MockY[04/15/10 4:04 PM ]: Hebbes' laptops' monitor gave in today. Not that that should change anything since he has more computers, but I can see it being an issue anyway

MockY[04/15/10 4:04 PM ]: Just giving you a heads up

tgs3[04/15/10 4:04 PM ]: danke

Ragee[04/15/10 4:08 PM ]: ¨Hellu

MockY[04/15/10 4:08 PM ]: Hoj Hoj

Ragee[04/15/10 4:09 PM ]: jasså ska du åka hoj

Ragee[04/15/10 4:09 PM ]: haha ahahaha ahahah så jäääääävla rolig

Ragee[04/15/10 4:09 PM ]: eller ja typ

tgs3[04/15/10 4:10 PM ]: much confusion over here

MockY[04/15/10 4:10 PM ]: typ... brum brum

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:10 PM ]: what's a hoj?

MockY[04/15/10 4:11 PM ]: bike

MockY[04/15/10 4:11 PM ]: Harley

MockY[04/15/10 4:11 PM ]: or whatever brand you desire

tgs3[04/15/10 4:11 PM ]: There's Harley's and other bikes

tgs3[04/15/10 4:11 PM ]: They're not interchangable

tgs3[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: So it's a motorcycle? Not a Hog?

MockY[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: It's both

MockY[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: even a little tricycle

tgs3[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: Or it doesn't specifically mean a Hog anyway

MockY[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: nope

Ragee[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: oftast motorcykel av något slag

tgs3[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: ok

MockY[04/15/10 4:12 PM ]: but is most commonly used to describe a motorcycle, of either type

MockY[04/15/10 4:13 PM ]: Damn, he beat me

tgs3[04/15/10 4:15 PM ]: Computer problems today, Anders?

Ragee[04/15/10 4:15 PM ]: hehe the better bro

MockY[04/15/10 4:17 PM ]: Hebbster!!!!!

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:17 PM ]: jag ligger hos gisela, hon ska sova

tgs3[04/15/10 4:17 PM ]: I guess that ansers my question...

tgs3[04/15/10 4:18 PM ]: Then why are you bothering her?

MockY[04/15/10 4:18 PM ]: lol

Ragee[04/15/10 4:18 PM ]: försöker väl lära henne musik i god tid

tgs3[04/15/10 4:19 PM ]: Good plan

MockY[04/15/10 4:19 PM ]: Ja, han misslyckades med fiske och Oskar...

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:19 PM ]: hon var vaken då jag kom hem

MockY[04/15/10 4:20 PM ]: Varit ute och pimplat?

tgs3[04/15/10 4:20 PM ]: Or chasing tail?

tgs3[04/15/10 4:20 PM ]: You damn player

MockY[04/15/10 4:20 PM ]: yeah, I would like to see that

MockY[04/15/10 4:20 PM ]: haha

MockY[04/15/10 4:21 PM ]: not actually "see" though

tgs3[04/15/10 4:21 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:21 PM ]: kvällstävling

tgs3[04/15/10 4:21 PM ]: There would likely be a lot of red to see

MockY[04/15/10 4:21 PM ]: eeewww

MockY[04/15/10 4:22 PM ]: and patches of reflecting whiteness

tgs3[04/15/10 4:22 PM ]: please stop

MockY[04/15/10 4:22 PM ]:

Ragee[04/15/10 4:23 PM ]: fan fått lite bonnbränna idag

Ragee[04/15/10 4:23 PM ]: så jäkla fint väder här nere

Ragee[04/15/10 4:23 PM ]: mm Malmö är fiint

Ragee[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: 20-25 grader i solen

MockY[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: Så du har börjat med att trivas?

Ragee[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: -10 i vinden dock hehe

MockY[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: Ska du börja skrolla på R'en också?

Ragee[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: jao fan

Ragee[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: sjukt fin stad i den cetrala delen

Ragee[04/15/10 4:24 PM ]: dock låter fortfaranda folket skit

tgs3[04/15/10 4:25 PM ]: Yeah, Northern Denmark was nice from what I remember

MockY[04/15/10 4:27 PM ]: Wee kept count on the amount of Rockstar Supernova contestants in SOTD, but how many American Idol are we up in now. I know 2 on top of my head.

