tgs3[08/27/12 12:07 PM ]: 4 down

MockY[08/27/12 12:11 PM ]: Fruktat svår runda

tgs3[08/27/12 12:12 PM ]: I thought the last one was hard, but its nothing compared to this round

tgs3[08/27/12 12:12 PM ]: Anders thought it was TOO hard...

MockY[08/27/12 12:13 PM ]: Well, leẗ́'s redo it then. Just toss these songs and upload for round 9 again

MockY[08/27/12 12:14 PM ]: Iẗ́'s raining in Busjön

tgs3[08/27/12 12:14 PM ]: Starting to get a bad feeling about Niklas...

MockY[08/27/12 12:14 PM ]: MIssing a day will postpose it a week nowadays

tgs3[08/27/12 12:15 PM ]: truth

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:15 PM ]: word

MockY[08/27/12 12:16 PM ]: Though I don\\t mind listing to this round for another week

tgs3[08/27/12 12:16 PM ]: Yup, its not a terrible one to delay at least

MockY[08/27/12 12:17 PM ]: Great mix with good song. We\\ve got english folk band, American Idol Dave Matthews wannabe, and some good ol moder rock

MockY[08/27/12 12:17 PM ]: Not bad at all

tgs3[08/27/12 12:17 PM ]: Sounds like a 7,8,9,10 vote from Peter

MockY[08/27/12 12:18 PM ]: Just saying a delay would not hurt as much as a theme round

tgs3[08/27/12 12:18 PM ]: very true

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:20 PM ]: iẗ́'s kinda useless now since wë́'re about to take a break, but I would find it useful to know how many of the bands Ḯ've used for the season in the individual voting area are new and used...

tgs3[08/27/12 12:20 PM ]: Ḯ've thought about suggesting that before, too

MockY[08/27/12 12:20 PM ]: Sure

tgs3[08/27/12 12:21 PM ]: It would be nice to know who has old bands left to use

tgs3[08/27/12 12:21 PM ]: But like Nina said, should have asked for it a while ago since wë́'re about to slow down big time

MockY[08/27/12 12:21 PM ]: That counter should probably be on the main page

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:22 PM ]: Ḯ'm fine with that

tgs3[08/27/12 12:22 PM ]: Maybe one of NIklas̈́' brothers should call him and just get this officially pushed back...

MockY[08/27/12 12:23 PM ]: Anders seems to have issues on his own

MockY[08/27/12 12:23 PM ]: Leẗ́'

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:23 PM ]: wow, I have only used two old bands this season

tgs3[08/27/12 12:24 PM ]: yoǘ're way ahead

tgs3[08/27/12 12:25 PM ]: Ḯ've used 5 every season but 1 I think

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:26 PM ]: syns inte jag

MockY[08/27/12 12:26 PM ]: Nope

MockY[08/27/12 12:26 PM ]: Bara då du tjötar

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:26 PM ]: thaẗ́'s weird

MockY[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: Så logga in och ut igen du

tgs3[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: yes it is

MockY[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: Tru dat

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: bra då går jag och lägger mej

MockY[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: haha

MockY[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]: Niklas verkar vara långt ifrån röstningsbar endå, så gör det du

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:27 PM ]:

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:28 PM ]:

tgs3[08/27/12 12:28 PM ]: Poor old Hebbe

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:28 PM ]: när kommer niklas till er då

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:29 PM ]: Sept 25th

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:29 PM ]: ok

MockY[08/27/12 12:31 PM ]: Hoppsan, Rage dök upp

ragee[08/27/12 12:31 PM ]: soryyr sorry sorry

MockY[08/27/12 12:31 PM ]: Anders vill lägga sig

ragee[08/27/12 12:31 PM ]: satte larmet p¨å rigning en halvtimme för sent

ragee[08/27/12 12:32 PM ]: och jag just vakna haha¨

tgs3[08/27/12 12:32 PM ]: we see that

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:32 PM ]: skojja bara

ragee[08/27/12 12:32 PM ]: phew

tgs3[08/27/12 12:33 PM ]: Still weird that Anders doesn̈́'t show up

ragee[08/27/12 12:33 PM ]: jag flyttar snart till ett hus så mellan 1:a sept och 10:sept så har jag inget internet

ragee[08/27/12 12:34 PM ]: så är det helt omöjluigt att rösta en gång till gång denna vecka?

ragee[08/27/12 12:34 PM ]: osyliga mannen

tgs3[08/27/12 12:35 PM ]: Thaẗ́'s up to Anders

ragee[08/27/12 12:35 PM ]: jo men han verkar inte vilja säga något hehe

MockY[08/27/12 12:36 PM ]: Han somnade

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:36 PM ]: vi ska inte ladda upp så det ska väll gå från mobilen

tgs3[08/27/12 12:37 PM ]: Yeah, Niklas!

