tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: tgs3 rules over all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: He sure does.

tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: and always will

tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: better?

tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: nah

tgs3[05/15/08 2:26 PM ]: best

tgs3[05/15/08 2:27 PM ]: Going Helvetica on your ass!

tgs3[05/15/08 2:27 PM ]: And now, not

MockY[05/15/08 2:48 PM ]: Had fun talking to yourself?

tgs3[05/15/08 2:56 PM ]: The best audience I can possibly have

MockY[05/15/08 2:58 PM ]: True

MockY[05/15/08 2:58 PM ]: It always agrees

tgs3[05/15/08 2:59 PM ]: Mine does. I wonder if the same is true of you

MockY[05/15/08 3:01 PM ]: I will try next time

MockY[05/15/08 3:01 PM ]: hehe

tgs3[05/15/08 3:03 PM ]: I meant I wonder if you agree with yourself. With some of the crazy things you say. I'm hoping you don't.

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:03 PM ]: tjena tjena

tgs3[05/15/08 3:03 PM ]: I smell fish

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:04 PM ]: gillar du inte fisk

MockY[05/15/08 3:04 PM ]: det är dig han inte gillar

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:04 PM ]: jaha ok

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:04 PM ]: de é lungt

tgs3[05/15/08 3:05 PM ]: I'm OK with it actually. I'd never choose it, but it doesn't suck

ragee[05/15/08 3:05 PM ]: tjoohoo

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:05 PM ]: alla inne

MockY[05/15/08 3:05 PM ]: höj höj

tgs3[05/15/08 3:05 PM ]: yup

tgs3[05/15/08 3:08 PM ]: How's everyone doing this fine day?

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:08 PM ]: allergies suck

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:08 PM ]: marion raven ha ha, nu väntar vi bara på hana montana

MockY[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: lätt

tgs3[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: I'm happy to say I don't know who Marion Raven is

tgs3[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: Sounds like someone from INdiana Jones

MockY[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: ohh it's not you

MockY[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: nor Anders...

tgs3[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: Summer has arrived to Sac

tgs3[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]:

MockY[05/15/08 3:09 PM ]: Or your mom

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:10 PM ]: disney channel

tgs3[05/15/08 3:10 PM ]: now I'm curious...

MockY[05/15/08 3:10 PM ]: finally it did...been waiting for it

MockY[05/15/08 3:10 PM ]: damn late

tgs3[05/15/08 3:10 PM ]: Oskar is old enough that you don't to watch that crap with him, Anders

MockY[05/15/08 3:11 PM ]: He is to old to be able to be used as an excuse

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:11 PM ]: han har antingen disney eller nickelodion

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:11 PM ]: jag fundera på nästa tema

MockY[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: Sångaren/skan måste vara över 70 år

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: vet inte om man kan köra det men jag testar väll

MockY[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: fint tema

tgs3[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: Former or current Disney channell people?

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: jag fick en låt av anette

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:12 PM ]: det kommer nog inte igen

MockY[05/15/08 3:13 PM ]: idag vare då nära i toppen och det resulterade i att jag tryckte upp låtrana ett snäpp

MockY[05/15/08 3:13 PM ]: länge sedan det hände

tgs3[05/15/08 3:13 PM ]: Amy gave me song a week or ago. She told me use "It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down

tgs3[05/15/08 3:13 PM ]: +At least she was right, if quite a bit late

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:13 PM ]: ha ha, den går inte

MockY[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: men den gick

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: så jag ville köra låt som man fått av sin partner

MockY[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: oj...

MockY[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: då ligger vi alla i trubbel

MockY[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: så niklas har väll flera partner att välja på

MockY[05/15/08 3:14 PM ]: iofs så kan inte jag göra sämre ifrån mig, så det spelar mindre roll för mig

MockY[05/15/08 3:15 PM ]: orättvist haha

MockY[05/15/08 3:15 PM ]: Då får jag också använda ex pertners

MockY[05/15/08 3:15 PM ]: Inte många har bra smak dock...

