ragee[08/29/12 12:01 PM ]: yo yo yo

MockY[08/29/12 12:01 PM ]: Froyo

ragee[08/29/12 12:02 PM ]: knepig runda detta

MockY[08/29/12 12:02 PM ]: litegrann kanske

tgs3[08/29/12 12:04 PM ]: The question is, do we have ghost Anders again?

ragee[08/29/12 12:05 PM ]: nu kan vi se han iaf >)

tgs3[08/29/12 12:05 PM ]: truth

hebbe[08/29/12 12:06 PM ]: hej

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:06 PM ]: hello

ragee[08/29/12 12:06 PM ]: tjeeena

tgs3[08/29/12 12:07 PM ]: Welcome to round 10!

hebbe[08/29/12 12:07 PM ]: svår omg

MockY[08/29/12 12:07 PM ]: Tjabbalabbalang!

ragee[08/29/12 12:07 PM ]: mmm sa just det riktigt knepig

tgs3[08/29/12 12:07 PM ]: It was at first, but they fell into place after a while for me

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:08 PM ]: I found it easier than the last few

tgs3[08/29/12 12:10 PM ]: I have a feeling my voting will not agree with other people's votes

ragee[08/29/12 12:10 PM ]: dagens r;stning kommer nog vara jämn men upp och ner

MockY[08/29/12 12:11 PM ]: I think I will align my votes with the majority

hebbe[08/29/12 12:12 PM ]: jag tror att ni röstar fel som vanligt

MockY[08/29/12 12:12 PM ]: haha

ragee[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]: troligtvis

MockY[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]: Låter som Theron kommer rösta helt åt fanders

tgs3[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]: You've said yourself your songs are shit, Anders

MockY[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]: Eller så röstar han helt åt Anders

MockY[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]:

tgs3[08/29/12 12:13 PM ]: Feels that way, Peter. Maybe I'm wrong

hebbe[08/29/12 12:14 PM ]: ja men ni röstar fel i alla fall

tgs3[08/29/12 12:15 PM ]: haha

tgs3[08/29/12 12:15 PM ]: Yes, everyone votes wrong, except me, that's very true

MockY[08/29/12 12:16 PM ]: Men jag har ju aldrig röstat fel, så jag vet inte vad du snackar om

MockY[08/29/12 12:16 PM ]:

hebbe[08/29/12 12:16 PM ]: nä det är bara jag som röstar rätt

ragee[08/29/12 12:17 PM ]: bara jag som röstar fel då...

ragee[08/29/12 12:17 PM ]: jag och nina

MockY[08/29/12 12:17 PM ]: haha

MockY[08/29/12 12:17 PM ]: Nåt fel gör ni då ni allt som ofta hamnar sist

tgs3[08/29/12 12:18 PM ]: That's not the voting that's wrong there...

tgs3[08/29/12 12:18 PM ]: Except maybe their own private "vote" about which song to use

tgs3[08/29/12 12:18 PM ]: I certainly make that mistake a lot

hebbe[08/29/12 12:19 PM ]: men jag ska vara snäll idag

hebbe[08/29/12 12:19 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:19 PM ]: 2

MockY[08/29/12 12:19 PM ]: Anders hamnar säkert 4:a igen

MockY[08/29/12 12:19 PM ]: 4

MockY[08/29/12 12:20 PM ]: SPÄNNANDE!!!!

tgs3[08/29/12 12:20 PM ]: quite the challenge for Anders

tgs3[08/29/12 12:20 PM ]: 3

ragee[08/29/12 12:21 PM ]: 23434233

hebbe[08/29/12 12:22 PM ]: pop evil 5p

MockY[08/29/12 12:22 PM ]: Pop Evil 4p

ragee[08/29/12 12:22 PM ]: Pop Evil 5p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:23 PM ]: Hoobastank 4p

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:23 PM ]: SadDoLLs 3p

hebbe[08/29/12 12:24 PM ]: saddolls 7p

MockY[08/29/12 12:24 PM ]: Saddolls 5p

ragee[08/29/12 12:24 PM ]: Hoobastank 6p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:24 PM ]: SadDoLLs 5p

