tgs3[05/03/10 3:58 PM ]: Familiar faces...

MockY[05/03/10 4:01 PM ]: indeed

Ragee[05/03/10 4:07 PM ]: yallå

MockY[05/03/10 4:07 PM ]: hej hej

MockY[05/03/10 4:08 PM ]: Läget i söder?

Ragee[05/03/10 4:08 PM ]: jodå hä funkar

Ragee[05/03/10 4:10 PM ]: lite nervig inför operationen

Ragee[05/03/10 4:10 PM ]: men är inte allt för farligt

tgs3[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]: Eyes?

MockY[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]: Du kommer bli blind

MockY[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]:

MockY[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]: Inget att vara nervös för

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]: schysst

Ragee[05/03/10 4:11 PM ]: hmmm tack peter

MockY[05/03/10 4:12 PM ]: Ähh, lite skin på näsan har du väl

Ragee[05/03/10 4:12 PM ]: mm som fan

tgs3[05/03/10 4:12 PM ]: Me and Nina did it back in the Stone Age. I'm sure it's very safe and easy nowadays

Ragee[05/03/10 4:14 PM ]: yeah dont think anyone have had any compications now

Ragee[05/03/10 4:16 PM ]: I am mean at that clinic

tgs3[05/03/10 4:18 PM ]: gotcha

Ragee[05/03/10 4:20 PM ]: Who know´s somewhere deep in the amazonas there might be another story

MockY[05/03/10 4:20 PM ]: I doubt there are any clinics of any kind there

tgs3[05/03/10 4:21 PM ]: Yeah, I think I would pass on getting surgery in third world countries

Ragee[05/03/10 4:21 PM ]: haha me too

MockY[05/03/10 4:21 PM ]: Unless you count piranhas

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:21 PM ]: infektions risken är ganska hög där

MockY[05/03/10 4:22 PM ]: men du kan se bättre tillfälligt

Ragee[05/03/10 4:25 PM ]: Hoppas dock att jag kan rösta på torsdag

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:26 PM ]: det lär ju märkas

tgs3[05/03/10 4:26 PM ]: When is the operation?

Ragee[05/03/10 4:26 PM ]: 3pm

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:27 PM ]: vilken dag

tgs3[05/03/10 4:27 PM ]: On Thursday?

tgs3[05/03/10 4:27 PM ]: You might be pretty sleepy.

tgs3[05/03/10 4:28 PM ]: The gave me valium when I did it. I don't know if they still do that

Ragee[05/03/10 4:28 PM ]: hade den sehgkänsal att jag skulle vara lite för

Ragee[05/03/10 4:28 PM ]: Jag ska få lugnande iag

Ragee[05/03/10 4:28 PM ]: iaf

tgs3[05/03/10 4:29 PM ]: Should we try to vote Wednesday?

tgs3[05/03/10 4:30 PM ]: I'm fine with whatever...

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:30 PM ]: hoppas att jag inte glömmer

Ragee[05/03/10 4:31 PM ]: sure

MockY[05/03/10 4:31 PM ]: lol

tgs3[05/03/10 4:32 PM ]:

Ragee[05/03/10 4:32 PM ]: haha jodu din gammle räv

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:32 PM ]: jag ska fiska på onsdag

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:32 PM ]: risk att jag tappar fokus

tgs3[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: Maybe Niklas can ge a win on Wednesday and be in a good space when he meets his end on Thursday

tgs3[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: Don't you fish every day?

Ragee[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: nä jag har för många barn för det

Ragee[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: är rätt så säker att min låt kommer floppa

MockY[05/03/10 4:33 PM ]: The results clearly state that he does

MockY[05/03/10 4:34 PM ]: Brukar den inte göra det?

MockY[05/03/10 4:34 PM ]:

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:35 PM ]: ska vi rösta

MockY[05/03/10 4:35 PM ]: Nina är ute och kutar

MockY[05/03/10 4:35 PM ]: fy fan va hungrig jag är

MockY[05/03/10 4:35 PM ]: och jag har redan ötit frukost och lunch

MockY[05/03/10 4:36 PM ]: Tror man har binnikemask eller någe

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:36 PM ]: då får vi väl vänta tills hon stannar av

Ragee[05/03/10 4:36 PM ]: jag är då klar iaf

tgs3[05/03/10 4:36 PM ]: I'm ready

tgs3[05/03/10 4:37 PM ]: Losing some weight should be easy for you then.

tgs3[05/03/10 4:37 PM ]: If that's a goal of yours.

tgs3[05/03/10 4:37 PM ]:

tgs3[05/03/10 4:37 PM ]: Peter in action

MockY[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: go go go go!!

Ragee[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: haha aldrig sett Peter så där förut

Ragee[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: så seriöst haha

MockY[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: Det är allvarligt värre

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: ser sammanbiten ut

tgs3[05/03/10 4:38 PM ]: Speaking of someone that needs to have eye surgery, running with those things on must suck

MockY[05/03/10 4:39 PM ]: it does, but I'm concentrated on not to be beat my most people, so they kinda dissapear

MockY[05/03/10 4:41 PM ]:

MockY[05/03/10 4:41 PM ]: Wonder what I'm looking at

MockY[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: Little did I know, she was 70 years old

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: ligger före hunden i alla fall

Ragee[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: Vad är det för en tävling du har varit med i?

tgs3[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: Yeah, I'm sure there are shots like that of me, too. You know I'm always looking down when I run

MockY[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: just innan hunden tugga mig i röven

MockY[05/03/10 4:42 PM ]: you sure do

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: bra att se var man sätter fötterna

MockY[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]:

MockY[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: though you look up there....

tgs3[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: Just a local series of races Peter and I do on Thursday evenings. Very unseriouys stuff

tgs3[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: Probably posing for the camera

Ragee[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: are you dying Theron?

tgs3[05/03/10 4:43 PM ]: Looks like I'm running, too

MockY[05/03/10 4:44 PM ]: you look like you're in major pain

tgs3[05/03/10 4:44 PM ]: haha

tgs3[05/03/10 4:44 PM ]: That's the way I look from almost the moment I start running until I'm done

Ragee[05/03/10 4:47 PM ]: Sp hur går det för nina då?

