tgs3[02/22/09 11:56 AM ]: So whar hard drive should I get?

MockY[02/22/09 11:56 AM ]: So you are getting one drive instead of moving your current drives to a server?

MockY[02/22/09 11:57 AM ]: So you are going to have the boot drive and then the new 2 total?

tgs3[02/22/09 11:57 AM ]: You tell me

tgs3[02/22/09 11:57 AM ]: You're the IT guy

MockY[02/22/09 11:59 AM ]: Shoving the drives in an enclosure is free but it does take up as much room as the case's size. Advantage is that you only have one hard drive in your computer

MockY[02/22/09 12:00 PM ]: One big drive still gets rid of your old drives, it is not free but you will not have a server standing in a corer somewhere

MockY[02/22/09 12:00 PM ]: so it really is up to you

MockY[02/22/09 12:00 PM ]: either method is fine

MockY[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: But because I already have a home server, I would simply reove all drives from my computer

MockY[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: but you don't have one

tgs3[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: That's because you haven't built me one

tgs3[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: New big drive for me and a server for my house sounds like the solution to me

MockY[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: Well, some people don't like having a headless computer standing somewhere

MockY[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: ohh so both packages

MockY[02/22/09 12:01 PM ]: fun

MockY[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: so what are your slave drives now?

tgs3[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: I asked for you server reccomendation like 3 months ago

tgs3[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: Hard drives

tgs3[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: What do you mean

tgs3[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: ?

Ragee[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: alla utom nina är på plats på pricken

MockY[02/22/09 12:02 PM ]: size I mean

MockY[02/22/09 12:03 PM ]: Hejsan br;der

MockY[02/22/09 12:03 PM ]: bröder*

tgs3[02/22/09 12:03 PM ]: I'll talk to you on the phone later

tgs3[02/22/09 12:03 PM ]: NO reason to bore everyone

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:03 PM ]: tjena alla sotdare

tgs3[02/22/09 12:04 PM ]: And its a dumb conversation to have digitally

tgs3[02/22/09 12:04 PM ]: hello

MockY[02/22/09 12:04 PM ]: very true

MockY[02/22/09 12:04 PM ]: Iäll dig up some hardware you might need and poresent it to you later

tgs3[02/22/09 12:05 PM ]: ok

tgs3[02/22/09 12:06 PM ]: Don't be surprised if I go offline and go to my laptop at some point

MockY[02/22/09 12:06 PM ]: that does not sound like fun

MockY[02/22/09 12:06 PM ]: So it's still acting up

tgs3[02/22/09 12:06 PM ]: I wouldn't be asking these questions if it wasn't

MockY[02/22/09 12:07 PM ]: gotcha

tgs3[02/22/09 12:08 PM ]: So everyone ready for another day of excitement?

MockY[02/22/09 12:09 PM ]: Absolutely. I passed out before finalizing all rounds though

tgs3[02/22/09 12:10 PM ]: Mine aren't finalized

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:10 PM ]: jo då, har bara omg 10 kvar att poängtera

tgs3[02/22/09 12:10 PM ]: probably need about 15-20 minutes for each round

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:10 PM ]: jag har fiskat idag

MockY[02/22/09 12:11 PM ]: hur gick det?

MockY[02/22/09 12:11 PM ]: tog du nå rekord?

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:11 PM ]: nä 5 kg småfisk

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: är jag kvar

tgs3[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: Apparently we have nothing to say to that

tgs3[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: Yes you are

tgs3[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: We were so impressed by your fish haul that we were silenced

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: ok jag var lite osäker

MockY[02/22/09 12:14 PM ]: I can more than that in the store

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:15 PM ]: jag var inte särskilt imponerad

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:15 PM ]: älven går dåligt i år, än så länge

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:15 PM ]: I'm having a hard time with this round

tgs3[02/22/09 12:15 PM ]: Call me and I'll let you know what you should do

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:16 PM ]: I thought that I was done, but then I started listening again and realized I wasn't

tgs3[02/22/09 12:16 PM ]: It looks like Nina wrote "MockY går och bajsar"

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:16 PM ]: den jämnaste på hela speed-sotd

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:17 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 12:17 PM ]: I thought so at first, but once I gave it a good enough listen, it wasn't too bad

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:18 PM ]: gick ganska bra när man kom över finskan

tgs3[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: 39 new bands this season. The most since round 20

MockY[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: moi mukolaat

MockY[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: Huvailta

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: cool

tgs3[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: Did you take your laptop to the toilet, Peter?

MockY[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: eller va fasen dom säger: God morgon. Hej små knattar.

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: mansikka

MockY[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: no, I'm quick

MockY[02/22/09 12:19 PM ]: release, wipe, flush, wash hands, return

tgs3[02/22/09 12:20 PM ]: That's what she said

MockY[02/22/09 12:20 PM ]: 1.5 minutes max

tgs3[02/22/09 12:20 PM ]: Sure you didn't skip steps #2-#4?

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:20 PM ]: uh oh

MockY[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: nope I did not....

