That's what I get for nto being able to just pull the trigger

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:51 PM ]: använder man inte bästa låten från em platta så måste man gå in och täcka upp

tgs3[10/31/12 1:52 PM ]: Sometimes there is no best song

MockY[10/31/12 1:52 PM ]: It happens far to often unfortunately

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:54 PM ]: jag ser 2 av ninas band och 2 av therons och 1 av peter

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:54 PM ]: verkar som jag och nicke är på stöldturné

MockY[10/31/12 1:55 PM ]: Sabla Europeér

thebrat13n[10/31/12 1:55 PM ]: You've used one of these bands before too

ragee[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: svenska vikingar

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: den som använder dom först har satt sitt namn på dom

ragee[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: baraplundrar och har sig

MockY[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: Vikingar liksom

tgs3[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: Damn socialists. Stealing from the rich.

MockY[10/31/12 1:56 PM ]: Ryssar

Hebbe[10/31/12 1:58 PM ]: det kommer bara att bli värre

MockY[10/31/12 1:59 PM ]: Anders har tydligen en plan för resten av säsongen... sno från USA

ragee[10/31/12 2:00 PM ]: det är ju säsongernas säsong nu

MockY[10/31/12 2:00 PM ]: Som sagt, djungelns lagar råder tydligen

MockY[10/31/12 2:00 PM ]: Jävla Vikingar

MockY[10/31/12 2:01 PM ]: 2022 är det säsong 100

MockY[10/31/12 2:01 PM ]: då jävlar

tgs3[10/31/12 2:01 PM ]: We'l have to slow down to have it be in 2022

tgs3[10/31/12 2:01 PM ]: But I guess we're going slow nowadays

MockY[10/31/12 2:02 PM ]: We are on 50 now and that took more than 10 years

MockY[10/31/12 2:02 PM ]: So we need to speed up actually

tgs3[10/31/12 2:02 PM ]: Ah. More math challenges for Peter

MockY[10/31/12 2:03 PM ]: Please do explain

MockY[10/31/12 2:03 PM ]: If it took more than 10 years to get to season 50, why would we slow down in order to do another 50 seasons within 10 years

tgs3[10/31/12 2:04 PM ]: We've done 30 rounds since Robert left and its been less than 5 years

tgs3[10/31/12 2:04 PM ]: Do you really believe we vote at the same rate now as we did in seasons 1-20?

MockY[10/31/12 2:04 PM ]: Using the average, who knows. Anything can happen

MockY[10/31/12 2:05 PM ]: One more move by Nikllas and we might be out of commission for a year

tgs3[10/31/12 2:05 PM ]: Then we can vote every day. 2 seasons a month...

MockY[10/31/12 2:06 PM ]: I better hoard up on tunes

tgs3[10/31/12 2:07 PM ]: 2000 - 28 2001 - 15 2002 - 17 2003 - 0 2004 - 14 2005 - 49 2006 - 40 2007 - 42 2008 - 55 2009 - 70 2010 - 65 2011 - 65 2012 - 50

tgs3[10/31/12 2:07 PM ]: Hmm. Didn't paste quite right

tgs3[10/31/12 2:07 PM ]: That's rounds per year

MockY[10/31/12 2:08 PM ]: 65 two years in a row

MockY[10/31/12 2:08 PM ]: damn, we were punctual

tgs3[10/31/12 2:10 PM ]: Looks like we won't make that this year, which is assumes we do the entire round 50 before the year is up.

MockY[10/31/12 2:10 PM ]: yup

MockY[10/31/12 2:11 PM ]: Certainly is less stressful, and I now managed to find some stuff in the meantime

MockY[10/31/12 2:11 PM ]: Hail season 50

tgs3[10/31/12 2:13 PM ]: This seems to have devolved to only Peter and Theron, so I shall get back to work. See you all on Monday.

MockY[10/31/12 2:13 PM ]: puss och kram