tgs3[02/21/09 11:43 AM ]: Been working on the homepage I see

MockY[02/21/09 11:47 AM ]: Is there anything that is not updated?

MockY[02/21/09 11:47 AM ]: Step 2 is redesigning the index page

MockY[02/21/09 11:48 AM ]: but for now, I just want to be caought up

tgs3[02/21/09 11:53 AM ]: Step 2 should be making an importer for the database

tgs3[02/21/09 11:54 AM ]: I'll go through it later today and see if I see any differences with what I have in Excel

tgs3[02/21/09 11:56 AM ]: Rise Against Re-Education (Through Labor) Nina USa

tgs3[02/21/09 11:56 AM ]: small 'a' in USA

tgs3[02/21/09 11:57 AM ]: USA USA USA

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:00 PM ]: FYI: the songs on the fist and second sheet of the voting file are the same for me

tgs3[02/21/09 12:01 PM ]: you suck then

Ragee[02/21/09 12:01 PM ]: Fan va spännande detta skall bli

Ragee[02/21/09 12:01 PM ]: är fett taggad

tgs3[02/21/09 12:02 PM ]: Yup

tgs3[02/21/09 12:02 PM ]: Nina, I just downloaded the sheet again and it looks fine to me

tgs3[02/21/09 12:03 PM ]: Anders is going with tradition by coming in last...

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:04 PM ]: ok, it's just me then, the bands were right, so I just entered the songs myself

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:04 PM ]: maybe I hit something weird

tgs3[02/21/09 12:04 PM ]: maybe

MockY[02/21/09 12:08 PM ]: I don't really get the spread sheet

MockY[02/21/09 12:09 PM ]: 4, 5, 6, 7 numbers, what are they?

MockY[02/21/09 12:09 PM ]: in the C column

tgs3[02/21/09 12:09 PM ]: Points

tgs3[02/21/09 12:09 PM ]: I probably should have just erased that on the "public" version

tgs3[02/21/09 12:10 PM ]: I just have them there as a quick point default. Its supposed to be overwritten

MockY[02/21/09 12:10 PM ]: Does not work very will in OpenOffice

tgs3[02/21/09 12:11 PM ]: Because openoffice blows for spreadsheets

tgs3[02/21/09 12:11 PM ]: Geez, this is a very simple file compared to what we have at work

tgs3[02/21/09 12:11 PM ]: Almost pathetic that it can't handle this...

MockY[02/21/09 12:12 PM ]: Yeah..OO is not really up to par in that department

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:13 PM ]: So, just so I enter on the top shaded area for each round the worksheet then his sort and move to the next worksheet?

tgs3[02/21/09 12:14 PM ]: I updated the file to get rid of the points and added a couple of labels. You might like it more

MockY[02/21/09 12:14 PM ]: Well first off, the macros are based in Basic, a Windows native language that is not supported on nix systems, nor never will be

MockY[02/21/09 12:14 PM ]: there is no second....

tgs3[02/21/09 12:14 PM ]: Nina, that would work, but you can just enter the band and point totals down below similarly to the Album vote file

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:14 PM ]: ok

Ragee[02/21/09 12:15 PM ]: skall man kanske ta och plinga till anders

tgs3[02/21/09 12:15 PM ]: Put a name and point next to Hebbe in cell BV16 and you'll see what I mean

tgs3[02/21/09 12:15 PM ]: Probably, Niklas

Ragee[02/21/09 12:17 PM ]: han har krångel med linan

MockY[02/21/09 12:17 PM ]: naturligtvis....

MockY[02/21/09 12:19 PM ]: still don'r grasp the spread sheet. I get the enter the score given on top...but artist and stuff on the lower part?

MockY[02/21/09 12:19 PM ]: do I need coffee maybe?

Ragee[02/21/09 12:19 PM ]: msn funkar iaf för han så han tycker vi ska köra en konferans där

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:20 PM ]: Just put the band your voting for 1st thru 4th with point value and it'll fill in on top

tgs3[02/21/09 12:20 PM ]: It's either/or Peter

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:20 PM ]: next to your name

tgs3[02/21/09 12:20 PM ]: Either enter the scores up top, or enter the artist name and score down below the grid. Either way works

tgs3[02/21/09 12:21 PM ]: The names are listed i voting order, so you just have to go through and put the band and pts as the round goes on...

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:21 PM ]: it took me second to figure it out too, but I'm good now

tgs3[02/21/09 12:22 PM ]: I don't know how to start a chat in MSN. I'm lame apparently...

Ragee[02/21/09 12:30 PM ]: Heebbbster

MockY[02/21/09 12:30 PM ]: Geeez

MockY[02/21/09 12:31 PM ]: Hebbemannen!!!

MockY[02/21/09 12:31 PM ]: nehe

Ragee[02/21/09 12:31 PM ]: nehe

MockY[02/21/09 12:33 PM ]: w000t

tgs3[02/21/09 12:34 PM ]: So which one are we going with?

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:34 PM ]: hej

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:34 PM ]: undrar hur länge det här kommer at funka

tgs3[02/21/09 12:35 PM ]: Forever

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:35 PM ]: den här om det funkar

MockY[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: Hur länge stannar du denna gång?

tgs3[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: we shall see

tgs3[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: haha

tgs3[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: not very long

MockY[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: lol

MockY[02/21/09 12:36 PM ]: damn, that was a long visit

MockY[02/21/09 12:37 PM ]: wb

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:38 PM ]: ser ni vad jag skriver

MockY[02/21/09 12:38 PM ]: nu jävlar sa jag tejpa fast din i chatten

MockY[02/21/09 12:38 PM ]: mjo

MockY[02/21/09 12:38 PM ]: skriv mer så du inte försvinner

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:39 PM ]: nu då

MockY[02/21/09 12:39 PM ]: igen

MockY[02/21/09 12:39 PM ]: ser vad du skriver

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:39 PM ]: internet funkade bra i morse

tgs3[02/21/09 12:39 PM ]: I've seen 2 lines from you

tgs3[02/21/09 12:40 PM ]: We can hope its back, I guess, but it isn't looking very good

