ragee[07/31/08 2:59 PM ]: anders har ström avbrott

thebrat13n[07/31/08 3:00 PM ]: that sucks

thebrat13n[07/31/08 3:00 PM ]: Does he have a generator?

ragee[07/31/08 3:00 PM ]: vi väntar till elva tycker jag

thebrat13n[07/31/08 3:00 PM ]: I'm fine with that

MockY[07/31/08 3:01 PM ]: så går det då man bor ut i ingenstans

MockY[07/31/08 3:02 PM ]: att han aldrig lär sig

MockY[07/31/08 3:02 PM ]: Flytta till civilisationen ffs

thebrat13n[07/31/08 3:02 PM ]: I'm sure he thinks the plusses are much more than the negatives

tgs3[07/31/08 3:03 PM ]: I've had a power failure in Elk Grove probably at least 5 times since I moved here

tgs3[07/31/08 3:04 PM ]: #1 Thing I'm sick of reading in SOTD: Peter complaining about where Anders lives. Yeah. We get it, Peter.

MockY[07/31/08 3:04 PM ]: I remember the last time. Sonjas freezer went to hell with fish in it.....

tgs3[07/31/08 3:04 PM ]: I can't vote Monday, so if today doesn't happen, we're forced to go with a week from today

MockY[07/31/08 3:04 PM ]: unless Anders wants to bend the rules

MockY[07/31/08 3:05 PM ]: Prepare to puke then, cause I will complain about his location till the end of time ;p

tgs3[07/31/08 3:05 PM ]: At least its a good round to have drawn out a little while

ragee[07/31/08 3:05 PM ]: jag tycker den var tråkig

MockY[07/31/08 3:05 PM ]: Thank goodness itäs not a Japan round

MockY[07/31/08 3:06 PM ]: men bra runda vette fasen om det va

tgs3[07/31/08 3:06 PM ]: That explains a lot, Niklas

tgs3[07/31/08 3:06 PM ]: That explains a lot, Peter

tgs3[07/31/08 3:08 PM ]: BTW, the Bergstrands are tied in the coveted Music Hater Award standings for round 24

MockY[07/31/08 3:10 PM ]: or picky award

ragee[07/31/08 3:11 PM ]: mm låter mycket bättre

tgs3[07/31/08 3:12 PM ]: picky = gay

MockY[07/31/08 3:13 PM ]: That's not what the dictonary say it stands for. Have no idea what book you are reading

MockY[07/31/08 3:13 PM ]: extremely fussy or finicky, usually over trifles.

MockY[07/31/08 3:13 PM ]: not that that dexcription is much better

MockY[07/31/08 3:13 PM ]: nice x

tgs3[07/31/08 3:14 PM ]: haha. That description matches mine perfectly

ragee[07/31/08 3:20 PM ]: om anders kommer online br han ringa mig då

tgs3[07/31/08 3:23 PM ]: I assumgng no vote. I'll check back a few times between now and 230

ragee[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: anders går och lägger

MockY[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: Lever han, eller ville du bara kolla läget?

ragee[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: sig

MockY[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: ohh ok

MockY[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: då vet vi

MockY[07/31/08 4:08 PM ]: tack

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:09 PM ]: ok

ragee[07/31/08 4:09 PM ]: kan vi rösta nästa torsdag

ragee[07/31/08 4:09 PM ]: ??

MockY[07/31/08 4:09 PM ]: klart vi kan

MockY[07/31/08 4:09 PM ]: eller nee

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: I't going to be the last time I'm able to vote, so hopefully we all can make it

MockY[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: Nina e ju borta väl?

MockY[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: hmm ok

MockY[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: well jag kan dock i all afall

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: I don't leave until Sunday

ragee[07/31/08 4:10 PM ]: då kör vi nästa torsdag

ragee[07/31/08 4:12 PM ]: han fick tebax strömmen nu

ragee[07/31/08 4:12 PM ]: han kommer in

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:12 PM ]: ok

MockY[07/31/08 4:13 PM ]: haha

MockY[07/31/08 4:13 PM ]: coolt

MockY[07/31/08 4:13 PM ]: det va på fitthåret det

tgs3[07/31/08 4:15 PM ]: 45 mins left?

tgs3[07/31/08 4:15 PM ]: Very big piece of hair you have there

MockY[07/31/08 4:15 PM ]: Well he was just about to go to bed

tgs3[07/31/08 4:15 PM ]: Hebbs!!!

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: blixtrar och dunder

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: magiska under

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: men nu är jag här

MockY[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: Vill du ha en get?

tgs3[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: coll

tgs3[07/31/08 4:16 PM ]: or cool

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:17 PM ]: get? varför?

