tgs3[09/24/10 3:59 PM ]: I think you might be in trouble, Peter

MockY[09/24/10 4:01 PM ]: That means that you were not to impressed with my song at all

MockY[09/24/10 4:02 PM ]: since this round was mediocre at best

MockY[09/24/10 4:03 PM ]: We do currently have the same point but Niklas has more received points. So with that in mind, he does deserve the win more than me

MockY[09/24/10 4:03 PM ]: 237 vs. 243

MockY[09/24/10 4:03 PM ]: Not a big difference, but still

tgs3[09/24/10 4:04 PM ]: MockY[9:02:06 PM]: since this round was mediocre at best

tgs3[09/24/10 4:04 PM ]: Your music taste sucks dick

MockY[09/24/10 4:04 PM ]: Boring ass tunes

MockY[09/24/10 4:04 PM ]: Nothing happens in any of the tunes

tgs3[09/24/10 4:05 PM ]: Just the Prime Circle one

MockY[09/24/10 4:05 PM ]: It's just one long verse

tgs3[09/24/10 4:05 PM ]: Yeah, why did you pick that song?

MockY[09/24/10 4:05 PM ]: Was not talking about that one at all

tgs3[09/24/10 4:05 PM ]: Sure you were, you juct don't know it

MockY[09/24/10 4:06 PM ]: *looking at the finnish contestants*

tgs3[09/24/10 4:06 PM ]: Linkin Park isn't Finnish

MockY[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: so?

MockY[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: LP one is just noice

tgs3[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: That means good

tgs3[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: As, in, "My girlfriend has a noice ass"

ragee[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: Plupp

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:07 PM ]: Not boring atleast

MockY[09/24/10 4:08 PM ]: I give you that

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: I'm still laughing inside when thinking about that quote from "Born to Run"

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: I can just imagine how that would look like

tgs3[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: Glad you had that much fun with it

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: Old man trying to spear naked wrestling women with a corn cob

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: muhaha

tgs3[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: hilarious

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: their butts that is

MockY[09/24/10 4:09 PM ]: Since you mentioned ass

tgs3[09/24/10 4:14 PM ]: Did you guys hear that?

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:14 PM ]: vad?

tgs3[09/24/10 4:15 PM ]: My stomach growling

MockY[09/24/10 4:15 PM ]: Did you fart?

tgs3[09/24/10 4:15 PM ]: Wasn't sure how loud it was

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:15 PM ]: bäst att rösta då

tgs3[09/24/10 4:16 PM ]:

tgs3[09/24/10 4:16 PM ]: Damn, long link

tgs3[09/24/10 4:16 PM ]: but so cute

MockY[09/24/10 4:16 PM ]: Theron is Facebooking

tgs3[09/24/10 4:16 PM ]: googling actually

tgs3[09/24/10 4:17 PM ]: was hoping there was some unknown embarrassing picture of you, but that's all I found

MockY[09/24/10 4:17 PM ]: I don't have such on my profile.

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:17 PM ]: ska vi ta och rösta

tgs3[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: Shall we vote and get this season of the Bergstrands over with?

ragee[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: sure we can

tgs3[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: 1

MockY[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: Låter som om Anders är trött

tgs3[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: Of you

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: 2

MockY[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: Ja, låt oss ge Niklas hans förtjänta vinst

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: jo jag är trött

MockY[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: 4

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:18 PM ]: 5

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: till och med robert vet om att nicke har chans på seger

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: linkin park 4p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: Was it in Dagens Nyheter?

ragee[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: 4234234

MockY[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: Charlotte Sometimes 4p

ragee[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: Linkin Park 3p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:19 PM ]: Charlotte Sometimes 3p

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Entwine 5p

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: prime circle 5p

MockY[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Linkin Park 5p

ragee[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Charlotte Sometimes 4p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Linkin Park 5p

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Charon 6p

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: entwine 7p

MockY[09/24/10 4:20 PM ]: Charon 6p

ragee[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Prime Circle 6p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Prime Circle 6p

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Charlotte Sometimes 7p

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: charon 8p

MockY[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Entwine 7p

ragee[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Entwine 7p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Charon 9p

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:21 PM ]: Prime Circle 8p

MockY[09/24/10 4:22 PM ]: Grattis Nicke. Äntligen en vinst!!

ragee[09/24/10 4:22 PM ]: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

MockY[09/24/10 4:22 PM ]: Trodde jag skulle få med mig Anders då han låter som Gavin Rosdale.. men inte då

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:22 PM ]: That's one of the reason I liked it

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:23 PM ]: för mycket stone temple pilots över den låten

MockY[09/24/10 4:23 PM ]: Nina votes correctly

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:23 PM ]: well, I like STP too

tgs3[09/24/10 4:23 PM ]: Nina's voting has sucked all season

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:23 PM ]: inte jag, så 5p är inte dåligt

