tgs3[02/21/11 3:59 PM ]: S

tgs3[02/21/11 3:59 PM ]: O

tgs3[02/21/11 3:59 PM ]: T

tgs3[02/21/11 3:59 PM ]: D

tgs3[02/21/11 3:59 PM ]: !

ragee[02/21/11 4:01 PM ]: wauuup yáll

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: Nu pratar han Slovakiska

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: Dags att sluta upp med att h'lsa p[ d'r borta

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: Hmm det där var tydligen AMrsianska

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: dumma prickar

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: Marsianska*

MockY[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: I need a beer

ragee[02/21/11 4:03 PM ]: hihi är ju i SVK nu så vadf annars kan jag prata

tgs3[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: Do really need to get angry at Swedish dots every single chat session?

ragee[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: föressten peter det fattas poäng på mig

ragee[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: och typ på nina

tgs3[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: me, too

tgs3[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: I should have 8p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:04 PM ]: fuckers

MockY[02/21/11 4:05 PM ]: Såg att dom låtarna inte hade någon placering

MockY[02/21/11 4:05 PM ]: ska vara fixat nu dock

tgs3[02/21/11 4:05 PM ]: Nope. I still only have 5p

MockY[02/21/11 4:05 PM ]: Jag behöver dock en äl i all afall

tgs3[02/21/11 4:06 PM ]: hmm.... äl

tgs3[02/21/11 4:06 PM ]: tasty

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:06 PM ]: eller älg

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:06 PM ]: eller älskog

MockY[02/21/11 4:06 PM ]: älgpiss

tgs3[02/21/11 4:07 PM ]: La Cerveza del Pacifico apparently

tgs3[02/21/11 4:07 PM ]: The office is so much nicer when there aren't any employees here

MockY[02/21/11 4:07 PM ]: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale för mig

tgs3[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: Time to fire them all and make all our customers only contact us thru the internet

MockY[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: word

tgs3[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: And have automated responses for all their issues

MockY[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: or redirect them all to Anders

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: ha ha

ragee[02/21/11 4:08 PM ]: varför är det inge folk inge på jobbbet

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:09 PM ]: dom hittar inte dit

tgs3[02/21/11 4:09 PM ]: It's Washington's Birthday

tgs3[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: He'll be 279 years old tomorrow

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: It's Presidents Day

tgs3[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: Fuck Lincoln. I only celebrate the father of our country

ragee[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: ahhhaaa så en röd dag alltså

tgs3[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: Yup

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:10 PM ]: thank goodness there's not a day off for every presidents birthday, that would get kinda rediculous

tgs3[02/21/11 4:11 PM ]: What do you mean? You're not taking Chester Arthur's birthday off next Monday?

MockY[02/21/11 4:11 PM ]: Yeah....

tgs3[02/21/11 4:12 PM ]: I'm going to take July 11th off for my favorite president, John Quincy Adams

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:13 PM ]: tror jag ska se till att Gustav Vasa födelsedag blir röd

ragee[02/21/11 4:13 PM ]: tror inte vi får nå mer röda dagar här

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: how many red days do you have?

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: vi skulle haft 20 till minst

ragee[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: hmm bra fråga

ragee[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: är det 15 vi har

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: alldeles för många arbetsdagar

ragee[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: men vi har ju 25 semester dagar oxkså

tgs3[02/21/11 4:14 PM ]: wow. We only get 9, and as a boss, I think that's about 4 too many

tgs3[02/21/11 4:15 PM ]: I'd rather give more vacation days and less holidays

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:15 PM ]: och vi har 450 föräldradagar

tgs3[02/21/11 4:16 PM ]: We have grandparent days here in the US. Some people call it retirement

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:17 PM ]: pension skulle man haft vid 40

tgs3[02/21/11 4:18 PM ]: As long as you're OK living in a tent, you can have it then...

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:18 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[02/21/11 4:19 PM ]: that could be pretty cold in the Winter

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:19 PM ]: vi hade -34 förra veckan

tgs3[02/21/11 4:19 PM ]: Migrate to Italy during the winter months

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:20 PM ]: det är snart mars då kommer solen och värmer upp vinterkroppen

MockY[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: fy fan. Kylan hade absolut inte varit en anledning till att sakna Sverige

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: vargavinter i år

tgs3[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: As far as I'm concerned, Sweden only exists from June to August

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: GAhh. min rygg smärtar

tgs3[02/21/11 4:21 PM ]: Not sure where Anders is right now

MockY[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: He is on the Internet

MockY[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: grönland

tgs3[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: ah, yes. Like Tron

tgs3[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: Or Neo

MockY[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: all Swedes are there when the cold comes around

MockY[02/21/11 4:22 PM ]: No, Neo IS Internet

MockY[02/21/11 4:23 PM ]: Just like GOD is earth

tgs3[02/21/11 4:23 PM ]: But Anders is the Snader!

MockY[02/21/11 4:23 PM ]: who-what that is

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:23 PM ]: the Snader?

tgs3[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: Neo is the One, Anders is the Snader

tgs3[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: I couldn't come up with a better word using a n d e r s

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: Nina, wanna translate?