MockY[04/15/10 4:27 PM ]: Doughtry and Lambert

tgs3[04/15/10 4:28 PM ]: David Cook

tgs3[04/15/10 4:28 PM ]: We Are The Fallen

MockY[04/15/10 4:28 PM ]: That sickened Anders apparently

tgs3[04/15/10 4:29 PM ]: looks like

Ragee[04/15/10 4:30 PM ]: haha

MockY[04/15/10 4:31 PM ]: I wonder who looks more like a girl...Carly Smithson or Lambert

tgs3[04/15/10 4:31 PM ]: Ryan Starr was on American Idol

MockY[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: He was not

MockY[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: when?

tgs3[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: Sure she was

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: funny

MockY[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: missed the extra r

tgs3[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]:

tgs3[04/15/10 4:32 PM ]: I try

MockY[04/15/10 4:33 PM ]: smithson.jpg

MockY[04/15/10 4:33 PM ]:

MockY[04/15/10 4:33 PM ]: close call

tgs3[04/15/10 4:37 PM ]: I think you're pushing it there

MockY[04/15/10 4:37 PM ]: I would only like to "push it" on one of them though

tgs3[04/15/10 4:38 PM ]: Hmm, this delay caused to add 1p to a song

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:38 PM ]: nu sitter jag inne hos oskar på den datorn

MockY[04/15/10 4:38 PM ]: Make Gisela stop pushing buttons on the keyboard ffs

MockY[04/15/10 4:39 PM ]: Hur ska han klara sig utan en dator i 30 minuter

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:39 PM ]: han ska sova

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:39 PM ]: gisela sover nu

MockY[04/15/10 4:39 PM ]: grattis, att du inte somna också alltså

MockY[04/15/10 4:40 PM ]: men nu blev Theron arg

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:40 PM ]: då är det bäst att vi röstar då

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:40 PM ]: 1

MockY[04/15/10 4:40 PM ]: utan honom?

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: jaha vart for han då

MockY[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: wb

tgs3[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: 2

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: jag är klar att rösta

tgs3[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: Firefox crashed

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: 1

MockY[04/15/10 4:41 PM ]: 3

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:42 PM ]: 4

tgs3[04/15/10 4:43 PM ]: NIklas?

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: han försvan

Ragee[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: 3223

tgs3[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: The muslims down south finally got him

MockY[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: Blev attakerad av en skåning kanske

Ragee[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: laggar som satan för mig

Ragee[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: allt ni skrivit kommer typ tre gpnnger om minst

MockY[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: lol, we were thinking the same thing

MockY[04/15/10 4:44 PM ]: Du kanske skulel ta och logg ut...?

Ragee[04/15/10 4:45 PM ]: vi testar köra på

Ragee[04/15/10 4:45 PM ]: får se om det blir outhärdligt

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:45 PM ]: biffy clyro 4p

MockY[04/15/10 4:45 PM ]: Venejer 4p

Ragee[04/15/10 4:45 PM ]: Token 5p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Token 5p

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Token 5p

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: token 5p

MockY[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Hypnogaja 6p

Ragee[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Biffy Clyron 6p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Hypnogaja 6p

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:46 PM ]: Adam Lambert 6p

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:47 PM ]: adam lambert 6p

MockY[04/15/10 4:47 PM ]: Adam Lambert 7p

Ragee[04/15/10 4:47 PM ]: Hypnogaja 7p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:47 PM ]: Adam Lambert 7p

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:47 PM ]: Hypnogaja 7p

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: venejer 7p

MockY[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Biffy Clyro 8p

Ragee[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Venejer 8p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Biffy Clyro 9p

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Venejeer 8p

MockY[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Dagens resultat sög som attsiken :(

MockY[04/15/10 4:48 PM ]: Och va fan, Venejer...vad är det för fel på er?

tgs3[04/15/10 4:49 PM ]: Peter fucked me over big time

Ragee[04/15/10 4:49 PM ]: hehe vad äre för fel pån dig hehe

MockY[04/15/10 4:49 PM ]: I thought I fucked Niklas over, but expected you all to vote the same if not less on that one, so it would not be a fuck over

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:49 PM ]: biffy har nog en av dom sämsta refränger jag har hört

tgs3[04/15/10 4:49 PM ]: I'm getting worse and worse at figuring people out. I thining Peter might be the only one to like Venejer

tgs3[04/15/10 4:50 PM ]: I'll have to disagree

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:50 PM ]: jag trodde peter var venejer

MockY[04/15/10 4:50 PM ]: I'll have to disagree as well

MockY[04/15/10 4:50 PM ]: Biffy was a good tune

tgs3[04/15/10 4:50 PM ]: See!!?

