MockY[03/03/08 2:10 PM ]: Först...rimmar på bäst...eller kanske inte....

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:02 PM ]: I'm gonna need about 30 minutes to finish some work before I'm able to vote

MockY[03/03/08 3:03 PM ]: good to know

Ragee[03/03/08 3:04 PM ]: Tjoo

Ragee[03/03/08 3:04 PM ]: anders komma om en halvatimma

MockY[03/03/08 3:04 PM ]: funkar fin fint det

MockY[03/03/08 3:04 PM ]: för Nina sa just att hon behöver minst 30 minuter

Ragee[03/03/08 3:06 PM ]: cool cool

Ragee[03/03/08 3:07 PM ]: ja o jag lä lix duscha nu

MockY[03/03/08 3:14 PM ]: Lika bra det

MockY[03/03/08 3:23 PM ]: Tjaba

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:23 PM ]: är det nu man ska lägga in sin 42-minutare

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:23 PM ]: hej

Ragee[03/03/08 3:23 PM ]: tjo

MockY[03/03/08 3:24 PM ]: nej, 57-minutare

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:24 PM ]: har ingen så lång

MockY[03/03/08 3:24 PM ]: då blir du diskad

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:24 PM ]: skit då

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:27 PM ]: Theron's dealing with some stuff, but he's ready when we are, I just have to go get him. I told him around 12:30/21.30

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:28 PM ]: ok

MockY[03/03/08 3:28 PM ]: Svår runda att rösta på måste jag säga

tgs3[03/03/08 3:29 PM ]: I'm back at my desk now

tgs3[03/03/08 3:30 PM ]: I agree about the difficulty, but I would think the rest of you have a clear #1

Ragee[03/03/08 3:30 PM ]: tsss

MockY[03/03/08 3:30 PM ]: tss

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:30 PM ]: ja och jag tror att det är din theron

tgs3[03/03/08 3:31 PM ]: cool

Ragee[03/03/08 3:32 PM ]: bra runda dock

MockY[03/03/08 3:32 PM ]: Jag ser mycket metal denna runda

MockY[03/03/08 3:32 PM ]: konstigt

tgs3[03/03/08 3:33 PM ]: Easy round to guess who is who this time, if people went to their usual. That's not always true of course

MockY[03/03/08 3:33 PM ]: I have no clue what so ever...besides from Niklas

tgs3[03/03/08 3:33 PM ]: Yeah, I kinda assumed we'd get a bit of an old school metal feel this round

Ragee[03/03/08 3:33 PM ]:

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:34 PM ]: kommer att ta tid att gå igenom låtarna

tgs3[03/03/08 3:34 PM ]: yup

Ragee[03/03/08 3:34 PM ]: jodå

MockY[03/03/08 3:35 PM ]: Får ju ont i nacken om man ska headbanga till alla dessa låtar

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:37 PM ]: pearl jam kan väll inte vara så mycke metal

MockY[03/03/08 3:37 PM ]: Nej, det är nog dåligt med dubbla baskaggar där

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:37 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[03/03/08 3:37 PM ]: Long songs are often more prog metal and not really head banging songs

tgs3[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: I'm ready

Ragee[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: jupp jupp blev pårecis säker

MockY[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: vet ej med andra, men jag e då redo

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 1

MockY[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 3

tgs3[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 3

Ragee[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 54434

tgs3[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:38 PM ]: heed 4p

MockY[03/03/08 3:39 PM ]: April Sixth 4p

Ragee[03/03/08 3:39 PM ]: April Sixth 4p

tgs3[03/03/08 3:39 PM ]: Sullivan 5p

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:39 PM ]: Heed 5p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:39 PM ]: shelflyfe 6p

MockY[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: Heed 6p

Ragee[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: Sullivan 5p

tgs3[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: Shelflyfe 6p

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: April Sixth 6p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: sullivan 7p

MockY[03/03/08 3:40 PM ]: Sullivan 7p

Ragee[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: Shelflyfe 7p

tgs3[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: Heed 7p

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: Shelflyfe 7p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: the first time 9p

Ragee[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: The First Time 8p

MockY[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: The First Time 8p

Ragee[03/03/08 3:41 PM ]: oj

tgs3[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: heed 8p

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: The First Time 8p

MockY[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: Jahopp, då va trenden bruten

tgs3[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: COOL! I haven't had one of those in a while

MockY[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: Inge 6 i rad för stackars Peter

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: Theron, you voted for Heed twice

tgs3[03/03/08 3:42 PM ]: I really liked heed

tgs3[03/03/08 3:43 PM ]: Sorry, 8p for April Sixth

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:43 PM ]: theron du måste ge april poäng

Ragee[03/03/08 3:43 PM ]: låter bra det

tgs3[03/03/08 3:43 PM ]: sorry to fool you, Niklas

Ragee[03/03/08 3:43 PM ]: no prob

MockY[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: Det blev slaktvinst

tgs3[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: You gotta like those

tgs3[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: I should get 5p for that

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: 1. the first time 33p grattis theron

tgs3[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: Yah! Go Canada!

