MockY[05/25/09 4:00 PM ]: Linkin Park's debut album alone, has almost sold more copies than Judas Priest have solde throughout their entire career

MockY[05/25/09 4:01 PM ]: quite amazing

ragee[05/25/09 4:01 PM ]: thats insanity

MockY[05/25/09 4:02 PM ]: JP have sold 35 mil throughout their careers, and Hybrid Theory has solde 29 mil so far

MockY[05/25/09 4:03 PM ]: Over 50 mil with all albums included

tgs3[05/25/09 4:04 PM ]: That is pretty crazy

tgs3[05/25/09 4:04 PM ]: I thought the 2nd album was just as good. The 3rd, not so much

MockY[05/25/09 4:04 PM ]: Linkin Park is thereby way bigger than I initially thought

MockY[05/25/09 4:05 PM ]: No wonder why they sold out the festival we went to

tgs3[05/25/09 4:06 PM ]: Um, yeah, they're big

tgs3[05/25/09 4:07 PM ]: They could have probably sold out a bigger arena by themselves

MockY[05/25/09 4:08 PM ]: most likely

tgs3[05/25/09 4:17 PM ]: Apparently Anders is busy celebrating Memorial Day

ragee[05/25/09 4:18 PM ]: vad är det han firar?

MockY[05/25/09 4:19 PM ]: With his pillow most likely

tgs3[05/25/09 4:19 PM ]: The end of the American Civil War

thebrat13n[05/25/09 4:20 PM ]: We have the day off to remember all the people that died fighting for our country

tgs3[05/25/09 4:20 PM ]: yup

thebrat13n[05/25/09 4:21 PM ]: have you called him yet Niklas

thebrat13n[05/25/09 4:21 PM ]: ?

ragee[05/25/09 4:21 PM ]: nope I havent

thebrat13n[05/25/09 4:21 PM ]: probably about time to

ragee[05/25/09 4:22 PM ]: ringer han nu

tgs3[05/25/09 4:22 PM ]: before it gets even later for him

ragee[05/25/09 4:23 PM ]: han har inte kommit hem från jobbet än

tgs3[05/25/09 4:23 PM ]: hmm

tgs3[05/25/09 4:23 PM ]: Did you talk to him?

tgs3[05/25/09 4:23 PM ]: Did he have a guess?

ragee[05/25/09 4:23 PM ]: ska ringa hans cell nu

ragee[05/25/09 4:25 PM ]: han är hemma om 30min

MockY[05/25/09 4:25 PM ]: låter bra det

ragee[05/25/09 4:25 PM ]: och då röstar vi npå en gång

thebrat13n[05/25/09 4:25 PM ]: ok, I'm not in a hurry

tgs3[05/25/09 4:27 PM ]: Works for me

tgs3[05/25/09 4:27 PM ]: I'll be looking for a little music in the meantime

tgs3[05/25/09 4:41 PM ]: Peter, Seether is from South Africa, not New Zealand

MockY[05/25/09 4:42 PM ]: haha, I have no idea why I put that

MockY[05/25/09 4:42 PM ]: will change

MockY[05/25/09 4:43 PM ]: Better?

tgs3[05/25/09 4:59 PM ]: No, I still only came 4th...

tgs3[05/25/09 4:59 PM ]: :(

MockY[05/25/09 4:59 PM ]: lol

ragee[05/25/09 5:04 PM ]: yoooo

MockY[05/25/09 5:04 PM ]: yoo

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:04 PM ]: tjena

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:05 PM ]: hi

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:05 PM ]: såna här dagar ska man inte fara på jobbet överhuvud taget

ragee[05/25/09 5:06 PM ]: vad hände?

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:06 PM ]: 1

ragee[05/25/09 5:06 PM ]: 42343

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:07 PM ]: allt som inte ska hända, men händer om man inte har riktiga grejjer

ragee[05/25/09 5:09 PM ]: som exemple

MockY[05/25/09 5:09 PM ]: Tebax

ragee[05/25/09 5:10 PM ]: 32314

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:10 PM ]: kranvåg slutade fungera

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:10 PM ]: mitt ilastning av levande fisk

ragee[05/25/09 5:11 PM ]: oj

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:11 PM ]: doesn't sound like fun

MockY[05/25/09 5:11 PM ]: deras utrustning, deras fiskar

MockY[05/25/09 5:12 PM ]: Kan alltid hoppas att något har lärts av detta

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:12 PM ]: sen var det dåligt syre i en tank så att 300 kg fisk höll på att dö

ragee[05/25/09 5:12 PM ]: men det gick bra eller?