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:40 PM ]: det brukar funka när det står "fel på sidan" längst ner

MockY[02/21/09 12:40 PM ]:

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:40 PM ]: It's weird you're still here but not msn

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:40 PM ]: nu gör det inte det längre

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:41 PM ]: it always says that for me

MockY[02/21/09 12:41 PM ]: du kanske skulle prova en annan brower för idag...eller använda servern som du gjorde en gång förut

MockY[02/21/09 12:41 PM ]: Don't jinx it

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:41 PM ]: tror jag stänger ner msn, och ger all kraft till chatten

MockY[02/21/09 12:42 PM ]: hehe

MockY[02/21/09 12:42 PM ]: låter som en bra idé

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:42 PM ]: är alla klara för röstning omg. 1

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: yes, but we might want to make sure that Niklas knows where we are

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: I didn't know that you guys were back here for a while

Ragee[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: jag är oxå klar för omgång ett

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: 1

tgs3[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: me, too

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: cool

MockY[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:43 PM ]: 2

tgs3[02/21/09 12:44 PM ]: 4

MockY[02/21/09 12:44 PM ]: Let the speed begin

Ragee[02/21/09 12:44 PM ]: yey

Ragee[02/21/09 12:44 PM ]: 2344

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:44 PM ]: auf de mar 4p

MockY[02/21/09 12:45 PM ]: Animasola 4p

Ragee[02/21/09 12:45 PM ]: Aug Der Maur 3p

tgs3[02/21/09 12:45 PM ]: Union Square 4p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:45 PM ]: Animasola 4p

Hebbe[02/21/09 12:46 PM ]: animasola 7p

MockY[02/21/09 12:46 PM ]: Auf Der Maur 6p

Ragee[02/21/09 12:46 PM ]: union square 5p

tgs3[02/21/09 12:46 PM ]: Auf Der Maur 5p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:46 PM ]: Union Square 6p

MockY[02/21/09 12:47 PM ]: Is he gonna scare us every time he is up?

tgs3[02/21/09 12:47 PM ]: yup. its tradition now

tgs3[02/21/09 12:48 PM ]: Hebbe is up

MockY[02/21/09 12:48 PM ]: No, he's out

Ragee[02/21/09 12:48 PM ]: tydligen paus

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:48 PM ]: ths isn't looking to good...

MockY[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: I can just imagine how frustrating this is for him

tgs3[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: He's still up

tgs3[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: very trye

tgs3[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: true

thebrat13n[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: yup

MockY[02/21/09 12:49 PM ]: I would have killed 2 of my neighbours by now

tgs3[02/21/09 12:50 PM ]: No one would notice where he lives...

tgs3[02/21/09 12:50 PM ]: Maybe he should just use a modem? Its not like he needs to upload or download

MockY[02/21/09 12:50 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/21/09 12:50 PM ]: true

MockY[02/21/09 12:51 PM ]: it's probably more reliable right now

tgs3[02/21/09 12:51 PM ]: It's probably not connected any longer. And maybe that would be expensive

MockY[02/21/09 12:51 PM ]: Well, I'm not going anywhere today. So I have all the time in the world

tgs3[02/21/09 12:51 PM ]: TIme for a visit to his little brother...

MockY[02/21/09 12:52 PM ]: Hebbe!

tgs3[02/21/09 12:54 PM ]: MSN, Niklas

MockY[02/21/09 12:57 PM ]: wb

tgs3[02/21/09 12:57 PM ]: get out of here, Hebbe!!!

MockY[02/21/09 1:01 PM ]: HEBBE!!!!

Ragee[02/21/09 1:02 PM ]: hebbster sluta larva dig nu

Ragee[02/21/09 1:03 PM ]: tihi

MockY[02/21/09 1:03 PM ]: annars berättar vi det för mamma

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:04 PM ]: ser bara mina skrifter här

MockY[02/21/09 1:05 PM ]: nee eee

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:09 PM ]: syn jag i chatten nu

Ragee[02/21/09 1:09 PM ]: yes

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:09 PM ]: hallå

tgs3[02/21/09 1:09 PM ]: yup

tgs3[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: hi

tgs3[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: and now you're back

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: då provar vi här då

tgs3[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: really?

MockY[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: w00t

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: ok

MockY[02/21/09 1:10 PM ]: lets live on the wild side

MockY[02/21/09 1:11 PM ]: we always have MSN to lean on when this goes south again

Ragee[02/21/09 1:11 PM ]: and there it goes

MockY[02/21/09 1:12 PM ]: hmm

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:12 PM ]: jag är klar

Ragee[02/21/09 1:12 PM ]: inte än för mig

tgs3[02/21/09 1:12 PM ]: me, too

MockY[02/21/09 1:13 PM ]: So am I

MockY[02/21/09 1:13 PM ]: Let's just hope that the internet situation is a bit more stable tomorrow

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:13 PM ]: I'm having trouble with these songs...but I guess reordering them 20 more times isn't going to really help

tgs3[02/21/09 1:14 PM ]: Yeah, these were harder than the first round

Ragee[02/21/09 1:14 PM ]: väldigt

MockY[02/21/09 1:14 PM ]: I did my final touches yesterday while building some funitures. So now I will think of Ikea when I hear the songs from round 1-5

emma[02/21/09 1:15 PM ]: seriöst peter, det heter verkligen inte "Rigestrera"

Ragee[02/21/09 1:15 PM ]: jasså får vi fin besök

tgs3[02/21/09 1:15 PM ]: How much furniture could that little house of yours need?

emma[02/21/09 1:15 PM ]: hello from stockholm

MockY[02/21/09 1:16 PM ]: Kanske skulle ta och ändra det då

tgs3[02/21/09 1:16 PM ]: howdy

MockY[02/21/09 1:16 PM ]: har vetat av det i ett års tid nu...jag är lat

MockY[02/21/09 1:16 PM ]: Emma kan rösta för Anders istället då

Ragee[02/21/09 1:16 PM ]: så länge hon ger mig mest poäöng så

MockY[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: We bought bookshelves for the Office

emma[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: jag kan blindrösta!

MockY[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: tar du emot mutor?

