Hebbe[01/26/09 3:51 PM ]: om jag var en kanin så skulle jag ha stora öron

MockY[01/26/09 3:52 PM ]: Theron dröjer ytterligare en timma

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:53 PM ]: jag såg inget mejl

MockY[01/26/09 3:54 PM ]: det är för att han trodde att han skulle hinna

MockY[01/26/09 3:54 PM ]: men det blev försenat

MockY[01/26/09 3:54 PM ]: han är i sjukhuset med Amy

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:54 PM ]: är han på möte

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:55 PM ]: jaha

MockY[01/26/09 3:55 PM ]: så är det i den senaste laget för er/dig så sjuter vi upp det

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:56 PM ]: jag är hemma med Gisela imorrn, hon har feber

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:56 PM ]: så jag klarar mej, kan ju lägga mej och sova en stund

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:57 PM ]: du får kolla med

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:57 PM ]: nicke

MockY[01/26/09 3:57 PM ]: får la göra det

Hebbe[01/26/09 3:59 PM ]: undra hur många poäng theron kommer att plocka den här gången

MockY[01/26/09 3:59 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:00 PM ]: blir nog sämre för dej peter

MockY[01/26/09 4:00 PM ]: som vanligt

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:01 PM ]: vilken är theron låt då

MockY[01/26/09 4:02 PM ]: återstår att se

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:02 PM ]: theron är sen

MockY[01/26/09 4:02 PM ]: Nicke, klarar du av att vänta ytterligare en timme?

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:02 PM ]: en timme

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:02 PM ]: hur trött är du

ragee[01/26/09 4:03 PM ]: ja fan jag klarar att vänta

thebrat13n[01/26/09 4:03 PM ]: ok

ragee[01/26/09 4:03 PM ]: kan hoppa in i duschen så länge

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:03 PM ]: gör det

MockY[01/26/09 4:04 PM ]: då ska jag värma upp mat

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:04 PM ]: bra omgång igen

thebrat13n[01/26/09 4:04 PM ]: He might be an hour and a half

thebrat13n[01/26/09 4:04 PM ]: are you guys still cool with that?

ragee[01/26/09 4:04 PM ]: sure

Hebbe[01/26/09 4:05 PM ]: jag är med

ragee[01/26/09 4:05 PM ]: aja brb

thebrat13n[01/26/09 4:05 PM ]: ok, I'll let you know if I hear from him more

MockY[01/26/09 4:07 PM ]:

MockY[01/26/09 4:21 PM ]: .

MockY[01/26/09 4:36 PM ]: .

ragee[01/26/09 4:40 PM ]: har lagt in ett rätt beroendeframjallande spel i vänliga lådan om ni vill ha nåt att fördrivva tiden med

MockY[01/26/09 4:54 PM ]: jag önskar jag hade sådan lyx så jag kunde kasta bort tid på sådant.

MockY[01/26/09 4:55 PM ]: tid finns, men inte prioriteten....

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:08 PM ]: Theron says he'll be home in about 5 minutes

MockY[01/26/09 5:09 PM ]: w00t

ragee[01/26/09 5:16 PM ]: testa spelet tycker jag iaf

ragee[01/26/09 5:16 PM ]: yooooo

tgs3[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: Hi

tgs3[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: I finally made it

MockY[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: welcome

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: do we wanna call Anders? or just wait?

tgs3[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: I don't see any numbers in Hoobastank....

MockY[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: Niklas, ring gubben

tgs3[01/26/09 5:17 PM ]: I'm fine with whatever

ragee[01/26/09 5:19 PM ]: okidoki'

MockY[01/26/09 5:19 PM ]: hoppas han vaknar

tgs3[01/26/09 5:19 PM ]: Let's hope so

ragee[01/26/09 5:20 PM ]: han är påväg

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:20 PM ]: jag somna

MockY[01/26/09 5:20 PM ]: So, what is Amys status?

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:21 PM ]: död levande eller mitt i mellan

tgs3[01/26/09 5:21 PM ]: Freaking out about her surgery tomorrow

MockY[01/26/09 5:21 PM ]: poor girl

tgs3[01/26/09 5:23 PM ]: Yeah, she'll hopefully be feeling better by Wednesday when the worst of it is over

tgs3[01/26/09 5:23 PM ]: Hmm. Don't see any numbers in Frail, either

tgs3[01/26/09 5:24 PM ]: weird

tgs3[01/26/09 5:24 PM ]: She must have re-booted or closed the window by accident

MockY[01/26/09 5:25 PM ]: wb

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:25 PM ]: closed the window by accident

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:25 PM ]: one two three frail five six

tgs3[01/26/09 5:26 PM ]: oh year. Good thiking Anders.

tgs3[01/26/09 5:26 PM ]: nevermind

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:26 PM ]: eller?

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:27 PM ]: what?

