ragee[01/29/09 4:03 PM ]: yo yo yo

MockY[01/29/09 4:03 PM ]: just

tgs3[01/29/09 4:03 PM ]: hiya

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:05 PM ]: tysta leken börjar nu

ragee[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: ok

ragee[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]:

MockY[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: nee ee

ragee[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: va spännande

tgs3[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: you lost. haha

tgs3[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: oops

ragee[01/29/09 4:06 PM ]: som fan

tgs3[01/29/09 4:08 PM ]: NOT ME!!!

ragee[01/29/09 4:08 PM ]: blu blui blu

MockY[01/29/09 4:08 PM ]: i helvete heller

MockY[01/29/09 4:09 PM ]: so...

tgs3[01/29/09 4:09 PM ]: ...what?

MockY[01/29/09 4:09 PM ]: ser ut som att den planerade albumröstningen inte kan gå av stapeln den 14/15

tgs3[01/29/09 4:10 PM ]: What's up?

MockY[01/29/09 4:10 PM ]: I'm in San Diego. Bought tickets long time ago and totally forgot about it

MockY[01/29/09 4:10 PM ]: 13/14 works though

tgs3[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: NIna voted from San Diego....

MockY[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: I will not be near a computer

MockY[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: otherwise I would

tgs3[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: Niklas, have you seen the email with the dates in them?

tgs3[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: 13/14 is fine with me

MockY[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: I will clean out 2 storage units and then leave again

ragee[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: yes yes

MockY[01/29/09 4:11 PM ]: so 13/14 would be awesome

MockY[01/29/09 4:13 PM ]: tysta leken startar nu.....

MockY[01/29/09 4:13 PM ]:

tgs3[01/29/09 4:13 PM ]: I think Nina's Ok with it, but she actually already changed plans because of the 14th...

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:13 PM ]: I'll deal with it

MockY[01/29/09 4:13 PM ]: I heard...

tgs3[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: this way Jesse can have it his way...

MockY[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: after all

MockY[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: so he should be sending ME flowers

MockY[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]:

tgs3[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: He's the Burger King!

MockY[01/29/09 4:14 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/29/09 4:15 PM ]: You'd probably appreciate them more than Nina...

MockY[01/29/09 4:15 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:15 PM ]: hur blev han det

MockY[01/29/09 4:15 PM ]: "have it your way..."

tgs3[01/29/09 4:15 PM ]: It's their Ad slogan

MockY[01/29/09 4:16 PM ]: "I'll have the roast beef, with extra red whine sause, and a beer

MockY[01/29/09 4:16 PM ]: wine*

MockY[01/29/09 4:16 PM ]: nee Hebbe...dumma du

tgs3[01/29/09 4:16 PM ]: All songs this round have to have "etter" in the title

tgs3[01/29/09 4:17 PM ]: Whiner

MockY[01/29/09 4:17 PM ]: That is the theme

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:18 PM ]: det verkar så

tgs3[01/29/09 4:18 PM ]: Niklas, you can use Frail now if you want

ragee[01/29/09 4:18 PM ]: cool cool

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:21 PM ]: ha ha

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:22 PM ]: nina du har vunnit du får skriva nu

MockY[01/29/09 4:23 PM ]: lol

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:23 PM ]: sorry, I was in kinda late and am trying to make up for it

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:24 PM ]: Who has the next theme?

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:24 PM ]: is it decided?

tgs3[01/29/09 4:24 PM ]: Niklas in round 4, Peter in round 8

tgs3[01/29/09 4:24 PM ]: No one has said shit yet

MockY[01/29/09 4:24 PM ]: is far in the future

MockY[01/29/09 4:25 PM ]: shit

MockY[01/29/09 4:25 PM ]: there, I said it

tgs3[01/29/09 4:25 PM ]: A little farther than usual because of Speed, yes

MockY[01/29/09 4:26 PM ]: thats hella days

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:27 PM ]: vi har väl inget tema på speed-sotd

tgs3[01/29/09 4:27 PM ]: correct

MockY[01/29/09 4:27 PM ]: nope

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: då är det ingen brådska

MockY[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: jag ska komma på en redigt trevligt tema

tgs3[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: There answer there was yes, not nope, Peter

MockY[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: rimmar på innliga sångare

tgs3[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: That would be a nice change, Peter

MockY[01/29/09 4:28 PM ]: nej, jag ska försöka vara originell

MockY[01/29/09 4:29 PM ]: nope works to. I answered Anders question

MockY[01/29/09 4:29 PM ]: nope, there is no theme

MockY[01/29/09 4:29 PM ]: yes would be, yes, there is a theme

tgs3[01/29/09 4:29 PM ]: Yes, there is no theme...or...Nope, there is a theme are the possible answers

