MockY[08/03/09 3:55 PM ]: The Americas

ragee[08/03/09 3:56 PM ]: Yo yo yo yo

MockY[08/03/09 3:56 PM ]: hoppla hoppla

MockY[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]: Laddad f;r att komma sist igen_ >(

MockY[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]: ?

MockY[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]:

MockY[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]: meeen, dumma keyboard

MockY[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]: om bara Sverige kunde droppa ÅÄÖ

tgs3[08/03/09 3:57 PM ]: Mean Mocky!

tgs3[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: I agree

ragee[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: är fett laddad att komma sist

ragee[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: dock har jag bästa låten utan tvekan

thebrat13n[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: Everybody can't come in last, I think I'll be last...

tgs3[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: So Peter, what was the other song title besides "Save Me" that has been used 5 times?

MockY[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: I have Anders om my side...I hope

MockY[08/03/09 3:58 PM ]: let me look

tgs3[08/03/09 3:59 PM ]: I see Awake, Down, Enemy and Lies all at 4 times each

MockY[08/03/09 4:00 PM ]: 1 Awake 4 2 Lies 4 3 Enemy 4 4 Down 4 5 Save Me 4 6 What You Are 3 7 Home 3 8 The End 3 9 Change 3 10 Tell Me 3

MockY[08/03/09 4:00 PM ]: hmm that did not look good

MockY[08/03/09 4:00 PM ]: Hmm, I'm using an old version of the database

MockY[08/03/09 4:00 PM ]: season 30 is not included

MockY[08/03/09 4:00 PM ]: which it is on the site

MockY[08/03/09 4:01 PM ]: So I guess I rememebered wrong, and Save Me is alone on the top

MockY[08/03/09 4:02 PM ]: What You Are, Home, The End, Change, and Tell Me are all 3

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:03 PM ]: vaddå rabblar du låtar eller

MockY[08/03/09 4:03 PM ]: rabbla på du också

tgs3[08/03/09 4:03 PM ]: OK, thanks

tgs3[08/03/09 4:03 PM ]: Those are the song names that have been used the most, Anders

tgs3[08/03/09 4:04 PM ]: Err, you missed most of it I see

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:05 PM ]: jag vet en som låt som heter tell me som inte varit med än

tgs3[08/03/09 4:05 PM ]: ok

MockY[08/03/09 4:06 PM ]: då blir det 4 på den

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:07 PM ]: men den kanske inte duger

tgs3[08/03/09 4:07 PM ]: Then you should defintiely use it

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:08 PM ]: inte nu i alla fall

MockY[08/03/09 4:09 PM ]: jo, i nästa runda

MockY[08/03/09 4:09 PM ]: Så man vet vilken låt man ska såga

tgs3[08/03/09 4:10 PM ]: sounds like a plan

MockY[08/03/09 4:12 PM ]: Whenever you have the chance Theron, could you send over the stats file as well

tgs3[08/03/09 4:13 PM ]: Oh yeah, I'm lagging on that again

tgs3[08/03/09 4:13 PM ]: I'll try to get to it tonight

MockY[08/03/09 4:13 PM ]: I have not been bugging you, so donät worry about that

MockY[08/03/09 4:15 PM ]: Within a "near" future, the file will be automatically generated by the database

MockY[08/03/09 4:15 PM ]: Looks like we have a disqualification

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:15 PM ]: oj vad det textas i dag då

MockY[08/03/09 4:15 PM ]: Cavo got super raped

MockY[08/03/09 4:16 PM ]: And Revis is a goner too

tgs3[08/03/09 4:18 PM ]: Seems like more text filing than normal this season...