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:16 PM ]: du är gift och har inget val

tgs3[05/15/08 3:16 PM ]: So the partner has to go out and find a song?

tgs3[05/15/08 3:16 PM ]: hmm. I forsee a lot of text filing of my songs

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:16 PM ]: om det är möjligt, ni får rösta ner mej om ni vill

tgs3[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: I've thought about doing something like that in the past, Anders

tgs3[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: Could never really decide what I wanted to do

MockY[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: Sp eftersom du inte är gift så får du använda ex partners...även fast de inte kryllar av dom? Men jag som gift får bara använda den nuvarande

tgs3[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: I'm fine with this. Can't be worse than Japanese

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: jag med men anette vägra

MockY[05/15/08 3:17 PM ]: har absolut inge problem med det, men det är ju orättvist

tgs3[05/15/08 3:18 PM ]: I considered we maybe give our partner 3-5 songs to choose from, but I'm fine with this

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:18 PM ]: men helt oväntat så berätta hon om en låt

MockY[05/15/08 3:18 PM ]: I foresee a lot of sighs

MockY[05/15/08 3:18 PM ]: haha'

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:18 PM ]: really, you think it's worst for you?

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: I think it's worst for me!

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: hipp hopp

ragee[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: oj nu har jag tydligen missat en hel diskution här hehe

tgs3[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: I'm sure Amy is fine with this. I dread her song choice. Good thing Robert isn't here so less chance of cheating

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: hip hop or 80s

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: jag gillar 80s

MockY[05/15/08 3:19 PM ]: Or some 50 minute long prayer tune

MockY[05/15/08 3:20 PM ]: haha

MockY[05/15/08 3:20 PM ]: aaaahhhiiiophhhhhalllahhh

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:20 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[05/15/08 3:20 PM ]: hip hop or 80's might be what I get from Amy, too

tgs3[05/15/08 3:20 PM ]: She has a wide net of stuff she likes

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:21 PM ]: då är det ju lungt

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:21 PM ]: She atleast has Matchbox twenty has her favorite band, not exactly SOTD, but not that far away

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:21 PM ]: It's fine with me

MockY[05/15/08 3:21 PM ]: very true

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:21 PM ]: har nog hört det mesta

tgs3[05/15/08 3:22 PM ]: I think Nina means she does like some Modern Rock, unlike maybe Jesse

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:23 PM ]: He'll be fine, he'll find something

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:23 PM ]: jesse gillar people in planes

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: yup, he likes Blue October too

MockY[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: Scuuuuuuba

MockY[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: With a baracuuuuuuuuuda

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: då är det läge

tgs3[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: Depends on if he wants to help you or screw with you....

tgs3[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: Are we allowed to veto what our partner comes up with?

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: he'll want to help

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:24 PM ]: ha ha

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:25 PM ]: veto?

ragee[05/15/08 3:25 PM ]: hur skall jag lösa detta då?

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:26 PM ]: du har väll flera

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:26 PM ]: Bibbi has to find your song

ragee[05/15/08 3:26 PM ]: är ju fett singel just nu

ragee[05/15/08 3:26 PM ]: hahaha nooo

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:26 PM ]: har iför mej att du låg på hålet när vi skulle rösta

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:27 PM ]: bara och fråga om hon har någon favvo-låt

MockY[05/15/08 3:27 PM ]: eller va på väg

tgs3[05/15/08 3:27 PM ]: veto=say no

ragee[05/15/08 3:27 PM ]: hehe är inget på gång där inte

ragee[05/15/08 3:28 PM ]: var bara en engångs grej

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:28 PM ]: du kan ju alltid diskutera det med henne

tgs3[05/15/08 3:28 PM ]: Can we tell our partner to find a different song?

tgs3[05/15/08 3:29 PM ]: Erica or Adam can find you a song Niklas. Gotta be better than Bibbi

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:29 PM ]: jag gilla sången anette tipsa om

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:29 PM ]: därför kommer jag med detta tema

ragee[05/15/08 3:29 PM ]: jag få ta en låt av en tjejkompis

MockY[05/15/08 3:29 PM ]: hmm

tgs3[05/15/08 3:30 PM ]: Or a guy, Niklas. We don't judge.

ragee[05/15/08 3:30 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[05/15/08 3:30 PM ]: OK, Anders probably does.