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:27 PM ]: tema

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:27 PM ]: number in the artist name

tgs3[01/26/09 5:27 PM ]: Someone thinks there's a number in "Frail"

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:27 PM ]: yes, Frial is not a number

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:28 PM ]: and either is Frail

MockY[01/26/09 5:28 PM ]: liafr...hmm nope, not backwards either

ragee[01/26/09 5:28 PM ]: Jag trodde det var låtnamnet som skulle ha ett nummer

MockY[01/26/09 5:28 PM ]: liarf*

tgs3[01/26/09 5:29 PM ]: Sweet Ignorance?

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:29 PM ]: Sweet Ignorance doesn't work either

tgs3[01/26/09 5:29 PM ]: haha. That applies a couple of ways to you it looks like, Niklas

ragee[01/26/09 5:29 PM ]: Den var bara en tabbe

tgs3[01/26/09 5:29 PM ]: ah

MockY[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: inte lätt

ragee[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: tänkte inte på att det redan var tema

tgs3[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: Thanks for waiting for me, everyone

tgs3[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: Glad to see I didn't cause things to get pushed back a vote

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: ahhh

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: and, nope, it's the artist, not the song

ragee[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: men det är alltså gruppnamnet som gäller nummer

ragee[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: ahh crap

MockY[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: mm

ragee[01/26/09 5:30 PM ]: jag som leta låt med nummer

MockY[01/26/09 5:31 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/26/09 5:31 PM ]: geez. I really didn't think this round would have THREE disqualifications!

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:32 PM ]: three

ragee[01/26/09 5:34 PM ]: nuså är alla låtar rätt

MockY[01/26/09 5:34 PM ]: fantastiskt

tgs3[01/26/09 5:35 PM ]: yes

tgs3[01/26/09 5:35 PM ]:

tgs3[01/26/09 5:35 PM ]: 0,5,7,7,80

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:35 PM ]: cool

ragee[01/26/09 5:36 PM ]: ska vi rösta?

tgs3[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: sure

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: 1

tgs3[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: it's getting late for you Swedes

tgs3[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: 2

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: 1

MockY[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: 999999

ragee[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: 8765

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:37 PM ]: jag har sovit en stund

tgs3[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]: blind 5p

MockY[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]: Blind 5p

ragee[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]: Hurt 4p

tgs3[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]: All Ends 5p

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:38 PM ]: All Ends 5p

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:39 PM ]: a new revolution 6p

MockY[01/26/09 5:39 PM ]: Hurt 6p

ragee[01/26/09 5:39 PM ]: I-94 5p

tgs3[01/26/09 5:39 PM ]: I-94 6p

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:39 PM ]: Blind 6p

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:40 PM ]: all ends 7p

MockY[01/26/09 5:40 PM ]: Anew Revolution 7p

ragee[01/26/09 5:40 PM ]: Anew Revolution 6p

tgs3[01/26/09 5:40 PM ]: Anew Revolution 7p

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:40 PM ]: I-94 7p

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:41 PM ]: i-94 8p

MockY[01/26/09 5:41 PM ]: All Ends 8p

ragee[01/26/09 5:41 PM ]: Blind 8p

tgs3[01/26/09 5:41 PM ]: Hurt 8p

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:41 PM ]: Hurt 8p

MockY[01/26/09 5:42 PM ]: hmm

ragee[01/26/09 5:42 PM ]: lol va knasigt

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:42 PM ]: wow, those are some spread out points

MockY[01/26/09 5:42 PM ]: spridd röstning

MockY[01/26/09 5:42 PM ]: spala vi alla tärning idag eller?

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:43 PM ]: det blev verkligen jämt

tgs3[01/26/09 5:43 PM ]: I seem to have gotten the short end of it all, but I guess its time for that

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:44 PM ]: 1. hurt 26p

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:44 PM ]: 2. i-94 26p

MockY[01/26/09 5:44 PM ]: oj

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:44 PM ]: 3. a new revolution 26p

ragee[01/26/09 5:44 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: 4. blind 25p

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: interesting

MockY[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: shit

ragee[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: hehe kom sist med All Ends

ragee[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: fan va sjukt

tgs3[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: Man, Anders stole from Nina...He was really desperate.

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: 5. fel

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: 4. all ends 25p

MockY[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: blev Theron utan poäng???

tgs3[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: But congrats in this close race

MockY[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: nu tror jag väl endå

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: 5. blind 24p

tgs3[01/26/09 5:45 PM ]: Yup, no points for me

MockY[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: wow

ragee[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: yey en poäng

MockY[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: I did not think that was possible

tgs3[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: The great streak is over...

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: two point spread from 1st to last, interesting

tgs3[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: Probably the closest it will ever be

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: var tvungen att använda den här låten klar 10-poängare

MockY[01/26/09 5:46 PM ]: damn, if only Niklas could have given me one more point

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:47 PM ]: trodde jag skulle vinna överlägset

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:47 PM ]: jag är på stöld-turne

MockY[01/26/09 5:48 PM ]: Element Eighty är diskade

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:48 PM ]: uh-oh

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:48 PM ]: har stulit 4 låtar i rad nu

tgs3[01/26/09 5:49 PM ]: Rapture, which you didn't even vote for, is quite a bit better

thebrat13n[01/26/09 5:49 PM ]: I agree

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:50 PM ]: där har du fel

MockY[01/26/09 5:50 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/26/09 5:50 PM ]: Robert's not here, so I don't think I'd count Nilsen

tgs3[01/26/09 5:51 PM ]: as a steal that is

tgs3[01/26/09 5:51 PM ]: Or someone worth stealing from

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:51 PM ]: ha ha ok, tre då

tgs3[01/26/09 5:51 PM ]: So that means your song this round is a steal. Interesting....

