thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:00 PM ]: FYI: I am not going to be ready in time

MockY[12/04/08 3:01 PM ]: it does not seem like the Swedes are in a hurry anyway

MockY[12/04/08 3:01 PM ]: but Niklas probably always

tgs3[12/04/08 3:03 PM ]: agreement from tgs3

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:03 PM ]: att min låt är bäst?

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:03 PM ]: tack

tgs3[12/04/08 3:04 PM ]: de nada

Ragee[12/04/08 3:05 PM ]: Shoo hooo

Ragee[12/04/08 3:05 PM ]: Shoo hooo

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:06 PM ]: tja

tgs3[12/04/08 3:06 PM ]: ba

MockY[12/04/08 3:06 PM ]: halloj

MockY[12/04/08 3:06 PM ]: Tjaluupa

Ragee[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: grymt bra omgång

Ragee[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: grymt bra omgång

MockY[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: dublett-Niklas

MockY[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: eller ere bara jag?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: keh?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:07 PM ]: keh?

tgs3[12/04/08 3:08 PM ]: Yup, above average, that's for sure

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:08 PM ]: 3 ggr

MockY[12/04/08 3:10 PM ]:

tgs3[12/04/08 3:10 PM ]: What an exciting picture you have for us, Peter

Ragee[12/04/08 3:10 PM ]: coolot

MockY[12/04/08 3:10 PM ]: just wanted Niklas to understand what we were talking about

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:11 PM ]: igen

tgs3[12/04/08 3:11 PM ]: aren't you thoughtful?

MockY[12/04/08 3:12 PM ]: where is this hostility comming from?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:12 PM ]: från dinmamma

Ragee[12/04/08 3:12 PM ]: från dinmamma

MockY[12/04/08 3:13 PM ]: använder du någon annan browser än IE? I så fall, skulle du kunna använda den idag för att se ifall du fortfarande skriver dubbelt

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:13 PM ]: min mamma

MockY[12/04/08 3:13 PM ]: vet inte om det är ett browser problem eller ett chat problem

MockY[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: det e nog båda två

Ragee[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: jag använder iaf firefox

MockY[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: just nu?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: yes yes

MockY[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: hmm du postar inte dubbelt för mig nu...underligt

MockY[12/04/08 3:14 PM ]: luktar chatproblem

tgs3[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: hostility?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: yes yes

Ragee[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: yes yes

tgs3[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: sorry, I'm behind

tgs3[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: no no

MockY[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: nej, nu är du tebax

tgs3[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: no no

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: maybe he was just fucking with you

Ragee[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: vad blire för tema omgång föresten?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: vad blire för tema omgång föresten?

MockY[12/04/08 3:15 PM ]: Anders tog upp det förra gången.....

MockY[12/04/08 3:16 PM ]: Aukustiska saker

tgs3[12/04/08 3:16 PM ]: Acoustic songs...

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:16 PM ]: akustiskt

Ragee[12/04/08 3:17 PM ]: okidoki

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:17 PM ]: ganska enkelt tema

Ragee[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: nja vette fan

Ragee[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: nja vette fan

tgs3[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: I agree with Niklas

Ragee[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: vet inte om jag har nån på lager

Ragee[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: vet inte om jag har nån på lager

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: har du ingen akustisk growl-song

Ragee[12/04/08 3:18 PM ]: haha nej

Ragee[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: haha nej

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]:

tgs3[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: That would suck even more than a usual growl song I would think

MockY[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: "Die motherfucker....!!" Pling plong

Ragee[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: jamen fan min gimme a fucking beer är ju akustisk

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: It would be like when growl singers try out for American Idol

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: Not good

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:19 PM ]: man vet aldrig, ny genre

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:20 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[12/04/08 3:21 PM ]: next theme for Niklas maybe

MockY[12/04/08 3:21 PM ]: Det hade varit en syn det. Olivius frpn Naglfar skriker till Britney Spears i Idol eller liknande

tgs3[12/04/08 3:26 PM ]: Can't be worse than the Naglfar songs used so far

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:26 PM ]: ?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:26 PM ]: naglfar är ju superduper bra

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:27 PM ]: nee

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:28 PM ]: ja laggar en del idag igen

tgs3[12/04/08 3:28 PM ]: that's too bad

tgs3[12/04/08 3:28 PM ]: We still like you

tgs3[12/04/08 3:30 PM ]: I said we like you!!

