thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:05 PM ]: Sorry, I got stuck at the front desk for a little bit

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:05 PM ]: They're gonna be late

ragee[05/04/09 4:05 PM ]: no probs

ragee[05/04/09 4:06 PM ]: forgot to bring a song with me so I have to try and find a new one in the next hour

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:06 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:06 PM ]: det verkar vara mer en regel än undantag att vara sen till röstning

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:07 PM ]: only mondays

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:07 PM ]: hur sen talar vi om

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:07 PM ]: They don't run in the mornings on Thursdays

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:08 PM ]: maybe 30 minutes

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:08 PM ]: ok

tgs3[05/04/09 4:32 PM ]: Here!

tgs3[05/04/09 4:33 PM ]: Hebbe[05/04/09 4:06 PM ]: det verkar vara mer en regel än undantag att vara sen till röstning

tgs3[05/04/09 4:33 PM ]: That's when we say "The pot calling the kettle black" in America

MockY[05/04/09 4:34 PM ]: Niklas: Hört talas om RDP, SSH, VNC eller annat av massor av protokoll du kan använda för att ta dig till din dator?

MockY[05/04/09 4:35 PM ]: Hell, du har ju rtill och med ett eget FTP konto som du kan kasta upp låtar till

ragee[05/04/09 4:37 PM ]: jja men jag glömde alltigår

MockY[05/04/09 4:37 PM ]: Svår runda måste jag säga

ragee[05/04/09 4:37 PM ]: blev lite stressad mot slutet innan jag for

tgs3[05/04/09 4:37 PM ]: A good round, but the voting fell into place for me faily easily

tgs3[05/04/09 4:37 PM ]: Niklas, where are you?

MockY[05/04/09 4:38 PM ]: För att underlätta så ska du uppa låtar till ditt konto så snart du får den. Då spelar det ngen roll ifall du glömde "allt".

ragee[05/04/09 4:38 PM ]: jag är i nyköping

tgs3[05/04/09 4:38 PM ]: ah

ragee[05/04/09 4:38 PM ]: true tru

MockY[05/04/09 4:38 PM ]: Men ifall du nu inte har några låtar att börja med så spelar inget någon roll

MockY[05/04/09 4:39 PM ]: Been there, dome that

MockY[05/04/09 4:39 PM ]: damn typos :(

tgs3[05/04/09 4:39 PM ]: I use SyncBackSE to automatically upload/update my list to my FTP site every night

MockY[05/04/09 4:39 PM ]: Useless if you donät have any songs at all...

tgs3[05/04/09 4:39 PM ]: I highly reccomend automated systems. I know not to rely on my crappy memory

tgs3[05/04/09 4:40 PM ]: Very true, you need to have a list

tgs3[05/04/09 4:40 PM ]: For that system to work

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:40 PM ]: So, is Anders around, 'cause I kinda need to vote and cover the front desk in 20 minutes

tgs3[05/04/09 4:40 PM ]: Maybe he fell asleep waiting for us...

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:41 PM ]: jag är här

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:41 PM ]: 1

tgs3[05/04/09 4:41 PM ]: 2

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:41 PM ]: 3

MockY[05/04/09 4:41 PM ]: 5

MockY[05/04/09 4:42 PM ]: great

MockY[05/04/09 4:42 PM ]: wb

tgs3[05/04/09 4:42 PM ]: I've won round 1 the last 3 seasons. Let's keep the streak going!!

ragee[05/04/09 4:42 PM ]: behover 10min till

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:42 PM ]: pushing it...

tgs3[05/04/09 4:44 PM ]: Looks like a repeat of season 29 bands for round 2

tgs3[05/04/09 4:44 PM ]: Oop, not any more...

MockY[05/04/09 4:45 PM ]: ?

MockY[05/04/09 4:45 PM ]: I don't see any

tgs3[05/04/09 4:45 PM ]: Any what?

MockY[05/04/09 4:46 PM ]: Bands that are uploaded this upcoming round that is in round 2 season 29

MockY[05/04/09 4:46 PM ]: A Balladeer is in round 1

tgs3[05/04/09 4:46 PM ]: I'm sure its happened before, but I noticed that Anders voted for all the songs that made the album yesterday.