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:13 PM ]: vi får se

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:13 PM ]: fick fara tillbaka till umgransele och köra igenom vatten till det ordna upp sig

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:14 PM ]: ska vi rösta eller är theron upptagen

MockY[05/25/09 5:15 PM ]: ser ut som om att Theron tappat bort sig i det stora WWW

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:15 PM ]: I'll call

tgs3[05/25/09 5:15 PM ]: I'm here

tgs3[05/25/09 5:15 PM ]: I was talking to my wife

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:15 PM ]: jobbar hon idag

tgs3[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: We have he day off today here in the US

MockY[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: ingen av oss jobbar idag

tgs3[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: Memorial Day

tgs3[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]:

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: we're all at home

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: kul för er

tgs3[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: 2

tgs3[05/25/09 5:16 PM ]: 2

MockY[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: 4

ragee[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: 234

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: within reason 5p

MockY[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: Manchester Orchestra 3p

ragee[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: Manchester Orchestra 2p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: Amorphis 6p

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:17 PM ]: Amorphis 4p

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: amorphis 6p

MockY[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: Crumbland 4p

ragee[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: within reason 6p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: Manchster Orchestra 7p

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: Linkin Park 6p

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: manchester 7p

MockY[05/25/09 5:18 PM ]: Amorphis 8p

ragee[05/25/09 5:19 PM ]: crumbland 7p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:19 PM ]: Within Reason 8p

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:19 PM ]: Crumbland 7p

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:19 PM ]: linkin park 8p

MockY[05/25/09 5:19 PM ]: Linkin Park 9p

ragee[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: linkin park 8p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: Crumbland 9p

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: Within Reason 8p

MockY[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: Va fan Anders. Nu får du ge dig med Peter hatandet. I varenda runda denna säsong har du röstat mig sist (näst sist en av dom).

MockY[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: Vill du ha stryk eller?

MockY[05/25/09 5:20 PM ]: Jag kommer snart till Sverige, så du får passa dig

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: jag fick fyra av dej, du fick fem av mej

ragee[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: hehehe

ragee[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: ömesidiga känslor

tgs3[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: You're pretty much done the same thing to him, Peter

MockY[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: ger inte dig 4 varje runda...så det så

MockY[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: Jag måste ju. Han är ute efter mig

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:21 PM ]: Yeah, only I'm lower on your radar

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:22 PM ]: jag har gett peter mer poäng än peter har gett mej den här säsongen

tgs3[05/25/09 5:22 PM ]: Anders has given Peter 38p and Peter has given Anders 28p this season.

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:22 PM ]: du gav mej 3 i första

tgs3[05/25/09 5:22 PM ]: Man, what a meaningless bitching by Peter

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:22 PM ]: jag gav dej 6p

MockY[05/25/09 5:23 PM ]: He gives me overall more points, but he ranks my songs lower compared to the others..that's all I'm saying

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:23 PM ]: skämmes ta mej fan

MockY[05/25/09 5:23 PM ]: lol

tgs3[05/25/09 5:23 PM ]: He's only given Niklas 36p, and Nina is only 2p higher at 40p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:24 PM ]: Just admit it was a stupid complaint

MockY[05/25/09 5:24 PM ]: Iäm not counting points. I'm just reflecting on where the songs are compared to the others, and so far all my songs have been ranked last by him

ragee[05/25/09 5:24 PM ]: nu har han gjort bort sig

MockY[05/25/09 5:24 PM ]: Ska brottas med han i näslor då jag kommer

tgs3[05/25/09 5:24 PM ]: Niklas has actually given you less points than anyone else this season...

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: du har rankat mej sist på 3 omg

tgs3[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: He gave you 10p one round

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: I can't really compain this season, but if you look across the last few before this...

MockY[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: Fler kommer

tgs3[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: What are you smoking?

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:25 PM ]: jag har rankat dej sist i 2 omg

tgs3[05/25/09 5:26 PM ]: And barely last those two rounds, just a point behind the next one...

