MockY[10/13/11 10:03 PM ]: Hej g'nget

MockY[10/13/11 10:04 PM ]: gänget

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:04 PM ]: jalopa

tgs3[10/13/11 10:04 PM ]: You're a g'nget

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: jag jobbade igår

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: hi

tgs3[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: So you're working now?

MockY[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: Horade du?

tgs3[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: Prostitution again?

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:05 PM ]: jag är timvikarie på bemanningen

tgs3[10/13/11 10:06 PM ]: Hmm. I can pretty much just make anything up with that answer

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:06 PM ]: så dom ringer mej på morgonen om jag behövs nånstans

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:06 PM ]: barnomsorg och skola

MockY[10/13/11 10:07 PM ]: Är inte barn rädda för dig?

MockY[10/13/11 10:07 PM ]: Du är ju en gammal rödhårig hårdrockare som luktar abborre

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:08 PM ]: möjligt att jag är, men det är ju bara roligare

MockY[10/13/11 10:08 PM ]: mjo, det kan ju vara lite roligt

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:09 PM ]: jag var lärare i klass 2 nord på norräng

MockY[10/13/11 10:11 PM ]: 8-åringar?

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:11 PM ]: ja

tgs3[10/13/11 10:14 PM ]: I'd congratulate you or something if I knew what you guys were talking about

tgs3[10/13/11 10:14 PM ]: As far as I can tell, Anders is in jail for having sex with 8 year olds

tgs3[10/13/11 10:15 PM ]: A Class 2 felony

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:15 PM ]: I'm glad it's not just me

MockY[10/13/11 10:16 PM ]: dirty Anders

MockY[10/13/11 10:16 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:16 PM ]: jag har inte talat om sex alls, jag var lärare

MockY[10/13/11 10:17 PM ]: Som lärde ut om blommor och bin tydligen haha

tgs3[10/13/11 10:17 PM ]: Ah. Timvikarie sounds pretty sexy to me

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:17 PM ]: what's a barnomsorg?

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha, tok-skalle

tgs3[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: Peter said you smelled like fish and kids were scared of you. Seemed like a logical conclusion

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: barnomsorg=dagis

MockY[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: preschool

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: and nord på norräng?

MockY[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: nord is the place

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: peter är inte här och luktar på mej

MockY[10/13/11 10:18 PM ]: Norräng is the area in Lycksele

MockY[10/13/11 10:19 PM ]:

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:19 PM ]: klassen hette klass 2 nord

tgs3[10/13/11 10:19 PM ]: [Shift] <-- there's a reason that key exists on the keyboard

MockY[10/13/11 10:20 PM ]: I thought Caps Lock was for that purpose Ö=

MockY[10/13/11 10:20 PM ]:

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:20 PM ]: can anybody be a substitute teacher?

tgs3[10/13/11 10:20 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: ja kunde tydligen

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: THEN YOUR JUST SHOUTING EVERYTHING

tgs3[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: They randomly call people out of the phone book. Anders was unlucky enough to be home and answer the phone that day. Poor guy

MockY[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: It's like jury duty haha

MockY[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: Sweden has teaching duty

tgs3[10/13/11 10:21 PM ]: I can see they really value education in Sweden...

MockY[10/13/11 10:22 PM ]: I was joking though....

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:22 PM ]: nä jag har anmält mej som timvikarie på bemanningen

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:22 PM ]: man måste ochså lämna in papper från polisen innan man får jobba där

tgs3[10/13/11 10:23 PM ]: And I have sidned up to be a forkilnoser on pholinext

tgs3[10/13/11 10:23 PM ]: "man måste ochså lämna in papper från polisen innan man får jobba där"

tgs3[10/13/11 10:23 PM ]: And I thought Sweden had computers by now...

MockY[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: härmleken börjar nu....