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: du är ganska orginel som du är, Peter

MockY[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: not how I say it

tgs3[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: Just "Nope" would mean a negative to answer questions, meaning there was themes

tgs3[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: I agree, Peter, you say it wrong

tgs3[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: along with many other people

MockY[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: I should maybe followed it up. So yes, Nope would not be enough

tgs3[01/29/09 4:30 PM ]: ah, we agree

MockY[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: almost

MockY[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: I would still have interpreted Nope as, No, there is no theme in case someone else wrote it

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: jag måste hålla med Theron

tgs3[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: yeah!!!

MockY[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: måste?

MockY[01/29/09 4:31 PM ]: Någon som tvingar dig?

tgs3[01/29/09 4:32 PM ]: I'm holding his cats hostage and will kill them unless he agrees with me

tgs3[01/29/09 4:32 PM ]: Yes, common sense forces him

MockY[01/29/09 4:32 PM ]: ohh noooo, NOT the cats!!!

MockY[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: shall we vote?

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: I say it the same way as Peter does, I know it's wrong, but so what

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: people know what you mean

MockY[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: exactly

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: inte tvingar men han har rätt

MockY[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]: but Theron call on things like this all the time...so let him have his fun or moment of correctness. He likes it.

MockY[01/29/09 4:33 PM ]:

tgs3[01/29/09 4:34 PM ]: Actually, I'd prefer you two to speak more clearly and intelligently, but I'll settle for correcting you

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:34 PM ]: men det där gillar peter

tgs3[01/29/09 4:34 PM ]: And its not always clear what you mean, Nina

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:35 PM ]: you know what peter meant

tgs3[01/29/09 4:35 PM ]: Yes. Which is why I corrected him.

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:36 PM ]: I didn't say it wasn't wrong

MockY[01/29/09 4:36 PM ]: he feeds on proving a point, and I don't mind feeding him

tgs3[01/29/09 4:36 PM ]: And I wasn't SURE what he meant...

tgs3[01/29/09 4:36 PM ]: So you're calling me a liar? Dick

tgs3[01/29/09 4:37 PM ]: I just said I'd prefer you spoke correctly and I didn't have to correct you

MockY[01/29/09 4:37 PM ]: I called you a liar?

MockY[01/29/09 4:37 PM ]: now I'm not following

tgs3[01/29/09 4:37 PM ]: I see that

tgs3[01/29/09 4:38 PM ]: I'm not saying this to prove any kind of point.

tgs3[01/29/09 4:38 PM ]: I'm attempting to educate you dumbasses.

MockY[01/29/09 4:38 PM ]: You can't educate the world by your self.

tgs3[01/29/09 4:39 PM ]: Look up non sequitur

MockY[01/29/09 4:39 PM ]: but I guess trying with me is a start

tgs3[01/29/09 4:40 PM ]: I generally only attempt to educate my kids

tgs3[01/29/09 4:40 PM ]: Sometimes employees, too

tgs3[01/29/09 4:40 PM ]: You're both

MockY[01/29/09 4:40 PM ]:

MockY[01/29/09 4:40 PM ]: double whammy

tgs3[01/29/09 4:41 PM ]:

MockY[01/29/09 4:41 PM ]: 4?

tgs3[01/29/09 4:41 PM ]: so close...

MockY[01/29/09 4:41 PM ]: aww...

MockY[01/29/09 4:41 PM ]: damn

tgs3[01/29/09 4:42 PM ]: Looks like most of them are still playing the quiet game

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:42 PM ]: jag läser

MockY[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: I saw TiVo sells extrenal hard drives from Wester Digital that labels it as a DVR drive. Now, I have a hard time understanding what makes it a specific DVR hard drive.

ragee[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: nlu nlu

MockY[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: so I wonder if you know if any suffice

MockY[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: will*

MockY[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: not understanding, but believing that there is such a thing

MockY[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: and any external HD would do just fine

tgs3[01/29/09 4:43 PM ]: Quietness would be the only thing I think that would separate drives.

tgs3[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: As far as I know, anyone will work

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: ja hej på dej också niklas

MockY[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: external are usually extremely quite since they have an exclosure

MockY[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: they charge you 200 bux for their 500GB

tgs3[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: Does it work with older Tivos?

MockY[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: which is just outrageous

tgs3[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: And is it an add-on? Or does it replace the other drive?