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: Hi

emma[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: damn, nu är han här

emma[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: japp! det gör jag

MockY[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: inte länge till

emma[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: hej anders!

MockY[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: Hebbe, jag trodde du skulle boota om datorn

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: and he's gone...

MockY[02/21/09 1:17 PM ]: meeeeeen

MockY[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: starta om modemet och datorn Anders

emma[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: vem vann förra röstningen?

MockY[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: Theron

MockY[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: Med Dommin

emma[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: "Dommin"?

tgs3[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: Of course

MockY[02/21/09 1:18 PM ]: Band

tgs3[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: I think Anders is upset with Emma. That why he keeps leaving...

MockY[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: ahh

MockY[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: makes sense

tgs3[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: If only the answer were so simple, though

emma[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: Jag tror anders är RÄDD för mig

MockY[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: Det är väl de flesta män

tgs3[02/21/09 1:19 PM ]: That's probably more likely

MockY[02/21/09 1:20 PM ]: du är ju trots allt ganska farlig

tgs3[02/21/09 1:20 PM ]: Peter could only handle so much...

emma[02/21/09 1:20 PM ]: jag har faktiskt fått höra det på jobbet. att jag är så arg

emma[02/21/09 1:20 PM ]: gäller att låta större än vad man är om man ska få respekt i en mansdominerad bransch

MockY[02/21/09 1:21 PM ]: Eller a till vansinne

tgs3[02/21/09 1:21 PM ]: I thought Swedes would be more sensitive to women than us dumb Americans. I guess not

MockY[02/21/09 1:21 PM ]: Not behind their backs

tgs3[02/21/09 1:21 PM ]: Ah

MockY[02/21/09 1:21 PM ]: It's just a fasad

emma[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: nej. det kan faktiskt vara ett problem. det är ivf svårare att vara tjej i denna bransch

tgs3[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: But Stockholm is so Green and Socialist. All are egual, yadda yadda

tgs3[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: Yup, being a dude rules

tgs3[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: Especially a white one

MockY[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: haha

emma[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: men du vet, förra generationen kallar oss fortfarande för "lilla gumman"

MockY[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: sad but true

MockY[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: HEBBE!!!

emma[02/21/09 1:22 PM ]: Hebbe!

emma[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: lycka till allihopa. nu ska jag gå ut och dricka öl och spela flipper! hej hej

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: skål

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: kanske funkar nu

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: bye

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: daxför omg.2

tgs3[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: Have fun with the beet

tgs3[02/21/09 1:23 PM ]: beer

MockY[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: hej hej

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: 1

Ragee[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: 11231

tgs3[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: 3

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: ashes of soma 4p

MockY[02/21/09 1:24 PM ]: Lets vote so I can get drunk

MockY[02/21/09 1:25 PM ]: Ashes Of Soma 4p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:25 PM ]: alkaline trio 5p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:25 PM ]: Alkaline Trio 5p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:25 PM ]: Stars Down 5p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:26 PM ]: alkaline trio 7p

MockY[02/21/09 1:26 PM ]: Stars Down 5

Ragee[02/21/09 1:26 PM ]: stars down 6p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:26 PM ]: Krim 6p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:26 PM ]: Ashes of Soma 6p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:27 PM ]: stars down 8p

MockY[02/21/09 1:27 PM ]: Alkaline Trio 6p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:27 PM ]: Krim 7p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:27 PM ]: Ashes of Soma 7p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:27 PM ]: A Balladeer 7p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:28 PM ]: krim 10p

MockY[02/21/09 1:28 PM ]: A Balladeer 8p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:28 PM ]: a balladeer 8p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:28 PM ]: A Balladeer 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: Krim 8p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: nu är det jämnt i toppen

MockY[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: oj

Ragee[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: och i botten

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: 1. krim 31p grattis peter

MockY[02/21/09 1:29 PM ]: yeah!

tgs3[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: 2. a balladeer 31p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: But sort isn't working right I see...

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: 3. stars down 24p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: alkaline trio 23p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:30 PM ]: ashes of soma 21p

MockY[02/21/09 1:31 PM ]: 6, 6, 6, 1, 1

tgs3[02/21/09 1:31 PM ]: squeaked out a couple of points there

MockY[02/21/09 1:31 PM ]: Jag leder

tgs3[02/21/09 1:31 PM ]: Yup, which is what my spreadsheet shows

Ragee[02/21/09 1:32 PM ]: vilken rolig uppfinning detta var med speed-sotd

tgs3[02/21/09 1:33 PM ]: Cool. I'm glad to hear you think so, Niklas

tgs3[02/21/09 1:33 PM ]: I agree

MockY[02/21/09 1:33 PM ]: I second that

Ragee[02/21/09 1:33 PM ]: känns nästan lite synd att inte köra hela säsongen idag

Ragee[02/21/09 1:33 PM ]: detta är ju jätte spännande

MockY[02/21/09 1:34 PM ]: den som väntar på nå gott

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:34 PM ]: this way you get the fun for two days instead of just one

MockY[02/21/09 1:35 PM ]: agree

tgs3[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: I think it would get pretty late for you Swedes

Ragee[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: det är ju helg hehe

MockY[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: I shall grab some food while the silence is echoing in the chat

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: go get some beer!

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: vi kan ju fortsätta rösta så ligger vi före i tidsschemat, för jag är klar

tgs3[02/21/09 1:36 PM ]: So that was band #3 that Lukas Rossi has had in SOTD with Stars Down

tgs3[02/21/09 1:37 PM ]: Anders, I knew what you meant last week when you said it, but played a bit "dumb"

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:37 PM ]: I need a little time

tgs3[02/21/09 1:37 PM ]: 5 mins to finalize for me

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:38 PM ]: ok, jag har 5 omg klara

tgs3[02/21/09 1:38 PM ]: I would have done that if we had talked about doing that, but I thought we were following the schedule

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:39 PM ]: jag gillar att vara förberedd

tgs3[02/21/09 1:39 PM ]: cool

MockY[02/21/09 1:39 PM ]: jag har 1-5 klara. Pollerar 6-10 just nu

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:40 PM ]: vi kan ju försöka vara klara för i morgon för 6-10

tgs3[02/21/09 1:40 PM ]: I've listened to everything, but I still have quite a bit of finalizing to do

tgs3[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: If people want to vote faster tomorrow, I can be ready for that

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: jag har inte 6-10 klara än

MockY[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: So when will this Rossi character have his breakthrough....