MockY[07/31/08 4:18 PM ]: inte vet väl jag. Antar att svaret är nej då

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:18 PM ]: tar hellre en kalv

tgs3[07/31/08 4:19 PM ]: hmm. beef...

tgs3[07/31/08 4:19 PM ]: or veal I should say

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:19 PM ]: mmm grillat

MockY[07/31/08 4:20 PM ]: Capricciosa

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:20 PM ]: jag kan rösta nu om ni vill

MockY[07/31/08 4:20 PM ]: men jag behöver typ en timme till

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:20 PM ]: jaha

MockY[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: rösta på du bara

MockY[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: 1

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: 2

ragee[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: 5435345

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: 6546456

tgs3[07/31/08 4:21 PM ]: 6

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:22 PM ]: okkervil 3p

MockY[07/31/08 4:22 PM ]: Okkervil River 3p

ragee[07/31/08 4:22 PM ]: audio empire 4p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:22 PM ]: okkervil River 5p

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:22 PM ]: Down from Up 5p

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: heart-set 7p

MockY[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: Down From Up 4p

ragee[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: okkervil river 5p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: Audio Empire 6p

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: Audio Empire 6p

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: ag silver 8p

MockY[07/31/08 4:23 PM ]: Ag Silver 5p

ragee[07/31/08 4:24 PM ]: down from up 6p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:24 PM ]: Heart-Set Self-Destruct 8p

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:24 PM ]: Ag Silver 7p

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:24 PM ]: audio empire 9p

MockY[07/31/08 4:24 PM ]: Heart-Set Self-Destruct 7p

ragee[07/31/08 4:25 PM ]: ag silver 7p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:25 PM ]: Down From Up 9p

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:25 PM ]: Heart-Set Self Destruct 8p

MockY[07/31/08 4:25 PM ]: mystiskt röstning denna gång. Poängen överallt

tgs3[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: Not really. SOme like music, some don't

MockY[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: hehe

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: jag vann ju inte

MockY[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: well I mean tthat we all kinda voted for different bands pointwiser

MockY[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: -r

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: bara theron som fatta

tgs3[07/31/08 4:26 PM ]: I thought you would, Anders

tgs3[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: That's doesn't have to do with points, that's the order you're talkign about

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: jag var ganska säker

MockY[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: same meaning

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: 1. heart-set 30p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: Not really

MockY[07/31/08 4:27 PM ]: I was not specifically taling about the point, but the fact that we had a diverse vote

tgs3[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: That's why there are different words

ragee[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: yey fick avsluta säsongen med en vinst

tgs3[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: NIklas continues his all or nothing approach. Congrats. Looks to be a good album vote for Niklas

ragee[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: fan fett wierd antingen 4p eller så 0p

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: 2. ag silver fick silver

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:28 PM ]: 3. down from up 24p

MockY[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: Då vann Theron denna säsong

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: fel

tgs3[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: Tied with the math genius

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: 3. audio empire 25p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: Oh shit, nevermind, my bad

tgs3[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: I think Anders has it wrong

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: 4. down from up 24p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:29 PM ]: Yes, there we see

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:30 PM ]: 5. okkervil 16p

tgs3[07/31/08 4:30 PM ]: So, you tied thanks to Anders

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:30 PM ]: grattis niklas

ragee[07/31/08 4:30 PM ]: danke

tgs3[07/31/08 4:31 PM ]: I realize its just me that doesn't understand, but I'll say it anyway, I don't see how guys that love Tom MCRae can give 3s to Okkervil River

tgs3[07/31/08 4:31 PM ]: To a dumbass like me, sound like right up that musical alley...

MockY[07/31/08 4:31 PM ]: One knows how to write tunes, and the other one canät

tgs3[07/31/08 4:32 PM ]: So the end result was 25, 25, 24, 17, 9

MockY[07/31/08 4:32 PM ]: besides, McRae is much better singer

tgs3[07/31/08 4:32 PM ]: Can't get narrower than that at the top

MockY[07/31/08 4:32 PM ]: I knew I picked the wrong song

MockY[07/31/08 4:32 PM ]: Damn Niklas

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]: grattis peter o theron till säsong seger

MockY[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]: w000t

MockY[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]:

tgs3[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]: And congrats on the Hater Award to Peter

tgs3[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]: Thanks, Anders

MockY[07/31/08 4:33 PM ]: It's the Picky Award

tgs3[07/31/08 4:34 PM ]: When you make an award, you can name it

MockY[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: Then I shall settle with just one award, which I am now currenbtly splittig with you

ragee[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: sällan det är så här jäkla jämnt i slutet iaf

tgs3[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: So voting on August 30/31 then?

tgs3[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: You get the other award, whether you want it or not

MockY[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: låter som en plan

tgs3[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: Yes, very even

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: that's what it's looking like

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:35 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:36 PM ]: Sorry, hit something by mistake

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:36 PM ]: 1 månad till röstning då

MockY[07/31/08 4:36 PM ]: Sommarlov

tgs3[07/31/08 4:36 PM ]: Round 5 ended up 26,26,26,25, but of course, back then no one but me knew about the points...