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:30 PM ]: ok, I'm ready

MockY[12/04/08 3:30 PM ]: but not Hebbe

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: I know, but just for those wondering about me

MockY[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: wondershöön

tgs3[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: Maybe Skype would be better than the chat for him

tgs3[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: He seemed to have no problem stayin on MSN the other day

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: tror vi ska rösta när det går

Ragee[12/04/08 3:31 PM ]: okidoki

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:32 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:32 PM ]: 2

Ragee[12/04/08 3:32 PM ]: jag lär ändå ta och diska snart innan jag går och läghger mig

Ragee[12/04/08 3:32 PM ]: 3123

MockY[12/04/08 3:32 PM ]: and I donät think Skpye requires that much bandwidth either

MockY[12/04/08 3:33 PM ]: Har du någon gång INTE brottom ut ut chatten Niklas? Du utrycker varje gång hur lite tid du har här. Låter som dålig planering eller dålig prioritering

tgs3[12/04/08 3:33 PM ]: 4

MockY[12/04/08 3:33 PM ]: 5

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:34 PM ]: evergray 4p

MockY[12/04/08 3:34 PM ]: Evergrey 4p

Ragee[12/04/08 3:34 PM ]: The Parlor Mob 6p

tgs3[12/04/08 3:34 PM ]: The Parlor Mob 5p

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:34 PM ]: Janus 5p

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:35 PM ]: all that remains 5p

MockY[12/04/08 3:35 PM ]: The Parlor Mob 5p

Ragee[12/04/08 3:35 PM ]: Kessler 7p

tgs3[12/04/08 3:35 PM ]: Kessler 6p

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:35 PM ]: Kessler 6p

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:36 PM ]: janus 8p

MockY[12/04/08 3:36 PM ]: Ke(a)ssler 6p oink oink

Ragee[12/04/08 3:36 PM ]: all that remains 8p

tgs3[12/04/08 3:36 PM ]: Evergrey 8p

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:36 PM ]: Evergrey 7p

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: the parlor mob 9p

MockY[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: Janus 8p

Ragee[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: Janus 8p

Ragee[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: 9p

tgs3[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: All That Remains 9p

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:37 PM ]: All That Remains 8p

MockY[12/04/08 3:38 PM ]: Anders fortsätter sitt hat mot mina låtar

tgs3[12/04/08 3:38 PM ]: freaking Nina...

MockY[12/04/08 3:38 PM ]: Uj, Janus är så nära att vara en superlåt

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:38 PM ]: Sorry, everything was really close too...

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:38 PM ]: vaddå du fick ju 5p

MockY[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: precis...

Ragee[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: spännande omgång måste jag säga

MockY[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: Måste tanka hem lite Janus känner jag

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: 5p isn't bad, just everyone else did more

MockY[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: Kassler och Anus....

MockY[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: hmm

Ragee[12/04/08 3:39 PM ]: försökte hitta dem men det gock inge vidare

Ragee[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: hittar du mer så säg till mig

MockY[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: inte?

MockY[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: han påminner mig lite om In Flames sångaren

Ragee[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: hittar bara en video till en till låt

Ragee[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: men jag vill ha meer

tgs3[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: Yeah, 5p isn't bad, but it will probably be my down fall

Ragee[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: jo faktist

tgs3[12/04/08 3:40 PM ]: Reminded me a lot of Chevelle excpet in the screaming

MockY[12/04/08 3:41 PM ]: som sagt, en grupp med väldiga potential

Ragee[12/04/08 3:41 PM ]: så innåt

Ragee[12/04/08 3:41 PM ]: denna grupp ser jag fram emot att höra mer av

MockY[12/04/08 3:41 PM ]: det var någon som jag inte kan sätta fingret på som fick mig att rösta 8p dock

MockY[12/04/08 3:41 PM ]: något*

Ragee[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]: den var mumsig iaf

tgs3[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]: Hmm, sounds like I won't be able to use them again

MockY[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]: mjo då, det smaka bra

MockY[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]:

Ragee[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]: stor risk för låt stöld längre fram hehe

tgs3[12/04/08 3:42 PM ]: Peter, it could be that you hate music?

