Ragee[05/17/10 4:04 PM ]: evenng

tgs3[05/17/10 4:05 PM ]: not yet

MockY[05/17/10 4:05 PM ]: tjaluupa

MockY[05/17/10 4:07 PM ]: Hela gänget samlat

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:07 PM ]: jalopa

Ragee[05/17/10 4:08 PM ]: cool

MockY[05/17/10 4:08 PM ]: En tyst minut för Ronnie James Dio

MockY[05/17/10 4:08 PM ]: *silence*

MockY[05/17/10 4:10 PM ]: RIP old man.

Ragee[05/17/10 4:10 PM ]: knäpptyst

MockY[05/17/10 4:11 PM ]: redan gått en minut juh

Ragee[05/17/10 4:12 PM ]: upptaget göng detta

MockY[05/17/10 4:13 PM ]: Dom gråter

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:13 PM ]: det var ju trist

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:13 PM ]: man har fått äran att se och lyssna på honom live 2 ggr

MockY[05/17/10 4:13 PM ]: mjo, man hann med att göra det

tgs3[05/17/10 4:26 PM ]: damnphone calls!

tgs3[05/17/10 4:26 PM ]: Now I can mourn Dio

Ragee[05/17/10 4:27 PM ]: jo men du är ju chef så det är väl nåt du lär vara van vid

tgs3[05/17/10 4:27 PM ]: Yeah, but being the boss means I'm lazy

Ragee[05/17/10 4:28 PM ]: hahaha

MockY[05/17/10 4:28 PM ]: So who will go next? Ozzy or Micj Jagger?

tgs3[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: Courtney Love

Ragee[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: Mick Jagger

MockY[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: She does not count ffs

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: dio hade i alla fall cancer

tgs3[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: Meat Loaf

MockY[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: He will live forever

Ragee[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: Ozzy tror jag är för sönder knarkad och supen för stt dö

MockY[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: He must for Fight Clib 2

tgs3[05/17/10 4:29 PM ]: Bob Paulson

MockY[05/17/10 4:30 PM ]: if that ever gets made

tgs3[05/17/10 4:30 PM ]: Would be very surprised if that happened

MockY[05/17/10 4:30 PM ]: Good ol Paulson

MockY[05/17/10 4:31 PM ]: yeah, I don't think it's possible

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:33 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[05/17/10 4:34 PM ]: es

tgs3[05/17/10 4:34 PM ]: or yes

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:34 PM ]: 1

tgs3[05/17/10 4:34 PM ]: 2

tgs3[05/17/10 4:34 PM ]: The Eff said Dal

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:35 PM ]: ja jutt de

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:35 PM ]: on a call

Ragee[05/17/10 4:35 PM ]: 23556

tgs3[05/17/10 4:35 PM ]: Just typed Sweden into Google News. Half the first page was hockey/NHL news

tgs3[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: TIger/Elin comes next

Ragee[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: jag har inte sett en match än

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: ok, I'm back

tgs3[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: Is Peter?

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:36 PM ]: men inte peter

MockY[05/17/10 4:37 PM ]: mjo då

MockY[05/17/10 4:37 PM ]: 99

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:37 PM ]: då kör vi

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:37 PM ]: iced earth 3p

MockY[05/17/10 4:37 PM ]: Iced Earth 3p

Ragee[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: Erik 4p

tgs3[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: Come To Dolly 3p

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: Come to Dolly 4p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: seasons after 5p

MockY[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: The Killers 6p

Ragee[05/17/10 4:38 PM ]: Iced Earth 5p

tgs3[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: Erik Grönwall 5p

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: Erik Gronwall 5p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: come to dolly 6p

MockY[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: Erik Grönwall 7p

Ragee[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: Come To Dolly 7p

tgs3[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: The Killers 6p

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: Iced Earth 7p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:39 PM ]: the killers 7p

MockY[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: Seasons After 8p

Ragee[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: seasons after 8p

tgs3[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: Seasons After 8p

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: The Killers 8p

MockY[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: Fet vinst för Nina

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: yipee!!