MockY[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: Di I scare Hebbe now

MockY[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: such a prude

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: är jag kvar

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: now you are

tgs3[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: yes

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: det går troll i maskineriet

tgs3[02/22/09 12:21 PM ]: But you were gone a moment

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:22 PM ]: men jag kunde ändå läsa vad ni skrev, underligt

tgs3[02/22/09 12:22 PM ]: this chat is always a bit of a wonder

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:23 PM ]: ska vi bränna av omg 6

Ragee[02/22/09 12:23 PM ]: jag är iaf klar nu med runda 5

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: you mean 6?

Ragee[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: 6 menar kah

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: runda 5 rösta vi igår

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: kommer du inte ihåg det

Ragee[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: jodå

Ragee[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: men jag tänkte fel

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: kah, är det inte ormen i jungelboken

Ragee[02/22/09 12:24 PM ]: anyway start this

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: men vad menar du

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: 1

Ragee[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: 12321

MockY[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: 3

tgs3[02/22/09 12:25 PM ]: 5

tgs3[02/22/09 12:26 PM ]: argh

MockY[02/22/09 12:26 PM ]: yes

MockY[02/22/09 12:27 PM ]: sparka igång Anders

tgs3[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: or not

MockY[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: eller inte

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: fun fun

Ragee[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: går bra detta

tgs3[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: Apparently weekend evenings are bad

tgs3[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: for him

MockY[02/22/09 12:28 PM ]: Apparently

tgs3[02/22/09 12:29 PM ]: time to work on round 7....

tgs3[02/22/09 12:30 PM ]: for me

MockY[02/22/09 12:30 PM ]: me too

Ragee[02/22/09 12:31 PM ]: mej mä

MockY[02/22/09 12:31 PM ]: and that one is harder than any other round so far

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:31 PM ]: me four

MockY[02/22/09 12:31 PM ]: gahh, vad ska ni använda så likvärdiga låtar för?

tgs3[02/22/09 12:32 PM ]: For me round 7 divides into 2 goups easily. Separating the songs in each group is a bit harder

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:32 PM ]: I agree with Theron

MockY[02/22/09 12:54 PM ]: nee eee

MockY[02/22/09 12:55 PM ]: wb

MockY[02/22/09 12:55 PM ]: kom du för att stanna denna gång?

tgs3[02/22/09 12:55 PM ]: doubtful

tgs3[02/22/09 12:55 PM ]: see?

Ragee[02/22/09 12:55 PM ]: hhaha

Ragee[02/22/09 12:56 PM ]: gick fort

MockY[02/22/09 12:56 PM ]: blä

MockY[02/22/09 12:56 PM ]: that's what she said

MockY[02/22/09 12:56 PM ]: nu då

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:58 PM ]: undra om det här funkar

MockY[02/22/09 12:58 PM ]: vi får hoppas det

Hebbe[02/22/09 12:58 PM ]: ska vi prova en röstning här

thebrat13n[02/22/09 12:59 PM ]: ok

tgs3[02/22/09 12:59 PM ]: sure

tgs3[02/22/09 12:59 PM ]: I'm ready whenever

tgs3[02/22/09 12:59 PM ]: working on round 8 right now

MockY[02/22/09 12:59 PM ]: so am I

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: i'm working on 9

Ragee[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: är inte riktigt klar än

MockY[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: fast are we...

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: 9 is good

tgs3[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: Anders got upset at Niklas

MockY[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: yup

tgs3[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: And here, too

Ragee[02/22/09 1:00 PM ]: sorry

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:01 PM ]: eller här

MockY[02/22/09 1:01 PM ]: vackert

MockY[02/22/09 1:01 PM ]: men släpp fisken

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:03 PM ]: håller med nina 9 is good förutom en låt

tgs3[02/22/09 1:03 PM ]: Must be hers

MockY[02/22/09 1:04 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/22/09 1:05 PM ]: so...ser ut som om att Anders stannar kvar denna gång

MockY[02/22/09 1:05 PM ]: *knock on wood*

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:05 PM ]: verkar lurt

MockY[02/22/09 1:05 PM ]: lur

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: jag vill lira chille

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: kjille

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: tjelle

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: chille

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: schille

tgs3[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: So come over

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: schilling

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: kuk

tgs3[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: Make an online version. It can't be that hard...

MockY[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: that would be a good project for my Senior Project

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:06 PM ]: finns det på internet

MockY[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: an online version written in Python

MockY[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: w000nderbar

tgs3[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: After Peter makes it, there will

tgs3[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: Not Monty?