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:52 PM ]: räkna inte omg 8

tgs3[01/26/09 5:55 PM ]: Ah, I missed Tupelo Honey.

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:55 PM ]: jag är inte ensam om att ha stulit hurt av nina

MockY[01/26/09 5:56 PM ]: 0, 5, 7, 7, 1000

tgs3[01/26/09 5:57 PM ]: I didn't steal, I borrowed

tgs3[01/26/09 5:57 PM ]: It had been out over a year when I used Better

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:57 PM ]: jaha så du frågade innan

tgs3[01/26/09 5:57 PM ]: That goes down as a borrow for me. New category I just made up on the spot

MockY[01/26/09 5:58 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/26/09 5:58 PM ]: I figure after a year (hell, 3 months is probably enough), a song is out in the public domain to be used since the original person is apparently deciding not to use it

MockY[01/26/09 5:58 PM ]: but you did not give it back

Hebbe[01/26/09 5:58 PM ]: hmm, jag lånade lite snabbare

tgs3[01/26/09 5:58 PM ]: Sure, she can have it back now

MockY[01/26/09 5:59 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/26/09 5:59 PM ]: Axel borrowed the name for the G'N'R song I used, though

tgs3[01/26/09 5:59 PM ]: Morphone might have been a borrow. I have no idea when it came out

tgs3[01/26/09 6:00 PM ]: err, Morphine

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:00 PM ]: nä, jag lånar inte jag snor det som är bra

tgs3[01/26/09 6:00 PM ]: I feel like I'm stuck in place now. Anders is probably going to fly by and win the season after all

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:01 PM ]: det har funnits tid att använda den här låten ett par omgångar

tgs3[01/26/09 6:01 PM ]: Really? You seem to steal any quality song

tgs3[01/26/09 6:01 PM ]: Only the last two have been good...

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:02 PM ]: peter tycker inte att det har varit nått att själa alls

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: han har gett mej 6p x 4

tgs3[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: All 6p from Peter I see

ragee[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: ses på torsdag gottfolk

tgs3[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: 6p isn't Bad, it just isn't loving it

tgs3[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: Seeya Thursday.

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:03 PM ]: god natt niklas

thebrat13n[01/26/09 6:04 PM ]: yeah, Peter can do alot worse in his point giving

thebrat13n[01/26/09 6:04 PM ]: he's not as stingy as Niklas, but....

tgs3[01/26/09 6:05 PM ]: Actually, Peter's won the Hater award three seasons in a row right now

MockY[01/26/09 6:05 PM ]: hey...

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:05 PM ]: ja niklas han har tyckt det har varit ännu sämre

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:06 PM ]: han gav åtminstone entwine 7p

tgs3[01/26/09 6:07 PM ]: Yeah, Niklas hasn't liked this season much it appears

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:07 PM ]: jag tog entwine bara för att stoppa dej , theron

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:07 PM ]: men det funkade inte

tgs3[01/26/09 6:07 PM ]: Yup, but I stopped myself today

tgs3[01/26/09 6:08 PM ]: Kinda had a feeling that might happen. Blind was one of those songs that can go either way with you guys. From my perspective, anyway

MockY[01/26/09 6:09 PM ]: do you feel like you have any "safe" cards left to play?

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:09 PM ]: jag hade tydligen ingen koll på vem som hade vilken låt idag mer än niklas

tgs3[01/26/09 6:10 PM ]: Nah, I never, ever feel a song is safe

tgs3[01/26/09 6:10 PM ]: It's a mystery to me just about every vote until it happens

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:11 PM ]: ja den här säsongen verkar allt knasigt

tgs3[01/26/09 6:12 PM ]: Why is that?

tgs3[01/26/09 6:12 PM ]: Because I'm doing well?

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:12 PM ]: nää det är inte sant, jag tar tillbaka det

MockY[01/26/09 6:12 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/26/09 6:12 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:14 PM ]: jag trodde jag skulle få minst 30p idag

tgs3[01/26/09 6:14 PM ]: Honestly, I was a just a little disappointed in the Hurt song. I like Hurt a lot, but this song was only OK - for them.

