tgs3[05/06/09 2:43 PM ]: Niklas wants to vote early, but Nina said she couldn't do it until 12:30

tgs3[05/06/09 2:43 PM ]: Now you have the 411

MockY[05/06/09 2:44 PM ]: Just asked him if he is ready witha new song and stuff

MockY[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: 12:30 it is

tgs3[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: I guess he is

tgs3[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: Or he's just Niklas, and he's not

MockY[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: that gives him 30 more minutes to drink his brain out

tgs3[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: yup

tgs3[05/06/09 2:45 PM ]: He's calling Anders right now to see if the Hebbster can go early

MockY[05/06/09 2:46 PM ]: I don\\t see why not. He doesn't work right now so...unless he has some odd night shifts

MockY[05/06/09 2:51 PM ]: Apparently he could....

MockY[05/06/09 2:51 PM ]: Rock on

MockY[05/06/09 3:22 PM ]: And here he is

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:24 PM ]: lät som nicke hade mer brådis än vanligt i dag

MockY[05/06/09 3:24 PM ]: Och han 'r den enda som saknas >(

MockY[05/06/09 3:24 PM ]:

MockY[05/06/09 3:24 PM ]: meeen, dumma prickar

MockY[05/06/09 3:24 PM ]: åäö

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:25 PM ]: men han sa 21.30

tgs3[05/06/09 3:25 PM ]: I guess he's busy and didn't want to come in until it was poissible to vote

MockY[05/06/09 3:26 PM ]: probably

ragee[05/06/09 3:30 PM ]: YOOOOO!!!

ragee[05/06/09 3:30 PM ]: takn för att ni kunde komma in nu

MockY[05/06/09 3:30 PM ]: hur full ska du bli ikväll då?

ragee[05/06/09 3:31 PM ]: inte så farligt

tgs3[05/06/09 3:31 PM ]: No problem

ragee[05/06/09 3:31 PM ]: vill inte vara bakis imorgon

ragee[05/06/09 3:31 PM ]: men min arbetysledare kom in och whina fä att tag sen och ad mig komma igång och umgås

ragee[05/06/09 3:31 PM ]: så då fick jag lute dåligt samvete och tä nkte fösöka rösta tidigare

ragee[05/06/09 3:32 PM ]: så är alla klara ?

MockY[05/06/09 3:32 PM ]: jag e i alla fall

tgs3[05/06/09 3:32 PM ]: I'm ready whenever

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:33 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:33 PM ]: 2

tgs3[05/06/09 3:33 PM ]: 3

ragee[05/06/09 3:33 PM ]: 312321

MockY[05/06/09 3:33 PM ]: 6

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: papa roach 5p

MockY[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: Papa Roach 4p

ragee[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: papa roach 5p

tgs3[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: Secret and Whisper 4p

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: Secret and Whisper 4p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: secret and whisper 6p

MockY[05/06/09 3:34 PM ]: A Balladeer 5p

ragee[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: a ballader 6p

tgs3[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: Papa Roach 6p

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: A Balladeer 6p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: papercut massacre 9p

MockY[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: Vanishing 7p

ragee[05/06/09 3:35 PM ]: papercut massacre 7p

tgs3[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: What's peter voting on?

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: Secret & Whisper is peter's

tgs3[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: Vertical Horion?

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: har jag missat nått

tgs3[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: Ah, got it

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: The song is called Vanishing

MockY[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: I voted Vanishing 7p

tgs3[05/06/09 3:36 PM ]: A Balladeer 7p

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:37 PM ]: Papercut Massacre 7p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:37 PM ]: vertical horizon 10p

MockY[05/06/09 3:37 PM ]: By the tag wrong :/

MockY[05/06/09 3:37 PM ]: Papercut Massacre 9p

ragee[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: vertical horizon 8p

tgs3[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: Vertical Horizon 9p

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: Vertical Horizon 9p

MockY[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: Ohh, nu blir jag glad

tgs3[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: Big points, too

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:38 PM ]: borde du bli

ragee[05/06/09 3:39 PM ]: fan va nice poäng

MockY[05/06/09 3:39 PM ]: mjo, det va rediga poäng

tgs3[05/06/09 3:39 PM ]: Not a big fan of Certical Horizon, but they got that song right...