MockY[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: They want to smell you first

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: för att få jobba med barn i sverige måste man visa att man inte är någon förbrytare

MockY[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: And to see if yoiu can use the Shift key

tgs3[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: Ah, that's why I never get the job

tgs3[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: I get in Anders, but papers?

tgs3[10/13/11 10:24 PM ]: it, not in

tgs3[10/13/11 10:25 PM ]: What is this, 1982?

MockY[10/13/11 10:25 PM ]: I would think the popo has your criminal record already

MockY[10/13/11 10:25 PM ]: no, it's Lycksele

tgs3[10/13/11 10:25 PM ]: And that they would let the school have access to that

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:25 PM ]: det är bara jag som kan begära dom papprena tydligen

MockY[10/13/11 10:26 PM ]: Så du går till pappa penis, får dina papper, och sen ger du dom till skolan?

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:27 PM ]: i det här fallet till bemaningen

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:27 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[10/13/11 10:27 PM ]: sure

tgs3[10/13/11 10:27 PM ]: Let's get it over with

MockY[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: Tycker vi ska prata om svensk polis istället

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: 1

MockY[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: 2

tgs3[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: 3

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: desperate union 6p

MockY[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: Abandon Kansas 6p

tgs3[10/13/11 10:28 PM ]: Abandon Kansas 4p

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: Abandon Kansas 4p

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: icon for hire 7p

MockY[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: Desperate Union 7p

tgs3[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: Icon For Hire 6p

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: Desperate Union 6p

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: ffdp 9p

MockY[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: Icon For Hire 8p

tgs3[10/13/11 10:29 PM ]: FIve Finger Death Punch 9p

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 9p

MockY[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: JAAA!!!

MockY[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: Nu blev jag glad

tgs3[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: That order looks pretty obvious

MockY[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: Even my math skills can see who won

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[10/13/11 10:30 PM ]: Yes, congrats to Abandon Kansas

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: 1. Five finger deathpunch 27p grattis peter

MockY[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: w00t

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: congrats

MockY[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: danke

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: 2. icon for hire 20p

MockY[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: Me like dess snubbar

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: 3. desperate union 20p

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: 2. icon for hire 21p

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:31 PM ]: sorry

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:32 PM ]: 4. abandon kansas 14p

tgs3[10/13/11 10:33 PM ]: Desperate only got 19p, sadly

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:33 PM ]: se där inget blev rätt

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:33 PM ]: 3. desperate union 19p

tgs3[10/13/11 10:34 PM ]: You guys all fucked up there

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:34 PM ]: ja det gjorde jag, skulle letat band tidigare

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:35 PM ]: har 3 nya artister som är bättre

MockY[10/13/11 10:35 PM ]: Nu jävlar blev det jämnare i listan

MockY[10/13/11 10:36 PM ]: Nordamerika dominerar fortfarande

MockY[10/13/11 10:36 PM ]: Skulle gissa att samtliga band du hiuttat kommer från USA

tgs3[10/13/11 10:37 PM ]: Uh oh. Anders will dominate some more now

MockY[10/13/11 10:38 PM ]: He had a last place now... he is pissed and want vengance

MockY[10/13/11 10:38 PM ]: vengeance

MockY[10/13/11 10:38 PM ]: ohh, Psych started up again

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: yup

MockY[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: to bad I can't watch it til the season is almost over hhaha

MockY[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: It gets better that way though.

MockY[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: Dexter is building up as well

MockY[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: and I still have the last 2 of Breaking Bad

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:39 PM ]: I have the whole season

MockY[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: the latter I'm very excited about

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: I like doing that one as a marathon

MockY[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: I just couldn't wait for BB

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: both of those

tgs3[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: I couldn't believe Walter killed Jesse

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: funny haha

MockY[10/13/11 10:40 PM ]: Though I did so with season 2, and 3

MockY[10/13/11 10:41 PM ]: But wait now, I though it was Jesse who killed Walter

MockY[10/13/11 10:41 PM ]:

MockY[10/13/11 10:41 PM ]: Season 4 is a real treat Nina

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:42 PM ]: hoppas bara mina nya band håller

tgs3[10/13/11 10:42 PM ]: They won't. Oskar tells me they suck

MockY[10/13/11 10:43 PM ]: Busted already...that must sting

tgs3[10/13/11 10:43 PM ]: Walking Dead also starts on Sunday

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:43 PM ]: det tycker han säkert

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:43 PM ]: my song is not going to do well this time, I'm running on fumes

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:44 PM ]: låter som ni tänker bänka er framför tv:n

tgs3[10/13/11 10:45 PM ]: That's news?