MockY[07/31/08 4:37 PM ]: Anders went downhill from there

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:37 PM ]: jag har semester i 2 veckor

tgs3[07/31/08 4:37 PM ]: Round 9 was 22,22,19,19,18... Now that's even

MockY[07/31/08 4:37 PM ]: Round?

tgs3[07/31/08 4:37 PM ]: Anders came in last both those rounds I mentioned

ragee[07/31/08 4:38 PM ]: ses om en månad och tack för denna säsong

tgs3[07/31/08 4:38 PM ]: buh-bye

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:38 PM ]: later skater

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:38 PM ]: oki niklas

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:38 PM ]: vad pratar du om theron

tgs3[07/31/08 4:39 PM ]: Rounds 5 and 9

tgs3[07/31/08 4:39 PM ]: The last things I typed

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:39 PM ]: vad är det för poäng

tgs3[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: The end result of the rounds.

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: round 5 28,28,26,22,21

tgs3[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: The points we've been talking about all season...

tgs3[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: Oh shit, I put round instead of season

tgs3[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: I said I was a dumbass earlier

tgs3[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: That should be SEASON 5 and SEASON 9

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:40 PM ]: ?

MockY[07/31/08 4:41 PM ]: now, that makes sense

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:41 PM ]: jaha

MockY[07/31/08 4:41 PM ]: or more sense

tgs3[07/31/08 4:41 PM ]: Yes

tgs3[07/31/08 4:41 PM ]: What doesn't make sense?

MockY[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: Round 5 ended up 26,26,26,25, but of course, back then no one but me knew about the points...

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: jag fattar inte att jag gick så mycke sämre den här säsongen

MockY[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: that...as far as I know, we kept score

MockY[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: Iäm confused

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: än förra

MockY[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: det va kanske inte du som gick sämmre...vi andra kanske gick bättre

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:43 PM ]: jag har lika bra låtar

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: måste vara det då

MockY[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: i så fall har vi bättre

tgs3[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: We didn't start keeping score until like Season 7 or 8

tgs3[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: Back then I just did it myself on a spreadsheet

MockY[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: I thought we kepts score from season 2

tgs3[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: I think this season is better than average, Anders

MockY[07/31/08 4:44 PM ]: ahh I see, you had it, but no one else knew about it until the website came along?

tgs3[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: Also, some kinds things just go as good as wek think they shoudl for no particular reason. I wouldn't read too much into it unless it happens again

MockY[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: so once I built the website, we took your data and entered it

tgs3[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: Yes, Peter

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: jag kanske får in ett par låtar på slutet på plattan då

MockY[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: du får väl göra en Robert

MockY[07/31/08 4:45 PM ]: han brukade gå kasst i rundorna och sen slakta på albumet

tgs3[07/31/08 4:46 PM ]: Man, that sentence sucks. I can't type. Basically, shit happens sometimes, Anders

thebrat13n[07/31/08 4:46 PM ]: You're gonna do better than me, but that might not make you feel any better

MockY[07/31/08 4:46 PM ]: lol

MockY[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: well, thank goodness that you keept all this data...would be an empty website without it

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: nä jag kan inte klaga, har stora chanser till albumseger

tgs3[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: In the beginning anyway

MockY[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: see, I can't type either...though that not news

MockY[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: stora chanser??

MockY[07/31/08 4:47 PM ]: Du har ju för bubblan redan vunnit

tgs3[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: pretty much

tgs3[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: he just doesn't want to count on it

MockY[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: Ser ut som om att du gör om din bravad som du gjorde med Fuel

MockY[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: gotcha

tgs3[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: That I don't know about

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:48 PM ]: ha ha, det kommer aldrig hända igen

MockY[07/31/08 4:49 PM ]: Quote of the day from Kieth; I'd rather just flush Windows as soon as we can. It's really for the AOL crowd I think.

MockY[07/31/08 4:49 PM ]: haha

MockY[07/31/08 4:49 PM ]: det vet du ju aldrig. Om det kommer hända igen så har du goda chanser nu

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:50 PM ]: det är en månad dit

MockY[07/31/08 4:50 PM ]: eum..jaha...?

MockY[07/31/08 4:51 PM ]: dåligt tålamod?

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:51 PM ]: nä nu blir ju nettan glad

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:52 PM ]: ingen röstning på en månad

Hebbe[07/31/08 4:58 PM ]: god natt, ses om en månad

tgs3[07/31/08 5:02 PM ]: Voting is what? 2-3 hours a week? Seems like a crazy thing to get annoyed about...

MockY[07/31/08 5:03 PM ]: I think it's the same for fishing, but worse. However, he does not cave in on that one

thebrat13n[07/31/08 5:04 PM ]: It might also be the time spent looking for music that

thebrat13n[07/31/08 5:04 PM ]: 's involved with the annoyance factor

MockY[07/31/08 5:04 PM ]: Without fishing there's no Anders

MockY[07/31/08 5:04 PM ]: yeah true. For hime, looking for music is probably a tidious task

MockY[07/31/08 5:05 PM ]: slow internet does not equal rapid songfindings

MockY[07/31/08 5:05 PM ]: yet he is always on top of things...

MockY[07/31/08 5:05 PM ]: maybe it's 2-3 hours a day and not week