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: I can never tell what people are going to like or not, I win on the weirdest songs

MockY[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: Trodde Biffy va Anders

MockY[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: jag hade tydligen inte en endaste aning om vad folk hade denna runda

tgs3[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: Yeah, I'm surprised by Anders not liking that as well

tgs3[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: But I figured him for Hypnogaja

MockY[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: I was sure Lambert was Nina

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: I bet most people thought I was Adam Lambert...

MockY[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: yup

MockY[04/15/10 4:51 PM ]: I sure did

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: jag trodde theron hade adam

Ragee[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: hehe hörde den på radio och märke jag trallade med

tgs3[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: I gave up after placing Anders with Hypogaja. Had no real guesses after that

Ragee[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: så jag tönkte vafan varför inte testa köra

MockY[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: vilken jävla upp-och-ner-vänd runda

tgs3[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: But I would have guessed Lambert for Nina

MockY[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: we probably all did

tgs3[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: It's in your exact order except for one song, Peter

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:52 PM ]: 1. biffy 27p grattis nina

MockY[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: w00000t

tgs3[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: congrats

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: thank you!

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: 2. venejer 27p

Ragee[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: grääätz som fan

tgs3[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: Stupid 9p by Theron on Biffy!

thebrat13n[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: is that the one that got pushed up in the end?

Ragee[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: hamna jag fyra då

tgs3[04/15/10 4:53 PM ]: Yes it was

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:54 PM ]: 3. hypnogaja (den enda riktigt bra låten den här omg.) och adam lambert 26p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:54 PM ]: Decided I liked it enough for one of my rare 9's

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:54 PM ]: 5. och token blev sist på 20p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:55 PM ]: clearly

MockY[04/15/10 4:55 PM ]: kukar och fittor

tgs3[04/15/10 4:56 PM ]: It's anyone's season. The only people to win a round also have come in last

Ragee[04/15/10 4:56 PM ]: rumport och rumpor

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:56 PM ]: då biffys låt börjar tänker jag varje gång, det här låter lovande sen kommer katastrofrefrängen

tgs3[04/15/10 4:57 PM ]: I'm not really sure what you hear that's so bad there

MockY[04/15/10 4:58 PM ]: I can't either

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:58 PM ]: känns som en hemskt dålig kristen sång

tgs3[04/15/10 4:59 PM ]: So it was your anti-religion attitude that did the song in

Hebbe[04/15/10 4:59 PM ]: men det jag inte fattar är att ingen hör att hypnogaja- låten borde ha minst 9p

tgs3[04/15/10 4:59 PM ]: It was have been 7p in a different round

MockY[04/15/10 4:59 PM ]: Ni kan tydligen inte höra mycket då Venejer nästan vann

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:00 PM ]: men den blev petat upp till 7p

MockY[04/15/10 5:00 PM ]: The top 5 country list is already filled out. Geographic diversity this season

tgs3[04/15/10 5:00 PM ]: Anders had a real problem with this round

MockY[04/15/10 5:01 PM ]: He though Jesus would come down and grab his balls

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:01 PM ]: jag fattar inte att jag inte vann överlägset

tgs3[04/15/10 5:01 PM ]: Did you upload the wrong song?

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:02 PM ]: inte den här gången heller

MockY[04/15/10 5:02 PM ]: It was very generic if you ask me

tgs3[04/15/10 5:02 PM ]: good

MockY[04/15/10 5:02 PM ]: Something Biffy wasn't

tgs3[04/15/10 5:03 PM ]: I don't think being generic was the problem.

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:03 PM ]: den hade allt, piano tunga riff bra song och en grymt bra melodi

tgs3[04/15/10 5:03 PM ]: It just lacked anything really good

MockY[04/15/10 5:04 PM ]: Seeing Lambert being uploaded, I figured that this vote would be easy as cake since it will most likely not score more than 4 from me...I was wrong

tgs3[04/15/10 5:04 PM ]: I had heard the song on the radio a couple of times, so I knew I'd think it was OK

tgs3[04/15/10 5:05 PM ]: Niklas, what FTP program do you use?

