thebrat13n[10/17/12 11:53 AM ]: Are people in a hurry? I would like an extra 15 minutes if possible?

thebrat13n[10/17/12 11:55 AM ]: I guess maybe I should wait for Niklas to show up and see if he remembers that we're voting in the first place, since it totally slipped my mind...

ragee[10/17/12 12:01 PM ]: Yo yo yo

MockY[10/17/12 12:01 PM ]: hej hej hej

MockY[10/17/12 12:02 PM ]: Hur leker livet i England?

ragee[10/17/12 12:02 PM ]: Silvia är fortfarande sjuk och jag börjar bli normal

ragee[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: lätt förkylning och en gnutta ögoninflammation kvar

ragee[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: men har varit ganska utslagen den senaste veckan

ragee[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: mest spänderat tid i sängen

MockY[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: Niklas...Normal...hmmm

MockY[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: suuuuure

MockY[10/17/12 12:03 PM ]: tihi

ragee[10/17/12 12:04 PM ]: det är fan inte nyttigt att åka tillbaka hit

ragee[10/17/12 12:05 PM ]: hur är det i staterna då?

MockY[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: Hel OK

MockY[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: +t

MockY[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: Kylan kom tillbaak då ni åkte hem

ragee[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: jo såg så ut

ragee[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: vi tajma det där jäkligt bra verkar det som

MockY[10/17/12 12:06 PM ]: Dock var det redigt varmt igår, men det var väldigt tillfälligt

MockY[10/17/12 12:07 PM ]: Jo, men nästa gång kanske ni ska komma i slutet av Juli

MockY[10/17/12 12:07 PM ]: Hon ville ju ha värme

ragee[10/17/12 12:07 PM ]: ja men detta var nog perfect för henne

MockY[10/17/12 12:08 PM ]: trevligt

ragee[10/17/12 12:08 PM ]: dock vill vi ju inte sticka ifrån den lilla värme som vi får här

MockY[10/17/12 12:12 PM ]: Jasså, nu har det uppats innan alla är inne. Fy skäms på dig, vem du nu än är

ragee[10/17/12 12:13 PM ]: anders verkar då väldigt tyst

MockY[10/17/12 12:13 PM ]: Han somna nog med sina barn

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:13 PM ]: hej

tgs3[10/17/12 12:14 PM ]: Sorry about the lateness. Time flies

ragee[10/17/12 12:14 PM ]: Peter har du hitta våra ljus förresten?

MockY[10/17/12 12:14 PM ]: nope

MockY[10/17/12 12:14 PM ]: Var det flera dessutom?

ragee[10/17/12 12:15 PM ]: två i en brun papperspåse

ragee[10/17/12 12:15 PM ]: inte heller träflisorna?

MockY[10/17/12 12:16 PM ]: men himmel vad ni tappade saker och ting

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:16 PM ]: dom är inte här heller

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:16 PM ]: kollade under skrivbordet men icke

MockY[10/17/12 12:17 PM ]: Ja då är dom nog borttappade för evigt

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:17 PM ]:

ragee[10/17/12 12:17 PM ]: Trodde sakerna var säkra i vagnen

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:17 PM ]: eller så menar jag

ragee[10/17/12 12:17 PM ]: well well får försöka igen nästa gång vi kommer¨

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:18 PM ]: jämn omg det här

MockY[10/17/12 12:18 PM ]: Jag har lyssnat på senaste Three Days Grace plattan varje dag i en veckas tid nu. Theron lämnade den i Vlvon jag kört medans Vanen varit i verkstaden

tgs3[10/17/12 12:19 PM ]: Good one, too

MockY[10/17/12 12:19 PM ]: Volvon*

tgs3[10/17/12 12:19 PM ]: Damn you

MockY[10/17/12 12:19 PM ]: agree

tgs3[10/17/12 12:19 PM ]: So did the person who used Three Days Grace use the right song in your opinion?

MockY[10/17/12 12:20 PM ]: Not a bad choice, but imo not the best choice

MockY[10/17/12 12:20 PM ]: The first track is fabolous

MockY[10/17/12 12:21 PM ]: Though I'm a little tired of all of the tracks now

MockY[10/17/12 12:21 PM ]: I'll forever accociate TDG with Adalbertos haha

tgs3[10/17/12 12:22 PM ]: Erica's stuff wasn't good enough?

MockY[10/17/12 12:22 PM ]: Her Volvo has an AUX channel in the stereo but no AUX input anywhere, which I found odd

MockY[10/17/12 12:22 PM ]: No, her stuff was absolutely God aweful

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:22 PM ]: it's in the nook below/behind the steroe

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:22 PM ]: stereo

MockY[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: And the SOTD sadly don't have enough Peter songs on it haha

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: you just had to ask....

MockY[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: In the nook...ahh bizarre placement..

MockY[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: damn it, you say that now

tgs3[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: Better than in the arm rest...