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: om 10 år

MockY[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: nope

MockY[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: om 10 år

MockY[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:07 PM ]: 11 då

MockY[02/22/09 1:08 PM ]: jag har failat min kurs för länge sen i så fall

MockY[02/22/09 1:08 PM ]: jag har 8 veckor på mig

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:08 PM ]: ok

MockY[02/22/09 1:08 PM ]: så det är snarare 8 veckor eller aldrig

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:08 PM ]: hmm

tgs3[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: I know what I would bet on

MockY[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: Have some faith

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: det är nog en lågoddsare

Ragee[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: klar nu iaf

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:09 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/22/09 1:10 PM ]: 4

tgs3[02/22/09 1:10 PM ]: 5

Ragee[02/22/09 1:10 PM ]: 345345

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:11 PM ]: armor for sleep 4p

MockY[02/22/09 1:11 PM ]: Allusive 4p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:11 PM ]: the trews 4p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:11 PM ]: Armor For Sleep 4p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:11 PM ]: Delain 4p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: allusive 6p

MockY[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: The Threws 6p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: shorelines end 5p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: The Trews 5p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: Armor for Sleep 5p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:13 PM ]: delain 7p

MockY[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Shoreline End 7p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: allusive 6p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Delain 7p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Allusive 7p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: the trews 8p

MockY[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Armor for Sleep 8p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Delain 8p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:14 PM ]: Shorelines End 9p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:15 PM ]: Shorelines End 8p

MockY[02/22/09 1:15 PM ]: hmm

Ragee[02/22/09 1:15 PM ]: jäklar va jag sackar efter nu

MockY[02/22/09 1:15 PM ]: Anders fortsätter

tgs3[02/22/09 1:16 PM ]: Yeah, this is getting pretty sick..

tgs3[02/22/09 1:16 PM ]: Of course, Speed was his idea, so no surprise here really

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:16 PM ]: no suprise at all

MockY[02/22/09 1:16 PM ]: hehe

MockY[02/22/09 1:17 PM ]: 3 i rad igen

MockY[02/22/09 1:17 PM ]: 2 säsonger i rad

MockY[02/22/09 1:17 PM ]: hmm ska han ta 4 mån tro

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:17 PM ]: 5. armor for sleep 21p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:17 PM ]: 4. allusive 23p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: I actually think he'll only do OK the last three rounds

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: 3. the trews 23p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: But my guesses usually suck when it comes to SOTD

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: 2. delain 26p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: yeah, I won a tie

tgs3[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: Congrats... I guess

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: sorry

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: 1. shorelines end 29p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:18 PM ]: nu blev jag förfånad igen

MockY[02/22/09 1:19 PM ]: säkert....

tgs3[02/22/09 1:19 PM ]: I meant that for Anders, actually, but it worked for you, too

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:19 PM ]: nästa vinner niklas

MockY[02/22/09 1:19 PM ]: tror jag med

tgs3[02/22/09 1:20 PM ]: If Nina hadn't won that tie, it would have been the exact same order as the round before..

Ragee[02/22/09 1:20 PM ]: hoppas det

tgs3[02/22/09 1:20 PM ]: I think round 8 has been the hardest for me to decide so far, but you guys are apparently not having that problem

MockY[02/22/09 1:21 PM ]: nope

MockY[02/22/09 1:21 PM ]: 6 was hardest for me so far

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:23 PM ]: I have no idea who will win

MockY[02/22/09 1:23 PM ]: ö

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:23 PM ]: only, I'm pretty sure I won't

tgs3[02/22/09 1:23 PM ]: Peter and Anders have kinda given away their top song, so I could make a guess now base on that

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:24 PM ]:

MockY[02/22/09 1:25 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 1:26 PM ]: OK, moving on to round 9 now....

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:27 PM ]: brb

MockY[02/22/09 1:27 PM ]: I'm right behind you

tgs3[02/22/09 1:27 PM ]: perv

MockY[02/22/09 1:27 PM ]: I do have to eat something now though

MockY[02/22/09 1:27 PM ]: that's me

tgs3[02/22/09 1:28 PM ]: I had my usual breakfast sandwich that I eat during album votes many times

Ragee[02/22/09 1:29 PM ]: wb tihi

tgs3[02/22/09 1:32 PM ]: maybe he is

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:36 PM ]: hoppas hon somnar

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:37 PM ]: tydligen inte

tgs3[02/22/09 1:38 PM ]: ??

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:39 PM ]: I'm back

tgs3[02/22/09 1:40 PM ]: and I'm front

Ragee[02/22/09 1:43 PM ]: jag är klar nu iaf

tgs3[02/22/09 1:44 PM ]: me, too

MockY[02/22/09 1:44 PM ]: I'm in the middle

tgs3[02/22/09 1:45 PM ]: too late, we've moved past that

MockY[02/22/09 1:46 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:47 PM ]: nu tror jag hon sover

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:47 PM ]: 1

tgs3[02/22/09 1:48 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/22/09 1:48 PM ]: 2

Ragee[02/22/09 1:48 PM ]: 124234

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:49 PM ]: 5

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:49 PM ]: jason mraz 5p

MockY[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: Apollo 3p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: jason m,raz 3p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: Apollo 4p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: Apollo 4p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: against all will 6p

MockY[02/22/09 1:50 PM ]: Polaradio 7p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:51 PM ]: against all will 5p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:51 PM ]: Against All Will 5p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:51 PM ]: Reflexion 5p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:51 PM ]: polaradio 7p