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:15 PM ]: och tupelo honey trodde jag att jag skulle vinna med

thebrat13n[01/26/09 6:15 PM ]: Yeah, there was just something missing

thebrat13n[01/26/09 6:15 PM ]: I think maybe it would grow on me, but it would take a while

tgs3[01/26/09 6:15 PM ]: maybe

tgs3[01/26/09 6:16 PM ]: Anders, I feel that way about most songs I use, which is why I say there's nothing safe in my mind and its always a mystery how things will turn out. Music taste is such an individual thing, it't really hard to know how other people will react to a song

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:17 PM ]: då tycker jag att ni ska lyssna på house carpenter det är till och med en bättre 10-poängare

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:18 PM ]: håller med dej där, men ibland känner man att den här låten kommer krossa

tgs3[01/26/09 6:18 PM ]: From the 1st album?

tgs3[01/26/09 6:19 PM ]: Yeah, that's a good song. That one I could maybe see getting into more ...

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:19 PM ]: japp sista låten, tänkte köra den men då körde du en annan låt

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:21 PM ]: trodde kanske inte att jag skulle krossa med tupelo honey med att någon av er skulle höra vad jag hörde

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:21 PM ]: och så finns det en till från den plattan overdose

tgs3[01/26/09 6:23 PM ]: Hmm. I'll have to go back and c heck out the whole album again

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:24 PM ]: rapture är nog sämsta låten på den plattan

tgs3[01/26/09 6:24 PM ]: now, that's SOO wrong

MockY[01/26/09 6:25 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/26/09 6:25 PM ]: the beauty of SOTD, we are all so alike, but yet so different

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:26 PM ]: jag lyssnar på rapture nu

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:26 PM ]: den fick nog för lite poäng av mej

tgs3[01/26/09 6:27 PM ]: It happens

MockY[01/26/09 6:27 PM ]: nu är jag nyfiken också

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:28 PM ]: jag var nog inte mogen för hurt då

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:28 PM ]: jag ska lyssna på hela plattan och ranka alla låtarna på den

MockY[01/26/09 6:28 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/26/09 6:29 PM ]: lyssnar nu..inge speciellt...ingen 10:a i alla fall

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:29 PM ]: vilken lyssnar du på, peter

tgs3[01/26/09 6:30 PM ]: Yeah, I'm guessing I probably went a little to low on FTM from the same round

MockY[01/26/09 6:30 PM ]: Rapture

tgs3[01/26/09 6:31 PM ]: You gave it 6p. It was NIklas and Robert that pushed it down more

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:32 PM ]: det var bara theron som gav rapture poäng i albumröstningen

MockY[01/26/09 6:32 PM ]: exactly, inget speciellt. Nor bad. But not a 10 which I hinted that you were going for

tgs3[01/26/09 6:33 PM ]: I'd give it that now. I gave it 9 at the time

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:33 PM ]: house carpenter är 10-poängaren

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:34 PM ]: jag var inte mogen för hurt då

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:34 PM ]: det är efter jag lyssnade på hela plattan som det blev riktigt bra

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:36 PM ]: jag gav falls apart bara 5 poäng i albumröstningen

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:37 PM ]: i omgång 10 ska peter få ge mej 10 poäng i alla fall

tgs3[01/26/09 6:37 PM ]: which is 5 more than Peter

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:37 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:37 PM ]: näe

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:37 PM ]: jo det var det

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:39 PM ]: jag gav ten ton brick 9p i albumröstningen och den är sämre än dom andra

tgs3[01/26/09 6:39 PM ]: true

tgs3[01/26/09 6:40 PM ]: I think I've settled on my round 9 and 10 songs.

MockY[01/26/09 6:40 PM ]: Får väl ha en Best Of, precis som Robert ville

tgs3[01/26/09 6:40 PM ]: I'm trying to play it safe. We'll see what actually happens

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:40 PM ]: idag kan jag inte stå för poängen på falls apart och rapture

tgs3[01/26/09 6:41 PM ]: Best of would be impossible without limiting it somehow.

tgs3[01/26/09 6:41 PM ]: Just too many songs to pick from. The votes would be VERY spread out.

tgs3[01/26/09 6:41 PM ]: I know you weren't being serious....

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:41 PM ]: minns nin när jag sa att jag hade alla klara för den här säsongen

tgs3[01/26/09 6:41 PM ]: yes

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:42 PM ]: jag har bytt ut alla

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:42 PM ]:

thebrat13n[01/26/09 6:42 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:43 PM ]: men alla speed-sotd ligger kvar

MockY[01/26/09 6:43 PM ]: Undrar hur förebered Niklas är på Speed-SOTD

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:43 PM ]: men funderar att byta ut en

tgs3[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: Yeah, I was wondering the same, Peter

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: han har nog lite jobb kvar än

tgs3[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: It seems like he looks for the song for the next round while we're chatting....