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:24 PM ]: trodde jag skulle få med peter också på min låt men det blev bara nina

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:24 PM ]: och knappt det

MockY[09/24/10 4:25 PM ]: Det va nära. Den var betydligt högre först, men den blev tradig till sist

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:25 PM ]: Those two fought for top, but neither deserved a 9 and I liked that one better

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:25 PM ]: den är grymt skön

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:26 PM ]: jag försöker att ta med en kvinnlig artist varje säsong

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:26 PM ]: 1. charon 29p grattis grattis nicke

tgs3[09/24/10 4:26 PM ]: That's unfortunate for you

tgs3[09/24/10 4:27 PM ]: Congrats on the seasona and round, Niklas

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:27 PM ]: 2. entwine 26p

ragee[09/24/10 4:27 PM ]: så jälla underbart att gå gå ut med an chaabang

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:27 PM ]: mer syn om er som inte hör det braiga i låten

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: 3. prime circle 25p

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: 4. charlotte 18p

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: 5. linkin park 17p

tgs3[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: Yeah, nice way to finish, Niklas

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: spöa linkin park ialla fall

tgs3[09/24/10 4:28 PM ]: Poor Linkin Park and their shitty little album

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:29 PM ]: I actually liked that song, but that's about it

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:29 PM ]: det finn inte en enda bra låt på det albumet

MockY[09/24/10 4:30 PM ]: Det är en bedrövlig platta

tgs3[09/24/10 4:30 PM ]: Yeah, I don't know what they're doing

MockY[09/24/10 4:31 PM ]: USA fick se sig våldtagna idag

MockY[09/24/10 4:31 PM ]: Inte en enda sistaplacering Nicke. Fasen, en otroligt rolig men ovanlig säsong för dig

MockY[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: Och jag fick inte Music Hater Award denna gång

tgs3[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: Weird season all around

Hebbe[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: jaja, god natt sotd-are

tgs3[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: Nina got more wins that Peter this season, for example

MockY[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: jahapp. Ja god natt då

MockY[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: That is true

tgs3[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: Seeya online in 2 weeks, Anders

MockY[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: haha

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: I think I saved him from being last

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:32 PM ]: seeya

MockY[09/24/10 4:33 PM ]: I now have both the most 2nd and 3rd places

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:33 PM ]: More correct is I saved everyone from being last

MockY[09/24/10 4:33 PM ]: And Theron has no record anymore there

MockY[09/24/10 4:33 PM ]: Yeah, this season sure was odd

tgs3[09/24/10 4:33 PM ]: Yup

MockY[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: Anders now has 100 wins even

ragee[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: natti natti all

MockY[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: worth mentioning

ragee[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: tack för en underbar säspng

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: natti natti

thebrat13n[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: congratulations

MockY[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: natti natti och stort grattis

ragee[09/24/10 4:34 PM ]: tack tack

tgs3[09/24/10 4:35 PM ]: Anders wins, even if they are 100, aren't so far ahead any more

tgs3[09/24/10 4:35 PM ]: He used to really dominate that category

MockY[09/24/10 4:35 PM ]: yeah, we both are crawling closer now

MockY[09/24/10 4:36 PM ]: Especially you

MockY[09/24/10 4:36 PM ]: 21 points behind overall...

MockY[09/24/10 4:36 PM ]: in 3 seasons, you can be first

MockY[09/24/10 4:36 PM ]: If he continues to suck like this

tgs3[09/24/10 4:36 PM ]: Not they was I've been doing. I need to get back on the ball.

MockY[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: In Anders standards that is

tgs3[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: Not as badly as Anders does, but I need to correct myself, too

MockY[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: by*

MockY[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: well, true

MockY[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: but the fact that both you and Anders did relatively poorly, it opens up for others

MockY[09/24/10 4:37 PM ]: To see Niklas win the season was really cool

MockY[09/24/10 4:38 PM ]: He needed that extra pat on the back in order to not complteley loose interest

MockY[09/24/10 4:38 PM ]: I know how frustrating along streak of badness can be

tgs3[09/24/10 4:38 PM ]: Yup, now Anders need something

MockY[09/24/10 4:39 PM ]: 3 kids and a wife less maybe

tgs3[09/24/10 4:39 PM ]: The last one seems to have really pushed him over the top

tgs3[09/24/10 4:39 PM ]: Last kid, I mean

MockY[09/24/10 4:40 PM ]: Good for Niklas

MockY[09/24/10 4:40 PM ]: If only Nina could learn to take advantage of his downfall as well lol

tgs3[09/24/10 4:41 PM ]: That won't happen until she gets her work life under control, which I assume is still at least a season away

MockY[09/24/10 4:42 PM ]: Go Niklas

tgs3[09/24/10 4:43 PM ]: We'll see. Last time he won a season, he followed up with a couple last place seasons after that