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:31 PM ]: tjejkompis ok om du iinte är bög

ragee[05/15/08 3:32 PM ]: hahaha din jäkla homofob

MockY[05/15/08 3:32 PM ]: lätt homofob

ragee[05/15/08 3:32 PM ]: nästan så att man önskar man var bög bara för att jävlas med dig

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:32 PM ]: ha ha, du får vara vad du vill

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:33 PM ]: du kanske skulle vara med i sanningens ögonblick

tgs3[05/15/08 3:33 PM ]: Do it, Niklas. Sleep with a guy to upset Anders.

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:33 PM ]: får vi veta mycket om dej

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:33 PM ]: använd kondom

MockY[05/15/08 3:34 PM ]: hahaha'

ragee[05/15/08 3:34 PM ]: ja nog skall jag vra mycket mer noggran med kondom hädanefter

MockY[05/15/08 3:34 PM ]: Jo, pulla på en snubbe enbart för att uppröra Anders

MockY[05/15/08 3:34 PM ]: hahaha

ragee[05/15/08 3:34 PM ]: hahaha

MockY[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: vet du ens vad en kondom är?

MockY[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: närmaste du kommer stavningen av kondom är väl kondylom

MockY[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: haha'

ragee[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: nje men klamydia

ragee[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: hehe

MockY[05/15/08 3:35 PM ]: jobbigt

ragee[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: nje inte så farligt märkte

MockY[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: som morsan ständigt påminner oss om: Som man bäddar får man ligga

ragee[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: inget

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: stackare, går att bota

MockY[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: i ditt fall så bäddade du lite dåligt

ragee[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: jafan blev av med min klamydia för två månader sedan

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:36 PM ]: förstod bara ligga

MockY[05/15/08 3:37 PM ]: typ

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:38 PM ]: visst måste man ha sex för att få klamydia

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:39 PM ]: depends on what you mean by sex

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:39 PM ]: oral will do it

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:39 PM ]: då klarar jag mej

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:40 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[05/15/08 3:41 PM ]: sure

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:41 PM ]: 1

MockY[05/15/08 3:41 PM ]: 3

ragee[05/15/08 3:41 PM ]: 2234234

tgs3[05/15/08 3:41 PM ]: 69

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:42 PM ]: 123`98327414908571

MockY[05/15/08 3:42 PM ]: 00000099999

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:42 PM ]: neurosonic 3p

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:42 PM ]: sorry, be right back

tgs3[05/15/08 3:43 PM ]: HOw dare she work?!?

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:43 PM ]: ok, I'm back

MockY[05/15/08 3:43 PM ]: Pedwell 3p

ragee[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: Haste the Day 4p

tgs3[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: Haste The Day 4p

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: Nuerosonic 4p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: haste the day 4p

MockY[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: Ashes Divide 6p

ragee[05/15/08 3:44 PM ]: neurosonic 5p

tgs3[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: Ashes Divide 5p

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: tiamat 5p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: tiamat 7p

MockY[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: Haste The Day 8p

ragee[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: pedwell 6p

tgs3[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: Neurosonic 6p

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:45 PM ]: Ashes Divide 6p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:46 PM ]: pedwell 8p

MockY[05/15/08 3:46 PM ]: Tiamat 9p

ragee[05/15/08 3:46 PM ]: ashes divide 7p

tgs3[05/15/08 3:46 PM ]: Tiamat 9p

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:46 PM ]: Pedwell 8p

MockY[05/15/08 3:47 PM ]: Som vanligt omöglish att får poäng. Tragiskt

ragee[05/15/08 3:47 PM ]: tjohoo

MockY[05/15/08 3:47 PM ]: Nej nu jävlar ska det rockas med fet trash your fucking face!!!!!

tgs3[05/15/08 3:48 PM ]: 3p on Pedwell? Seriously. What are you listening to?