MockY[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: Jason Mraz 8p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: polaradio 6p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: Jason Mraz 6p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: Polaradio 7p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: reflexion 9p

MockY[02/22/09 1:52 PM ]: Reflexion 9p

Ragee[02/22/09 1:53 PM ]: apollo 7p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:53 PM ]: Reflexion 8p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 1:53 PM ]: Against All Will 8p

tgs3[02/22/09 1:53 PM ]: looking like Niklas there

MockY[02/22/09 1:54 PM ]: Anders sist....knas

Ragee[02/22/09 1:54 PM ]: yey ätligen en vinnst

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:54 PM ]: 5. apollo 18p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: 4. jason mraz 22p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: 3. against all will 24p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: 2. polaradio 27p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: 1. reflexion 31p

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: grattis niklas

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:55 PM ]: det där var en riktig seger

Ragee[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: fan va skönt

Ragee[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: får man iaf med en låt på albumet

tgs3[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: Congrats, but I have a better Reflexion song in my list. To me anyway. My guess is you guys wouldn't agree

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: nästa vinner peter

Hebbe[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: säg inte det

tgs3[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: That's too bad

MockY[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: oj då

MockY[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: det låter bra

Ragee[02/22/09 1:56 PM ]: jasså så du ska göra en låt stöld nästa säsong

tgs3[02/22/09 1:57 PM ]: It's a possibiliy

MockY[02/22/09 1:57 PM ]: hehe

tgs3[02/22/09 1:57 PM ]: I had it before you used them, if that matters any

Ragee[02/22/09 1:57 PM ]: ahh I see

tgs3[02/22/09 1:58 PM ]: They pop off as a band similar to Entwine on sites that try and reccomend bands

MockY[02/22/09 1:58 PM ]: still a steal

tgs3[02/22/09 1:58 PM ]: "pop up"

tgs3[02/22/09 1:58 PM ]: sorta

MockY[02/22/09 2:03 PM ]:

MockY[02/22/09 2:03 PM ]: Breaking the silence with a pretty jerking off dance

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: aktull ställning efter banansnoppen

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: anders 22p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: theron 20p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: peter 16p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: nina 12p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:04 PM ]: niklas 10p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:05 PM ]: rätta mej om det inte stämmer

Ragee[02/22/09 2:05 PM ]: jag ska igentöligen ha 23p

MockY[02/22/09 2:05 PM ]: stämmer med mina nummer

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:06 PM ]: igent ÖL igen?

tgs3[02/22/09 2:08 PM ]: looks right

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:09 PM ]: det här kan bli spännande, får inte tappa för mycket på theron

tgs3[02/22/09 2:09 PM ]: Moving on to ranking the final round now....

tgs3[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: I put my 2 weakest songs (in my opinion) in rounds 9 and 10, so I think you're fine

MockY[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: Theron vinner runda 8

MockY[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: 0 menar jag

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: den vann niklas

MockY[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: 9

MockY[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: I thought that was already yours

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:10 PM ]: runda 0 har vi inte kört

tgs3[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: Anders already declared it

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: peter vinner runda 9

MockY[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: well, he is wrong

MockY[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: and you will soon see that I am right

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: och nina runda 10

tgs3[02/22/09 2:11 PM ]: hope so

MockY[02/22/09 2:12 PM ]: well, that is how it will go down

MockY[02/22/09 2:12 PM ]: or I will be extremely surprised

tgs3[02/22/09 2:12 PM ]: hmm

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:12 PM ]: så det gäller för niklas att plocka poäng i runda 9, när nina nollar

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:12 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 2:13 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:13 PM ]: vad jag snackar skit

tgs3[02/22/09 2:13 PM ]: usually not

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:13 PM ]: nice

tgs3[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: are people ready for the penultimate round?

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: I'm ready

Ragee[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: jag behöver mer tid

MockY[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: 45 minutes till voting according to the schedule

tgs3[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: that's fine

tgs3[02/22/09 2:15 PM ]: true

tgs3[02/22/09 2:16 PM ]: But now you told me I'm going to win, so I got excited!

MockY[02/22/09 2:16 PM ]: så ta din tid Nicke

MockY[02/22/09 2:16 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/22/09 2:16 PM ]: you should be. Winning is a great feeling

MockY[02/22/09 2:17 PM ]: Round 10 is probably the least awesome one of day 2

tgs3[02/22/09 2:17 PM ]: I thought people would try and put good songs there to finish up strong. I guess not

MockY[02/22/09 2:18 PM ]: or we all ran out

MockY[02/22/09 2:18 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 2:19 PM ]: That doesn't make any sense

tgs3[02/22/09 2:19 PM ]: You didn't need to upload round 10 last

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:19 PM ]: hej säger oskar

tgs3[02/22/09 2:20 PM ]: Hello Oskar!!