MockY[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: He sure tries

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: I can try to be ready, but i have plans for the rest of the day, so I can't garantee anything

tgs3[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: I'm guessing never, but who knows

Ragee[02/21/09 1:41 PM ]: klar

MockY[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: Damn, I just bought the best cereal ever

MockY[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: Back To Nature - Summer Berry Blend

MockY[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: yum

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: I still need five minutes

MockY[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: take your time miss

Ragee[02/21/09 1:42 PM ]: är ju 20min kvar så

MockY[02/21/09 1:43 PM ]: Att Anders fortfarande hänger i chatten...skoj

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:43 PM ]: jag gjorde en reset på modemet

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:43 PM ]: verkar funka nu

MockY[02/21/09 1:43 PM ]: brukar funka

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:44 PM ]: men det hade jag gjort innan också

Ragee[02/21/09 1:44 PM ]: niiice

MockY[02/21/09 1:44 PM ]: hmm, håll tummarna

MockY[02/21/09 1:48 PM ]: .

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:49 PM ]: jag såg att låtnamnen var samma på omg 1 0ch 2, theron

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:49 PM ]: stressad?

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:49 PM ]: hah, wasn't just me

MockY[02/21/09 1:49 PM ]: lol

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:49 PM ]: ok, I'm ready

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 3

tgs3[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 3

tgs3[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: weird, when I downloaded the file, they weren't like that

Ragee[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 524

tgs3[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: Maybe I fixed it at some point

tgs3[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: I'm ready

tgs3[02/21/09 1:50 PM ]: 69

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:51 PM ]: alison krauss 4p

MockY[02/21/09 1:51 PM ]: Bait 4p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:51 PM ]: alison krauss 3p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:51 PM ]: Alison Krauss 3p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:51 PM ]: Scarlet Sins 3p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:52 PM ]: number one contender 6p

MockY[02/21/09 1:52 PM ]: Number One Contender 5p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:52 PM ]: bait 6p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:52 PM ]: Scarlet Sins 6p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:53 PM ]: Number One Contender 6p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:53 PM ]: scarlet sins 7p

MockY[02/21/09 1:53 PM ]: Alison Krauss 8p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:54 PM ]: scarlet sins 6p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:54 PM ]: Number One Contender 7p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:54 PM ]: 10 Years 8p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:54 PM ]: bait 8p

MockY[02/21/09 1:54 PM ]: 10 Years 9p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:55 PM ]: 10 years 9p

tgs3[02/21/09 1:55 PM ]: 10 Years 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:55 PM ]: Bait 9p

MockY[02/21/09 1:56 PM ]: den rundan gick åt arslet och blev en skit

tgs3[02/21/09 1:56 PM ]: As good as I could hope for with 10 Years in there...

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:56 PM ]: 1. 10 years 34p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:56 PM ]: 2. bait 27p

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: 3. number one contender 24å

tgs3[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: Congrats Anders. 3 different winners so far today

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: scarlet sins 22p

Ragee[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: yey 2p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: well, I'm glad Peter apreciated my song, but I wasn't hoping for much with that song

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:57 PM ]: 5. alison krauss 18p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 1:58 PM ]: I just really like it, and wanted to use it

Hebbe[02/21/09 1:58 PM ]: tack, men nu har mina topplåtar gått

MockY[02/21/09 1:58 PM ]: I have a wife that ran around singing along to this I guess that effected me in some way

tgs3[02/21/09 1:58 PM ]: Yeah, it was working its way down to 2p for me

MockY[02/21/09 1:58 PM ]: "ohh I love this song. Please turn it up"

tgs3[02/21/09 1:59 PM ]: Whatever clicked with you guys didn't for me

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:00 PM ]: niklas har du gett både scarlet sins och bait 6p

Ragee[02/21/09 2:00 PM ]: scarlet ska ha 7

MockY[02/21/09 2:00 PM ]: sant

tgs3[02/21/09 2:00 PM ]: Yes he did

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:01 PM ]: ok

MockY[02/21/09 2:01 PM ]: synd att det inte ändra något

tgs3[02/21/09 2:01 PM ]: no change in the standings

MockY[02/21/09 2:01 PM ]: du mena inte 10p då?

tgs3[02/21/09 2:02 PM ]: Round 4 is the hardest so far for me to decide

Ragee[02/21/09 2:02 PM ]: tur vi har gott om tid då

tgs3[02/21/09 2:02 PM ]: I've got round 5 done because after a while, I skipped round 4 yesterday becuase I was so unsure..

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:05 PM ]: då fick scarlet sins 23p men det ändrar inget

MockY[02/21/09 2:05 PM ]: ;(

tgs3[02/21/09 2:06 PM ]: yup

tgs3[02/21/09 2:08 PM ]: I'm ready whenever, but I've got no reason to hurry

Ragee[02/21/09 2:09 PM ]: inte jag heller

MockY[02/21/09 2:10 PM ]: jag har hela lördag dedikerad till SOTD, så ta er tid

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:10 PM ]: det är nog ända gången jag får ha ledningen, syn att jag inte har några öl att fira med

tgs3[02/21/09 2:10 PM ]: that IS too bad

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:10 PM ]: eller jag kanske har en, ka kolla

tgs3[02/21/09 2:10 PM ]: So you decided to use your good stuff early?

tgs3[02/21/09 2:11 PM ]: I will remain quiet about my strategy for now...

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:11 PM ]: I'm not ready yet...I'll let you know when

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:14 PM ]: det gäller att toppa

tgs3[02/21/09 2:14 PM ]: I was forced to do that for round 1

tgs3[02/21/09 2:15 PM ]: Or felt forced anyway, to slip Dommin into this season

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:15 PM ]: järsmaligen det fanns en öl i kylen, den är kvar sen i slutet på september

tgs3[02/21/09 2:15 PM ]: lucky you!

