tgs3[08/22/11 1:06 PM ]: Hmm. There something very familiar about the attendance of the toom...

tgs3[08/22/11 1:06 PM ]: room

MockY[08/22/11 1:06 PM ]: USA ftw

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:07 PM ]: ftw?

tgs3[08/22/11 1:08 PM ]: For The Win

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:09 PM ]: thanks

tgs3[08/22/11 1:09 PM ]: Peter's probably written that 100 times over the years in SOTD. I guess you just ignored him before?

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:09 PM ]: I see him write wtf, but not ftw

MockY[08/22/11 1:10 PM ]: could have been a typo

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:10 PM ]: maybe I just always red wft

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:10 PM ]: read

tgs3[08/22/11 1:11 PM ]: Looks like I'm inflating the numbers a bit. Just checked the last 10 chats, and he didn't say it in any of them

MockY[08/22/11 1:11 PM ]: Yeah, I have not used it that very often, though it happens from time to time

MockY[08/22/11 1:11 PM ]: maybe you read wtf as well

tgs3[08/22/11 1:13 PM ]: maybe

tgs3[08/22/11 1:14 PM ]: Everyone's times are off by 5 hours today but mine on my screen. Don't remember it being like this in the past

tgs3[08/22/11 1:15 PM ]: But maybe it was. It's right in the logs

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:15 PM ]: I always have a different time than everyone else

MockY[08/22/11 1:15 PM ]: I don't display the time stamp at all

MockY[08/22/11 1:16 PM ]: It should be the time of the server...but maybe that does not work as intended

MockY[08/22/11 1:16 PM ]: It's an old chat script we use. Unfortunately, I have yet to find something better

tgs3[08/22/11 1:17 PM ]: Doesn't really matter, I guess, just thought I'd mention it

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:17 PM ]: this is a hard round to score...

tgs3[08/22/11 1:17 PM ]: Seems like a weird time. 5 hours from us is the middle of the Atlantic

MockY[08/22/11 1:17 PM ]: yeah, I agree. That is odd

tgs3[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: I don't remember it being that hard. Put them in order and point values yesterday...

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: känns otroligt jämn

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: exactly

MockY[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: MIssade helt att Anders kom in

tgs3[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: Anders is awake!

tgs3[08/22/11 1:18 PM ]: He's been in lurker mode apparently

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:19 PM ]: ville inte ge mej in i ett samtal jag inte hade med att göra

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:20 PM ]: that happens to me all the time

tgs3[08/22/11 1:21 PM ]: It happens to me occasionally when the Swedes go off on some super Swedish conversation

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:22 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[08/22/11 1:22 PM ]: Happens less with Robert gone

tgs3[08/22/11 1:22 PM ]: Every now and then they like to quote some Swedish non sense comedy they all seem to think is very funny

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:23 PM ]: är nog dax att ringa nicke

tgs3[08/22/11 1:23 PM ]: I have a phone meeting at 2:00, so it might be time to call Niklas

tgs3[08/22/11 1:23 PM ]: yup

MockY[08/22/11 1:24 PM ]: He will blame his router again

tgs3[08/22/11 1:25 PM ]: It would be cooler if he blamed his rooster

tgs3[08/22/11 1:25 PM ]: "Damn rooster using up all my bandwidth checking out chicks!"

tgs3[08/22/11 1:26 PM ]: Nice of you to join us

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:26 PM ]: har du lyssnat på låtarna, niklas?

ragee[08/22/11 1:27 PM ]: nej jag har ju inte det hehe

ragee[08/22/11 1:27 PM ]: har typ inte vart vid datorn tills nu

ragee[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: trodde jag hade gått om tid så jag har bara letat musik

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: missuppfattning

tgs3[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: Today I learned that Niklas doesn't understand how time works

MockY[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: I thought that was apparent long time ago

ragee[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: haha förklara

tgs3[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: So puch off til tomorrow?

tgs3[08/22/11 1:28 PM ]: Or Wednesday?

ragee[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: tycker vi kan ta det imotgon jag hahga

ragee[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: sorry som fan

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: bestämm ni

MockY[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: Iäm fine with either of those days

tgs3[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: me, too

tgs3[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: I'm out of town Thursday.

ragee[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: jag tycker imoron ja

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: I'm fine with either too

tgs3[08/22/11 1:29 PM ]: I guess round 10 on Monday?

tgs3[08/22/11 1:30 PM ]: Do people want the album vote on Sept 12 weekend or the Sept 19 weekend?

tgs3[08/22/11 1:30 PM ]: Since Niklas is the only one speaking up, let's plan on round 9 tomorrow.