MockY[02/22/09 2:21 PM ]: Tjaluupa

tgs3[02/22/09 2:22 PM ]: Adam says

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:22 PM ]: god natt till adam

tgs3[02/22/09 2:22 PM ]: more like good morning

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:23 PM ]: men han sover ju

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:23 PM ]: eller god dag

tgs3[02/22/09 2:23 PM ]: true. I just figured it was too late for good night

tgs3[02/22/09 2:23 PM ]: that would be best

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:26 PM ]: nä nu går jag ner och fikar nygräddade rimbobullar

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:26 PM ]: brb

tgs3[02/22/09 2:26 PM ]: I think I'm jealous, but I'm not sure what a rimbo is

MockY[02/22/09 2:27 PM ]: har du flyttat datorn til övervåningen?

Ragee[02/22/09 2:27 PM ]: inte jag heller

tgs3[02/22/09 2:28 PM ]: He did that like 2 years ago, Peter

MockY[02/22/09 2:29 PM ]: Good to know

MockY[02/22/09 2:29 PM ]: I haven't been there in 4

Ragee[02/22/09 2:31 PM ]: klar nu iaf

tgs3[02/22/09 2:31 PM ]:

tgs3[02/22/09 2:31 PM ]: That's where the office was...

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:31 PM ]: 1

MockY[02/22/09 2:31 PM ]: no signs of a computer

MockY[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: 2

tgs3[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: 2

Ragee[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: 214243

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: zebrahead 2p

MockY[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: Mercury City 4p

Ragee[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: zebrahead 4p

tgs3[02/22/09 2:32 PM ]: Zebrahead 4p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:33 PM ]: Within Temptation 5p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:33 PM ]: craving lucy 7p

MockY[02/22/09 2:33 PM ]: Zebrahead 6p

Ragee[02/22/09 2:33 PM ]: craving lucy 6p

tgs3[02/22/09 2:33 PM ]: Mercury City 6p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: Mercury City 6p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: within temptation 8p

MockY[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: Craving Lucy 8p

Ragee[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: hoobastank 7p

tgs3[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: Within Temptation 7p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:34 PM ]: Hoobastank 9p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:35 PM ]: sorry, that should be 8

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:35 PM ]: hoobastank 9p

MockY[02/22/09 2:35 PM ]: Within Temptation 9p

Ragee[02/22/09 2:35 PM ]: mercury city 8p

tgs3[02/22/09 2:35 PM ]: Hoobastank 8p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:36 PM ]: Craving Lucy 9p

MockY[02/22/09 2:36 PM ]: Hebba hade rätt... I stand corrected

tgs3[02/22/09 2:36 PM ]: I had full faith in Anders being right

tgs3[02/22/09 2:37 PM ]: Congrats on finally using this song

MockY[02/22/09 2:37 PM ]: hehe

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:37 PM ]: 5. zebrahead 16p

MockY[02/22/09 2:38 PM ]: nu jävlar är det jämn

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:38 PM ]: 4. mercury city 24p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:38 PM ]: 3. within temptation 29p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: 2 menar jag

Ragee[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: hur kunde nina lägga så lågt på min låt hehe

MockY[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: nee

Ragee[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: järnspiiik

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: 1. hoobastank 32p grattis peter

MockY[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: hon gillar inte kvinnliga sångare

MockY[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: w000t

tgs3[02/22/09 2:39 PM ]: Despite his 4 wins, Anders and I are now tied, and Peter has a snowballs's chance in Hell of putting himself in the picture, too

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:40 PM ]: hoppsan

MockY[02/22/09 2:40 PM ]:'s snowing

MockY[02/22/09 2:40 PM ]: *rolling a ball*

tgs3[02/22/09 2:40 PM ]: You'll have a nice pretty row with a last place finish, Peter. 2's in every caegory

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:40 PM ]: not a within temptation fan

MockY[02/22/09 2:41 PM ]: I will not aim for that

tgs3[02/22/09 2:41 PM ]: I'm not really either, but I liked this song more than others

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:42 PM ]: I think mine would look good with a 2 in the middle, but I don't know if I'll come in third

tgs3[02/22/09 2:42 PM ]: Yeah, that would help the pattern

tgs3[02/22/09 2:42 PM ]: Anders and me could also use a third place

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:43 PM ]: Theron needs a 2 in first or forth

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:43 PM ]: then you would have one of each

tgs3[02/22/09 2:43 PM ]: ah

tgs3[02/22/09 2:43 PM ]: yes

tgs3[02/22/09 2:44 PM ]: I will shoot for 1st

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:44 PM ]: Anders is the same with needing a third in 2nd of 5th

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:44 PM ]: or, not of

tgs3[02/22/09 2:45 PM ]: yes

tgs3[02/22/09 2:45 PM ]: Let's hope for a 5th then

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:45 PM ]: det här blir jämt

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:45 PM ]: tror theron kommer före mej

tgs3[02/22/09 2:46 PM ]: I don't have that much of a guess what the winning song is this time

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:46 PM ]: det kan bli en upp och ned röstning

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:47 PM ]: där alla tycker olika