thebrat13n[05/06/09 3:39 PM ]: agree with Theron

MockY[05/06/09 3:40 PM ]: I'm glad that you think so

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:40 PM ]: grym låt, var tvungen att tvärlyssna på albumet och blev besviken

MockY[05/06/09 3:40 PM ]: mjo

MockY[05/06/09 3:41 PM ]: gämför man så är blir man ledsen

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:41 PM ]: 1. vertical horizon 36p grattis peter

MockY[05/06/09 3:41 PM ]: tackar tackar

tgs3[05/06/09 3:41 PM ]: Congrats on the obvious win...

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:42 PM ]: 2. papercut massacre 32p den här hade vunnit omg 1

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:42 PM ]: 3. a balladeer 24p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:42 PM ]: 4. secret and whisper 21p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:42 PM ]: papa roach 20p

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:43 PM ]: bra omg

tgs3[05/06/09 3:43 PM ]: I'm guessing VH gets more than 0 points and 4 points on the album vote total this time around

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:44 PM ]: lutar mot seger

tgs3[05/06/09 3:44 PM ]: certainly the favorite right now

MockY[05/06/09 3:45 PM ]: haha, damn they did not do well previously

tgs3[05/06/09 3:46 PM ]: They did OK in the rounds, but fall apart in the album, you'll have to hope that doesn't happen again

MockY[05/06/09 3:47 PM ]: haha, yeah. But I have some more padding this time

tgs3[05/06/09 3:47 PM ]: Only 10 Years (11:00 AM - Daydreamer) has every done better in the rounds that 36p since Robert quit...

MockY[05/06/09 3:47 PM ]: So they should be able to make the album atleast

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:47 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[05/06/09 3:47 PM ]: So those two songs are tied then

MockY[05/06/09 3:48 PM ]: Since 10 Years won, I have some hopes for something grand

tgs3[05/06/09 3:49 PM ]: 10 Years did "better than 36p"

MockY[05/06/09 3:49 PM ]: I see that the grand master Dommin is uploaded...

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:49 PM ]: känner på mej att jag kommer att göra ett platt fall den här säsongen

MockY[05/06/09 3:49 PM ]: so the hen is not dead yet

MockY[05/06/09 3:49 PM ]: or whatever expression you would want to use

MockY[05/06/09 3:50 PM ]: 38p...that is pretty close to unbeatable

tgs3[05/06/09 3:50 PM ]: Anders, you are on a bad streak for you. It would be fairly normal for a regular human...

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:51 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[05/06/09 3:51 PM ]: I shall resist sheding a tear

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:52 PM ]: jag har mycket att stå i på jobbet nu, mer än jag klarar av

MockY[05/06/09 3:52 PM ]: trodde du hade pappaledingt eller nå liknande

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:53 PM ]: det var bara 3 veckor

tgs3[05/06/09 3:53 PM ]: Points over the last 7 rounds: 16p - Theron, Peter, 15p - Niklas, 13p - Nina, 10p - Anders

MockY[05/06/09 3:53 PM ]: I'm second...did not see that one

MockY[05/06/09 3:54 PM ]: ohh I have 16 as well

tgs3[05/06/09 3:54 PM ]: tied for first, actually, Just like this season...