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:38 PM ]: osynliga mannen

ragee[08/27/12 12:39 PM ]: ska bli trevligt att äntligen få ha ett eget ställe och inte dela med 10 andra

MockY[08/27/12 12:39 PM ]: Så du kan gnugga med flickan utan att behöva vara tysta

ragee[08/27/12 12:40 PM ]: dock kommer vi nog ha en inneboende för det är så fruktansvärt dyrt i Cambridge

tgs3[08/27/12 12:40 PM ]: So some hot British student?

ragee[08/27/12 12:41 PM ]: vi får se

ragee[08/27/12 12:41 PM ]: någon som känns rätt

MockY[08/27/12 12:41 PM ]: var?

MockY[08/27/12 12:41 PM ]:

ragee[08/27/12 12:42 PM ]: 3min från där vi bor nu

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:42 PM ]: So, are you in England to stay?

ragee[08/27/12 12:43 PM ]: minst ett par år till iaf

tgs3[08/27/12 12:44 PM ]: Yoǘ'll have forgotten your Swedish by then

tgs3[08/27/12 12:45 PM ]: So are we saying Niklas will vote by cell phone next week?

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:45 PM ]: jag menade att jag kan rösta från mobilen

tgs3[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: Ah

tgs3[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: So what day?

MockY[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: nej, jag mena, var som det kännas rätt? Theron nämde något om en het student

tgs3[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: Thursday?

tgs3[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: Or Wednesday would be normal, I guess

MockY[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: Sak du känna på pattarna?

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:46 PM ]: onsdag

tgs3[08/27/12 12:47 PM ]: Thaẗ́'s better for me anyway

tgs3[08/27/12 12:47 PM ]: Wherever it feels right, Peter. He won̈́'t know until he meets her

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:47 PM ]: a roommate

tgs3[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: So voting again in 2 days? Just want to make sure everyone agrees.

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: Ḯ'm fine with that

ragee[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: låter bra för mig

MockY[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: well yeah, can̈́'t feel her out via phone

MockY[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: Onsdag it is

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: don̈́'t you mean up

tgs3[08/27/12 12:48 PM ]: haha. I was about to say that

MockY[08/27/12 12:49 PM ]: anyways....

tgs3[08/27/12 12:52 PM ]: Maybe time to vote?

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:52 PM ]: 1

tgs3[08/27/12 12:52 PM ]: We seemd to have run out of conversation

tgs3[08/27/12 12:53 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:53 PM ]: 3

MockY[08/27/12 12:53 PM ]: 4

tgs3[08/27/12 12:54 PM ]: Niklas seems to have lost the internet already...

tgs3[08/27/12 12:56 PM ]: Looks like Ḯ'm not the olnly one having a hard time on figuring out what to upload for the last round

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:56 PM ]: men han syns i alla fall

tgs3[08/27/12 12:56 PM ]: true, hë́'s the opposite of you

ragee[08/27/12 12:56 PM ]: 3434324

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:57 PM ]: jag hittade en skitlåt till att ladda upp i alla fall

ragee[08/27/12 12:57 PM ]: gick ocvh röka mig trodde jag skulle hinna tillbaka innan

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:57 PM ]: against all evil 4p

MockY[08/27/12 12:58 PM ]: Run Away City 5p

ragee[08/27/12 12:58 PM ]: against all evil 6p

tgs3[08/27/12 12:59 PM ]: Runaway City 6p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 12:59 PM ]: Against All Evil 6p

Hebbe[08/27/12 12:59 PM ]: mumford & sons 5p

MockY[08/27/12 12:59 PM ]: Against All Evil 6p

ragee[08/27/12 1:00 PM ]: runaway city 7p

tgs3[08/27/12 1:00 PM ]: Phillip Phillips 7p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:00 PM ]: Ablaze Us 7p

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:00 PM ]: phillip phillips 6p

MockY[08/27/12 1:00 PM ]: Mumford & Sons 8p

ragee[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: phillip phillips 8p

tgs3[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: Mumford & Sons 8p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: Runaway City 8p

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: ablaze us 8p

MockY[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: Phillip Phillips 9p

ragee[08/27/12 1:01 PM ]: Ablaze us 9p

tgs3[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: Ablaze Us 9p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: Mumford & Sons 9p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: sorry

MockY[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: Hoppsan

ragee[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: yaay

MockY[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: 3 toppö́'ngare

tgs3[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: Well, that was an ugly round in terms of who got the points...