MockY[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: Agree

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: better the the middle console, like in my car

tgs3[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: In my opinion, any way

MockY[10/17/12 12:23 PM ]: But that is where it usually is and the place I looked

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:24 PM ]: Erica didn't know about it until th beginning of this summer either

MockY[10/17/12 12:24 PM ]: I'll have to try it out tomorrow

ragee[10/17/12 12:27 PM ]: hur är det med Mia förresten?

tgs3[10/17/12 12:27 PM ]: You've already forgotten?

tgs3[10/17/12 12:27 PM ]: Nevermind. Read that wrong

MockY[10/17/12 12:28 PM ]: Hon babblar på som bara den

tgs3[10/17/12 12:28 PM ]:

ragee[10/17/12 12:28 PM ]: cool cool, anatr att ni har sand överallt nu oxå med det nya bordet åt henne

tgs3[10/17/12 12:28 PM ]: Feel like I'm doing some deep Robert type explanation here

MockY[10/17/12 12:28 PM ]: Vi har en sandlåda också

MockY[10/17/12 12:29 PM ]: Det är sand överallt

tgs3[10/17/12 12:29 PM ]: Looks like there still more pics that need to go up. Not that I'm one to talk

MockY[10/17/12 12:29 PM ]: There are plenty of more that needs to go up

MockY[10/17/12 12:29 PM ]: It's a work in progress

MockY[10/17/12 12:29 PM ]: unless you send me home now so I can complete the project

tgs3[10/17/12 12:30 PM ]: That's OK

MockY[10/17/12 12:31 PM ]: Not only do I have the normal 700 pics to go through on my camera, majority of thge pictures is from Niklas camera

MockY[10/17/12 12:31 PM ]: man, the sorting is a major PIMB

MockY[10/17/12 12:31 PM ]: Getting there though

tgs3[10/17/12 12:32 PM ]: Yeah, I'm still working on the stuff I got from Anders months ago. I'm not one to talk, that's for sure

tgs3[10/17/12 12:32 PM ]: And I have my own stuff that hasn't been updated since the beginning of the year

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:32 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[10/17/12 12:32 PM ]: Though you tend to not take any pictures at all

tgs3[10/17/12 12:33 PM ]: Truth. But I can steal from you

tgs3[10/17/12 12:33 PM ]: I think I have about 15 or so from NY...

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:33 PM ]: ska vi rösta så ni kan göra ert arbete och åka hem och ta hand om bilderna

tgs3[10/17/12 12:33 PM ]: Sure

ragee[10/17/12 12:33 PM ]: oki

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: 2

MockY[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: 5

tgs3[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: 2012

ragee[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: 65877664654764

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:34 PM ]: gone for days 6p

MockY[10/17/12 12:35 PM ]: Gone For Days 5p

ragee[10/17/12 12:35 PM ]: gone for days 6p

tgs3[10/17/12 12:35 PM ]: Esoterica 5p

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: Serj Tankian 5p

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: serj tankian 7p

MockY[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: 10 Years 7p

ragee[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: 10 years 7p

tgs3[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: 10 Years 7p

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:36 PM ]: 10 Years 6p

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:37 PM ]: esoterica 8p

MockY[10/17/12 12:37 PM ]: Serj Tankian 8p

ragee[10/17/12 12:37 PM ]: three days grace 8p

tgs3[10/17/12 12:37 PM ]: Gone For Days 8p

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:37 PM ]: Esoterica 7p

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:38 PM ]: three days grace 9p

MockY[10/17/12 12:38 PM ]: Three Days Grace 9p

ragee[10/17/12 12:38 PM ]: esoterica 9p

tgs3[10/17/12 12:39 PM ]: Serj Tankian 9p

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:39 PM ]: Three Days Grace 9p

ragee[10/17/12 12:39 PM ]: hmm lite märkliga ni, Harakiri är absolut den bästa låten på skivan

MockY[10/17/12 12:39 PM ]: Surprised over the 5 pointer I got from Theron

MockY[10/17/12 12:40 PM ]: Som sagt, jag använde redan den bästa låten

MockY[10/17/12 12:40 PM ]: lessen... hehe

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:40 PM ]: it was a little vanilla of a song, so I can see it

ragee[10/17/12 12:40 PM ]: Harakiri är ju så mycket bättre

tgs3[10/17/12 12:40 PM ]: Maybe it deserved a 6p, but I need to have a little separation. Won't be surprised if I vote for all these songs on the album

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: for me they were all 7s besides Three Days Grace, so.../

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: and I needed a space, so that's what happened

tgs3[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: A little more variation in Esoterica would have helped

MockY[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: lots of points this season starter

ragee[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: grym början

tgs3[10/17/12 12:41 PM ]: Glad to see others heard what I heard in the Three Days Grace song...

MockY[10/17/12 12:42 PM ]: It got boosted by other songs this time

MockY[10/17/12 12:42 PM ]: though with just a point

tgs3[10/17/12 12:42 PM ]: I'm OK with that

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:42 PM ]: den blev uppknuffad egentligen en 8

tgs3[10/17/12 12:43 PM ]: I shall lower my expectations for the album...