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: han skulle nog behöva en liten påminnelse

MockY[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: precis

MockY[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: varje röstning typ

tgs3[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: yup

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:44 PM ]: eller en stor

tgs3[01/26/09 6:45 PM ]: I'll send out an email about the dates we talked about for album voting and Speed

tgs3[01/26/09 6:45 PM ]: We haven't missed any votes, so those dates should still be the targets

MockY[01/26/09 6:45 PM ]: this season has been rollin' along pretty well

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:46 PM ]: hitta en riktig smör-låt från holland i helgen, undra om den kommer nå fram till sotd över huvud taget

MockY[01/26/09 6:46 PM ]: and it's almost over already

MockY[01/26/09 6:46 PM ]: feels like it just started

tgs3[01/26/09 6:46 PM ]: tgs3[12/15/08 3:48 PM ]: If things were to fly along perfectly, Album 27 vote would be on Feb 21/22 and Speed SOTD would be on Feb 28/Mar 1

tgs3[01/26/09 6:46 PM ]: Looks like that's still the right ones

MockY[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: I'm scared

MockY[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: nervous

MockY[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: and excited

tgs3[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: that's what you're supposed to feel

MockY[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: hehe

MockY[01/26/09 6:47 PM ]: I know. Wonderful

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:48 PM ]: 1 mars undra om det var pimpeltävling då

tgs3[01/26/09 6:48 PM ]: I guess we have to do all 10 rounds on Saturday if you can't do Sunday

MockY[01/26/09 6:48 PM ]: bara du som vet

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:49 PM ]: ha ha ha

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:49 PM ]: måste kolla

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:51 PM ]: ha ha ha, kan vi inte ta helgen före

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:52 PM ]: 21/22

tgs3[01/26/09 6:52 PM ]: that's the album vote

tgs3[01/26/09 6:52 PM ]: I can push it up a week to only gave 1 between the season and album vote, but you usually don't like that

MockY[01/26/09 6:52 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:52 PM ]: och albumröstning #27 en vecka tidigare

tgs3[01/26/09 6:53 PM ]: That's up to you and Niklas.

MockY[01/26/09 6:53 PM ]: pretty much

tgs3[01/26/09 6:53 PM ]: Evertone on this side of the pond can probably do that...

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:54 PM ]: skulle passa perfect för mej

MockY[01/26/09 6:54 PM ]: I better check that I donät have a fly fishing contest that weekend.....checking.. ... ... ... Nope, Iäm free

tgs3[01/26/09 6:54 PM ]: I can send that out in an email, but if Niklas protests, he has a small point

MockY[01/26/09 6:55 PM ]: small...lol

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:55 PM ]: vi ställde upp för niklas och vänta med speed-sotd

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:56 PM ]: skicka ett mejl så kan jag ringa och prata med honom

tgs3[01/26/09 6:56 PM ]: Very trye

tgs3[01/26/09 6:56 PM ]: I have absolutely no problem over ruling Niklas

MockY[01/26/09 6:56 PM ]: Since he now doesn't have a life, sitting down finding tunes can't be too hard

tgs3[01/26/09 6:57 PM ]: OK, I've sent it

tgs3[01/26/09 6:57 PM ]: You guys should have it any moment

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:57 PM ]: han har väll polarna kvar

MockY[01/26/09 6:57 PM ]: I'm sitting biting my nails in aticipation

tgs3[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: Let me know if anything looks wrong to you guys

Hebbe[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: By the way, you gus should check out "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"

tgs3[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: It's a half lie that those were the dates we talked about, but that's because I changed them right before I sent the email...

MockY[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: I haven't laughed so hard in a long time

tgs3[01/26/09 6:58 PM ]: It's on my Netflix list

tgs3[01/26/09 6:59 PM ]: good to know

MockY[01/26/09 6:59 PM ]: granted, I was a little under the influence, but damn it was funny

MockY[01/26/09 7:00 PM ]: It uses blund, right in your fac, kind of humor

MockY[01/26/09 7:00 PM ]: can't type apparently

tgs3[01/26/09 7:00 PM ]: good old blund

MockY[01/26/09 7:00 PM ]: Also, RocknRolla was pretty good too. Robert kind of movie

MockY[01/26/09 7:01 PM ]: Guy Ritchie is a pretty decent writer

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:03 PM ]: ser bra ut, kanske måste ändra tid eller dag på albumröstning #28

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:03 PM ]: men det brukar kunna ordna sig

MockY[01/26/09 7:05 PM ]: I better plug these dates in so that I don't schedule a ski trip that weekend or day

MockY[01/26/09 7:05 PM ]: that assumes that these dates are the dates we will go with. I will plan accordingly and based on these dates

MockY[01/26/09 7:06 PM ]: If it was just me, it would not be much of a deal. But Jesse and a friend of him want to join one day or two as well

MockY[01/26/09 7:06 PM ]: so if I plan a trip with them )outside the dates stated in the email= I kinda have to stick with that

MockY[01/26/09 7:06 PM ]: but again, if it was just me and D, then I would be totally flexible

MockY[01/26/09 7:08 PM ]: Unless the snow is gone by then

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:09 PM ]: vi har skotercafé den 8 mars

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:09 PM ]: men den 7.e är ledig

MockY[01/26/09 7:10 PM ]: should we set up a caldendar for us to mark our absence?