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:19 PM ]: har du statestik på de o

MockY[08/03/09 4:20 PM ]: INte jag i all afall

tgs3[08/03/09 4:22 PM ]: A glance in the friendly box should tell the sroty

tgs3[08/03/09 4:22 PM ]: or story

MockY[08/03/09 4:22 PM ]: but I want to hear the sroty

tgs3[08/03/09 4:23 PM ]: I don't appear to be right

MockY[08/03/09 4:24 PM ]: We didn't start bundling the songs together seasonwise until late in the game

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:24 PM ]: I think there has just been less texting than normal the last couple of seasons, so it seems like a lot this season

tgs3[08/03/09 4:24 PM ]: 5 this season is kinda high, but it's not hugely different

tgs3[08/03/09 4:24 PM ]: that could be it

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:25 PM ]: jag tror jag hitta både cavo och revis på något soundtrack

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:26 PM ]: så jag antar att dom dök upp efter all soundtrack-letning

tgs3[08/03/09 4:27 PM ]: Most likely

ragee[08/03/09 4:27 PM ]: stängde ner fel föänster hehe

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:28 PM ]: jag tror att revis har blivit diskad förrut, eller så blandar jag ihop den med en annan låt

tgs3[08/03/09 4:28 PM ]: I think you might be right

tgs3[08/03/09 4:28 PM ]: I think it was a long time ago before we kept track of those songs

tgs3[08/03/09 4:28 PM ]: Or maybe Peter forgot to save it

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:29 PM ]: det var då det räkte med en textning

tgs3[08/03/09 4:30 PM ]: So Anders, since we went to 5 people in season 10, the highest total for the season is 30 points. You need 8 more overt he next three rounds to break the record (which you already have).

MockY[08/03/09 4:30 PM ]: that is just 2 wins and a mediokre round

tgs3[08/03/09 4:30 PM ]: I mean you already own the record from season 21

MockY[08/03/09 4:30 PM ]: he has done that before

MockY[08/03/09 4:30 PM ]: With a blindfold

tgs3[08/03/09 4:31 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:31 PM ]: ha ha, då var det inte så viktigt då

tgs3[08/03/09 4:31 PM ]: You really thought someone else might have the record?

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: trodde det var theron eller peter som hade det rekordet

MockY[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]:

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: Jag trodde det va Niklas

MockY[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]:

tgs3[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: I thought Nina

MockY[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: Usch va elak ja e idag

tgs3[08/03/09 4:32 PM ]: She was close in season 27 when she got 17 points

tgs3[08/03/09 4:33 PM ]: Since round 10, 28 points or more has been gotten 7 times. 4 times by Anders, 2 times by me and 1 time by Peter

MockY[08/03/09 4:34 PM ]: Ser ut som om att textfilerna har svalnat

tgs3[08/03/09 4:34 PM ]: I know I've heard 2 of the songs, but not enough to text file

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:36 PM ]: hur många poäng har du som högst, theron

tgs3[08/03/09 4:37 PM ]: 28

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:38 PM ]: och peter

tgs3[08/03/09 4:38 PM ]: 28

tgs3[08/03/09 4:38 PM ]: 28 has only been beat once, when you got 30

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:38 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:39 PM ]: ja det är ju läge, men man måste ha rätt låtar för att lyckas

tgs3[08/03/09 4:39 PM ]: In the first 6 seasons we all beat that, but it was a lot easier with only 4 of us. Even a last place song got 1p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:40 PM ]: Of course, only I knew about these scores back then...

MockY[08/03/09 4:40 PM ]: Thank goodness you did

MockY[08/03/09 4:40 PM ]: Though I wish the individual votes for season 1 were laying around somewhere

tgs3[08/03/09 4:40 PM ]: yup, the only thing we're missing

tgs3[08/03/09 4:41 PM ]: We could probably guess them and be about 90% right or so

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:41 PM ]: fick ni inte några av mej?

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:41 PM ]: jag hade ett papper nånstans

MockY[08/03/09 4:41 PM ]: Vadå...sitter du med poängen frpn säsong 1 och inte säger någe?