MockY[02/22/09 2:47 PM ]: Jag har ingen gissning heller

tgs3[02/22/09 2:47 PM ]: This is the only round that I decided to put in a new song over one that had been on my list that I had planned to use. Hopefully it was the right choice

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:47 PM ]: men jag tror på nina

tgs3[02/22/09 2:48 PM ]: Anders has had the golden touch so far, so that's good news for Nina

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:48 PM ]: inte för niklas

tgs3[02/22/09 2:48 PM ]: true

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: one can only hope

Ragee[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: jag tror inte på min låt iaf

MockY[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: I want to win and I also want Theron and Anders to end 4 and 5

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: du är nog körd, nicke

tgs3[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: haha

Ragee[02/22/09 2:49 PM ]: yes yes

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:50 PM ]: och jag tror peter hoppas på mirakel

MockY[02/22/09 2:50 PM ]: klart jag gör

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:50 PM ]: ställning inför sista

tgs3[02/22/09 2:50 PM ]: TIme to start praying, Peter

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: 1. theron och anders 23p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: 3. peter 20p

tgs3[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: Go old people!!!

MockY[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: Already grabbed the bottle of Peppermint Schnapps

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: 4. nina och niklas

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:51 PM ]: 12p

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:52 PM ]: där hittar du inga mirakel

tgs3[02/22/09 2:52 PM ]: Seems like there's been a lot of ties in the standings this season, but maybe its usually that way

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:52 PM ]: men antagligen botten på flaskan

MockY[02/22/09 2:52 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/22/09 2:53 PM ]: en sån tur, det är bara 3 shots kvar i denna flaska

MockY[02/22/09 2:53 PM ]: Så ifall jag tömmer den så vinner jag

MockY[02/22/09 2:53 PM ]: *dricker*

tgs3[02/22/09 2:53 PM ]: What kind of Swedes are you?

tgs3[02/22/09 2:53 PM ]: -s Swede

tgs3[02/22/09 2:54 PM ]: You're supposed to want as much alcohol as possible

MockY[02/22/09 2:54 PM ]: My Swede left my body about 4 years ago

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:55 PM ]: god natt säger oskar

MockY[02/22/09 2:55 PM ]: godis

Ragee[02/22/09 2:55 PM ]: natii natti

tgs3[02/22/09 2:55 PM ]: g'night

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:57 PM ]: oskar tycker min låt är grymt bra, heja oskar

thebrat13n[02/22/09 2:57 PM ]: natti natti

tgs3[02/22/09 2:57 PM ]: Its bad luck for me when Adam likes my song, so I hope it works the same for you

Hebbe[02/22/09 2:58 PM ]: men jag har haft den i ett halvår nu, så det säger väll nått också

MockY[02/22/09 2:59 PM ]: So...I'm thinking in terms of expanding functionality of the database, and one feature that would be nice is the possiblity to click a plus (or the row) on a search result and additional information (such as individual votes) is expanded.

MockY[02/22/09 2:59 PM ]: Would that be something that would be used or nice to have?

tgs3[02/22/09 2:59 PM ]: sounds good

tgs3[02/22/09 2:59 PM ]: yes

Ragee[02/22/09 2:59 PM ]: låter nice nice

MockY[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: cool

tgs3[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: Also nice, to me anyway, would be an ability to search on more than one thing

MockY[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: will work on that then

tgs3[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: LIke Land-FInland, Spelare-Niklas

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: trevligt

MockY[02/22/09 3:00 PM ]: I see. But dues to space issues, would a expantion box be enough

tgs3[02/22/09 3:01 PM ]: Yeah, I'm not sure the best way to do it

MockY[02/22/09 3:01 PM ]: it would look like it does now, but when you click on Advanced or a plus, more possibilities are exposed

tgs3[02/22/09 3:01 PM ]: Maybe the ability to search within what you've already pulled up. For example, let's say I search on Niklas, but then ahev the ability to do another search only on the stuff that's been pulled up, not the whole database

MockY[02/22/09 3:02 PM ]: I haven't touched the design of the database since its birth so it's about time to upgrade it a bit

tgs3[02/22/09 3:02 PM ]: Yeah, peter, that would work, I'm sure

MockY[02/22/09 3:03 PM ]: okidookie then. I shall note it for the next version

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:03 PM ]: är alla klara för omg 10

tgs3[02/22/09 3:03 PM ]: I happen to do a search on Entwine for the hell of it, and I was reminded of something I said to Nina last week. She's the only SOTD member, including Robert, that hasn't used them.

MockY[02/22/09 3:04 PM ]: hmm ok

Ragee[02/22/09 3:04 PM ]: 5min

MockY[02/22/09 3:05 PM ]: here too

tgs3[02/22/09 3:05 PM ]: the suspense......

MockY[02/22/09 3:05 PM ]: Maybe next season then

tgs3[02/22/09 3:06 PM ]: maybe

Ragee[02/22/09 3:07 PM ]: klar

tgs3[02/22/09 3:07 PM ]: So Speed SOTD 2 next February?