MockY[12/04/08 3:43 PM ]: om man kan hitta fanskapen ja

MockY[12/04/08 3:43 PM ]: whyis that. I just poured my love in the chat just now

Hebbe[12/04/08 3:44 PM ]:

tgs3[12/04/08 3:44 PM ]: And you gave it an 8.... Very much proving my point

MockY[12/04/08 3:45 PM ]: well, it was an 8. If only they did something a little different (have no idea what though) and it would easily been a 10

MockY[12/04/08 3:46 PM ]: upload all Janus you have to the friendlybox so I can compare

tgs3[12/04/08 3:46 PM ]: Should I do the points again?

Ragee[12/04/08 3:46 PM ]: men peter hittar du dem så skulle jag iaf blir jätte glad om du berätta

MockY[12/04/08 3:46 PM ]: give hime one more try

MockY[12/04/08 3:46 PM ]: -e

MockY[12/04/08 3:47 PM ]: Om jag hittar dom så kommer jag tala om det för dig då det är dags att rösta

Ragee[12/04/08 3:47 PM ]: hehe din jaevel

tgs3[12/04/08 3:48 PM ]: welcome back

hebbe[12/04/08 3:48 PM ]: 1. janus och all that remains 30p grattis theron och peter

tgs3[12/04/08 3:48 PM ]: thank you

MockY[12/04/08 3:48 PM ]: ohh

MockY[12/04/08 3:49 PM ]: en dubbelmacka

hebbe[12/04/08 3:49 PM ]: 3. the parlor mob 25p

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:49 PM ]: cool

thebrat13n[12/04/08 3:49 PM ]: past last seaon's points

MockY[12/04/08 3:49 PM ]: congrats

MockY[12/04/08 3:50 PM ]: ohh så nära...bara 2 kvar nu...

MockY[12/04/08 3:50 PM ]: You can do it Hebbe

tgs3[12/04/08 3:50 PM ]: Peter's 3rd win of the season has given him a little cushion

MockY[12/04/08 3:50 PM ]: comfortable, yes. Safe, hell no

tgs3[12/04/08 3:51 PM ]: Nah, not with Anders only 4p behind

MockY[12/04/08 3:51 PM ]: and you 3

tgs3[12/04/08 3:51 PM ]: Yes, but Anders is much scarier than me

tgs3[12/04/08 3:52 PM ]: Everygrey has come in last two seasons in a row now. Maybe its time to give them up, Niklas

MockY[12/04/08 3:53 PM ]: ...lack of other options....

hebbe[12/04/08 3:54 PM ]: theron du gav mej 6p

MockY[12/04/08 3:54 PM ]: bungee.....!

MockY[12/04/08 3:54 PM ]: I sense...."Hallåååå...!"

Ragee[12/04/08 3:55 PM ]: nej never

Ragee[12/04/08 3:56 PM ]: de är ju bra juh

tgs3[12/04/08 3:56 PM ]: It's alright, but its not getting SOTD love, that's for sure

hebbe[12/04/08 3:56 PM ]: jag är tillbaka i chatten

MockY[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: deras sensta platta suger hårt som fan. Vette fasen vad dom pysslat med då dom faktiskt kan skriva musik

MockY[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: WB

tgs3[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: yes you are

hebbe[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: ha ha

Ragee[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: tycker dte är en trevlig skiva

hebbe[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: lättare att skriva här

Ragee[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: nje dags att diska

Ragee[12/04/08 3:57 PM ]: måndag igen eller?

tgs3[12/04/08 3:58 PM ]: Yup

tgs3[12/04/08 3:58 PM ]: The season is moving along very smoothly so far

Ragee[12/04/08 3:58 PM ]: sweet

Ragee[12/04/08 3:58 PM ]: mm fett nice

tgs3[12/04/08 4:01 PM ]: We've done so many seasons now, I have to go check to see if these are new artists or not this round

tgs3[12/04/08 4:01 PM ]: The band names all mix together after a while

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:02 PM ]: Newton Faulker is a repeat

tgs3[12/04/08 4:02 PM ]: Yup, and so is JEW

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:02 PM ]: nice

tgs3[12/04/08 4:02 PM ]: haha

tgs3[12/04/08 4:03 PM ]: thought you'd like that

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:03 PM ]: Well, looks like JEW is out

hebbe[12/04/08 4:03 PM ]: jag har använt jimmy

tgs3[12/04/08 4:03 PM ]: yup

tgs3[12/04/08 4:04 PM ]: You Nazi, Nina

hebbe[12/04/08 4:06 PM ]: ganska bra låt

MockY[12/04/08 4:06 PM ]: Looks like Jimmy is out

tgs3[12/04/08 4:06 PM ]: Yeah, Very poppy, but in a good way

tgs3[12/04/08 4:06 PM ]: That's what she said

hebbe[12/04/08 4:07 PM ]: jag har inget emot poppy

tgs3[12/04/08 4:07 PM ]: I do a little bit, but not strongly

MockY[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: Massive Attack makes a "guest" appearence. Soon we might see The Knife as well