Ragee[04/15/10 5:05 PM ]: cute och rush

tgs3[04/15/10 5:06 PM ]: hmm.. Whatever you use transfers the modified date some how, so it's usually easy to see which song is yours

Ragee[04/15/10 5:06 PM ]: hmm I see

MockY[04/15/10 5:06 PM ]: FlashFXP and FileZilla would probably be better options

MockY[04/15/10 5:06 PM ]: Or FireFTP for that matter

tgs3[04/15/10 5:07 PM ]: I don't know what you can do about it or if you care, but I thought I'd let you know

MockY[04/15/10 5:08 PM ]: They should all have the same stamp now anyway

MockY[04/15/10 5:08 PM ]: though it's to late for you

tgs3[04/15/10 5:09 PM ]: My eyes seem to be playing tricks. I only see for songs...

tgs3[04/15/10 5:09 PM ]: There wasn't a problem with these, which is why I know its Niklas that hasn't uploaded yet

MockY[04/15/10 5:09 PM ]: haha

Ragee[04/15/10 5:11 PM ]: but I have tihi

MockY[04/15/10 5:12 PM ]: fnizz

tgs3[04/15/10 5:12 PM ]: Maybe I'm all wrong then

tgs3[04/15/10 5:13 PM ]: Looks like Anders stalked off in disgust at this round

MockY[04/15/10 5:13 PM ]: The one who lives shall see

tgs3[04/15/10 5:13 PM ]: The results of round 2, I mean

MockY[04/15/10 5:14 PM ]: well, the results were pretty nasty

thebrat13n[04/15/10 5:14 PM ]: he really did not like my song

tgs3[04/15/10 5:14 PM ]: And you won anyway

thebrat13n[04/15/10 5:14 PM ]: or atleast the chorus

tgs3[04/15/10 5:14 PM ]: It's rare to get a win without Anders

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:15 PM ]: jo den var bra fram till refrängen

MockY[04/15/10 5:15 PM ]: It's rare to see Anders without a win

tgs3[04/15/10 5:16 PM ]: After 2 rounds?

tgs3[04/15/10 5:18 PM ]: Anders is tied for 1st place for the season

MockY[04/15/10 5:19 PM ]: he sure is

MockY[04/15/10 5:19 PM ]: but not after next round

MockY[04/15/10 5:19 PM ]: I shall dominate

tgs3[04/15/10 5:19 PM ]: Unfortunately for you, I have the only dominating song next round

MockY[04/15/10 5:20 PM ]: you'll see that you change your mind

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:20 PM ]: finns ingen chans att jag kan vinna något jag har använt mina bästa kort redan

tgs3[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: There is one song that has a lot of promise

tgs3[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: haha

MockY[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: uj uj uj

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: så jag är redan överkörd

MockY[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: jag då tycker jag nästan synd om dig

tgs3[04/15/10 5:21 PM ]: It feels that was after you use a song you really like it doesn't do well

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:22 PM ]: jag kanske ska köra en sång som jag inte gillar så mycket

tgs3[04/15/10 5:22 PM ]: When I used Coheed and Cambria, I felt like I was using the best song I'd ever used in SOTD and I came 5th

MockY[04/15/10 5:22 PM ]: But you was almost right...

MockY[04/15/10 5:22 PM ]: damn the others

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:23 PM ]: jag har en peter kanske gillar, då kanske han slipper music hater award

MockY[04/15/10 5:23 PM ]: Jag har den inte än i all afall

tgs3[04/15/10 5:23 PM ]: Yeah, I got you and to a lesser degree NIna with me

tgs3[04/15/10 5:25 PM ]: Well, the days is getting late. Seeya all on Monday. Have a great weekend

MockY[04/15/10 5:26 PM ]: pööööss

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:27 PM ]: ja god natt då, ska filéa abborre men dom klarar sig nog till imorrn bitti

MockY[04/15/10 5:27 PM ]: jahapp, kramis

Hebbe[04/15/10 5:27 PM ]: natti

MockY[04/15/10 5:28 PM ]: Hörs..och ha en trevlig helg

Ragee[04/15/10 5:28 PM ]: hade