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:16 PM ]: en sak som är bra med att höra alla låtarna direkt är att men törs släppa upp ett par låtar på 10p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:17 PM ]: hade vi kört som vanligt hade det nog stannat på 9p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:17 PM ]: för förra dommin-låten var lika bra

MockY[02/21/09 2:18 PM ]: Denna är bästa på plattan

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:18 PM ]: kanske

MockY[02/21/09 2:19 PM ]: Jag längtar till plattan är släppt

tgs3[02/21/09 2:19 PM ]: I actually like the first somg I used the best, but the rest of you seem to enjoy these last two more

MockY[02/21/09 2:19 PM ]: bara han inte trasar sönder låtarna så som Stage gjorde

MockY[02/21/09 2:19 PM ]: Demolåtarna var betydligt bättre än på plattan

tgs3[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: For no particular reason, I changed a couple of my songs from 9p to 8p today

tgs3[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: It hurt Anders both times so far, but not enough to matter

MockY[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: the 3 songs you used are the top 3 on the album, so I would have used the same as you

MockY[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: maybe not in the same order, but the same songs

tgs3[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: Maybe I'm just overloading on music today..

tgs3[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: Yeah, those are easily the top 3 on the album

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:20 PM ]: tycker inte stage trasade sönder låtarna, tror hellre att problemet var att vi hörde dom andra före

MockY[02/21/09 2:21 PM ]: mjo, det kan nog stämma

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:21 PM ]: det var lika dant med fair to midland

MockY[02/21/09 2:21 PM ]: Jag hoppas bara att inte samma fenomen dyker upp då Dommin släpper plattan

tgs3[02/21/09 2:21 PM ]: Yeah, I dont really know what you're talking about, Peter, so I'll agree with Anders for now

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:22 PM ]: antagligen eftersom du redan hört låtarna

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:22 PM ]: jag tror nina snor åt sig en 4-poängare nu

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: that would be nice

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: om jag har gissat rätt

tgs3[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: really?

tgs3[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: We shall see

MockY[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: spännande

tgs3[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: It would be cool if all us win a round the first day of this

Ragee[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: fan va kenpig denna runda var

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:24 PM ]: you probably haven't guessed right

tgs3[02/21/09 2:25 PM ]: haha

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:25 PM ]: and I still need 5 minutes

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:25 PM ]: ha ha ha ha

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:25 PM ]: det är lungt jag är i ledning

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:26 PM ]: jag kan komma sist i den här omgången

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: ok I'm ready

tgs3[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: I'm pretty clueless most ties. This round is usual in that I won't be surprised if I win, but I also won't be surprised if I come in last

MockY[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: Jag tror jag tar hem 2 poäng

Ragee[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: kommer nog sist som vanligt

MockY[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: 2

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: eller 3

tgs3[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: 2

Ragee[02/21/09 2:27 PM ]: 764

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:28 PM ]: inprana 4p

MockY[02/21/09 2:28 PM ]: My Favorite Highway 4p

Ragee[02/21/09 2:28 PM ]: 28n 5p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:28 PM ]: Stealing Eden 4p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:28 PM ]: Stealing Eden 5p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: stealing eden 5p

MockY[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: Iprana 5p

Ragee[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: jonus 6p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: My Favorite Highway 5p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: My Favorite Highway 6p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:29 PM ]: 28n 7p

MockY[02/21/09 2:30 PM ]: 28n 6p

Ragee[02/21/09 2:30 PM ]: my favorite highway 7p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:30 PM ]: Inprana 6p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:30 PM ]: 28n 7p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:30 PM ]: jonus 8p

MockY[02/21/09 2:31 PM ]: Jonus 8p

Ragee[02/21/09 2:31 PM ]: stealing eden 8p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:31 PM ]: Jonus 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:31 PM ]: Imprana 8p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:32 PM ]: big win for Nina it looks like

tgs3[02/21/09 2:32 PM ]: Anders knows what he's talking about

Ragee[02/21/09 2:32 PM ]: shiit va spännande

MockY[02/21/09 2:32 PM ]: I got 1p... you suck

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:32 PM ]: cool

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: önska jag kunde ha fel för jag kom sist

tgs3[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: yes you did

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: 1. jonus 30p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: congrats

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: yipee

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: 2. 28n 25p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: 3. inprana 23p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: grattis nina

Ragee[02/21/09 2:33 PM ]: när ska det vända för mig då hehe

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: thank you

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: 4. stealing eden 22p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: Round 5 is for you, Niklas

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: my favorite highway 22p

MockY[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: 12, 10, 8, 5, 5

tgs3[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: That round went well for me with an eye to the standings

MockY[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: Not to wide spread

MockY[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: still open for anyone

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: omg 5 är helt öppen

tgs3[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: yes it is

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:34 PM ]: kan inte äns speculera

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:35 PM ]: tror det kommer att bli en upp och ner röstning

tgs3[02/21/09 2:35 PM ]: I thought 5 was easiest one to decide to far

MockY[02/21/09 2:36 PM ]: Theron har dock tagit ett grepp om detta

tgs3[02/21/09 2:36 PM ]: But that's to me, a prediction on who wins, I don't have

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:37 PM ]: ha ha, nej jag tänkte på omg 6, sitter och gör den nu ha ha ha ha

tgs3[02/21/09 2:37 PM ]: I've gone fairly mellow with my songs so far. That usually spells disaster for me, but I've come through it OK so far

tgs3[02/21/09 2:37 PM ]: That's funny. I was listening to round 6 also and here I agree with you

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:37 PM ]: jag kanske har en chans på omg 5

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:37 PM ]: eller nina

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:38 PM ]: eller inte alls

MockY[02/21/09 2:38 PM ]: jag kommer inte att vinna denna runda i alla fall

MockY[02/21/09 2:38 PM ]: kommer nog inte vinna en enda

tgs3[02/21/09 2:38 PM ]: You already have

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:38 PM ]: det tror jag inte du gör, peter

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:39 PM ]: tror peter kan göra en nolla eller etta