MockY[05/06/09 3:54 PM ]: shared first then

MockY[05/06/09 3:54 PM ]: poor Anders

tgs3[05/06/09 3:54 PM ]: I'm sure Anders will come on like a monster very soon

MockY[05/06/09 3:55 PM ]: There is no doubt about it

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:55 PM ]: tror inte ni gillar min låt i omg 3 heller

tgs3[05/06/09 3:55 PM ]: Probably has Jesus Christ himself singing a song for his theme

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:55 PM ]: amen

MockY[05/06/09 3:55 PM ]: So I'm just gonna bask in it while I can

MockY[05/06/09 3:56 PM ]: word, Amen

tgs3[05/06/09 3:56 PM ]: I think I better do the same

Hebbe[05/06/09 3:57 PM ]: halleluja

MockY[05/06/09 3:57 PM ]: Soon he will come from behind with a suringe, just Like Dexter

tgs3[05/06/09 3:57 PM ]: Has our internet speed at work seemed faster than usual lately to anyone else?

tgs3[05/06/09 3:57 PM ]: haha

MockY[05/06/09 3:58 PM ]: nope, not that I have noticed anyway

tgs3[05/06/09 3:58 PM ]: Just seems like I've gotten faster downloads the last couple of days

tgs3[05/06/09 3:58 PM ]: Maybe I just happened not to download at the same time as someone else

MockY[05/06/09 3:58 PM ]: Schhh, don't jinx it then

tgs3[05/06/09 3:59 PM ]: I wonder how many diffeent songs exist with the name "Save Me"

MockY[05/06/09 4:00 PM ]: Well, there are many people who needs to be "saved"

MockY[05/06/09 4:00 PM ]: We are in a recession after all

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:01 PM ]: många

tgs3[05/06/09 4:01 PM ]: ah....

MockY[05/06/09 4:04 PM ]: Damn it, I shouldn't have tossed all those motherboards

MockY[05/06/09 4:04 PM ]:

tgs3[05/06/09 4:04 PM ]: We had 2 in one round once, I remember

MockY[05/06/09 4:04 PM ]: could have pimped out the Van

tgs3[05/06/09 4:04 PM ]: It would really hurt to get thrown against that car!

MockY[05/06/09 4:05 PM ]: would hurt to even open it

MockY[05/06/09 4:05 PM ]: scrape your leg or something

MockY[05/06/09 4:05 PM ]: or get coungh with your clothes

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:05 PM ]: chris cornell var en tror jag

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:07 PM ]: tror jag hade fel

MockY[05/06/09 4:07 PM ]: He really needs it too

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:08 PM ]: nä jag mindes fel

MockY[05/06/09 4:08 PM ]: han behöver det i alla fall

MockY[05/06/09 4:08 PM ]: så jävla kass platta

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:08 PM ]: han klarar sig nog bra

MockY[05/06/09 4:09 PM ]: mjo, men man kan börja undra...

tgs3[05/06/09 4:10 PM ]: He went in a direction you don't like, which is a lot better than trying the usual and then failing.

MockY[05/06/09 4:11 PM ]: true

MockY[05/06/09 4:12 PM ]: Well, my stomach feels much better. Iäm actually getting a bit hungry

MockY[05/06/09 4:12 PM ]: so biking sounds great

tgs3[05/06/09 4:13 PM ]: I'm in the middle of something, so 2:00 seems like it would be best for me

tgs3[05/06/09 4:13 PM ]: Are you going to come out with us, Anders?

MockY[05/06/09 4:13 PM ]: lol

MockY[05/06/09 4:13 PM ]: That would be awesome

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:14 PM ]: var?

tgs3[05/06/09 4:14 PM ]: On a bike ride

tgs3[05/06/09 4:14 PM ]: You can borrow my old bike

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:16 PM ]: känner mej lite felplacerad för det

MockY[05/06/09 4:16 PM ]: Gentlemen, I am going to reboot my system. So I might as well say Tada and Goodbye for now. And thanks for all the points.

tgs3[05/06/09 4:16 PM ]: Yeah, we still need transporter technology

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:17 PM ]: ja god natt då

tgs3[05/06/09 4:17 PM ]: g'night

tgs3[05/06/09 4:17 PM ]: So voting in 8 days?

tgs3[05/06/09 4:17 PM ]: I meant to ask Niklas....

tgs3[05/06/09 4:17 PM ]: Next Thursday I think is the next one

Hebbe[05/06/09 4:18 PM ]: tror det, går ju alltid att kolla på måndag

tgs3[05/06/09 4:18 PM ]: yup

tgs3[05/06/09 4:19 PM ]: g'night