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:24 PM ]: Coheed and Cambria 5p

hebbe[08/29/12 12:25 PM ]: hoobastank 8p

MockY[08/29/12 12:25 PM ]: Adakain 7p

ragee[08/29/12 12:25 PM ]: Coheed and Cambria 7p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:25 PM ]: Pop Evil 6p

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:25 PM ]: Hoobastank 7p

hebbe[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: coheed 9p

MockY[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: Coheed And Cambria 8p

ragee[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: Adakain 8p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: Adakain 8p

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: Adakain 8p

MockY[08/29/12 12:26 PM ]: Grattis Theron till säsongen

MockY[08/29/12 12:27 PM ]: Och Anders till rundan

tgs3[08/29/12 12:27 PM ]: I was worried Peter was Adakain and that I blew the season at the end yet again

tgs3[08/29/12 12:27 PM ]: I've come in 2nd the last 5 seasons, usually losing the lead toward the end of the season

hebbe[08/29/12 12:28 PM ]: 1 adakain 31p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:28 PM ]: Anders certainly did NOT get 4th

MockY[08/29/12 12:28 PM ]: not even remotely

hebbe[08/29/12 12:28 PM ]: 2 coheed 29p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:29 PM ]: YAH!!

tgs3[08/29/12 12:29 PM ]: Go Theron!

hebbe[08/29/12 12:30 PM ]: 3 hoobastank 25p vilken tur att jag var tvungen att köra nytt

MockY[08/29/12 12:30 PM ]: haha

hebbe[08/29/12 12:30 PM ]: 4 saddolls 20p

tgs3[08/29/12 12:30 PM ]: yup

MockY[08/29/12 12:30 PM ]: Jo, du lyckades betydligt bättre

hebbe[08/29/12 12:31 PM ]: 5 pop evil 20p

ragee[08/29/12 12:31 PM ]: tyckte saddolls var lite influerade av Poets Of The Fall så hoppades på lite högre från Peter men men

MockY[08/29/12 12:33 PM ]: Dom är ett HIM cover band och låter därefter, fast mindre bar gjort

MockY[08/29/12 12:33 PM ]: bra*

hebbe[08/29/12 12:33 PM ]: måste erkänna att ni röstade helt ok ikväll

MockY[08/29/12 12:34 PM ]: Där fick du

tgs3[08/29/12 12:34 PM ]: cool. I was worried

ragee[08/29/12 12:34 PM ]: jo det vet jag men tyckte ändå de var lite lika Poets

tgs3[08/29/12 12:35 PM ]: I hear HIM, but I don't know Poets that well, of course

tgs3[08/29/12 12:36 PM ]: Anders, have you talked to Robert about season 50?

MockY[08/29/12 12:36 PM ]: Jag hör inte Poets alls

hebbe[08/29/12 12:37 PM ]: tycker dom påminner om entwine och poets of the fall

MockY[08/29/12 12:37 PM ]: Låter Finskt så det skriker om det, oavsett vad

ragee[08/29/12 12:37 PM ]: finska greker

MockY[08/29/12 12:38 PM ]: eller grekiska finnar

MockY[08/29/12 12:38 PM ]: fiskpinnar

hebbe[08/29/12 12:39 PM ]: jobbar på det, han är sugen på att spela risk eller nått med oss i alla fall

tgs3[08/29/12 12:39 PM ]: That's good to hear. I guess its about time to figure this whole Risk thing out

MockY[08/29/12 12:40 PM ]: Maybe there's a Golf or Fishing game online we can play

tgs3[08/29/12 12:40 PM ]: Robert's given up Golf. Needs to be a cycling game now

MockY[08/29/12 12:40 PM ]: I doubt anyone want's to program together for an hour twice a week