MockY[01/29/09 4:44 PM ]: probably not

MockY[01/29/09 4:45 PM ]: I'm thinking ahead for my future TiVo purchase

MockY[01/29/09 4:45 PM ]: add-on

tgs3[01/29/09 4:45 PM ]: Shouldn't you be making Boxee work?

MockY[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: it does not have TV capabilities

tgs3[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: I guess you want stuff like Discover Channel in HD

MockY[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: And before Boxee becomes stable, the word has stopped turning

tgs3[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: I meant Myth, not Boxee

MockY[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: yes. It's the HD that throws me off

MockY[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: otherwise I would have a Mythbox up and runnning long time ago

tgs3[01/29/09 4:46 PM ]: You might want to see if Wave encrypts their HD

tgs3[01/29/09 4:47 PM ]: Not all providers do

MockY[01/29/09 4:47 PM ]: So I'm going to run a Mediacenter for non TV stuff via XBMC and then HD TiVo for the TV stuff

tgs3[01/29/09 4:47 PM ]: And you can get NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox in HD

MockY[01/29/09 4:47 PM ]: hmm

MockY[01/29/09 4:47 PM ]: I would be very surprised if they don't

MockY[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: though I don't know for sure

MockY[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: regardless, I might not use Wave forever either

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: är det nån som vill rösta?

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: you prbably need and HD atenna

MockY[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: sure

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: 1

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: 2

tgs3[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: 2

MockY[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: not for the TiVo though right?

MockY[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: 4

ragee[01/29/09 4:48 PM ]: 534

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: no, that's with cable cards

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: but if you build your own you will

MockY[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: ahh

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: avenged sevenfold 3p

MockY[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: I decided that I'm not now

MockY[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: but have one box just for media center purposes

MockY[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: Divided By Zero 4p

ragee[01/29/09 4:49 PM ]: Avenged Sevenfold 4p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: Seventh Day Slumber 4p

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: Thousand Yard Stare 4p

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: thousand yard stare 4p

MockY[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: Avanged Sevenfold 5p

ragee[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: divided by zero 6p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: Thousand Yard Stare 5p

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:50 PM ]: Renegade Five 6p

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:51 PM ]: divided by zero 6p

MockY[01/29/09 4:51 PM ]: Renegade Five 6p

ragee[01/29/09 4:51 PM ]: seventh day slumber 7p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:51 PM ]: Renegade Five 6p

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:51 PM ]: Seventh Day Slumber 7p

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:52 PM ]: seventh day slumber 7p

MockY[01/29/09 4:52 PM ]: Thousand Yard Stare 7p

ragee[01/29/09 4:53 PM ]: Renegade Five 8p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:53 PM ]: Avenged Sevenfold 8p

thebrat13n[01/29/09 4:53 PM ]: Divided by Zero 8p

MockY[01/29/09 4:53 PM ]: sicken röstning

ragee[01/29/09 4:53 PM ]: tihi

tgs3[01/29/09 4:54 PM ]: hmm?

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:54 PM ]: dom här låtarna får problem att ta sig till albumet

MockY[01/29/09 4:54 PM ]: inte min

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:55 PM ]: 5. thousand yard stare 20p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:55 PM ]: You didn't get a single 8p or more. Pretty unlikely

ragee[01/29/09 4:55 PM ]: damn inge poäng

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]: 4. avenged sevenfold 20p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]: Nina showed the most taste, as usual

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]: 3. divided by zero 24p

MockY[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]: ser jämnt ut igen

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]: 2. seventh day slumber 25p

MockY[01/29/09 4:56 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: 1. renegade five 26p

tgs3[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: Congrats, Anders. My lead is down to 4 points now...

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]:

MockY[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: det va rediga poäng

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: jag kämpar

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: tack

MockY[01/29/09 4:57 PM ]: Anders is sneaky as always

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: tror inte jag var ensam om att själa

ragee[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: tattar anders

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: mjo, det är ett jävla stjälande på det där killen

MockY[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: kom upp med eget ffs

Hebbe[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: jag har en pre-order på renegade five

MockY[01/29/09 4:58 PM ]: usch då

tgs3[01/29/09 4:59 PM ]: Actually, weren't you the only one to steal , Anders?

tgs3[01/29/09 4:59 PM ]: Avenged is a Robert band...