Ragee[05/17/10 4:40 PM ]: cool

tgs3[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: Wow, did not expect such hate for an awesome tune

tgs3[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: Forgot about stupid Swedish hate of the 70's sound

tgs3[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: bot congrats, Nina

Ragee[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: tacka fan att man blev textad hundra gånger

Ragee[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: skulle nog fått noll med de andra

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: lät som en dålig kiss-låt

MockY[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: jag förväntade mig mer poäng :(

Ragee[05/17/10 4:41 PM ]: eller ja Johnny Cash kanske hade fått 1p

MockY[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: den hade fått feta poäng

tgs3[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: I though the Ill Nino songs were good

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: 1. seasons after 29p grattis nina

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: Hurt would have gotten 10p from me

MockY[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: men jag tror inte det finns någon som inte hört både originalet och covern

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: thanks

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: hurt hade nog fått 9 av mej

tgs3[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: I like Hurt less than the rest of you it looks like

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:42 PM ]: 2. the killers 27p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:43 PM ]: 3. erik grönwall 21p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:43 PM ]: 4. come to dolly 20p

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:43 PM ]: 5. iced earth 18p

MockY[05/17/10 4:43 PM ]: 9 från mig

Ragee[05/17/10 4:43 PM ]: hehe ok

tgs3[05/17/10 4:44 PM ]: The next time I have Peter or Anders in my car, I'm just going to play that song over and over again...

MockY[05/17/10 4:44 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:44 PM ]: tack för varningen

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:44 PM ]: men det lär ju dröja

tgs3[05/17/10 4:45 PM ]: probably

tgs3[05/17/10 4:45 PM ]: But I won't forget

MockY[05/17/10 4:46 PM ]: You're like your mother

tgs3[05/17/10 4:46 PM ]: Nah, she doesn't forgive. She forgets lots of stuff

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:46 PM ]: niklas har du en ny artist kvar nu

tgs3[05/17/10 4:47 PM ]: I think he's already used 6

Ragee[05/17/10 4:47 PM ]: jodå

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:48 PM ]: vilken artist hade du i förra omgången

Ragee[05/17/10 4:49 PM ]: ?

tgs3[05/17/10 4:49 PM ]: Drowning Pool

tgs3[05/17/10 4:50 PM ]: who hadn't been used before

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:50 PM ]: aaah jag trodde drowning pool hade varit med tidigare sorry

MockY[05/17/10 4:50 PM ]: Om nu bara Theron kan komma sist nästa runda också. Då har alla fått 2 sistaplaceringar

tgs3[05/17/10 4:50 PM ]: I deserve it more in round 10 than in round 9, that's for sure

tgs3[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]: I can't believe I lost to Come To Dolly

MockY[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]: I can

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]: det hoppas jag inte

thebrat13n[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]: I can't beleive it either...

MockY[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]: yours sucked, mine didn't

MockY[05/17/10 4:51 PM ]:

tgs3[05/17/10 4:52 PM ]: I'm confident a general poll outside of SOTD would disagree with you

Ragee[05/17/10 4:52 PM ]: usch så hårda ord

MockY[05/17/10 4:52 PM ]: But that poll does not matter for the SOTD totals

tgs3[05/17/10 4:52 PM ]: Way to state the obvious

tgs3[05/17/10 4:54 PM ]: I expect this from Peter, but Anders showed surprisingly poor taste all over the place in this round

tgs3[05/17/10 4:55 PM ]: Oh well, my own stupid theme

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:55 PM ]: jag brukar ju gilla hårdrock men den här var inte bra

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:55 PM ]: rent utav dålig

tgs3[05/17/10 4:55 PM ]: My 3rd choice would have been a much smarter choice

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:56 PM ]: vilken var det då

tgs3[05/17/10 4:56 PM ]: I really didn't expect this song to not get text filed

tgs3[05/17/10 4:56 PM ]: It's a band I might use later, so I'm going to keep it a mystery

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:56 PM ]: he he he

Ragee[05/17/10 4:58 PM ]: ska ta och sova nu gott folk

Ragee[05/17/10 4:58 PM ]: men hade så gott så ses vi på torsdag

Hebbe[05/17/10 4:58 PM ]: god natt

MockY[05/17/10 4:58 PM ]: pöss

tgs3[05/17/10 4:59 PM ]: bye

tgs3[05/17/10 4:59 PM ]: I hate to suck and run, but I need to get a few things done here at work. Seeya all Thursday

MockY[05/17/10 5:00 PM ]: but you already ran 4 miles

Hebbe[05/17/10 5:00 PM ]: jag kommer nog göra bottenrekord på albumröstningen med endast 1 låt

MockY[05/17/10 5:01 PM ]: På tiden det?

MockY[05/17/10 5:01 PM ]:

thebrat13n[05/17/10 5:02 PM ]: I gotta go too

thebrat13n[05/17/10 5:02 PM ]: see ya next time.

Hebbe[05/17/10 5:02 PM ]: torsdag nästa

Hebbe[05/17/10 5:06 PM ]: ja ja god natt då