MockY[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: I do when they use that pre-teen voice that so many EMO bands use

MockY[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: can't stand it

tgs3[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: a good song is a good song, I don't care what genre or band it is

MockY[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: grow some balls man

MockY[12/04/08 4:08 PM ]: atleast when you sing...

tgs3[12/04/08 4:09 PM ]: MockY[4:08:17 PM]: Massive Attack makes a "guest" appearence. Soon we might see The Knife as well

hebbe[12/04/08 4:09 PM ]: du menar som i veer

tgs3[12/04/08 4:09 PM ]: I have not a clue what that meant

MockY[12/04/08 4:09 PM ]: nor do I. I just said that the typical singing that so many EMO like bands use

tgs3[12/04/08 4:09 PM ]: I don't prefer that voice sound either, but unlike you, I can get over it for a good song

tgs3[12/04/08 4:10 PM ]: You don't know what you meant?

MockY[12/04/08 4:10 PM ]: Jose Gonzales covered Teardrop as well. And he did a cover of The Knife on the same single

tgs3[12/04/08 4:10 PM ]: With a napkin?

MockY[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: No, I just said that I don't care what genre it is. It's just that I hate singers who use the stereotypical EMO style of singing

MockY[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: sounds like they are singing with a stick up their ass

tgs3[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: Anders, I don't think he means like in Veer.

hebbe[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: jag förstår vad du menar

tgs3[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: He means more skate board punk/rock type bands, I think

MockY[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: I did not mean any in particular...I'm just saying

hebbe[12/04/08 4:11 PM ]: nä jag hade fel med veer

MockY[12/04/08 4:12 PM ]: Veer..napkins? I thought it was a soap

hebbe[12/04/08 4:12 PM ]: det var mörkare röst i veer

MockY[12/04/08 4:12 PM ]: or lotion

tgs3[12/04/08 4:12 PM ]: I was talking about Jose and the knife

tgs3[12/04/08 4:13 PM ]: Which is the sentence right before my comment

MockY[12/04/08 4:13 PM ]: gotcha

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:17 PM ]: Massive Attach does the original cover of Teardrops, maybe

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:17 PM ]: they might just be doing a cover too for all I know

hebbe[12/04/08 4:17 PM ]: jag kanske ska köra dom hårdare låtarna på listan istället

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:17 PM ]: They do the cover that is used for the House theme

tgs3[12/04/08 4:17 PM ]: I've never even heard of that band, let alone know what songs they do

MockY[12/04/08 4:18 PM ]: they are (or atleast have been) very popular in Europe

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:18 PM ]: I like the emo style of singing

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:18 PM ]: I have to watch myself

tgs3[12/04/08 4:18 PM ]: I guess now that I listen, I do recognize it as the theme to House, but it took me a while

MockY[12/04/08 4:19 PM ]: Another song, "Teardrop" has been covered by Newton Faulkner, Mika, José González[9], Incubus, and Elbow, although their versions differ significantly in format and instrumentation from the original.

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:19 PM ]: this version doesn't have quite the same synthetic heartbeat sound, but it's still there

MockY[12/04/08 4:19 PM ]: so I don't know what you mean by they do a cover as well

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:20 PM ]: Why is there [9] after Jose Gonzalez?

MockY[12/04/08 4:20 PM ]: link

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:20 PM ]: I told you I didn't know, not that it was so

tgs3[12/04/08 4:20 PM ]: Because Peter is lazily cut and pasting from Wikipedia?

MockY[12/04/08 4:21 PM ]: sure did

MockY[12/04/08 4:21 PM ]: Had to make sure I was right about them being the creator of it, since I just assumed before

MockY[12/04/08 4:21 PM ]: And my assumptions were correct

tgs3[12/04/08 4:21 PM ]: Then why are you giving Nina shit about not knowing?