MockY[08/29/12 12:41 PM ]: ahh

MockY[08/29/12 12:41 PM ]: Tour De SOTD

tgs3[08/29/12 12:41 PM ]: Assuming he has moved on to a new obsession

tgs3[08/29/12 12:41 PM ]: hasn't I mean

MockY[08/29/12 12:41 PM ]: He might be back to Diesel again

MockY[08/29/12 12:42 PM ]: I mean, alternative fuel

tgs3[08/29/12 12:42 PM ]: Your legs are a great alternative fuel

MockY[08/29/12 12:42 PM ]: Piucking mushrooms maybe? That would be a great game. At least an awesome title: Shrooms

MockY[08/29/12 12:43 PM ]: "EA Shrooms..it's in the game"

tgs3[08/29/12 12:43 PM ]:

hebbe[08/29/12 12:44 PM ]: röstning om 2 och en halv vecka då

ragee[08/29/12 12:44 PM ]: låter helt ok

tgs3[08/29/12 12:45 PM ]: Sure

tgs3[08/29/12 12:45 PM ]: Sept 15/16

MockY[08/29/12 12:45 PM ]: aight

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:45 PM ]: OK

tgs3[08/29/12 12:45 PM ]: What day and time do people prefer? We might as well decide now

tgs3[08/29/12 12:46 PM ]: We can alwasy change it later if we need to

tgs3[08/29/12 12:46 PM ]: Friday or Saturday, day or night. It doesn't really matter to me

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:46 PM ]: not Friday Night

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:46 PM ]: is my vote

tgs3[08/29/12 12:46 PM ]: Or Sunday I guess I should include

hebbe[08/29/12 12:47 PM ]: nä jag jobbar nog

tgs3[08/29/12 12:47 PM ]: So a week later then?

hebbe[08/29/12 12:48 PM ]: det får bli 3 och en halv vecka

ragee[08/29/12 12:48 PM ]: då är väl amerikanarna på konsert

tgs3[08/29/12 12:48 PM ]: Gives Robert another week to get ready

tgs3[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: Not concert, but yes, we'll be running

hebbe[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: vi hoppas på det

tgs3[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: I guess as long as its not Saturday morning, we're OK

hebbe[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: god natt

tgs3[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: g'night

ragee[08/29/12 12:49 PM ]: då kör vi på det

MockY[08/29/12 12:51 PM ]: nicke?

tgs3[08/29/12 12:52 PM ]: No I'm not

ragee[08/29/12 12:52 PM ]: yes

tgs3[08/29/12 12:52 PM ]: What day do you leave the US, NIklas?

tgs3[08/29/12 12:52 PM ]: To go back home?

ragee[08/29/12 12:52 PM ]: 8th of october

ragee[08/29/12 12:55 PM ]: har ni några planer vad ni vill göra när vi kommer?

tgs3[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: Peter doesn't want to vote on Toughmudder weekend, so it looks like we're pushing voting back all the way to Oct 7

ragee[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: det ända vi kan komma på är hiking och LA

ragee[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: kanske wine tasting

MockY[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: Rösta på albumet den 7:e

ragee[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: ooj ojj

tgs3[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: Since Anders can only vote every other week, things can only be pushed 2 weeks at a time

MockY[08/29/12 12:56 PM ]: Dagen innan du drar

ragee[08/29/12 12:57 PM ]: det ska nog gå bra

tgs3[08/29/12 12:57 PM ]: Since that Saturday is Niklas' last one here, we should probably go ahead and schedule the vote for noon that day and not 10a,\\

tgs3[08/29/12 12:57 PM ]: Gives us LOTS of time to load up for season 50

tgs3[08/29/12 12:57 PM ]: Of course, I doubt Niklas will do much of that when he's here

tgs3[08/29/12 12:57 PM ]: So do it now!!

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:58 PM ]: You guys can go to San Francisco & Alcatraz

tgs3[08/29/12 12:58 PM ]: boring..

tgs3[08/29/12 12:58 PM ]: For us here I mean.

tgs3[08/29/12 12:59 PM ]: Understandable for tourists

tgs3[08/29/12 12:59 PM ]: So hiking? Really? I'm intrigued. Wasn't expecting that to be on the wish list

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:59 PM ]: You can go up to Yosemite to hike, but it's a drive

thebrat13n[08/29/12 12:59 PM ]: or maybe it's over?