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:42 PM ]: ett par omgångar, men jag tror theron fick dom

MockY[08/03/09 4:43 PM ]: ett par omgångar är inte alla omgångar bättre än ingenting

tgs3[08/03/09 4:43 PM ]: I only got season 2-6 from you, I thouhg

tgs3[08/03/09 4:44 PM ]: and it was Word docs. I don't think I got any paper

tgs3[08/03/09 4:44 PM ]: But I could be wrong

MockY[08/03/09 4:44 PM ]: never

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:45 PM ]: jag har 1-5

tgs3[08/03/09 4:46 PM ]: That's always something, said Howard

tgs3[08/03/09 4:46 PM ]: Time to move on to round 9. Tired of listening to round 8.

ragee[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: me too me too sooo much

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: då röstar vi

ragee[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: 23424

tgs3[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: By the way, Niklas, I think this was your best theme choice so far

tgs3[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: 6

ragee[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: hehe really

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: 1

ragee[08/03/09 4:47 PM ]: låtarna var ju tråkiga juh

tgs3[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: For you maybe

tgs3[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: ANd some for me, too

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: den slår t.o.m. japan

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]:

tgs3[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: haha

ragee[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: japan ägde...iaf min låt hehe

ragee[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: lyssnar fortfarande på den grupppen

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: inte jag

tgs3[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: yuck. Not me

tgs3[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: And I tied for the win with you

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:48 PM ]: no way

ragee[08/03/09 4:49 PM ]: ja det var ju rätt skumt med tanke på hbur mycket bätte min låt var

tgs3[08/03/09 4:49 PM ]: sure....

MockY[08/03/09 4:49 PM ]: hahaha

MockY[08/03/09 4:49 PM ]: 2

tgs3[08/03/09 4:49 PM ]: Of course, I feel that way about 8 rounds a season

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:50 PM ]: då kör vi

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:50 PM ]: sia 4p

MockY[08/03/09 4:50 PM ]: Sia 3p

ragee[08/03/09 4:50 PM ]: SiA 4p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:50 PM ]: Asp 3p

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: Asp 4p

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: asp 6p

MockY[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: Asp 4p

ragee[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: Remy Zero 5p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: Remy Zero 4p

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: Live 5p

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:51 PM ]: live 7p

MockY[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: Finger Eleven 7p

ragee[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: Live 6p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: Finger Eleven 7p

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: Finger Eleven 6p

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: remy zero 8p

MockY[08/03/09 4:52 PM ]: Live 8p

ragee[08/03/09 4:53 PM ]: Finger Eleven 7p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:53 PM ]: Sia 10p

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:53 PM ]: Remy Zero 7p

MockY[08/03/09 4:53 PM ]: Känns lustigt att rösta på Live

MockY[08/03/09 4:53 PM ]: haha vilka jävla röstningar

ragee[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: jaha och åter igen Über lågt på en låt som faktist är as bra

tgs3[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: Looks like Nina and I are very alone on Sia

ragee[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: Asp är ju hur sjukt bra som helst med den låten

MockY[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: Therons 10 poängare känns mutad

MockY[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: lol

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: I'm not shocked

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: ha ha, verkar så

MockY[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: refrängen är ju tagen från nå barnprogram

ragee[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: ja fy fan

MockY[08/03/09 4:54 PM ]: trist lallande

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: Asp alltså

tgs3[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: 1. finger eleven 27p

ragee[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: trist lallande

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: 2. live 26p

tgs3[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: Congrats on the season. I give up

MockY[08/03/09 4:55 PM ]: Hade större förhoppningar på Remy Zero.

tgs3[08/03/09 4:56 PM ]: Time to use whatever the hell I want in round 10

ragee[08/03/09 4:56 PM ]: det var ju vaädldens ös och hur catchig som hellst

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:56 PM ]: 3. remy zero 24p

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:56 PM ]: 4. sia 21p

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: 5. asp 17p

MockY[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: Sia är bättre i glass-form

ragee[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: usch uisch usch på er