MockY[08/27/12 1:02 PM ]: det bådar gott

ragee[08/27/12 1:03 PM ]: trodde det skulle gå åt skogen med Mumford

tgs3[08/27/12 1:03 PM ]: I chose badly again I see

tgs3[08/27/12 1:03 PM ]: Tought round, too, of course

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: 1. ablaze us 33p grattis peter

MockY[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: yeah!!

ragee[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: grääätz

tgs3[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: congrats, damnit

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: 2. mumford & sons 30p

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: 3. phillip phillips 30p

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:04 PM ]: so close

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:05 PM ]: 4. runaway city 26p

MockY[08/27/12 1:05 PM ]: Mumford var mitt val till sista rundan...

MockY[08/27/12 1:05 PM ]: kanske inte dne l[ten dock

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:05 PM ]: 5. against all evil 22p

tgs3[08/27/12 1:06 PM ]: blah

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:07 PM ]: tyckte den var jävligt tjatig

ragee[08/27/12 1:07 PM ]: lär dra nu jag till jobbet

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:07 PM ]: hej då

MockY[08/27/12 1:07 PM ]: puss

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:08 PM ]: have fim

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:08 PM ]: fun

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:08 PM ]: ha fim

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:08 PM ]:

MockY[08/27/12 1:08 PM ]: Yoǘ're still in the lead

tgs3[08/27/12 1:09 PM ]: bye

MockY[08/27/12 1:09 PM ]: Though shared

tgs3[08/27/12 1:09 PM ]: Yeah, my song was repetitive, but so are most songs

tgs3[08/27/12 1:09 PM ]: I shall have to do better next season

MockY[08/27/12 1:10 PM ]: Föll inte på Anders läpp

tgs3[08/27/12 1:10 PM ]: Gotta prepare for the departure of the Hebbster

MockY[08/27/12 1:10 PM ]: Yeah, I will open up my can of serious whoopass

MockY[08/27/12 1:11 PM ]: BEsides Ander̈́'s departure, iẗ́'s season 50

MockY[08/27/12 1:11 PM ]: Thaẗ́'s something right there

tgs3[08/27/12 1:11 PM ]: Thaẗ́'s my hope anyway

tgs3[08/27/12 1:11 PM ]: When the breaks go to long, I lose my SOTD focus often

tgs3[08/27/12 1:12 PM ]: Hmm. Looks like I won season 20, 30 and 40...

tgs3[08/27/12 1:12 PM ]: Well, tied for the lead on 40

MockY[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: ohh wow

MockY[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: you better win 50 then

tgs3[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: Iẗ́'s decided!

MockY[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: But I will do my darnest best to stop you

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: det var mumford som var tjatig

tgs3[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: ah. ok

tgs3[08/27/12 1:13 PM ]: Yeah, I was surprised you voted so low on them

MockY[08/27/12 1:14 PM ]: Den var en minut för lång

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:14 PM ]: din låt var bara inte bra

MockY[08/27/12 1:14 PM ]: Det va ett jävla tjat i slutet

tgs3[08/27/12 1:14 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:14 PM ]: ska jag säga som bara har kört dynga en hel säsong

tgs3[08/27/12 1:15 PM ]: I will attempt to use high quality singers for the next 10 rounds

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:15 PM ]: men det är bara en säsong kvar nu

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:15 PM ]: får se om jag klarar av att motivera mig

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:16 PM ]: måste försöka få med robert också

tgs3[08/27/12 1:16 PM ]: That would be nice

tgs3[08/27/12 1:16 PM ]: The 6 muskateers ride again!

MockY[08/27/12 1:16 PM ]: w000t

MockY[08/27/12 1:17 PM ]: man, then I better dig deep for soe gold nuggets

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:17 PM ]: fan jag kunde inte köra hoobastank

tgs3[08/27/12 1:17 PM ]: Next season you can

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:17 PM ]: så tycker jag att vi kör utan limits

MockY[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: Du kan uppa dom på Onsdag

tgs3[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: Robert voting defintiely adds a different dimension

MockY[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: Vilka limits pratar du om

MockY[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: Nya/Gammla band?

tgs3[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: 5 new bands

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: jupp

MockY[08/27/12 1:18 PM ]: Okidookie

MockY[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: Iẗ́'s season 50 after all

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: eller sänka till 3

tgs3[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: Sure. Ḯ'm cool with that. Nina?