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: ahh

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: I like it

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: He is Snader from now on

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]: Öp

MockY[02/21/11 4:24 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:25 PM ]: jag brykar köra med Sredna

tgs3[02/21/11 4:25 PM ]: Here's what Google came up with:

tgs3[02/21/11 4:25 PM ]: Ray Snader

MockY[02/21/11 4:25 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/21/11 4:25 PM ]: Is that Aaron Lewis in 40 years?

MockY[02/21/11 4:26 PM ]: Good ol country boy

tgs3[02/21/11 4:26 PM ]: or 2 years of meth use

MockY[02/21/11 4:26 PM ]: Notice the placement of the ring

MockY[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: Not proud of his woman apparently

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: I don't think it was a wedding ring

tgs3[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: I was about to say that

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: it was a pinky ring

tgs3[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: He appears unmarriable

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:27 PM ]: like mobsters have

tgs3[02/21/11 4:28 PM ]: Looks a little like Jesse's father if I remember right

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:29 PM ]: ska vi rösta?

tgs3[02/21/11 4:29 PM ]: sure

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:30 PM ]: 1

tgs3[02/21/11 4:30 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/21/11 4:31 PM ]: 3

tgs3[02/21/11 4:31 PM ]: That beer went right thru me. brb

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:31 PM ]: 4

ragee[02/21/11 4:31 PM ]: 245535

MockY[02/21/11 4:31 PM ]: muahaha

MockY[02/21/11 4:32 PM ]: It's mobster pa'

tgs3[02/21/11 4:32 PM ]: back

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:32 PM ]: noah and the whale 5p

MockY[02/21/11 4:33 PM ]: Aaron Lewis 4p

ragee[02/21/11 4:33 PM ]: aron lewis 3p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:33 PM ]: Aaron Lewis 4p

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:33 PM ]: Noah and the Whale 4p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:33 PM ]: within temptation 6p

MockY[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: My Chemical Romance 6p

ragee[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: my chemical romance 4p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: Noah and the Whale 5p

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: Aaron Lewis 5p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: my cemical romance 7p

MockY[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: Noah And The Whale 7p

ragee[02/21/11 4:34 PM ]: Within Temptation 7p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: My Chemical Romance 7p

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: Within Temptation 6p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: rev theory 8p

MockY[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: Rev Theory 8p

ragee[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: Rev Theory 8p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: Within Temptation 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:35 PM ]: Rev Theory 7p

MockY[02/21/11 4:36 PM ]: Slaughter alá Theron

tgs3[02/21/11 4:36 PM ]: nice to be back

tgs3[02/21/11 4:36 PM ]: my rounds have been very black and white so far this season

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:37 PM ]: 1. aaron lewis 40p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:37 PM ]:

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:37 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:37 PM ]: oj då

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: 1. rev theory 31p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: congrats Anders!!!

MockY[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: grattis theron

ragee[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: hihi lustigt

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:38 PM ]: 2. within temptation 27p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:39 PM ]: 3. my cemical romance 24p

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:39 PM ]: 4. noah 21p

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:39 PM ]: yeay. Points

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:39 PM ]: 5, aaron 16p

tgs3[02/21/11 4:39 PM ]: I flip flopped Within and My Chemical at the last minure, but I see that it didn't matter

ragee[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: just ja jag kan inte rösta på torsdag

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: nope, 'cause Niklas sucks

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: jaja jag har inte så mycke nya att komma med endå

ragee[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: så ska vi rösta onsdag istället eller ska vi ta det nästa måndag?

ragee[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: ts you suck as well

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: måndag

ragee[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: tihi

tgs3[02/21/11 4:40 PM ]: Anders has spoken

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:41 PM ]: det har jag

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:41 PM ]: what did Anders say?

ragee[02/21/11 4:41 PM ]: oki måndag då

tgs3[02/21/11 4:42 PM ]: he said "Fuck Wednesday!"

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:42 PM ]: måndag

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:42 PM ]: I'm cool with Monday, I'm gonna be busier than normal this week anyway

ragee[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: och jag ska up fem imorgon så jag lär försöka sova nu oxå

MockY[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: I'm prefectly fine with that as well

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: natti natti

ragee[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: well well verkar var en nicew runda detta som komer så en veckas lssnar gör nog inget

MockY[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: vi ska väl ta och fortsätta jobba, jag och Theron

ragee[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: natti allihopa

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:44 PM ]: sov gott, hälsa elsa

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: W00t, jag leder fortfarande

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]:

ragee[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: elsa hälsar tillbaka'

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: Elsa

thebrat13n[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: hopefully I won't see you later 'cause you'll be all done

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: hmm, ligger du med andra nu igen

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: gott

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: öppet förhollande tydligen. Slovakiskor....

MockY[02/21/11 4:45 PM ]: å

tgs3[02/21/11 4:46 PM ]: They are modern

tgs3[02/21/11 4:46 PM ]: Or 60's style retro

MockY[02/21/11 4:46 PM ]: ahh

tgs3[02/21/11 4:46 PM ]: I believe little Peter is waiting for me to join him in his office. So I better sign off. Cya in a week, Anders

MockY[02/21/11 4:47 PM ]: puss och kram

Hebbe[02/21/11 4:47 PM ]: hej då