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:10 PM ]: ni kan ju rösta fredagkväll och vi lördag morgon

tgs3[01/26/09 7:11 PM ]: back after a break

tgs3[01/26/09 7:11 PM ]: I mean, I am

tgs3[01/26/09 7:11 PM ]: I see you guys are still here

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:12 PM ]: Theron om vi nu skulle köra på det här och allt skulle funka när skulle det då bli albumröstning #29

tgs3[01/26/09 7:12 PM ]: You're way ahead now

tgs3[01/26/09 7:13 PM ]: I guess 7 weeks after #28

tgs3[01/26/09 7:13 PM ]: so let's see....

tgs3[01/26/09 7:13 PM ]: April 25/26

tgs3[01/26/09 7:13 PM ]: I think

tgs3[01/26/09 7:13 PM ]: And Friday night the 6th instead of the 7th would be fine with me

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:14 PM ]: skulle vara bra

tgs3[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: As usual, it would probably be Niklas that would be the most likely to have a problem with that

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: vi får se om det finns några pimpeltävlingar kvar då i slutet på april

tgs3[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: Why were you asking about #29 album vote?

MockY[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: Det kommer dock som vanligt bli paus i SOTDadet då folk drar till Sverige

tgs3[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: Ah, OK. You andwered that

tgs3[01/26/09 7:15 PM ]: I voted three times in Sweden last time

tgs3[01/26/09 7:16 PM ]: I think

tgs3[01/26/09 7:16 PM ]: At least twice anyway

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:16 PM ]: i sommar ja, jag vill helst inte vara en bromskloss

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:16 PM ]: jag rösta ett par ggr i usa

MockY[01/26/09 7:17 PM ]: Sure, but I will be way more mobile and will not be able to vote

MockY[01/26/09 7:17 PM ]: I will stay 2 days max at one place

tgs3[01/26/09 7:17 PM ]: loser

MockY[01/26/09 7:17 PM ]: and will be more into planning and showing Sweden to D than SOTD

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:17 PM ]: vilka 2 dagar ska du vara i lycksele

MockY[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: so there will not be any voting from me during those 2 weeks

MockY[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: but you never know...

MockY[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: but that would be my guess

MockY[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: jag vet inte än. Jag ska sitta ner i morgon och skicka ett email till familjen

tgs3[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: probably a good one

MockY[01/26/09 7:18 PM ]: och rita en plan på sverigetrippen

MockY[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: Måste hinna med Gotland, Stockholm, Lycksele, Rättvik...kanske Göteborg

MockY[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: och allt det på 2 veckor

MockY[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: samtidigt som man ska hälsa på alla

MockY[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: blir stressigt värre

tgs3[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: SOunds like a horrible trip

tgs3[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: But I hope you have fun doing it

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: gotland?

MockY[01/26/09 7:19 PM ]: no, not at all. Just hectic

tgs3[01/26/09 7:20 PM ]: I certainly won't be jealous of it....

MockY[01/26/09 7:20 PM ]: Gotland...vackert

MockY[01/26/09 7:20 PM ]: bila runt Gotland en dag

MockY[01/26/09 7:20 PM ]: dar till fårö samt Farsans gammla hak

tgs3[01/26/09 7:20 PM ]:

tgs3[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: jag har bott i sverige hela mitt liv och har aldrig satt min fot på gotland

MockY[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: synd

MockY[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: du kanske skulle ta och dra ner en dag

tgs3[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: låter jobbigt

tgs3[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: I agree with Anders

MockY[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/26/09 7:21 PM ]: Something to do when you're retired maybe

MockY[01/26/09 7:22 PM ]: Gotland är vackert, och det skall upplevas en gång innan man dör..tycker jag

tgs3[01/26/09 7:22 PM ]: I'm sure it's very nice, but it would be way down on my list of things to do

tgs3[01/26/09 7:22 PM ]: Now if I was in Sweden for a few months, that would be a different story

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:22 PM ]: skippa göteborg och stockholm tar ni i samband med hemresan för då är ni redan på plats

MockY[01/26/09 7:22 PM ]: i will take a crazy amount of pictures

tgs3[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: of boring shit

MockY[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: göteborg är långt ner på listan

tgs3[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: to the people that weren't there to eexperience it...

MockY[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: och skulle tro att vi inte har tid med det

MockY[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: dessutom så känner jag inte till Göteborg så väl

MockY[01/26/09 7:23 PM ]: understandable, but the pictures are mainly for me

MockY[01/26/09 7:24 PM ]: Going to get as artistic as I possibly can

MockY[01/26/09 7:24 PM ]: which makes the pictures even more boring for you

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:24 PM ]: lycksele 2 dagar, dalarna 2 dagar stockholm 2 dagar gotland 2 dagar

tgs3[01/26/09 7:24 PM ]: Anders, are you seriously trying to figure out Peter's math?!?