MockY[02/21/09 2:39 PM ]: could you send me the file you currently have Theron

MockY[02/21/09 2:40 PM ]: I miss round 1 and 2

tgs3[02/21/09 2:41 PM ]: sure

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:42 PM ]: ok, I'm ready

Ragee[02/21/09 2:42 PM ]: need more time

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:43 PM ]: I'm not in a hurry, just letting you know

tgs3[02/21/09 2:43 PM ]: It's updated in the Friendly Box, Peter

MockY[02/21/09 2:44 PM ]: danke

tgs3[02/21/09 2:44 PM ]: no prob

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:45 PM ]: det är nu jag brukar försöka hitta säkrare låtar, men nu är fältet redan klart och man kan inte ångra sig

tgs3[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: very true

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: theron 12p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: anders 10p

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: peter 8p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: You'll just have to save those safe songs for season 29

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: nina och niklas 5p

tgs3[02/21/09 2:46 PM ]: that's what I show, too

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:47 PM ]: men jag blev av med an massa låtar

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:47 PM ]:

tgs3[02/21/09 2:47 PM ]: yup, we all did

tgs3[02/21/09 2:47 PM ]: I had to take Thornley and State of Shock off my list, too

MockY[02/21/09 2:47 PM ]: jo, jag fick damma av b-listan

thebrat13n[02/21/09 2:48 PM ]: brb

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:48 PM ]: var det du som texta thornley

tgs3[02/21/09 2:48 PM ]: and a couple of songs in tomorrow's voting were on my list as well. Or on my "about to check out" list

tgs3[02/21/09 2:48 PM ]: Yup

tgs3[02/21/09 2:48 PM ]: I agree with the song choice

tgs3[02/21/09 2:49 PM ]: I had originally scheduled it for a 9p, but something at the end caused me to push it down a notch

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:49 PM ]: jag trodde det var peter

tgs3[02/21/09 2:49 PM ]: The single, "Make Believe" wasn't bad either. A little poppier

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:50 PM ]: vad har hänt

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:51 PM ]: alla utom nina

MockY[02/21/09 2:51 PM ]: fniss

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:51 PM ]: läste att thornley spela allt utom trummor på albumet

tgs3[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: Yeah, I saw that, too

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: dessutom var han sångare i big wreck tidigare

tgs3[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: I guess the rest of the "band" just tours

tgs3[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: Seems like that happens more and more nowadays

tgs3[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: Dommin and Five For Fighting to name a couple

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:52 PM ]: svårt att hålla ihop ett band då

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: nin

tgs3[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: But then it really doesn't matter if someone leaves if they don't write any music

MockY[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: Not to forget the almighty Nine Inch Nails

tgs3[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: too late

tgs3[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: I already forgot them

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:53 PM ]: eco

tgs3[02/21/09 2:54 PM ]: I'm guessing Chris Cornell solo does something like that, too

MockY[02/21/09 2:54 PM ]: probably

MockY[02/21/09 2:54 PM ]: Same goes for Tom Petty

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:54 PM ]: ja men nu slickar han skivbolagen i röven

tgs3[02/21/09 2:54 PM ]: Heck, any solo person. Maybe not playing all the instruments, but Ryan Star and Daivd Cook probably just have some miscellaneous dudes inb their "bands"

tgs3[02/21/09 2:55 PM ]: That can be profitable

MockY[02/21/09 2:55 PM ]: true, but yeah, the latter mentioned bands have studio musicians

MockY[02/21/09 2:55 PM ]: I don't think Cornell plays all instruments...especially not on his last effort

MockY[02/21/09 2:55 PM ]: since Timbaland does most there

MockY[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: or whatever his name is

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: You would know better than me, he just seemed like one fo those to me

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: han är nog bajsbrun på tungan

MockY[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: Du me

tgs3[02/21/09 2:56 PM ]: Peter, I'm still waiting for my crepes. Getting kinda hungry right about now

MockY[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: I ate them all but 2 already

MockY[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: and those 2 have mushrooms in them

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: oskar gjorde tacos idag mmm

Ragee[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: käka tacos här oxå

MockY[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: det låter gott

MockY[02/21/09 2:57 PM ]: ska nog bli Sushi för mig senare

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:58 PM ]: härligt, går inte att äta sig less på det

tgs3[02/21/09 2:58 PM ]: wow, you guys aren't tempting me at all...

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:58 PM ]: taco alltså

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:58 PM ]: inte sushi, det törs jag inte smaka på

tgs3[02/21/09 2:58 PM ]: I tad a taco for breakfast, so I guess its Taco Day today

Hebbe[02/21/09 2:59 PM ]: omg 7 är svår som fan

tgs3[02/21/09 2:59 PM ]: Most Sushi is not raw fish, you know

tgs3[02/21/09 2:59 PM ]: I just started round 7 2 mins ago, so I don't know what I think yet

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: I'm back

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: det finns en sämre låt i alla fall antagligen en av peter b-lista

MockY[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: I'm having issues with 6

tgs3[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: Actually, I have a clear #1 (me) and a clear #2 (a song thats on the DVD in my car) right now

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: på 7:an

tgs3[02/21/09 3:00 PM ]: 6 took me a little while. I'm not done done, just done enough to move on to round 7. I'll finalize stuff tomorrow or later tonight

Ragee[02/21/09 3:01 PM ]: fan va jag har problem att placera runda 5 då

Ragee[02/21/09 3:02 PM ]: crap

Ragee[02/21/09 3:04 PM ]: done

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:04 PM ]: är alla klara då

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:04 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:05 PM ]: 2

Ragee[02/21/09 3:05 PM ]: 5234

tgs3[02/21/09 3:05 PM ]: 2

MockY[02/21/09 3:05 PM ]: 12

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:05 PM ]: braintoy 4p

MockY[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: Pink 4p

Ragee[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: braintoy 4p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: Braintoy 4p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: Braintoy 3p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: mission black 5p

MockY[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: are so wrong

MockY[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: Core Effect 5p

Ragee[02/21/09 3:06 PM ]: pink 5p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:07 PM ]: Mission Black 5p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:07 PM ]: Mission Black 5p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:07 PM ]: core effect 6p

MockY[02/21/09 3:07 PM ]: Mission Black 6p

Ragee[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: core effect 6p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: Safetysuit 7p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: Core Effect 6p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: pink 8p

MockY[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: Safetysuit 8p

Ragee[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: safetysuit 7p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: Pink 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:08 PM ]: Safetysuit 8p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:09 PM ]: No're wrong

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:09 PM ]: mmm

tgs3[02/21/09 3:09 PM ]: Used all your good stuff, huh?