MockY[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: http://www.tivo.com/mytivo/howto/getconnected/howto_adrecording_capacity.html

MockY[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: crap

tgs3[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: I already did

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: ha ha, trodde jag hade kört seventh day slumber en gång i tiden

MockY[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:00 PM ]: men dom nådde tydligen inte ända fram

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: jag var säker

MockY[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: sevendust är det närmaste du har kört

tgs3[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: I had to go check to see if they had been used before, too. I recognize the name

MockY[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: they have been in my B list for ages

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: jag har deras första platta i hyllan

MockY[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: I was amazed over how many bands with a number name I had in there

tgs3[01/29/09 5:01 PM ]: Or Howie Day or Green Day

tgs3[01/29/09 5:02 PM ]: I thought it was kinda weird no one used a band with an actual number in it.

tgs3[01/29/09 5:02 PM ]: Maybe that will be my theme next round

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:03 PM ]: jag hade en i reserv

MockY[01/29/09 5:03 PM ]: I was expecting Cage9 from Theron

tgs3[01/29/09 5:03 PM ]: really?

MockY[01/29/09 5:04 PM ]: yup

tgs3[01/29/09 5:04 PM ]: I do have one on my list, but probably 5 other number bands ahead of that song

MockY[01/29/09 5:04 PM ]: maybe you shoulod have gone with it after all

tgs3[01/29/09 5:04 PM ]: It might have done better. I knew Divided by Zero was not a safe pick.

tgs3[01/29/09 5:05 PM ]: Maybe I'll change after a few listens, but the songs this current round seem pretty easy to put in order on the first listen

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:07 PM ]: nu har jag vunnit på 26p 2 ggr i rad, jag får bättre poäng när jag kommer tvåa

tgs3[01/29/09 5:07 PM ]: I've only gotten 2 points less each round, but have 2p to show for it while you got 8p...

MockY[01/29/09 5:08 PM ]: Well, it is a race between you two now

MockY[01/29/09 5:08 PM ]: So I'm bringing out the popcorn

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:09 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[01/29/09 5:09 PM ]: I just need to get 2p each round and I should have it. Anders really needs to bring it still

tgs3[01/29/09 5:09 PM ]: Of course, that's not always so easy

tgs3[01/29/09 5:09 PM ]: 2p I mean

MockY[01/29/09 5:10 PM ]: wierder things have happend

tgs3[01/29/09 5:10 PM ]: I didn't think we'd see a country song again to fast in SOTD

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:10 PM ]: du får ta en nolla till theron och jag en fyra

tgs3[01/29/09 5:11 PM ]: I guess Nina is in a country mood

tgs3[01/29/09 5:11 PM ]: That shouldn't happen, but if people like Peter keep voting so stupid, it could

MockY[01/29/09 5:11 PM ]: seems like a prtty good round at first glance

tgs3[01/29/09 5:12 PM ]: average

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:12 PM ]: det är nog ingen risk med din lår theron

tgs3[01/29/09 5:12 PM ]: but thats not a bad thing

tgs3[01/29/09 5:13 PM ]: My legs are a bit sore..

MockY[01/29/09 5:13 PM ]: from running?

tgs3[01/29/09 5:13 PM ]: a little, yes

MockY[01/29/09 5:13 PM ]: well, I'm gonna go back speaking Python. See you all laterz.

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:14 PM ]: bye, peter

tgs3[01/29/09 5:14 PM ]: bye

tgs3[01/29/09 5:15 PM ]: He's really giving up on this season. He doesn't even want to talk

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:16 PM ]: ja han har ingen chans

tgs3[01/29/09 5:16 PM ]: Not a first, but he's not having a terrible season or anything

thebrat13n[01/29/09 5:16 PM ]: that's not a country song

tgs3[01/29/09 5:17 PM ]: The last two rounds can still make a pretty big difference on how the season turns out

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:17 PM ]: han kan ju bli tvåa

tgs3[01/29/09 5:17 PM ]: Dear God is more country than half the songs from the Country round.

tgs3[01/29/09 5:17 PM ]: In my opinion. Which I realize is really just wrong, but I'm sticking with it anyway

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:18 PM ]: jag hade inte diskat den i country-omgången

tgs3[01/29/09 5:19 PM ]: from wikipedia: Avenged Sevenfold has confirmed that their fourth single is the country rock style song "Dear God".

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:21 PM ]: ha ha

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:21 PM ]: klart och tydligt

tgs3[01/29/09 5:22 PM ]: I guess Nina could argue that they don't know what their talking about when it comes to country

Hebbe[01/29/09 5:23 PM ]: ha ha, nä nu måste jag sova, jobbardag imorgon

tgs3[01/29/09 5:24 PM ]: OK. Seeya on Monday

thebrat13n[01/29/09 5:25 PM ]: it's such a vague term

tgs3[01/29/09 5:25 PM ]: yup

tgs3[01/29/09 5:25 PM ]: laterz

thebrat13n[01/29/09 5:25 PM ]: ok, I'm leaving now