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: OK

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: I need to check with Jesse on which weekend, for some reason I think that somethink is going on, but I'm not sure

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: ok imorgon

tgs3[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: Magically the songs are back. Peter must be a wizard.

ragee[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: jag tycker den 19:e sept

MockY[08/22/11 1:31 PM ]: yeah, I'm quite the wizard

tgs3[08/22/11 1:32 PM ]: Shit, looked at November. The dates are Sepf 10 weekend or Sept 17 weekend

ragee[08/22/11 1:32 PM ]: 17:e då

tgs3[08/22/11 1:32 PM ]: I'm fine with the 17th, but I guess Nina needs to get back to us

tgs3[08/22/11 1:33 PM ]: Peter? Anders?

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:33 PM ]: I would say plan on the 17th unless I say differently

MockY[08/22/11 1:33 PM ]: As far as I can tell, there is nothing hindering me from voting that weekend

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:33 PM ]: går säkert bra

MockY[08/22/11 1:34 PM ]: or any of them

tgs3[08/22/11 1:34 PM ]: Do people prefer Saturday morning, Saturday night, Sunday morning or Sunday night (all times Sweden)?

tgs3[08/22/11 1:34 PM ]: I forget what we decided would be the default.

tgs3[08/22/11 1:34 PM ]: Saturday morning, I think, but I'm cool with whatever

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:35 PM ]: I vote for Sunday mornings in Sweden, I suck here on Friday nights

ragee[08/22/11 1:35 PM ]: jag föredrar nog lördag morgon

ragee[08/22/11 1:35 PM ]: då kan man sova ut på söndagen sen

ragee[08/22/11 1:35 PM ]: och ifall det är nån festlighet så missar jag ej den hehe

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:36 PM ]: I'm not really strong in my opinion, so whatever the majority

tgs3[08/22/11 1:36 PM ]: I would think you'd miss Friday parting with Saturday morning votes

ragee[08/22/11 1:37 PM ]: nje man får väl sätta klockan på rigning

tgs3[08/22/11 1:37 PM ]: I guess we'll say Saturday, Sept 17th at 8.00 for now

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:37 PM ]: oki doki

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:38 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:38 PM ]: putting it in my phone

tgs3[08/22/11 1:38 PM ]: I'd be cool with an even earlier time, but I'm guessing Niklas would protest that

tgs3[08/22/11 1:38 PM ]: Maybe Anders, too

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:39 PM ]: kvittar, man vet aldrig när ungarna börjar

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:39 PM ]: sätter dom framför TV:n

MockY[08/22/11 1:40 PM ]: Friday night for us then

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:40 PM ]: bra barnvakt

tgs3[08/22/11 1:40 PM ]: cool

ragee[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: spelar nog inte nån roll oim det är tidigare

ragee[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: jag kan ju alltid somnna om

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: ok då träffas vi här imorgon kl 22.00

tgs3[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: Well, if you guys really don't care, I'd prefer 07.00.

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: funkar säkert

tgs3[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: 22.00 is better than 23.00 for me. Nina, too, I'm sure

tgs3[08/22/11 1:41 PM ]: Yes, 22.00 here tomorrow

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: ok, god natt

MockY[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: godis

ragee[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: okidoki då ses vi imorgon då

tgs3[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: g'night

thebrat13n[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: god natt and good bye

MockY[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: se till att lyssna på låtarna.-...

ragee[08/22/11 1:42 PM ]: åter igen ber jag så hemskt mycket om ursäkt

ragee[08/22/11 1:43 PM ]: jag lovar

tgs3[08/22/11 1:44 PM ]: rock on

MockY[08/23/11 12:43 PM ]: Broder

ragee[08/23/11 12:44 PM ]: yoooo

ragee[08/23/11 12:45 PM ]: läget då

tgs3[08/23/11 12:55 PM ]: haha. Niklas is early

ragee[08/23/11 12:55 PM ]: always a first

ragee[08/23/11 12:57 PM ]: så hur mås allt idag då?

thebrat13n[08/23/11 12:58 PM ]: fine

ragee[08/23/11 12:59 PM ]: fan va fint

tgs3[08/23/11 12:59 PM ]: Good. Getting ready to take Erica to college

ragee[08/23/11 1:01 PM ]: uhh cool cool

MockY[08/23/11 1:04 PM ]: Jaha, man kanske skulle ta och börja lyssna på låtarna. Ska tanka hem dom först. One sec...