MockY[05/15/08 3:48 PM ]: Not Pedwell, that's for damn sure

thebrat13n[05/15/08 3:48 PM ]: That is kinda crazy

MockY[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: not really

tgs3[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: Doesn't look like it matters, but I think explains your position lately

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: 1. tiamat 30p

ragee[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: JAAAAAAAAAAA

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: grattis niklas

MockY[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: ptff

tgs3[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: NIklas, go back to not trying

ragee[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: såå jäkla underbart

tgs3[05/15/08 3:49 PM ]: Congrats

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:50 PM ]: 2. pedwell 25p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:50 PM ]: 3. ashes divide 24p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:50 PM ]: 4. hayse the day 20p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:50 PM ]: 5. neurosonic 18p

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:51 PM ]: brb

MockY[05/15/08 3:51 PM ]: suck

tgs3[05/15/08 3:51 PM ]: Still tight at the top since the top 3 came in top 3

tgs3[05/15/08 3:51 PM ]: yes you do

MockY[05/15/08 3:52 PM ]: oj oj...hur i hela fridens namn ska jag kunna gräva mig ur detta hål

MockY[05/15/08 3:52 PM ]: jobbig säsong detta

tgs3[05/15/08 3:53 PM ]: Time to unleash the stuff you love and you don't think we well

tgs3[05/15/08 3:53 PM ]: will

MockY[05/15/08 3:53 PM ]: hell yeah

tgs3[05/15/08 3:54 PM ]: I guess you could just use thrash, but you know the outcome there. I would experiment with something weird that you happen to like if I was you

MockY[05/15/08 3:54 PM ]: Prepare for some serious Headbanging

tgs3[05/15/08 3:54 PM ]: kinda seems pointless to me, but hey, so as you wish

MockY[05/15/08 3:54 PM ]: like that matters. It does not matter what I present to you guys, I will end last anyways

tgs3[05/15/08 3:55 PM ]: You don't have some Pearl Jamish stuff that people at least might like?

MockY[05/15/08 3:56 PM ]: I did use a kick ass Pearl Jam song, but it ended up last anyways

tgs3[05/15/08 3:56 PM ]: no it didn't

MockY[05/15/08 3:56 PM ]: almost

tgs3[05/15/08 3:56 PM ]: you came in 3rd

MockY[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: 10 points behind first

MockY[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: so far from a good result from a kick ass song like that

tgs3[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: Behind a really kick ass artist

MockY[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: so what difference would that make then

tgs3[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: Take some Prozac or something dude

MockY[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: yeah, very

MockY[05/15/08 3:57 PM ]: haha

MockY[05/15/08 3:58 PM ]: Pedwell really blows and I have no idea how it can do good every time

MockY[05/15/08 3:58 PM ]: No need for Prozac when thereäs The Haunted

MockY[05/15/08 3:58 PM ]:

tgs3[05/15/08 3:59 PM ]: I didn't say to use Pearl Jam. Just saying I would experiment if I was you. Thrash or whatever is kinda a boring choice. But hey, its your choice

MockY[05/15/08 3:59 PM ]: Far from boring

Hebbe[05/15/08 3:59 PM ]: hejja pedwell

tgs3[05/15/08 3:59 PM ]: haha

tgs3[05/15/08 4:00 PM ]: How can you not say the "choice" is boring. We've has lots of it

tgs3[05/15/08 4:00 PM ]: Way too much

MockY[05/15/08 4:00 PM ]: Allmänt tung flickrunda

MockY[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: betydligt tyngre än förra gången vi körde det

MockY[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: har musikscenen ändrats lite

tgs3[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: Pedwell and Unison are my two favorite finds over the last year or so. I guess I'll know the next time I find something I really like that Peter will hate it.