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:09 PM ]: 4 mot 1

MockY[02/21/09 3:09 PM ]: liar

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: braintoy har en bättre låt men inte tillräkligt bra för sotd

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: 1. saiftysuit 30p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: 2. pink 25p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: cool, 3p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: 3. core effect 23p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:10 PM ]: I expected Safetysuit to show up a year ago when I heard them on the radio. Figured Nina would use them. It wasn't this song, though

tgs3[02/21/09 3:11 PM ]: Congrats, Anders. And heck, Nina, too

tgs3[02/21/09 3:11 PM ]: Now its time for Anders to start sucking

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:11 PM ]: har haft dom i ett år, trodde det skulle vara lite för tamt för sotd

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:11 PM ]: 4. mission black 21p

Ragee[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: fan va sist jag ligger

tgs3[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: Looks like you picked a good round for them to be in

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: 5. braintoy 15p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: jo jag tackar för det

tgs3[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: Just 2 points behind Nina and Peter, Niklas

MockY[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: GAAAH!!!!

tgs3[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: There's becoming the same gap from last season now, though

MockY[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: The old farts should both start sucking

tgs3[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:12 PM ]: verkar som peter håller på att sjunka

MockY[02/21/09 3:13 PM ]: I don't like this pattern

MockY[02/21/09 3:13 PM ]: Mina källor håller lägre nivå nu för tiden tydligen

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:14 PM ]: jag kommer att sjunka imorgon, men är nöjd med den här dagen

Ragee[02/21/09 3:14 PM ]: jag borde stiga imorgon

tgs3[02/21/09 3:14 PM ]: I have no idea. 14p is nice to sit on though

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:15 PM ]: omg 9 är en bra omgång

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:15 PM ]: I would like to get into the double digits, but I don't have higher hopes than that

tgs3[02/21/09 3:15 PM ]: 2 more points? What a giant goal!

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:16 PM ]: I know...haha

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:16 PM ]: There's just so much people might not like about my next selections...

tgs3[02/21/09 3:16 PM ]: Even though we're tied Anders, you've had a better day than me, I think. I've gotten a little lucky with how the points have fallen. But I'll take that

tgs3[02/21/09 3:17 PM ]: At least you ended day one on a good note

tgs3[02/21/09 3:17 PM ]: The opposite of Peter

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:17 PM ]: yup

MockY[02/21/09 3:17 PM ]: I am so dedicating today to finding new shit and I will dominate like never before in season 29

Ragee[02/21/09 3:18 PM ]: imorghon kommer jag vinna allt

tgs3[02/21/09 3:18 PM ]: that would be interesting to see

MockY[02/21/09 3:18 PM ]: it sure would

MockY[02/21/09 3:18 PM ]: Niklas sneaks up from behind and wins the season

tgs3[02/21/09 3:19 PM ]: As long as I come in 2nd every round, I'll be cool with his domination

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:19 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[02/21/09 3:20 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:23 PM ]: efter 5 omg

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:23 PM ]: 1. theron o anders 14p

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:23 PM ]: 3. peter o nina 8p

tgs3[02/21/09 3:24 PM ]: Nina did you ever find out about your Tahoe internet access?

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:24 PM ]: 5. niklas 6p

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:24 PM ]: Look at that, I'm not last, or tied for last

tgs3[02/21/09 3:24 PM ]: not even 4th

Ragee[02/21/09 3:25 PM ]: krolisama på det asså

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:25 PM ]: I asked Rachael, and she called, they weren't sure, but I think that they're checking it out this weekend and getting back to her, so I should know for sure by Tuesday

tgs3[02/21/09 3:25 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:26 PM ]: det här var ingen god öl, tror jag ska bli nykterist på heltid

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:26 PM ]:

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: och producera barn istället

tgs3[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: haha

MockY[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: låter som HajHaj då han prova röka igen

tgs3[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: What a terrible choice...

MockY[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: I agree

tgs3[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: Haj Haj, too

Ragee[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: kanske ska ge han lite "fin"röka på äldredar

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:27 PM ]: ha ha, nummer 3 kanske kommer på din 40års dag theron

tgs3[02/21/09 3:28 PM ]: I thought it was due in July?

tgs3[02/21/09 3:28 PM ]: I feel bad for Anette if she has to hold on to it for that long

MockY[02/21/09 3:28 PM ]: tror inte HajHajs hjärta hade pallat "finröka"

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: hon hade inte riktigt koll på sin mens

tgs3[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: But wouldn't that be a good way to go out?

Ragee[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: jodå hjärtat mår ju fan bara bättre

Ragee[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: lite kärlek i tillvaron är vad han behöver

tgs3[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: Ah. It would cool to be there.

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:29 PM ]: då är nog lungorna sämre

tgs3[02/21/09 3:30 PM ]: I hope Anette realizes we don't need to stay with you guys this summer. We can be at Rika's the whole time. That's not a problem

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:31 PM ]: Oh, I was going to send out an email, but I might as well mention it here...

tgs3[02/21/09 3:31 PM ]: I wouldn't want company if I was 9 months pregnant

thebrat13n[02/21/09 3:31 PM ]: Jesse and I are going to be in Sweden at the same time as Peter and D

tgs3[02/21/09 3:31 PM ]: But I'd probably have a lot of scientists around me if that were the case...

tgs3[02/21/09 3:31 PM ]: it'll be a nice peaceful 2 weeks in Sacramento with all of you gone..

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:32 PM ]: oki

MockY[02/21/09 3:33 PM ]: Enjoy Öp

MockY[02/21/09 3:33 PM ]:

tgs3[02/21/09 3:34 PM ]: I will enjoy whatever that is

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:34 PM ]: vad vill du göra på ditt 40-årsparty förutom att ha pannkaka till frukost, varmkorv till lunch och grillat till middag och en massa öl och kortspel halva natten, theron?

tgs3[02/21/09 3:34 PM ]: You just named my dream day, Anders

tgs3[02/21/09 3:34 PM ]: I have a hard time thinking clearly after seeing that...