tgs3[08/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Done yet?

tgs3[08/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Done yet?

tgs3[08/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Done yet?

tgs3[08/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Anders birthday is coming up. Maybe we should all chip in and get him an alarm clock?

ragee[08/23/11 1:10 PM ]: jo men tills dess får jag ringa

MockY[08/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Or a nanny or two

tgs3[08/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Mondays I count on being unavailable at this time, but I have things I need to get to today

tgs3[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: I don't think it's the kids

ragee[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: han svarar icket

MockY[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: old age?

MockY[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]:

tgs3[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: They always bother him at 10, but magically don't at 10:15?

ragee[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: haha gener

tgs3[08/23/11 1:11 PM ]: I absolutely need my phone to remind me of things at my old age

tgs3[08/23/11 1:12 PM ]: The garbage would probably get taken out once every 10 times if I didn't have my phone to remind me on Monday nights

MockY[08/23/11 1:14 PM ]: But old people like yourself (sarcasm) usually have routines that are hard to change

MockY[08/23/11 1:14 PM ]: so the garbage needs to be added to one of these routines

MockY[08/23/11 1:15 PM ]: Hebbster!!

MockY[08/23/11 1:15 PM ]: Kanske dags att uppa då

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:15 PM ]: ja gör det

tgs3[08/23/11 1:16 PM ]: Daily routines, sure. Weekly routines I don't have. Or at least not on a very good schedule

MockY[08/23/11 1:16 PM ]: du måste ge mig något att uppa först

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:16 PM ]: jag kan uppa åt dej

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:16 PM ]:

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: ge mej en siffra

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: gör det du. Du har gjort bättre ifrån dig denna säsong

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: haha, en siffra

ragee[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: har Blue October släppt en ny skiva?

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: men gör jag det så börjar du ju rösta

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: mjo

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: Anders uppar väl en melodi idag antar jag

ragee[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: är den bra?

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: då det är sista rundan

MockY[08/23/11 1:17 PM ]: haha nej det är den inte

MockY[08/23/11 1:18 PM ]: den har några trevliga spår men i övrigt en dyngplatta

tgs3[08/23/11 1:18 PM ]: I wouldn't go that far, but Peter has no ability to be moderate in his ratings

ragee[08/23/11 1:18 PM ]: va trist

tgs3[08/23/11 1:18 PM ]: It's on par with Approaching Normal for me

MockY[08/23/11 1:18 PM ]: väldigt

ragee[08/23/11 1:19 PM ]: hahahaha dagens sanning hahaha

MockY[08/23/11 1:19 PM ]: tycker han ska gå tillbaka till rehab

tgs3[08/23/11 1:19 PM ]: A little less variation maybe, so a bit more boring

MockY[08/23/11 1:20 PM ]: Plattan finns i streamern ifall du vill tanka eller streama

MockY[08/23/11 1:21 PM ]: hint hint Anders

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:22 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[08/23/11 1:26 PM ]: Nästa uppning kommer låtarna garanterat att bli textade, så sista chansen...just saying

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:26 PM ]: jag har inte uppgifterna till skivarkivet längre

tgs3[08/23/11 1:26 PM ]: He can still do it next time by me. Next Monday squeezes in the 2 week deadline for me

MockY[08/23/11 1:28 PM ]: Ahh for round 1. Yeah, true

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:29 PM ]: ge mej uppgifterna till skivarkivet så jag kommer in

tgs3[08/23/11 1:29 PM ]:

tgs3[08/23/11 1:29 PM ]: How can you lose this stuff? Do you not back up anything from your computer?

MockY[08/23/11 1:31 PM ]: Should have it in the wallet

tgs3[08/23/11 1:31 PM ]: Even just a flashdrive to shove flashftp on...

MockY[08/23/11 1:31 PM ]: Använder skivarkivet ofta hör jag

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:31 PM ]: sparar musik och bilder och lite program på externa hårddisken

tgs3[08/23/11 1:31 PM ]: and other vital documents

tgs3[08/23/11 1:32 PM ]: If it's ONLY on the external hard drive, its not really a backup then

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:32 PM ]:

tgs3[08/23/11 1:32 PM ]: I mean, losing all your pictures from the last few years would really suck if your drive goes bad

tgs3[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: This advice probably applies to Nina, too

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: Mine are backed up

tgs3[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: I shouldn't say "if" your drive goes bad, but "when" your drive goes bad. They all do eventually.