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:25 PM ]: plus 4 resdagar=2 veckor

MockY[01/26/09 7:25 PM ]: Vi landar i Stockhom halv 7 på morgonen. Så det hade varit coolt ifall jag kunde få Stockholm ur vägen på en gång

tgs3[01/26/09 7:25 PM ]: You'd get into Stockholm about midnight Cal time

MockY[01/26/09 7:25 PM ]: precis...hektiskt

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: vad vill Dee få ut av resan

MockY[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: I know that

MockY[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: and will sleep prior accordingly

tgs3[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: Probably what Peter is planning is my guess

tgs3[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: I think Dee would find my and Amy's ideal vacation to be a boring one

MockY[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: she sure would

MockY[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: she wants to see as much as possible

MockY[01/26/09 7:26 PM ]: and I am trying to deliver that

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:27 PM ]: ok, då fattar jag

MockY[01/26/09 7:27 PM ]: I too want that (picture crazy mind) so this trip will be one on the go

tgs3[01/26/09 7:27 PM ]: Yeah, it'll be a half sucky vacation this first trip to Sweden. It gets better after that...

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:28 PM ]: bra att veta, då ska jag ta semester när jag har besök

MockY[01/26/09 7:28 PM ]: you're doin Stockholm?

MockY[01/26/09 7:28 PM ]: or what do you mean

tgs3[01/26/09 7:28 PM ]: Who are you talkin' to?

MockY[01/26/09 7:28 PM ]: you

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: lycksele 2 dagar

MockY[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: tgs3: Yeah, it'll be a half sucky vacation this first trip to Sweden. It gets better after that...

tgs3[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: He means he won't work the days you tell him you're in Lyckele

MockY[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: ahh

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: 2 dagar semester

tgs3[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: I was talking about your trip, not mine

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: theron lycksele 10 dagar= 10 dagar semester

tgs3[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: Mine will be awesome. For me anyway. Anders will be taking care of his 12 kids by then....

MockY[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: sucky...ptf...it will kick ass

tgs3[01/26/09 7:29 PM ]: half ass, yes

MockY[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: But once is fine. Sweden is not much more too it

MockY[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: though go to Gränna and places such as that would be nice the second time around

MockY[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: and blow glass or thing of that nature

MockY[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: +s

tgs3[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: uh, sure...

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: jo sverige är ett vackert land

MockY[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: precis

tgs3[01/26/09 7:30 PM ]: Man, your vacation ideas suck

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: finns mycket att se

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: not at all

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: that IS a vacation

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]:

tgs3[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: How could a person that actually wants to do things pass up his trip to Italy?

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: se the cities, nature, and lakes. Experience traditions and eat good food

tgs3[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: I understand wanting to do stuff, but glass blowing?

MockY[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: that was under different cicumstances

tgs3[01/26/09 7:31 PM ]: That's only a step or two above ass blowing

MockY[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: glass blowing is something I always wanted to try out

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: då måste du till småland också

MockY[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: mjo, Småland blir nog nästa resa

tgs3[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: I like Sweden, but the US must have 10 times as many things I'd want to be a tourist at. Sweden's about family.

MockY[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: såvida jag inte ändrar planerna

tgs3[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: I understand mixing that a bit, but there's limits

MockY[01/26/09 7:32 PM ]: lol

MockY[01/26/09 7:33 PM ]: The next trip will be a bit more family oriented, and hopefully I have more time then as well

tgs3[01/26/09 7:33 PM ]: Exactly what I said a while back

MockY[01/26/09 7:33 PM ]: besides, Iäm hoping Ds Swedish is somewhat goos at that point

MockY[01/26/09 7:33 PM ]: ish..you said the first one would suck...which I totally disagrees with

tgs3[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: I hope she has a great time learning it, but Geez, that seems like such a colossal waste of time...

MockY[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: fuck, I lived in Sweden for 23 years and did not see shit. Now when I don't have all that in my backyard, I want to see it

tgs3[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: I didn't say it would suck

MockY[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: half ass

tgs3[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: Which doesn't make a lot of logical sense

tgs3[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: half sucky

tgs3[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: get it right

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:34 PM ]: det är lungt Peter, stressa inte sönder hela semestern för då har du varit överallt och har inte upplevt nånting alls och minns bara det som finns på fotona

MockY[01/26/09 7:35 PM ]: mjo, det är det jag är rädd för

MockY[01/26/09 7:35 PM ]: att jag inte upplever det förrän det är försent

MockY[01/26/09 7:35 PM ]: så jag måste vara väldigt selektiv

MockY[01/26/09 7:35 PM ]: Som sagt, jag har inte planerat något all än. Har bara ideér

MockY[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: när är det Surströmmins säsong sörästen?

MockY[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: f

tgs3[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: My fear would be that I'm visiting some stupid island while my relatives are drinking beer and playing cards without me. Now that's a fear!

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: augusti, theron kommer inte att missa det

MockY[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: hehe

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: för allt i världen

tgs3[01/26/09 7:36 PM ]: YES!!!!

MockY[01/26/09 7:37 PM ]: shit

MockY[01/26/09 7:37 PM ]: synd

tgs3[01/26/09 7:37 PM ]: A perfect time to eat pancakes while many are preoccupied with that...