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:48 PM ]: 1

MockY[05/03/10 4:48 PM ]: 2

tgs3[05/03/10 4:48 PM ]: 2

tgs3[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: Is she back in her office?

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: sorry

MockY[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: yes

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: I'm here

Ragee[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: 3224

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: 3

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:50 PM ]: då kör vi

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:51 PM ]: neurophonic 5p

MockY[05/03/10 4:51 PM ]: Neurophonic 4p

Ragee[05/03/10 4:51 PM ]: Smashing Pumpkins 5p

tgs3[05/03/10 4:51 PM ]: Neurophonic 5p

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:51 PM ]: Smashing Pumpkins 4p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:52 PM ]: smashing pumpkins 6p

MockY[05/03/10 4:52 PM ]: Dearanna 5p

Ragee[05/03/10 4:52 PM ]: Evans Blue 6p

tgs3[05/03/10 4:52 PM ]: Smashing Pumpkins 6p

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:52 PM ]: Smash into Pieces 6p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:53 PM ]: dearanna 7p

MockY[05/03/10 4:53 PM ]: Evans Blue 7p

Ragee[05/03/10 4:53 PM ]: Smash Into Pieces 7p

tgs3[05/03/10 4:53 PM ]: Dearanna 7p

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:53 PM ]: Neurophonic 7p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: evans blue 8p

MockY[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: Smash Into Pieces 8p

Ragee[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: Dearanna 8p

tgs3[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: Smash Into Pieces 8p

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: Evans Blue 8p

MockY[05/03/10 4:54 PM ]: Jahapp, då vann Theron denna säsong. Grattis till säsongsvinsten Theron.

Ragee[05/03/10 4:55 PM ]: hehe så negativ Peter

tgs3[05/03/10 4:55 PM ]: I think you're going a little far there

thebrat13n[05/03/10 4:55 PM ]: There's still 4 rounds to go...

Ragee[05/03/10 4:55 PM ]: ¨men kan Theron sluta vinna hela tiden

Ragee[05/03/10 4:55 PM ]: vorre roligare om nå annan typ Nina kunde vinna

MockY[05/03/10 4:56 PM ]: No I'm not. My next song is not going to win, and I have jack shit for the rest of the season. So yeah, you have won the season

tgs3[05/03/10 4:56 PM ]: sorry...

tgs3[05/03/10 4:56 PM ]: We haven't seen the results of this round yet

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:56 PM ]: ha ha ha

tgs3[05/03/10 4:56 PM ]: I'm good to go in round 7, but I'm not brimming over with music I want to use right now, either

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:57 PM ]: 1. smash into pieces och evans blue 29p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:57 PM ]: grattis theron

tgs3[05/03/10 4:57 PM ]: and grattis to Anders

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:57 PM ]: 3. dearanna 27p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: 4. neurophonic 21p

Hebbe[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: 5. smashing pumpkins 21p

MockY[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: fattar inte hur man kan komma sist på den låt jag använde

MockY[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: skit ner er

tgs3[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: One of the easiset rounds to vote on for me. Everything fell neatly into their point slots

MockY[05/03/10 4:58 PM ]: bara vinster och sista placeringar...kul

tgs3[05/03/10 4:59 PM ]: It's a nice little melody, but it needs to do more

Ragee[05/03/10 4:59 PM ]: yaay jag kom ej sist

Ragee[05/03/10 4:59 PM ]: typisk bergstrand anda

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:00 PM ]: det var egentligen en 7poängare men fick ge seg mot dearanna

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:01 PM ]: bra omg

Ragee[05/03/10 5:02 PM ]: aja ska borsta tänderna nu och lägga mig men kan ju köra på onsdag för säkerhets skull

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:03 PM ]: ok onsdag, telefonen ringer väl när jag rensar abborre

tgs3[05/03/10 5:04 PM ]: Wednesday it is

Ragee[05/03/10 5:05 PM ]: okidoki

tgs3[05/03/10 5:05 PM ]: Anders and I had the exact same votes today

tgs3[05/03/10 5:05 PM ]: Peter was fairly similar to us, too

tgs3[05/03/10 5:05 PM ]: Except lower of course

tgs3[05/03/10 5:06 PM ]: Well, I should get to work. See you all in less than 48 hours

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:07 PM ]: det var på gränsen att jag skulle gå upp ett snäpp, tur att jag inte gjorde det

thebrat13n[05/03/10 5:07 PM ]: We're voting on Wednesday? Sorry the office keeps interupting me today

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:07 PM ]: gissa rätt idag igen

thebrat13n[05/03/10 5:07 PM ]: I read about the eye surgery

thebrat13n[05/03/10 5:08 PM ]: and my stupid email is giving me problems

thebrat13n[05/03/10 5:08 PM ]: so, I need to reboot my computer. I guess I'll see you then...

Hebbe[05/03/10 5:09 PM ]: ok hej då

MockY[05/03/10 5:10 PM ]: puss