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: men i början på februari

Ragee[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: sure

MockY[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: Lets just run Speed SOTD from now on

tgs3[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: I don't know how much control we have over exactly when it will happen, Anders

tgs3[02/22/09 3:08 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/22/09 3:09 PM ]: once a month

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:09 PM ]: jag vet

tgs3[02/22/09 3:09 PM ]: I decided not to push my luck and even suggest something like that

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:10 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:10 PM ]: undra hur det går i juni

tgs3[02/22/09 3:10 PM ]: yeah, let's do the next one then!!

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:11 PM ]: vecka 1 leta låtar, vecka 2 lägga in och rösta omg, vecka 4 album-röstning

tgs3[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: sounds good

tgs3[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: NO more voting from work

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: umm...

tgs3[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: haha

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:12 PM ]: I don't know what kind of quality you'd get from me...

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:13 PM ]: men en galen anette 1 gång i månaden

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:13 PM ]: though I don't normally win anyway, so...

MockY[02/22/09 3:13 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/22/09 3:13 PM ]: But I would most likely join you

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:13 PM ]: hmm

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:14 PM ]: 1 gång om året går nog bra

Ragee[02/22/09 3:14 PM ]: låter rätt tungt tycker jag

Ragee[02/22/09 3:14 PM ]: ja det räcker alldelses utmärkt

tgs3[02/22/09 3:14 PM ]: I would actually really like it, but yeah, I don't expect it to happen more than once a year

MockY[02/22/09 3:14 PM ]: mjo, nog ska vi klämma in en Speed igen

MockY[02/22/09 3:15 PM ]: det va roligt

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:15 PM ]: jag tycker att det är ett roligt ombyte i sotd

tgs3[02/22/09 3:15 PM ]: I agree

Ragee[02/22/09 3:15 PM ]: ska vi köra sista röstingen på världens första SPEED-SOTD

tgs3[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: I think so

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: 1

tgs3[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: 2

Ragee[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: 2343

tgs3[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: I have a bad feeling, though

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: 5

MockY[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: 99

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:16 PM ]: one minute halo 5p

MockY[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: Echoes Of Eternity 3p

Ragee[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: under the flood 5p

tgs3[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: Under The Flood 4p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: Echos of Eternity 3p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: echoes of eternity 6p

MockY[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: Under The Flood 4p

Ragee[02/22/09 3:17 PM ]: will thomas 6p

tgs3[02/22/09 3:18 PM ]: One Minute Halo 5p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:18 PM ]: Will Thomas 5p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:18 PM ]: will thomas 7p

MockY[02/22/09 3:18 PM ]: Thriving Ivory 5p

Ragee[02/22/09 3:18 PM ]: one minute halo 7p

tgs3[02/22/09 3:19 PM ]: Thriving Ivory 7p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:19 PM ]: One Minute Halo 7p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:19 PM ]: thriving ivory 9p

MockY[02/22/09 3:19 PM ]: Will Thomas 7p

Ragee[02/22/09 3:20 PM ]: thriving ivory 8p

tgs3[02/22/09 3:20 PM ]: Echoes of Eternity 8p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:20 PM ]: Under the Flood 8p

Ragee[02/22/09 3:20 PM ]: yey theron gilla min låt iaf

MockY[02/22/09 3:21 PM ]: Well congrats Sören

tgs3[02/22/09 3:21 PM ]: Yup, I thought i might be Anders after Oskar's comment, but nope

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:21 PM ]: 5. echoes 20p

tgs3[02/22/09 3:21 PM ]: We haven't seen the scores yet

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:22 PM ]: 4. under the flood 21p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:22 PM ]: 3. one minute halo 24p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:22 PM ]: 2. will thomas 25p

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:22 PM ]: 1. thriving ivory 29p

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:22 PM ]: cool

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: anders is always right

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: grattis nina och grattis theron

MockY[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: he sure is

tgs3[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: And a congrats to Nina on a strong season. I should have text filed that song..

MockY[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: And Theron had quite an ending on the season

tgs3[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: Thank you all

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: det ska jag komma ihåg, nina

tgs3[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: I won the season but only 1 round. I'm guessing that's never happened before

thebrat13n[02/22/09 3:23 PM ]: that is kinda weird

Ragee[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: jag ska gå och ta ut min vinnst iaf och ta o snaacka med Silvia på Skype

Ragee[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: ses på albumröstningen då

tgs3[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: I will not be surprised by a not so great album result, but I'll take this win!!

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: hej då nicke

Ragee[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: och tack för en väldrigt underhållande röstning trots förlust

tgs3[02/22/09 3:24 PM ]: Yup, seeya in 2 weeks

Ragee[02/22/09 3:25 PM ]: bye bye

tgs3[02/22/09 3:25 PM ]: You did than last season

tgs3[02/22/09 3:26 PM ]: Peter, you "won" Day 2

tgs3[02/22/09 3:27 PM ]: a 1st, 2 2nds and 2 3rds...