MockY[08/29/12 12:59 PM ]: I would think something like Salmon Falls would suffice

ragee[08/29/12 1:00 PM ]: well we wanna be outdoors as much as possible so hiking is a very good thing

tgs3[08/29/12 1:00 PM ]: Come on, at least Feather Falls..

ragee[08/29/12 1:00 PM ]: see some other nature then just european forests

tgs3[08/29/12 1:00 PM ]: "we" huh?

ragee[08/29/12 1:00 PM ]: yes we haha

tgs3[08/29/12 1:01 PM ]: Yes, when I think Niklas, I think "outdoor guy".

tgs3[08/29/12 1:01 PM ]: sure...

thebrat13n[08/29/12 1:01 PM ]: If you just want a good hike, then Feather Falls...if you want to see part of America, then Yosemite

MockY[08/29/12 1:01 PM ]: hahaha

ragee[08/29/12 1:01 PM ]: stop it we have been hiking alot in both norway and slovakia

MockY[08/29/12 1:02 PM ]: Hikes around Auburn should do just fine as well

ragee[08/29/12 1:02 PM ]: and that was alot from my side

MockY[08/29/12 1:02 PM ]: seet trails there and not so far to drive

tgs3[08/29/12 1:02 PM ]: As a tourist, nothing would beat Yosemite, that's for sure, and really only about an hour more than Feather Falls. Maybe a little more

MockY[08/29/12 1:02 PM ]: And you can say youäve been in Yosemite

ragee[08/29/12 1:03 PM ]: I have seen some picture of Yosemite now and yes I think we want that

MockY[08/29/12 1:03 PM ]: Theron's backyard is pretty nice to

ragee[08/29/12 1:04 PM ]: true true

ragee[08/29/12 1:04 PM ]: lets just stay there

MockY[08/29/12 1:05 PM ]: There are palm trees and bearches

MockY[08/29/12 1:05 PM ]: and some water as well

MockY[08/29/12 1:06 PM ]: even a waterfall

MockY[08/29/12 1:06 PM ]: Everything a good hike has to offer

MockY[08/29/12 1:06 PM ]: Once in a while a bird will fly by

MockY[08/29/12 1:06 PM ]: birches*

ragee[08/29/12 1:06 PM ]: rolig kille du Peter

MockY[08/29/12 1:07 PM ]: Though none of these kinds of birches

MockY[08/29/12 1:07 PM ]: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/Milly-Birch-Trees-Printed-String-Bikini-Swimwear/prod145070027/?ecid=NMCIGoogleProductAds&ci_sku=prod141220117skuMULTICOLORS&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw={keyword}

ragee[08/29/12 1:07 PM ]: so please please we would soooo much wanna go to Yosemite

MockY[08/29/12 1:07 PM ]: Just for a hike or do you want to camp a few days?

MockY[08/29/12 1:08 PM ]: And experience the thrill of being on bear watch

ragee[08/29/12 1:10 PM ]: camping would be very nice

ragee[08/29/12 1:10 PM ]: the more we would experience the better

MockY[08/29/12 1:10 PM ]: camping it is

MockY[08/29/12 1:11 PM ]: But if so, bring appropriate clothes

MockY[08/29/12 1:11 PM ]: unless you want to buy it here

MockY[08/29/12 1:11 PM ]: It will be fairly cold at night then

MockY[08/29/12 1:11 PM ]: I'm sure we have enough sleeping bag laying around for you guys to borrow

MockY[08/29/12 1:11 PM ]: though I think REI rents as well

ragee[08/29/12 1:12 PM ]: ok ok we will bring warm clothes

ragee[08/29/12 1:13 PM ]: uhh how exciting

MockY[08/29/12 1:14 PM ]: Depending on the area, you might encounter bears as well

MockY[08/29/12 1:15 PM ]: Especielly if you don't stow away your food, food staind things, soap, and other things that may or may give off a scent

ragee[08/29/12 1:15 PM ]: uhh wild wrestling

tgs3[08/29/12 1:16 PM ]: I can't imagine they don't already have clothes they can use

tgs3[08/29/12 1:16 PM ]: THis is Yosemite, not the moon!

tgs3[08/29/12 1:16 PM ]: Are you not going with them, Peter. You make it sound like you're just handing them a map and saying "good luck, fuckers!"