MockY[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: Nightwish har tydligen satt sina spår

MockY[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: Donät know what to say, but Pedwell is really uncomfortable to listen to

MockY[05/15/08 4:01 PM ]: But I seem to be the only one thinking that

tgs3[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: thankfully

MockY[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: men jäklar, flickor kan. Detta rockar ju

MockY[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: Eller va det "Tjejer kan"

MockY[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: Fittstimm

tgs3[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: I think you miss Robert the SOTD player. You guys were more alike in your tastes than you probably both realize

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:02 PM ]: är du feminist

MockY[05/15/08 4:03 PM ]: ohh I know that for sure.

tgs3[05/15/08 4:03 PM ]: That's what happens when you lose possision of your balls

MockY[05/15/08 4:03 PM ]: If Robert just cared about others and about SOTD, I would be a happy camper

tgs3[05/15/08 4:03 PM ]: yadda yadda

MockY[05/15/08 4:04 PM ]: I would maybe have 5 points by now

tgs3[05/15/08 4:04 PM ]: or blaa blaa if you prefer

MockY[05/15/08 4:04 PM ]: ?

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:04 PM ]: robert bad mej att tanka hans mp3

tgs3[05/15/08 4:04 PM ]: -He- couldn't do much about this season, yes, but you'd be better off

MockY[05/15/08 4:05 PM ]: fusk

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:05 PM ]: så det är riktigt illa på musikfronten för honom

MockY[05/15/08 4:05 PM ]: trodde inte han ville lyssna på annat än vad ha redan har

MockY[05/15/08 4:05 PM ]: för det "va jobbigt"

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:06 PM ]: jobbigt att leta musik

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:06 PM ]: blev ett tvång för honom

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:07 PM ]: höll på att lura honom på en låt som var lite lik fair to midland

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:07 PM ]: genom telefon

MockY[05/15/08 4:08 PM ]: lol

MockY[05/15/08 4:08 PM ]: han är bra knasig

tgs3[05/15/08 4:08 PM ]: You think just checking out what we have in SOTD every now and then would be enough

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:09 PM ]: jag tror inte han tar hem låtarna längre

tgs3[05/15/08 4:10 PM ]: But if he is actually interested in listening to something new, that would be a VERY easy way to do it

MockY[05/15/08 4:10 PM ]: Maybe he wants to find it himself, but that step is to "hard" so he fuckes it al together

tgs3[05/15/08 4:11 PM ]: Maybe.

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:11 PM ]: det är nog bara lathet och en överfull dator

tgs3[05/15/08 4:11 PM ]: If I were him, I'd have people send me the songs they were thinking about using and he could give feedback. Might be kinda useful for both sides

tgs3[05/15/08 4:12 PM ]: Not that I would listen to him 100%, but it would be a little helpful to know his opinion

MockY[05/15/08 4:12 PM ]: but that might be to involving

MockY[05/15/08 4:12 PM ]: and you have to use a phone

MockY[05/15/08 4:12 PM ]: so I guess it goes both ways

tgs3[05/15/08 4:13 PM ]: Why a phone?

tgs3[05/15/08 4:13 PM ]: Just use email and ftp...

MockY[05/15/08 4:13 PM ]: how else are you going to communicate?

MockY[05/15/08 4:13 PM ]: he does not regulary check his email, so forget a prompt response

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:14 PM ]: han gav niklas ett par låtar i början men orkade inte senare

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:14 PM ]: håller på att bygga om köket nu

tgs3[05/15/08 4:15 PM ]: That's one way, too, but I don't figure he finds a lot of songs to give people.

tgs3[05/15/08 4:15 PM ]: He hasn't used email very well in the past. That doesn't mean he "can't"

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:15 PM ]: jag tog ett roligt kort henna hos honom för ett tag sen där det stod på datorn hur många olästa mejl han hade

MockY[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: no, just saying that you should'nt expect a prompt response

tgs3[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: haha

MockY[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: you might have to wait 2 weeks

tgs3[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: A big number I'm guessing

tgs3[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: I also assume he really doesn't get that many