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:46 PM ]: sometimes you take things way too literally

tgs3[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: I didn't say anything about round 2 last season

tgs3[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: Just bands from last season

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: stämmer, känns bra

MockY[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: tgs3: Looks like a repeat of season 29 bands for round 2

tgs3[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: Yeah, you should like the album

MockY[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: what is that supposed to mean then?

MockY[05/04/09 4:47 PM ]: ahh I see

MockY[05/04/09 4:48 PM ]: the upcoming round has bands that were featured last season

tgs3[05/04/09 4:48 PM ]: yes

MockY[05/04/09 4:48 PM ]: Gotcha

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:48 PM ]: ha ha ha ha, du är rolig Peter

MockY[05/04/09 4:49 PM ]: ser inte komiken

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:49 PM ]: kanske bara jag ser den

tgs3[05/04/09 4:49 PM ]: Which is part of the humor

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:50 PM ]: bra theron ser den också

MockY[05/04/09 4:50 PM ]: You are both going to hell....

MockY[05/04/09 4:50 PM ]:

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:50 PM ]: det hettar till

tgs3[05/04/09 4:50 PM ]: Cool. It's probably a lot more fun than heaven

ragee[05/04/09 4:51 PM ]: klar

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:51 PM ]: 1

tgs3[05/04/09 4:51 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:51 PM ]: 3

MockY[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: 5

ragee[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: 3123

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: flatlined 3p

MockY[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: Hierosonic 3p

ragee[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: hierosonic 4p

tgs3[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: Flatlined 5p

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:52 PM ]: Flatlined 4p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: cleverform 6p

MockY[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: Dave Matthews Band 5p

ragee[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: cleverform

ragee[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: 5p

tgs3[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: Heirsonic 6p

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:53 PM ]: Cleverform 6p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:54 PM ]: dave matthews 7p

MockY[05/04/09 4:54 PM ]: Slipknot 6p

ragee[05/04/09 4:54 PM ]: dave matthews band 6p

tgs3[05/04/09 4:54 PM ]: Cleverform 7p

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:54 PM ]: Dave Matthews Band 7p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:55 PM ]: slipknot 8p

MockY[05/04/09 4:55 PM ]: Flatlined 8p

ragee[05/04/09 4:55 PM ]: slipknot 7p

tgs3[05/04/09 4:55 PM ]: Slipknot 8p

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:55 PM ]: Hierosonic 8p

ragee[05/04/09 4:56 PM ]: hur kan nästan alla såga en sån kanon låt

MockY[05/04/09 4:56 PM ]: Det stod mellan Flatlined och Cleverform denna runda, ser ut som om att det kvitta.

ragee[05/04/09 4:56 PM ]: trist trist

MockY[05/04/09 4:56 PM ]: Men nu vet jag hur Flatlined skulle gå

MockY[05/04/09 4:56 PM ]: *tar bort från listan*

ragee[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: heehe s de var du som hade ört dem tidigare

MockY[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: mjo

tgs3[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: I'm a lilttle surprised you guys didn't like Dave Matthews more. It's one of the better songs he's ever done in my opinion...

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: 1. slipknot 29p grattis nina

ragee[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: jag som gått och lssnat på den där låten med ett leende i månad nu ch tnkt nu jävlar har jag en kanon låt

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: cool

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:57 PM ]: nice way to start the season

MockY[05/04/09 4:58 PM ]: så eftersom min låt blev sågad också, så vet jag fan inte alls vad man ska använda i SOTD

MockY[05/04/09 4:58 PM ]: inget verkar funkar längre

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:58 PM ]: 2. dave matthews 25p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:58 PM ]: 3. cleverform 24p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:58 PM ]: 4. hierosonic 21p

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: 5. flatlined 20p

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: ok, gotta go

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: verkar som omg 2 håller god kvalla

thebrat13n[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: talk to you on wednesday?