MockY[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: Nu är ni alla vitne om att jag har skickat FTP inloggingsuppgifter till både SOTD och Mp3arkivet

tgs3[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: Good to hear

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:33 PM ]: 9283

MockY[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: Såvida Anders inte plockar bort dom, så kommer han nu alltid ha uppgifterna i mailen

tgs3[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: I guess that's on advantage to just checking email online

MockY[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: så inga mer ursäkter

MockY[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: jobbet kallar

MockY[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: brb

tgs3[08/23/11 1:34 PM ]: Since my SOTD account is in IMAP, I send stuff to it I want access to sometimes so that I can always get to it

MockY[08/23/11 1:36 PM ]: I do POP, but I have a majority of my credentials in2 places. So as long as I have access to a computer with INternet, I can access these sources, either via VPN, SSH, RDP, VNC, FTP...and so forth

tgs3[08/23/11 1:37 PM ]: Anders, I was wondering if you'd like to vote a different time.

MockY[08/23/11 1:37 PM ]: If I remember the initial login to the sources that is

tgs3[08/23/11 1:37 PM ]: 22.00 doesn't seem to be very good for you.

MockY[08/23/11 1:40 PM ]: He fell asleep watcing the browser downloading the album

tgs3[08/23/11 1:40 PM ]: I was going to say he was busy listening to it, but your answer is probably better

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:44 PM ]: ha ha

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:44 PM ]: hade lite mer mejl än peters som jag kollade

MockY[08/23/11 1:45 PM ]: Lite förvånad att Anders inte har koll på Blue october längre. Arbetslösheten har satt sina spår

MockY[08/23/11 1:46 PM ]: Give him a box of fish to clean...STAT

tgs3[08/23/11 1:46 PM ]: I think they would do the opposite for me, but I guess you're right

tgs3[08/23/11 1:47 PM ]: Maybe we should vote? People seem to be talked out today

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:48 PM ]: jag kanske inte har ett jobb för tillfället, men jag är inte sysslolös

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:48 PM ]: 1

ragee[08/23/11 1:48 PM ]: Till och med jag är tyst

tgs3[08/23/11 1:48 PM ]: 2

ragee[08/23/11 1:48 PM ]: 7564764764

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:49 PM ]: 4

MockY[08/23/11 1:50 PM ]: 6

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:50 PM ]: calling all cars 5p

MockY[08/23/11 1:50 PM ]: New Medicine 4p

ragee[08/23/11 1:50 PM ]: Emarosa 4p

tgs3[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: Emarosa 4p

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: Alucrash 5p

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: new medecine 6p

MockY[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: Dorydrive 5p

ragee[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: calling all cards 5p

tgs3[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: New Medicine 5p

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:51 PM ]: Calling All Cars 6p

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:52 PM ]: dorydrive 7p

MockY[08/23/11 1:52 PM ]: Alucrash 6p

ragee[08/23/11 1:52 PM ]: new medicine 6p

tgs3[08/23/11 1:52 PM ]: Alucrash 6p

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:52 PM ]: Dorydrive 7p

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: alucrash 8p

MockY[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Emarosa 7p

ragee[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Dorydrive 7p

tgs3[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Calling All Cars 8p

thebrat13n[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Emarosa 8p

MockY[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Emarosa fick sig 2 lägstapoänger och 2 högstapoänger.

MockY[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Sicken röstning

ragee[08/23/11 1:53 PM ]: splittrat som satan

tgs3[08/23/11 1:54 PM ]: Looks to be very even

MockY[08/23/11 1:54 PM ]: Skulle haft en dödare i denna runda

MockY[08/23/11 1:54 PM ]: skulle haft en dödare i varje jag ska vara ärlig

ragee[08/23/11 1:54 PM ]: jag har ju det men det verkar inte vara någon som fattar det

tgs3[08/23/11 1:55 PM ]: Sure. Why in this round? It was needed.

tgs3[08/23/11 1:55 PM ]: Wasn't needed

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:56 PM ]: 1. dorydrive 26p grattis theron

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:56 PM ]: 2. alucrush 25p

MockY[08/23/11 1:56 PM ]: jahapp, då tog han hem segern

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:56 PM ]: 3. calling all cars 24p