MockY[01/26/09 7:37 PM ]: bärplockning då också

MockY[01/26/09 7:37 PM ]: Det blir Augusti nästa gång

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:38 PM ]: jag förstår vad Peter och Dee vill ha ut av semestern, men vill bara säga det att upplevelsen lätt stressas sönder. Det är ju en smekmånad

MockY[01/26/09 7:38 PM ]: Men visst finns det svamp i slutet av Juni?

tgs3[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: Speaking of, I'll be buying my tickets soon and sending you guys the information

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: nää, augusti

MockY[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: I already bought mine, so an email will come tomorrow

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: september

MockY[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: men va fasen. Finns det inget i slutet av Juni?

MockY[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]:

MockY[01/26/09 7:39 PM ]: kasst minne man har

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:40 PM ]: svensk sommar allt blommar

tgs3[01/26/09 7:40 PM ]: I agree Anders. I play a bit when I talk bad about it, but it just seems a bit too much. Hopefully Peter understands what he really wants. If that's it, then awesome for him and D.

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:40 PM ]: dalarna är otroligt vackert

tgs3[01/26/09 7:40 PM ]: Nah. I believe it. Yes, it's beautiful.

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:40 PM ]: nä kan ju älska i gröngräset

MockY[01/26/09 7:41 PM ]: I don't think it's too much. Regardless of where we go, we eill always be on foot doing thing. Smelling, seeing, tasting and so forth

MockY[01/26/09 7:41 PM ]: Next time I'll settle down a little bit, but will still continue to go to places I have never been to

tgs3[01/26/09 7:41 PM ]: Yes, you didn't mention drinking, peeing and card playing...

tgs3[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: Exploring new places sounds fine, its just not something I'd want to do in Sweden

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: My initial idea was to land in Denmark and cross the bridge

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: but that just removes time that I can spend in Sweden

tgs3[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: Let's face it. It's all the same after a while

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: no, I have gathered that

tgs3[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: It's very green and wet. The end.

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: it is

MockY[01/26/09 7:42 PM ]: wonderful

tgs3[01/26/09 7:43 PM ]: And pretty houses and a few cool castle type places.

tgs3[01/26/09 7:43 PM ]: Next

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:43 PM ]: jag tror att det är bra att ni är på flera platser så att Dee får känna att hon får ha dej för sig själv och inte behöva dela med sig hela tiden

MockY[01/26/09 7:44 PM ]: those things are cool . And Gotland is full of them

tgs3[01/26/09 7:44 PM ]: I find Sweden and California both pretty boring to look at. Very beautiful, but I've seen them my whole life. Nothing to get worked up about. Nice place to live.

tgs3[01/26/09 7:45 PM ]: Wise Anders has spoken....

MockY[01/26/09 7:45 PM ]: I wonder one thing. What if I get a ticket..should I pay it? Obviously I will not be showing my Swedish license

tgs3[01/26/09 7:45 PM ]: Nah.

MockY[01/26/09 7:45 PM ]: Dr. Rimmevik

tgs3[01/26/09 7:45 PM ]: Just speak with your American accent and then throw it away

MockY[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: seriously?

tgs3[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: But not in front of them

tgs3[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: I never paid mine

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: Then I shall not pay either

tgs3[01/26/09 7:46 PM ]: I meant to, actually, but I forgot about it.

MockY[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: maybe Bergstrand gives it away...but I could be 3rd genereation for all they know

tgs3[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: It's probably the "right: thing to pay. You did break the law.

tgs3[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: Like I said, it was more just forgetfulness for me

MockY[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: ethics and morals aside

tgs3[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: I didn't have any problems last time because of it

MockY[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: ok..good to know

tgs3[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: Bergstrand doesn't give away shit.

tgs3[01/26/09 7:47 PM ]: As you andwered yourself.

tgs3[01/26/09 7:48 PM ]: You could be 1st or 5th generation

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:48 PM ]: du kanske får en påminelse nästa gång du blir stoppad av polisen

MockY[01/26/09 7:48 PM ]: "Fortkörning...ehh vad heter det nuu....ehh.....häst?"

tgs3[01/26/09 7:48 PM ]: Yeah, Anders, I've thought that I could have something happen if I get stopped again. I guess I'll find our then

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:49 PM ]: ränta, kan bli dyrt

tgs3[01/26/09 7:49 PM ]: I guess I better not get caught

tgs3[01/26/09 7:49 PM ]: Or I just wont pay the interest either..

MockY[01/26/09 7:50 PM ]: It's Disturbed today!

MockY[01/26/09 7:50 PM ]: W000t

MockY[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: so I better wrap things up here

tgs3[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: Peter, take care of my kids tonight. No pregnancies or drug overdoeses, please.

MockY[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: I'll let D handle that

MockY[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: while I'm off with hookers and shooting up stuff

tgs3[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: I need to go out and run George before it gets too dark, so its a good time for me to leave, too

tgs3[01/26/09 7:51 PM ]: OK, good to know D is on the case

MockY[01/26/09 7:52 PM ]: puss och kram på er

tgs3[01/26/09 7:52 PM ]: bye

Hebbe[01/26/09 7:52 PM ]: god natt