MockY[05/25/09 5:26 PM ]: 3 ggr

MockY[05/25/09 5:26 PM ]: så vi e lika

tgs3[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: JUst 2 times

tgs3[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: Again, what are you smoking

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: 1. linkin park 31p grattis theron

tgs3[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: Is being away from Diana for 3 days messing you up? ")

tgs3[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]:

tgs3[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: Thanks. Good ole Linkin....

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: 2. crumbland 27p

MockY[05/25/09 5:27 PM ]: Looking in the wrong colums..haha

MockY[05/25/09 5:28 PM ]: Crumbland

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:28 PM ]: 3. within reason 27p

MockY[05/25/09 5:28 PM ]: geez

MockY[05/25/09 5:28 PM ]: Dumma Anders

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:28 PM ]: 4. amorphis 24p

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:29 PM ]: 5. manchester 19p

tgs3[05/25/09 5:29 PM ]: I wish Crumbland didn't come in 2nd, too, but it was worth it, unfortunately

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:29 PM ]: jag hade gissat på att theron skulle gilla den här omgången

tgs3[05/25/09 5:29 PM ]: Nina has a lot more reason to complain with the 2p and 3p the music hating brothers rained on her...

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:30 PM ]: skandinavien

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:30 PM ]: funkar bra

tgs3[05/25/09 5:30 PM ]: You were very right Anders. All songs were at least 7p for me. Amorphis had to get pushed down to 6p for the voting...

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:30 PM ]: amorphis föll för mej

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:30 PM ]: I wasn't really that suprised by their voting

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: I was more glad that you guys appreciated them

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: men manchester blev bättre

tgs3[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: Yeah, me neither, but 2's and 3's suck to get

tgs3[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: I agree, Anders, I had it at 4p or maybe 5p when I first started listening

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: I know, but big fucking suprise from the music haters

MockY[05/25/09 5:31 PM ]: Jag först rankade Manchester högt, men de föll snabbt

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:32 PM ]: jag tycker dom kändes som mr.north i skate-tappning

tgs3[05/25/09 5:33 PM ]: I can usually figure our what things mean, but I'm at a loss here. "skate-tappning"?

ragee[05/25/09 5:34 PM ]: jag som hade så mycket hopp i Amorphis

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:34 PM ]: dom börja på en nia och föll till en sexa

tgs3[05/25/09 5:34 PM ]: It was a tough round, Niklas

MockY[05/25/09 5:35 PM ]: han blev lessen

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:35 PM ]: det får jag förklara för dej i augusti, theron

tgs3[05/25/09 5:35 PM ]: Ah, OK

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:36 PM ]: det kändes komplicerat

tgs3[05/25/09 5:37 PM ]: No problem

thebrat13n[05/25/09 5:37 PM ]: Well, I have things to talk to you on Thursday

tgs3[05/25/09 5:37 PM ]: See you then

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:37 PM ]: bye nina

tgs3[05/25/09 5:37 PM ]: And sooner, probably

MockY[05/25/09 5:38 PM ]: I shall go back to Heroes

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:38 PM ]: skillet?

tgs3[05/25/09 5:38 PM ]: Looks like someone has decided that their signature text file method is to use a lot of iiiiiiiii

tgs3[05/25/09 5:38 PM ]: Skillet?

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: hero

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: es

tgs3[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: Ah. got it

tgs3[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: hh

tgs3[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: ganska dålig

tgs3[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: Nah, its like something I would say

MockY[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: haha herre gissanes. Någon e trött

tgs3[05/25/09 5:39 PM ]: So yes, probably bad

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:40 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[05/25/09 5:41 PM ]: Amy wanted me to go to the store with her, so I guess I better get going, too. See you all in a few days. Enjoy the beauty of SOTD!

Hebbe[05/25/09 5:42 PM ]: hej då, hälsa stor shopparen, köp en läsk till mej

tgs3[05/25/09 5:42 PM ]: OK

tgs3[05/25/09 5:42 PM ]: bye

ragee[05/25/09 5:43 PM ]: vad blev det för resultat?

ragee[05/25/09 5:43 PM ]: mitt internet strula

ragee[05/25/09 5:46 PM ]: nehe :(