MockY[02/22/09 3:28 PM ]: yeah baby!

tgs3[02/22/09 3:28 PM ]: I guess everyone passed out?

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:29 PM ]: nä inte riktigt

tgs3[02/22/09 3:29 PM ]: It's always something, said Howard

MockY[02/22/09 3:29 PM ]: It was not enough to stop the bulldozer (read Theron) however

MockY[02/22/09 3:29 PM ]: yup

tgs3[02/22/09 3:30 PM ]: It more like I slid on by while Anders collapsed

tgs3[02/22/09 3:30 PM ]: But I'm OK with that

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:30 PM ]: theron sist poängen kom inte in i totalen

tgs3[02/22/09 3:31 PM ]: It did for me

tgs3[02/22/09 3:31 PM ]: Are all 20 boxes filled up top? It won't work if there aren't exactly 20 filled with points

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:32 PM ]: skrev ett fel

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:32 PM ]: nu funkar det, jag är nog trött

tgs3[02/22/09 3:32 PM ]: ah

tgs3[02/22/09 3:32 PM ]: with good reason

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:33 PM ]: jupp

MockY[02/22/09 3:34 PM ]: jag med

MockY[02/22/09 3:34 PM ]: har inte ens druckit mitt morgonkaffe

tgs3[02/22/09 3:34 PM ]: My G drive held up all day after drapping out like 5 or 6 times last night and this morning. Maybe it's all fixed!!

MockY[02/22/09 3:34 PM ]: skall genast fixa det

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:34 PM ]: undra hur det gått om jag hade haft mercuty city i runda 10 och under the flood i runda 9

tgs3[02/22/09 3:35 PM ]: Better. Maybe better enough, it's hard to say

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:35 PM ]: bara speculationer

tgs3[02/22/09 3:35 PM ]: Switching them wouldn't have been any worse anyway.

tgs3[02/22/09 3:36 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:36 PM ]: hade nog inte räkt ändå

tgs3[02/22/09 3:37 PM ]: probably not, but its a good thing you didn't do that just in case

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:37 PM ]: jag kan i alla fall räkna bort 4 av mina låtar direkt för albumet

tgs3[02/22/09 3:38 PM ]: It was very black and white for you this season. Only top or bottom songs.

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:39 PM ]: det brukar inte vara så för mej

MockY[02/22/09 3:39 PM ]: så vad skall man skriva i nyhterena för denna säsong?

tgs3[02/22/09 3:39 PM ]: Even your songs that didn't do so good usually had one person liking them quite a bit. You have a good chance for no album 0's

tgs3[02/22/09 3:39 PM ]: "Theron Rocks. End of Story."

Hebbe[02/22/09 3:40 PM ]: ha ha ha, god natt

tgs3[02/22/09 3:40 PM ]: Speed SOTD was a huge success and fun was had by all

tgs3[02/22/09 3:40 PM ]: g'night

tgs3[02/22/09 3:41 PM ]: That last suggestion was serious

tgs3[02/22/09 3:42 PM ]: A little short only.

MockY[02/22/09 3:42 PM ]: alrighty then

tgs3[02/22/09 3:42 PM ]: You're the writer, not me

MockY[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: well, this was cool

tgs3[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: yup

MockY[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: To bad I did not win

tgs3[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: went better (the process) than I expected it to

MockY[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: But yet lots of fun

MockY[02/22/09 3:43 PM ]: yeah, it flew

tgs3[02/22/09 3:44 PM ]: yup

MockY[02/22/09 3:44 PM ]: we have over an hour to spare

tgs3[02/22/09 3:44 PM ]: I won, yet I feel like i didn't do so well. Stupid thought, but still there

tgs3[02/22/09 3:44 PM ]: I'll just have to keep looking at the 26 by my name and the smaller numbers by everyone else's

MockY[02/22/09 3:45 PM ]: well, sure. It feels like more of a win if you have many round wins

MockY[02/22/09 3:45 PM ]: but, många bäckar små....

tgs3[02/22/09 3:46 PM ]: yup, I'll go with that

MockY[02/22/09 3:46 PM ]: but like you said, it could bite your ass on the album

tgs3[02/22/09 3:47 PM ]: Well, I'm not expecting too much, so hopefully my dissapointment will be minimized

MockY[02/22/09 3:52 PM ]: So, back to computer talk. You basically have 3 options: 1. Use hardware at work. Only buy a case but you have to use a mid size tower size (like you have now) 2. Buy new hardware, cheap though but will still set you back about 250-300 bux. Both these options, you can use the drives you have

MockY[02/22/09 3:52 PM ]: 3. Buy a dedicated NAS. The NAS itself costs about 300 bux and you have to use new drives

MockY[02/22/09 3:53 PM ]: You can ponder and call e when ever you feel like it

tgs3[02/22/09 3:54 PM ]: Call me please

tgs3[02/22/09 3:54 PM ]: lazy theron

tgs3[02/22/09 3:55 PM ]: ah, just read last sentence