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:45 PM ]: I'm going to bed. I'm feeling kinda crappy, I'm hoping that I'm coming down with something. I'm hoping getting enough sleep with hold it off

MockY[10/13/11 10:45 PM ]: Walking Dead gaaahahhh YEEEEEEES!!!

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:45 PM ]: hoping I'm NOT coming down with something

MockY[10/13/11 10:45 PM ]: good thing Iäm not in your office tomorrow then hehe

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:46 PM ]: håll dej frisk

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:46 PM ]: that's the plan

tgs3[10/13/11 10:47 PM ]: g'night

thebrat13n[10/13/11 10:47 PM ]: good night everyone

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:47 PM ]: god natt

MockY[10/13/11 10:47 PM ]: nighy night

tgs3[10/13/11 10:48 PM ]: Only 2 Us bands it looks like this round, but still no countries that haven't already been used

MockY[10/13/11 10:48 PM ]: That is rare nowadays

MockY[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: I was pretty happy when I stumbled across Juliana Down

MockY[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: they won and had a country that will most likely never be used again

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: jag sa att jag skulle köra svennar

MockY[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: I already know which song I will put on the bottom of my list

tgs3[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: Ooo. Now we know who Anders is...

MockY[10/13/11 10:49 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:50 PM ]: svår gissat

tgs3[10/13/11 10:50 PM ]: I'm concerned that Peter is talking about me

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:51 PM ]: känner mej säker på bottenlåt också

MockY[10/13/11 10:52 PM ]: if so, you will always get 1 point no matter what

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:52 PM ]: vi får hoppas att det är din theron

tgs3[10/13/11 10:52 PM ]:

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:52 PM ]: du ligger närmast

MockY[10/13/11 10:53 PM ]: jäklar annamat

MockY[10/13/11 10:54 PM ]: det är gubbröra i toppen

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:54 PM ]: men jag tror att det är ninas

MockY[10/13/11 10:54 PM ]: återstår att se

MockY[10/13/11 10:54 PM ]: Ska hämta lite mer kaffe

MockY[10/13/11 10:54 PM ]: brb

tgs3[10/13/11 10:55 PM ]: Hope so. I feel like I have one of those song Peter randomly hates because he's a jackass

Hebbe[10/13/11 10:56 PM ]: dax för frukost, sov gott

MockY[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: I hera dthat

MockY[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: heard

tgs3[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: they are all gone, Petey

MockY[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]:

MockY[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: how sad how fast things move along

tgs3[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: I hope you prove me wrong

MockY[10/13/11 10:57 PM ]: ROBERT!!!!!

MockY[10/13/11 10:58 PM ]: mm, coffe and Toblerone. Now that is a flippin awesome combo

tgs3[10/13/11 10:58 PM ]: ??

tgs3[10/13/11 10:59 PM ]: Did Robert just show up at your house?

MockY[10/13/11 10:59 PM ]: no, I just screamed out his name in case he wanted to come back due to it

tgs3[10/13/11 10:59 PM ]: ah

MockY[10/13/11 10:59 PM ]: But if he showed up at my house, that would be awesome as well

tgs3[10/13/11 11:01 PM ]: Yes. Call me if that happens. Any time of the night. Wouldn't matter

MockY[10/13/11 11:01 PM ]: hehe

MockY[10/13/11 11:01 PM ]: will do

tgs3[10/13/11 11:03 PM ]: Think its time to me to signoff. Talk to you tomorrow

MockY[10/13/11 11:03 PM ]: okidookie