MockY[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: 2p är betydligt bättre än 0p, så jag valde rätt. Tack Niklas för att du visade att den låten inte var värd att ställa upp med

tgs3[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: seeya. Congrats

Hebbe[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: bye nina

MockY[05/04/09 4:59 PM ]: congrats

thebrat13n[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: we're agreed on wednesday? Right?

ragee[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: hehe varför ska killen som alltid loosar offra sig fö

tgs3[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: I'll let you knw

ragee[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: joo

tgs3[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: Nina

thebrat13n[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: ok

tgs3[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: Wednesday sounds good to me.

ragee[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: aja jag ka ta och borsta tänderna och sova

MockY[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]:

ragee[05/04/09 5:00 PM ]: ses om två dr då

tgs3[05/04/09 5:01 PM ]: Then we're off a week after that? Right, Niklas? You can't vote next Monday?

MockY[05/04/09 5:01 PM ]: That's your answer

MockY[05/04/09 5:01 PM ]: haha

tgs3[05/04/09 5:02 PM ]: I think that's what he said

MockY[05/04/09 5:02 PM ]: I think so to

tgs3[05/04/09 5:03 PM ]: If things go smoothlyt after that, we'll finish the season a week before you go to Sweden, so we have room to miss one more vote day and we'll still finish before you leave, so it's looking pretty good to have an album break while you're all gone, so that works out pretty good

tgs3[05/04/09 5:03 PM ]: Sweden will have fairly minimal effects on the overall SOTD schedule...

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:03 PM ]: låter bra det

tgs3[05/04/09 5:03 PM ]: What day do you all get back?

MockY[05/04/09 5:03 PM ]: it sure does. Iäll probably get a portable player at that point, so load it with all the rounds would be nice

MockY[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: 2nd

MockY[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: so we can maybe vote that weekend

tgs3[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: Good, so next album vote July 4th/5th maybe

MockY[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: Very possible

tgs3[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: Hopefully Nina doesn't have some fancy July 4th party to go to

MockY[05/04/09 5:04 PM ]: Unless we decide to go to Canada or something like that

tgs3[05/04/09 5:05 PM ]: ??

MockY[05/04/09 5:05 PM ]: ahh 4th...yeah, not so much then

MockY[05/04/09 5:06 PM ]: nevermind

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:06 PM ]: så ni har tänkt och sitta och rösta på självaste nationaldagen

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:06 PM ]: blir det inte protester då?

tgs3[05/04/09 5:07 PM ]: I don't think it will be a problem. I haven't gotten drunk that day since Patrik was here

MockY[05/04/09 5:07 PM ]: Finns väl inget bättre särtt att fira det på än att rösta

tgs3[05/04/09 5:07 PM ]: 12.00 might be a problem, but 23.00 should be fine

MockY[05/04/09 5:07 PM ]: was about to say the same

MockY[05/04/09 5:07 PM ]: you didn't get drunk last year?

tgs3[05/04/09 5:08 PM ]: Voting sun burned and half drunk is a definite possibility

MockY[05/04/09 5:08 PM ]: Can't remember if I was either, which usually means that I was

tgs3[05/04/09 5:08 PM ]: I was traveling from Stochholm to Sacramento on the 4th last year

MockY[05/04/09 5:09 PM ]: then you shouldn't have been drunk...

tgs3[05/04/09 5:11 PM ]: I was not, just bored and tired of sitting on my butt

MockY[05/04/09 5:11 PM ]: Sounds like you should have been drunk

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:12 PM ]: och sen köra bil

tgs3[05/04/09 5:12 PM ]: probably

tgs3[05/04/09 5:12 PM ]: Nina got us at the airport, so I would have been OK

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:12 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:17 PM ]: nää, god natt

tgs3[05/04/09 5:17 PM ]: all is quiet I see

tgs3[05/04/09 5:17 PM ]: Yup, g'night

MockY[05/04/09 5:17 PM ]: godis

tgs3[05/04/09 5:17 PM ]: See you in about 47 hours!

Hebbe[05/04/09 5:18 PM ]: jupp