MockY[08/29/12 1:16 PM ]: It very might be, man

MockY[08/29/12 1:17 PM ]: Just the "Good Luck" part

MockY[08/29/12 1:17 PM ]: I might add "You might be fucked"

tgs3[08/29/12 1:17 PM ]: Personally, I say we stay and the inn and do day hikes, but I'm an old fart

thebrat13n[08/29/12 1:17 PM ]: I haven't been to Yosemite in a while, I'm sure Jesse wouldn't mind going

MockY[08/29/12 1:17 PM ]: He wanted to do camping....

thebrat13n[08/29/12 1:18 PM ]: camping where

thebrat13n[08/29/12 1:18 PM ]: ?

MockY[08/29/12 1:18 PM ]: The Valley maybe, as I have yet to go there

tgs3[08/29/12 1:19 PM ]: Camping in the actual valley kinda blows if you ask me. A few miles away after a hike is fine

MockY[08/29/12 1:19 PM ]: Tuolumne Meadows is always nice, with plenty of trail heads

tgs3[08/29/12 1:20 PM ]: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/08/29/2974492/yosemite-officials-say-1700-visitors.html

tgs3[08/29/12 1:20 PM ]: Sounds like an awesome place to stay

MockY[08/29/12 1:20 PM ]: Though it features plenty of people... We might want to choose a more secluded place

MockY[08/29/12 1:20 PM ]: Only 2 deaths

MockY[08/29/12 1:21 PM ]: comeon, where\\s your adventurous spirit

tgs3[08/29/12 1:21 PM ]: THis looks secluded to me: http://www.yosemitepark.com/Images/Header-Lodging-Detail-

MockY[08/29/12 1:22 PM ]: lol

ragee[08/29/12 1:22 PM ]: haha

tgs3[08/29/12 1:23 PM ]: http://www.yosemitepark.com/Images/Gallery-Lrg-YosemiteLodge-

MockY[08/29/12 1:23 PM ]: I'm liking the last image there

MockY[08/29/12 1:23 PM ]: What creek is that?

tgs3[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]: Ale Creek

ragee[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]: väldigt mysigt :=

ragee[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]:

tgs3[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]: where it meets Lager Creek

MockY[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]: At the fork?

MockY[08/29/12 1:24 PM ]: Awesome

MockY[08/29/12 1:25 PM ]: Though we are talking $20 a night vs. $200

ragee[08/29/12 1:26 PM ]: and we have a budget for around only $1000 for the whole america trip

MockY[08/29/12 1:26 PM ]: That's ambitious

ragee[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: so staying at an inn wont leave much left hehe

MockY[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: You know gas will run about $200 back and forth alone

MockY[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: A trip to LA will eat your entire budget

tgs3[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: Too bad Niklas doesn't have family he can travel there with...

ragee[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: So yeah camping it is

MockY[08/29/12 1:27 PM ]: You may just want to chill at Bar Theron

ragee[08/29/12 1:29 PM ]: yes would be nice if someone would like to join us for this trip

MockY[08/29/12 1:29 PM ]: Jeese might join you

MockY[08/29/12 1:29 PM ]: Jesse

tgs3[08/29/12 1:29 PM ]: Jesse

MockY[08/29/12 1:29 PM ]: Also, we are camping at a farm while you are here

ragee[08/29/12 1:30 PM ]: oki

MockY[08/29/12 1:30 PM ]: Using pigs at night to stay warm, and ducks as pillows

tgs3[08/29/12 1:31 PM ]: Farm camping!!! How adventurous!!

tgs3[08/29/12 1:31 PM ]: Got a link?

ragee[08/29/12 1:31 PM ]: easy hunting for food atleast

MockY[08/29/12 1:31 PM ]: Working on it

MockY[08/29/12 1:32 PM ]: http://www.hoesdown.org/

ragee[08/29/12 1:33 PM ]: looks cozy

tgs3[08/29/12 1:33 PM ]: It looks like the day we're voting?