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:16 PM ]: minns inte riktigt men det var under 100

tgs3[05/15/08 4:17 PM ]: I don't plan on using his services, just mentiuoned it as someting I would do in his place

tgs3[05/15/08 4:17 PM ]: Kinda like my advice to you ")

tgs3[05/15/08 4:17 PM ]:

tgs3[05/15/08 4:17 PM ]: You're both free to go about likfe less optimally

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:17 PM ]: men han skyllde på att det var inte hans riktiga mejl

MockY[05/15/08 4:18 PM ]: det är nog Hotmail om det är MSN som talade om hur många olästa mail du har

MockY[05/15/08 4:18 PM ]: du det stämmer nog bra

MockY[05/15/08 4:19 PM ]: om nu han inte använder Hotmail som sin primära vill säga

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:19 PM ]: det var inloggningssidan

tgs3[05/15/08 4:19 PM ]: That ties to the email client for me

MockY[05/15/08 4:20 PM ]: Going Big are we...

MockY[05/15/08 4:20 PM ]: hmm

MockY[05/15/08 4:21 PM ]: I can't r

tgs3[05/15/08 4:21 PM ]: ?

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:21 PM ]: nej jag känner mej liten

MockY[05/15/08 4:21 PM ]: Your font is larger than life

MockY[05/15/08 4:21 PM ]: but I can't even change it

tgs3[05/15/08 4:23 PM ]: Mine?

tgs3[05/15/08 4:23 PM ]: It doesn't change on my end

MockY[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: yes

MockY[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: now it's back to normal

tgs3[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: but I see in the log that it did

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: it changed for both of you

tgs3[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: So I've switched back

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: sonja har namnsdag idag

tgs3[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: Mine seemed a little small, but 12 was way to big I see

MockY[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: so I guess it does change without it being visible for the user

MockY[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: unless you go to the log

tgs3[05/15/08 4:24 PM ]: Cool. She'll be surprised when I wish her a Happy Names day

tgs3[05/15/08 4:25 PM ]: I noticed

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:25 PM ]: gratta från mej också

tgs3[05/15/08 4:25 PM ]: ok

tgs3[05/15/08 4:25 PM ]: Maybe that will make up for her annoyance at the extra people that will be at Family Night tonight

tgs3[05/15/08 4:26 PM ]: "strangers"

MockY[05/15/08 4:26 PM ]: Who would thos people be? Do I have to claim a sickness and stay home?

tgs3[05/15/08 4:27 PM ]: Julius' cousin and uncle

tgs3[05/15/08 4:27 PM ]: They are black, so I'll understand if you're too scared to show up

MockY[05/15/08 4:27 PM ]: I think I am catching a cold. My throat just started to itch...darn

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:27 PM ]: är julius där också

tgs3[05/15/08 4:28 PM ]: Nope, he comes on Sunday when his school is over

tgs3[05/15/08 4:28 PM ]: Adam is friends with his cousin, too

MockY[05/15/08 4:28 PM ]: I though they stoped being friends after the drunk incident

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:28 PM ]: ok

tgs3[05/15/08 4:28 PM ]: That was his brother

tgs3[05/15/08 4:29 PM ]: His cousing is the one from the Christmas party before. The "Clown"

MockY[05/15/08 4:29 PM ]: ahh so its the Clown

MockY[05/15/08 4:29 PM ]: you beat me to it

tgs3[05/15/08 4:29 PM ]: haha

MockY[05/15/08 4:29 PM ]: it suddenly stopped inching...good

MockY[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: hopefully it does'nt come back

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: What's the dad's name?

tgs3[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: I gotta get going. It was fun chatting with you all as always. This round seems good. I feel less good about my song chances now

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: Are they both Marks?

tgs3[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: Mark and Marcus

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: ahhh

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: bye

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: new it was something like that

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: ska också ge mej

Hebbe[05/15/08 4:30 PM ]: god natt

thebrat13n[05/15/08 4:31 PM ]: good night

MockY[05/15/08 4:31 PM ]: WORD