MockY[10/17/12 12:43 PM ]: "Sign of the Times" is a true 9 pointer

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:43 PM ]: 1. three days grace 35p grattis theron

MockY[10/17/12 12:43 PM ]: Adam Gontier sure as hell can sing

tgs3[10/17/12 12:43 PM ]: yah!!. Thanks

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: 2. esoterica och serj tankian 29p

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: 4. 10 years 27p

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: 5. gone for days 25p

ragee[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: du brukar säga det Peter

tgs3[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: Hurts to come last with 25p...

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:44 PM ]: a little

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:45 PM ]: but, not suprised

ragee[10/17/12 12:45 PM ]: tuff runda

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:45 PM ]: of course, I'm only suprised when I do well

tgs3[10/17/12 12:45 PM ]: I expected to come in 3rd today, so I'm happy

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:46 PM ]: ingen hörde vad jag hörde på 10 years synd den borde soppat mattan i det här fältet

tgs3[10/17/12 12:47 PM ]: Looks like everyone liked their song a lot today

ragee[10/17/12 12:47 PM ]: 10 years börjar tappa rejält tycker då jag

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:47 PM ]: dom har tappat sen division

tgs3[10/17/12 12:47 PM ]: Their song writing seems to have gone downhill, I agree

tgs3[10/17/12 12:48 PM ]: Still sounds great, but it all sounds like album filler for a while now

MockY[10/17/12 12:48 PM ]: Now they are on their own label

tgs3[10/17/12 12:48 PM ]: GOOD album filler

MockY[10/17/12 12:48 PM ]: So they say they are free to do what they always wanted to do

MockY[10/17/12 12:48 PM ]: hmm, me no likey what they want to do

MockY[10/17/12 12:49 PM ]: Spit out another Division please

tgs3[10/17/12 12:49 PM ]: Apparently what the want to do is put out generic 10 Years sounding songs

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:49 PM ]: dom har backat tillbaka där dom började tyvärr

MockY[10/17/12 12:49 PM ]: Seems like it

MockY[10/17/12 12:49 PM ]: Like Theron said, still good stuff. Better than majority of the generic modern rock we have out there

MockY[10/17/12 12:50 PM ]: But unfortunately we know what 10 Years is capable of

tgs3[10/17/12 12:50 PM ]: Exactly. Its almost hard not to knock a point off their songs just because you know they can do so much better

MockY[10/17/12 12:50 PM ]: Fortunately for them, the singer is fucking awesome

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:50 PM ]: yup

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: the knocking down

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: not that I don't agree that the singer is awesome

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: förstår vad ni menar men dom tävlar inte med sig själv här i sotd

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: he was one of those I was suprised he was just as good close up live as he was on an album

MockY[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: Med tanke på hur många gånger dom har varit med så kan man ju undra

tgs3[10/17/12 12:51 PM ]: haha

MockY[10/17/12 12:52 PM ]: And speaking from the ladies, DAMN HOT

MockY[10/17/12 12:52 PM ]:

MockY[10/17/12 12:52 PM ]: for*

thebrat13n[10/17/12 12:52 PM ]: I had a hard time recognizing him when he cut his hair...

tgs3[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: I have no idea what he looks like

tgs3[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: And I've seen him live...

MockY[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: haha

MockY[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: Theron stares at the floor like usually

tgs3[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: Those dreads are awful

ragee[10/17/12 12:53 PM ]: Jag lär vara tråkig som vanligt och dra. Men vi ses på måndag igen va?

tgs3[10/17/12 12:54 PM ]: I don't check out dudes, Peter...

tgs3[10/17/12 12:54 PM ]: Yup, Monday next week

ragee[10/17/12 12:54 PM ]: cool cool

ragee[10/17/12 12:54 PM ]: cya all then

MockY[10/17/12 12:54 PM ]: Dreads are always aweful

MockY[10/17/12 12:55 PM ]: unless you save them out to insane length like the singer in Shadows Fall

MockY[10/17/12 12:55 PM ]: I mean, look at this

MockY[10/17/12 12:55 PM ]:

MockY[10/17/12 12:55 PM ]: Fucking rad

tgs3[10/17/12 12:56 PM ]: Only time dreads work:

MockY[10/17/12 12:56 PM ]: haha, they kinda look similar

tgs3[10/17/12 12:58 PM ]: After this good start, I need to find 8 more songs so that this last season with Anders goes out with a bang. Hopefully this weekeend

MockY[10/17/12 12:59 PM ]: With that said, I'm hungry and will grab food

MockY[10/17/12 12:59 PM ]: Excited about what this legendary season has in store for us

Hebbe[10/17/12 12:59 PM ]: god natt

tgs3[10/17/12 12:59 PM ]: See you all in 5 days then

tgs3[10/17/12 1:00 PM ]: good night

ragee[10/17/12 1:25 PM ]: cya all then