MockY[08/29/12 1:33 PM ]: We are voting Sunday

MockY[08/29/12 1:33 PM ]: This is two days

MockY[08/29/12 1:33 PM ]: Saturday as well

tgs3[08/29/12 1:34 PM ]: So you're only spending Friday night?

MockY[08/29/12 1:34 PM ]: The Freys will be there http://www.thefreysmusic.com/

tgs3[08/29/12 1:34 PM ]: "Saturday Night ONLY" for camping

MockY[08/29/12 1:35 PM ]: right

MockY[08/29/12 1:35 PM ]: and we are voting the day after

tgs3[08/29/12 1:35 PM ]: So Sunday consists of just getting up and going home basically?

MockY[08/29/12 1:36 PM ]: right

MockY[08/29/12 1:36 PM ]: The main day is Saturday

tgs3[08/29/12 1:36 PM ]: ok

MockY[08/29/12 1:37 PM ]: So get there early that day, set up camp and do the shitznit

MockY[08/29/12 1:37 PM ]: I'm thinking I've had e nough after a whole day there

MockY[08/29/12 1:38 PM ]: Hmm no alcohol on campground allowed

MockY[08/29/12 1:38 PM ]: I'm starting to rethink this plan

MockY[08/29/12 1:39 PM ]: Though "Delicious organic beer and wine will be available all day" sound fantastic

MockY[08/29/12 1:39 PM ]: I'm camping next to that stand

tgs3[08/29/12 1:40 PM ]: I shall let you know what I do when it gets closer

tgs3[08/29/12 1:40 PM ]: Going to the farm and then going home at night seems like a more attractive option at the moment

tgs3[08/29/12 1:40 PM ]: Depends on the anticipated intoxication level right now

MockY[08/29/12 1:44 PM ]: Mine will be high

MockY[08/29/12 1:46 PM ]: But I have to agree. It might be due to their website, but your idea sound more intriguing

MockY[08/29/12 1:46 PM ]: We always have a dedicated driver

tgs3[08/29/12 1:49 PM ]: Well you know my vote. Your house (or mine) sounds preferable to me.

MockY[08/29/12 1:50 PM ]: To sleep in that night?

tgs3[08/29/12 1:50 PM ]: and drink...

tgs3[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: or not.

ragee[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: and play risk

tgs3[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: But yes, sleep that night after a day spent on the farm

MockY[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: Sure, but I would not mind going to the farm during the day

MockY[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: gotcha

tgs3[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: Risk sounds good, too. We need to drink Jager then to re-live it from years ago

ragee[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: well well time to go for me

MockY[08/29/12 1:51 PM ]: Agree. I will pitch that to Diana, and use my poor kid as an excuse

tgs3[08/29/12 1:52 PM ]: seeya later, little buddy

MockY[08/29/12 1:52 PM ]: She's got a fever now

ragee[08/29/12 1:52 PM ]: cya

MockY[08/29/12 1:52 PM ]: Have a nice one. See you in like a year

MockY[08/29/12 1:52 PM ]: Back to the grind I guess

tgs3[08/29/12 1:53 PM ]: That sucks. I hope I didn't give it to her

tgs3[08/29/12 1:53 PM ]: Or maybe she gave it to me...

MockY[08/29/12 1:53 PM ]: Noone will ever know

MockY[08/29/12 1:56 PM ]: How can a virus ever want to do harm to such a pumkin

MockY[08/29/12 1:56 PM ]: http://www.peterbergstrand.com/gallery/index.php?image=5169

MockY[08/29/12 1:56 PM ]:

MockY[08/29/12 1:56 PM ]: Anywho, I'm signing off.