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:35 PM ]: då har vi en mall

tgs3[02/21/09 3:36 PM ]: SOunds good to me. I honetly can't think of anything more to it than what you said, but I'm happy to go along with anything. Being on vacation is about going along with the flow.

tgs3[02/21/09 3:36 PM ]: Unless the flow goes shopping

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:38 PM ]: wb

tgs3[02/21/09 3:39 PM ]: Unless the flow goes shopping

MockY[02/21/09 3:39 PM ]: piss break?

tgs3[02/21/09 3:39 PM ]: I think one of my drives is going bad

tgs3[02/21/09 3:39 PM ]: My whle computer froze

MockY[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: that does not sound good

tgs3[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: And now G (my music drive!!!) is gone

tgs3[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: Happened a couple of days ago, too

tgs3[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: I'm moving to my laptop

MockY[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: Until large Solid State Drives are affordable, being scared of Hard Drive failures will be a part of our life unfortunately

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:40 PM ]: jaha då vann man sotd 29 då

MockY[02/21/09 3:41 PM ]: lol

tgs3[02/21/09 3:43 PM ]: Don't worry, I'm VERY backup

tgs3[02/21/09 3:44 PM ]: My stuff is on my laptop, work computer and the server

tgs3[02/21/09 3:44 PM ]: There's no stopping me

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:44 PM ]: aj då, då får man väll kämpa som vanligt då

MockY[02/21/09 3:44 PM ]: haha

Ragee[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: syyynd

tgs3[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: If I were to lose all my "song to checkout for SOTD" songs, that would be annoying, but survivable

MockY[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: I need to start backing up on the server as well.

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: niklas kommer vinna omg 8

Ragee[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: men eller ja fan skönt att allt inte gick upp i rök

MockY[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: But the sheer mass of data I need to backup is way to large for me to backup

tgs3[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: thanks

tgs3[02/21/09 3:45 PM ]: I don't back up EVERYTHING, but stuff that matters is defintiely done

Ragee[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: hoppas anders har rätt

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: Email and pictures is my most important things to backup

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: are*

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]:

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: hint hint

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]:

MockY[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: Me want

tgs3[02/21/09 3:46 PM ]: I was listening to round 9 without checking out the artists and I thought "Wow, this really sounds like Hoobastank". Hmm I wonder why?

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:47 PM ]: ha ha, tror dom vinner

MockY[02/21/09 3:47 PM ]: are you tricking us...

tgs3[02/21/09 3:47 PM ]: Its just a matter of time before I upgrade, but I'll push it off if I don't need to

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:47 PM ]: omgången

MockY[02/21/09 3:47 PM ]: like always

MockY[02/21/09 3:48 PM ]: yeah, you have no real reason to

MockY[02/21/09 3:48 PM ]: you already sit on a dual core I think

tgs3[02/21/09 3:48 PM ]: I think I've tricked you like once, but that really stuck with you. I guess that was a great thing for my goal to keep you confused

tgs3[02/21/09 3:48 PM ]: Yeah, but the rest of the computer is getting questionable. Just having a decent CPU isn't everything

MockY[02/21/09 3:49 PM ]: true

MockY[02/21/09 3:49 PM ]: may time for an OS upgrade as well

tgs3[02/21/09 3:49 PM ]: So hard drives disappearing, bios resetting, no cut and paste aren't reasons

tgs3[02/21/09 3:49 PM ]: And almost a lot of beeping..

MockY[02/21/09 3:50 PM ]: Upgrade your computer when Windows 7 64-bit comes around

tgs3[02/21/09 3:50 PM ]: I have XP. There's no upgrade possible

tgs3[02/21/09 3:50 PM ]: A reinstall might be needed though

MockY[02/21/09 3:50 PM ]: sticking with good ol XP even after W7 is established?

tgs3[02/21/09 3:50 PM ]: I don't really know anything, but aren't there a bunch of stuff that doesn't work on 64-bit systems?

tgs3[02/21/09 3:51 PM ]: Depends on what W7 loks like

tgs3[02/21/09 3:51 PM ]: I would want to wait up to a year even if it looks good, I would think

MockY[02/21/09 3:51 PM ]: that was more the case before. I actually donät know about Windows, but the 64-bit platform on Linux has worked just as well as the 32 counterpart for quite some time now

MockY[02/21/09 3:52 PM ]: yeah, sounds like a smart decision

MockY[02/21/09 3:52 PM ]: But I seriously think you should get one gigantic drive to replace most of your drives, or simply shove them in an enclosure

MockY[02/21/09 3:53 PM ]: so you donät have that much hardware running on your main system at all time

Hebbe[02/21/09 3:53 PM ]: då var omg 8 klar

MockY[02/21/09 3:53 PM ]: it sure would decrease sound and heat

tgs3[02/21/09 3:53 PM ]: Yeah, probably the right move, Peter

tgs3[02/21/09 3:53 PM ]: I'll talk about it with you on Monday...

tgs3[02/21/09 3:54 PM ]: Working on round 9 right now

MockY[02/21/09 3:54 PM ]: by the time you upgrade, this puppy is dirt cheap

tgs3[02/21/09 3:59 PM ]: I've got a preliminary order for rounds 6-10 now

tgs3[02/21/09 4:00 PM ]: I'm sure there will be changes before we vote, especialy in the points

Hebbe[02/21/09 4:02 PM ]: nä nu ska jag sova, god natt

MockY[02/21/09 4:02 PM ]: ses imorrn

tgs3[02/21/09 4:02 PM ]: seeya in 20 hours

MockY[02/21/09 4:02 PM ]: sov så gott

MockY[02/21/09 4:03 PM ]: And then there were 4

tgs3[02/21/09 4:04 PM ]: I think I'll be leaving now, too. I need to give Erica a ride to Fair Oaks...

tgs3[02/21/09 4:05 PM ]: Seeya all tomorrow

MockY[02/21/09 4:07 PM ]: hugs