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:56 PM ]: 4. emarosa 23p

tgs3[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: Good round to squeeze by on

tgs3[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: This does make me feel much better heading into the last round

ragee[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: skönt att få in nån mer poäng innan album

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: 5. new medicine 21p

MockY[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: etta på 26p

MockY[08/23/11 1:57 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[08/23/11 1:58 PM ]: Pretty weak, but I'll take the 4p

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:58 PM ]: trodde jag skulle komma sist, så det gick ju bättre än så

Hebbe[08/23/11 1:58 PM ]: tråkigt att theron skulle dra ifrån

tgs3[08/23/11 1:59 PM ]: I like Emarosa at first, but it starting grinding on me fairly soon

tgs3[08/23/11 2:00 PM ]: Geez.. My grammar sucks in a chat

tgs3[08/23/11 2:00 PM ]: Looks like we're still having trouble getting 5 songs in before we vote...

tgs3[08/23/11 2:01 PM ]: Anders, I was wondering if you'd prefer some time other than 22.00 for our round votes?

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:01 PM ]: så nu måste jag vinna och theron komma sist

tgs3[08/23/11 2:01 PM ]: I don't think it matters much to Nina and Peter

tgs3[08/23/11 2:02 PM ]: Yup. It could certainly happen, but I would be a little surprised to come in last.

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:02 PM ]: nä vi kan köra så här

tgs3[08/23/11 2:02 PM ]: 4 other good songs could make it happen.

tgs3[08/23/11 2:02 PM ]: Or maybe my taste on this song is way off. Happenede in round 8 with Stria

tgs3[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: You just seem to be 15 minutes late every time, which is why I brought it up

MockY[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: jag klarar av Niklas i alla fall

MockY[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: så som sämst kan jag komma 3:a

MockY[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: har siktet på Anders nu

tgs3[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: You have a chance for 2nd, Peter

ragee[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: Alucrash är svenskar

tgs3[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: exactly

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:03 PM ]: hade lite att göra först

ragee[08/23/11 2:04 PM ]: så de hamnar rätt

tgs3[08/23/11 2:04 PM ]: Nina's small chance for 4th has now disappeared

tgs3[08/23/11 2:04 PM ]: I'm not talking about today, Anders

MockY[08/23/11 2:04 PM ]: Jag är den enda utan vinst

MockY[08/23/11 2:04 PM ]: va fan

MockY[08/23/11 2:05 PM ]: dags att sluta säsongen med en sådan

MockY[08/23/11 2:05 PM ]: KOmmer gå bra på plattan det här

MockY[08/23/11 2:05 PM ]: 5 3:e placeringar...geez

tgs3[08/23/11 2:06 PM ]: Yeah, you have a bit of a weird looking line this season

MockY[08/23/11 2:06 PM ]: Finns chans till vinst nästa runda dock

MockY[08/23/11 2:06 PM ]: får hoppas på det

tgs3[08/23/11 2:07 PM ]: Good chance, I think

tgs3[08/23/11 2:08 PM ]: I was saving that band until next season. Stupid Theron

MockY[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: So far I have the best tune...w000t

tgs3[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: Interesting to see Michael Jackson's guitar player in this round

tgs3[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]:

tgs3[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: she seems pretty good

MockY[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: She did it

MockY[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: killed him that is

MockY[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: with her axe

tgs3[08/23/11 2:10 PM ]: Good for her

tgs3[08/23/11 2:12 PM ]: I need to get back to work. See everyone next Monday

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:12 PM ]: hej då camp

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: champ

MockY[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: puss och kram dårå

tgs3[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]:

thebrat13n[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: bye, I need to eat

tgs3[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: Pray

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: bye

tgs3[08/23/11 2:13 PM ]: and love

MockY[08/23/11 2:14 PM ]: pitbulls

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:18 PM ]: blue october tappar mark

ragee[08/23/11 2:20 PM ]: nej nu ska jag ta och sova...ovanligt sagt från min sida hahaha

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:20 PM ]: god natt

ragee[08/23/11 2:20 PM ]: kunde rösta på måndag eller hade ina problem föresten?

ragee[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: *Nina

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: röstning måndag

ragee[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: okidoki

ragee[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: bye bye

MockY[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: hopp hopp

MockY[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: snopp

MockY[08/23/11 2:21 PM ]: vagina

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:24 PM ]: verkar inte finnas någon vinnar låt med på nya plattan

Hebbe[08/23/11 2:27 PM ]: god natt