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: Ḯ'm fine with whatever

MockY[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: And you can use the same band multiple times. Also, heard songs can be used. I will use the entire Black album by Metallica

tgs3[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: That might get Robert on board as well. He wasn̈́'t a fan of that rule

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:19 PM ]: så robert får försöka lite

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:20 PM ]: då kör jag live

MockY[08/27/12 1:20 PM ]: haha

tgs3[08/27/12 1:20 PM ]: I think you can do better than that

tgs3[08/27/12 1:20 PM ]: The Black Allbum I mean

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:20 PM ]: I don̈́'t know what I would chose...

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:21 PM ]: Bush?

tgs3[08/27/12 1:21 PM ]: Me neither

tgs3[08/27/12 1:21 PM ]: I have a feeling I would choose really badly and come in last often

tgs3[08/27/12 1:21 PM ]: Except for Niklas. Hë́'d do even worse

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:21 PM ]: That would be kinda interesting...

tgs3[08/27/12 1:22 PM ]: Livë́'s top 5 songs would probably do very, very well

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:22 PM ]: to have to chose only one artist and album for an entire season and pit them against someone elses

tgs3[08/27/12 1:23 PM ]: I have a feeling the same band would win often, but maybe things would be more even than I think

tgs3[08/27/12 1:23 PM ]: 16 Stone would probably be the one several people would want

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:24 PM ]: if you chose wrong, it would be a boring season for that person to loose over and over again

MockY[08/27/12 1:24 PM ]: haha

tgs3[08/27/12 1:24 PM ]: haha. yup

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: yeah, that would piss me off after just 2 rounds

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: And never listen to taht band ever again

tgs3[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: NIklas chooses Naglfar...

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: or that album

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: haha

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: That is my band...

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]:

MockY[08/27/12 1:25 PM ]: But he can have them

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:26 PM ]: Hollywood65!

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:26 PM ]: sorry, wrong place

MockY[08/27/12 1:26 PM ]: Wrong window Nina

tgs3[08/27/12 1:26 PM ]: Now we know someonë́'s password!

tgs3[08/27/12 1:27 PM ]:

tgs3[08/27/12 1:27 PM ]: Oops. Wrong window...

MockY[08/27/12 1:28 PM ]: What the fuck

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:28 PM ]: busar där

MockY[08/27/12 1:28 PM ]: that site was vlocked

MockY[08/27/12 1:28 PM ]: And I wondered what it could feature

MockY[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: This site was categorized in: Video sharing, Adult Themes, Lingerie/Bikini, Sexuality, Nudity, Pornography

tgs3[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: Now yoǘ'll never know

tgs3[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: hmm

MockY[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: Sounds intriguing

MockY[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: LET ME IN!!!!

MockY[08/27/12 1:29 PM ]: Stupid network admin at this place

thebrat13n[08/27/12 1:30 PM ]: Ḯ'm going back to work now...bye

MockY[08/27/12 1:30 PM ]: Hmm, sounds like next round isn̈́'t featuring the same quality as the last one

MockY[08/27/12 1:31 PM ]: Before you stat pasting more passwords

MockY[08/27/12 1:31 PM ]: start*

Hebbe[08/27/12 1:31 PM ]: bye

tgs3[08/27/12 1:31 PM ]: bye

tgs3[08/27/12 1:31 PM ]: Wë́'ll never know when Anders leaves

tgs3[08/27/12 1:32 PM ]: Peter and I have the exact same placing, and Niklas is only 1 different from us...

MockY[08/27/12 1:33 PM ]: Pretty

tgs3[08/27/12 1:33 PM ]: Anders is probably setting a record for 4th place finishes

MockY[08/27/12 1:33 PM ]: lol

tgs3[08/27/12 1:34 PM ]: Hmm. Nina also got 6 in season 24. Anders needs one more to have the record to himself

tgs3[08/27/12 1:36 PM ]: Well, I assume wë́'re done here. See you all in 46 and 23 minutes

tgs3[08/27/12 1:36 PM ]: 46 hours

MockY[08/27/12 1:37 PM ]: Have a good one

tgs3[08/27/12 1:37 PM ]: You have 46 good ones