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: Atleast I got a point

ragee[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: pinsamt

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: didn't expect it

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: instämmer

ragee[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: aja sov gott

MockY[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: lol

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: thought I would think you get atleast a point if someone votes 10 points on it

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: hörs på torsdag

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:57 PM ]: later

MockY[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: Niklas tar rekord i mest 5:e placeringar i en säsong

MockY[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: roligt rekord

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: Yeah, I don't have it!!

tgs3[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: He just tied this round, I think

MockY[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: there are 2 more rounds

MockY[08/03/09 4:58 PM ]: and I donät any reasons for him not to grab them

tgs3[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: Yup, he needs to keep "trying"

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: the way heäs been doing lately

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: What's the lowest total points for a season?

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: And he said he would dominate the second half of the season

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: he is sominating alright...

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: but not in the end he meant probably

thebrat13n[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: ha ha, I forgot he said that

tgs3[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: Wait, Nina came in 5th 7 times in season 25. Man, that's bad

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: 3

Hebbe[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: inte i sotd i alla fall

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: geez

MockY[08/03/09 4:59 PM ]: that hurts

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:00 PM ]: that is bad

tgs3[08/03/09 5:00 PM ]: Since Robert left, the lowest is 7. Still Nina.

tgs3[08/03/09 5:01 PM ]: The season 25 I was just talking about

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:01 PM ]: so, he can beat me if he comes in last that last 2 rounds?

tgs3[08/03/09 5:02 PM ]: In the first 5 seasons of SOTD, Nina had 3 songs make the album. IN the last 5 seasns she had 17

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:02 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[08/03/09 5:02 PM ]: he has 6 now

tgs3[08/03/09 5:02 PM ]: Yup, he needs to come in last both of the last two

MockY[08/03/09 5:02 PM ]: which he probably will

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: atleast it'll be a tie for bad if he only does it once

tgs3[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: yup

MockY[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: yup, you will not be alone anymore

tgs3[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: I don't think he'll get 7 points, either

tgs3[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: But 1 good song is all it takes

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: it's always nice not to be alone

tgs3[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: I also don't hear an immediate last place song this round so far

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: niklas måste ju få fram en låt till albumet i alla fall tycker man ju

MockY[08/03/09 5:03 PM ]: Feeling lonely...want me to open the door

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:04 PM ]: I don't hear any either

tgs3[08/03/09 5:04 PM ]: No one has pulled a 0 on the album since Nina in season 12

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:06 PM ]: det är bara 6 låtar som har 30p eller mer den här säsongen

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:06 PM ]: visst är det lite

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:06 PM ]: You guys suck at voting

tgs3[08/03/09 5:07 PM ]: seeems like it

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:07 PM ]: ser ut som om chevelle tar hem det här albumet

MockY[08/03/09 5:09 PM ]: detta album ska bli intressant och se vad som händer

tgs3[08/03/09 5:09 PM ]: I'm not counting on anyting

thebrat13n[08/03/09 5:09 PM ]: I gotta go, see ya Thursday...

tgs3[08/03/09 5:09 PM ]: bye

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:09 PM ]: hej då nina

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:10 PM ]: jag har bara en 30 poängare

MockY[08/03/09 5:11 PM ]: Måste gräva fram något fenomentalt inför sista rundan, så man kan ta hem albumvinsten åtminstone

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:11 PM ]: nån sån låt har jag inte

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:11 PM ]: men jag kanske har nått att kolla upp

MockY[08/03/09 5:11 PM ]: bra

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:14 PM ]: hoppsan, det där måste jag kolla upp

MockY[08/03/09 5:14 PM ]: Theron: ska vi springa kanske...

Hebbe[08/03/09 5:17 PM ]: jaha då har man nått att gå igenom imorgon

MockY[08/03/09 5:19 PM ]: Jag skall avlägnsa mig....