MockY[12/04/08 4:21 PM ]: I'm not

hebbe[12/04/08 4:22 PM ]: ha ha ha

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:22 PM ]: Sorry, I should have said "version that is used in House", not cover

tgs3[12/04/08 4:22 PM ]: The desciption of them makes them seem like a real crap band. Glad not to have heard their stuff

MockY[12/04/08 4:22 PM ]: anywho, now we all know

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: yup

hebbe[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: vilket djävla tjaffs om inget viktigt alls

MockY[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: I never said they were any good lol

hebbe[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: but the covers of their tunes turn out pretty good

tgs3[12/04/08 4:23 PM ]: if you say so

MockY[12/04/08 4:24 PM ]: it's like Beatles. Not so fantastic performed by them, but interpreted by others it usually kicks some serious ass

tgs3[12/04/08 4:24 PM ]: You are SO wrong

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:24 PM ]: music hater'

MockY[12/04/08 4:24 PM ]: Which is why I want Lennon and George back so thhey can re-record their stuff

tgs3[12/04/08 4:24 PM ]: haha

tgs3[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: why?

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: like what by the Beatles was covered and better?

MockY[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: with better equipment, they would be able to remove the poppiness and add som heavy stuff into their tunes

tgs3[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: What a waste of time a talent if they got back together just to record their old stuff!!

MockY[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: but I want to hear it!

tgs3[12/04/08 4:25 PM ]: Like thats what they would do...

MockY[12/04/08 4:26 PM ]: They sure have kick ass tunes. They just donät perform it well

thebrat13n[12/04/08 4:26 PM ]: haha

tgs3[12/04/08 4:26 PM ]: You don't have to keep repeating the same wrong statements

MockY[12/04/08 4:26 PM ]: lol

hebbe[12/04/08 4:27 PM ]: lyssnar inte mycket på the beatles

hebbe[12/04/08 4:27 PM ]: inge alls faktiskt

MockY[12/04/08 4:27 PM ]: men du skulle ifall Godsmack släppte en platta med enbart Beatles låtar

hebbe[12/04/08 4:27 PM ]: kanske det

hebbe[12/04/08 4:28 PM ]: men inte another animal

tgs3[12/04/08 4:28 PM ]: haha

MockY[12/04/08 4:28 PM ]: hehe

tgs3[12/04/08 4:28 PM ]: I'm sure their album would be fine, too

MockY[12/04/08 4:29 PM ]: I think so as well. As long as they stick to The Beatles

MockY[12/04/08 4:29 PM ]: and not their own garbage

hebbe[12/04/08 4:31 PM ]: det blir nog samma sak

tgs3[12/04/08 4:31 PM ]: Using left over songs from a mediocre Godsmack album with an inferior lead singer is probably not they way to go

MockY[12/04/08 4:32 PM ]: They were bored

hebbe[12/04/08 4:32 PM ]: ha ha ha, verkar dömt att misslyckas

tgs3[12/04/08 4:32 PM ]: They probably got some coin from it, so I can certainly see why they'd do it

MockY[12/04/08 4:33 PM ]: for the money...but what about their Image and pride

MockY[12/04/08 4:33 PM ]: I guess the almighty dollar speaks up a bit more

hebbe[12/04/08 4:33 PM ]: nu drar jag hem ett album med growl i

tgs3[12/04/08 4:33 PM ]: What image? Nobody know who the fuck those guys are.

tgs3[12/04/08 4:34 PM ]: And it wasn't anytthing to be embarrassed about. The album was OK, just nothing really good or special on it

MockY[12/04/08 4:34 PM ]: Within their circle of friends

tgs3[12/04/08 4:34 PM ]: I don't see why that album would damage either their image or pride....

MockY[12/04/08 4:35 PM ]: it probably didn't

hebbe[12/04/08 4:35 PM ]: blir jag ratat i nästa omgång ska jag köra en hård låt i omg 8

MockY[12/04/08 4:36 PM ]: the streamer must have just indexed. The new tunes are present

tgs3[12/04/08 4:36 PM ]: Cool.

tgs3[12/04/08 4:36 PM ]: A hard acoustic song will be interesting

MockY[12/04/08 4:37 PM ]: får man höra ett och annat growl?

tgs3[12/04/08 4:38 PM ]: That doesn't make it hard, just crappy

hebbe[12/04/08 4:38 PM ]: nej i omg 9 menar jag ha ha ha ha

hebbe[12/04/08 4:43 PM ]: dax att sova, ska till pite havsbad imorrn

hebbe[12/04/08 4:44 PM ]: god natt

MockY[12/04/08 4:45 PM ]: puss

tgs3[12/04/08 4:46 PM ]: Good night, Theron