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: grattis

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:44 PM ]: 2. shelflyfe 30p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:45 PM ]: 3. sullivan 24p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:45 PM ]: 4 april sixth 22p

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:45 PM ]: 5. heed 22p

tgs3[03/03/08 3:45 PM ]: Did Shelflyfe really do that well?

Ragee[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: fuck inge poäng

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: nä 26p

thebrat13n[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: still second

MockY[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: good

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: men samma plats

MockY[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: va orolig en stund

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: jobbat för mycke idag

tgs3[03/03/08 3:46 PM ]: Damn. Only 1 point more than Peter.

MockY[03/03/08 3:47 PM ]: yup

tgs3[03/03/08 3:47 PM ]: But the win was fun, but Peter looks pretty safe for the season

MockY[03/03/08 3:47 PM ]: fairly close to a new record though...damn you Theron and your Canadians

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:48 PM ]: jag har en sån där svacka där inga låtar funkar

tgs3[03/03/08 3:48 PM ]: Those hurt, Anders

Ragee[03/03/08 3:48 PM ]: jag mä då

tgs3[03/03/08 3:49 PM ]: When things are going good, you figure that you're fine for the rest of SOTD, and then BAM!, nothing works for a while

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:49 PM ]: men jag försöker

tgs3[03/03/08 3:50 PM ]: NIklas, you're kinda purposely not doing so well. That's fine, stay true to your music, but I'm guessing you're not using the music that you think will do the best. Or maybe I'm wrong and you only have heavy shit in your list

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:50 PM ]: det är lite konstigt, för innan funka allt

Ragee[03/03/08 3:50 PM ]: du har rätt theron

MockY[03/03/08 3:50 PM ]: Anders, Peter gav sig fan på att införskaffa bra musik...

Ragee[03/03/08 3:51 PM ]: sa ju det efter runda fyra att jag skulle köra hårt resten av säsongen

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:51 PM ]: du la om till modern rock

MockY[03/03/08 3:51 PM ]: din mamma

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:51 PM ]: min mamma

tgs3[03/03/08 3:52 PM ]: I've tried harder lately to find music, as well. Pandora finally paid off with The First Time

tgs3[03/03/08 3:52 PM ]: I'll probably use another Pandora song in round 9

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: pandora?

MockY[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: Pandora has worked like piss for me. It never gives me any new artist anymore. Just same ol, no matter what artist I look for

MockY[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: atleast the first 10 songs

Ragee[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: blir låtar från The Darknes för mig de sista två rundorna

tgs3[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: I didn't use it for a long time, but I went back to it a month ago and get new artists all the time.

tgs3[03/03/08 3:53 PM ]: A bunch suck, but I'm ok wading through the crap to find the gold

Ragee[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: och de låtarna skulle jag gissa att jag får 0p vardera

tgs3[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: What's The Darkness?

Ragee[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: men har jag sagt jag skall köra hårt så tänker jag köra hårt

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: Not the bad I assume?

Ragee[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: ett spel

tgs3[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: band, I mean

tgs3[03/03/08 3:54 PM ]: ah

tgs3[03/03/08 3:55 PM ]: Anders: I'm kinda surprised you haven't heard of it

Ragee[03/03/08 3:55 PM ]:;title;1

Ragee[03/03/08 3:55 PM ]: en riktig pärla i speldjungeln

tgs3[03/03/08 3:55 PM ]: Definitely no head banging to the Pearl Jam song...

Ragee[03/03/08 3:55 PM ]: mörk maffia historie med mycket dödsmetal mmm mums bara att njuta

tgs3[03/03/08 3:56 PM ]: I'm probably going to have to skip NIklas song after 2 listens

MockY[03/03/08 3:56 PM ]: Så du skulle helst vilja pilla på en goth flicka...

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:58 PM ]: We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S.

Ragee[03/03/08 3:58 PM ]: nje gillar allt med det mörka hörnet av musiken förutom flickorna

Ragee[03/03/08 3:58 PM ]: ser fördjävliga ut och luktar illa haha

tgs3[03/03/08 3:58 PM ]: Oh yeah. I was just talking to Peter about that

tgs3[03/03/08 3:59 PM ]: He needs to figure out a way for Bibbi to use it. She used to until they changed their rules

Hebbe[03/03/08 3:59 PM ]: jaha det var det hon prata om

MockY[03/03/08 4:00 PM ]: mm din mamma

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:00 PM ]: min mamma

MockY[03/03/08 4:01 PM ]: aAa

Ragee[03/03/08 4:01 PM ]: hon är ju fett het

Ragee[03/03/08 4:02 PM ]: eller så kanske man inte får säga hahaha

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:02 PM ]: min mamma?

Ragee[03/03/08 4:02 PM ]: ahh fan lett

Ragee[03/03/08 4:04 PM ]: eller vadå tycker inte du det haha

Ragee[03/03/08 4:05 PM ]: nehe va tyst det blev nudå

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:05 PM ]: jo

Ragee[03/03/08 4:05 PM ]: plötsligt äre bara jag som pratar

Ragee[03/03/08 4:05 PM ]: va skumt

MockY[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: mjo, lite underligt

tgs3[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: yes

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: tyst som muren

MockY[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: antar att det e bara du som inte har ett liv

Ragee[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: är ju inte meningen att jag skall prata

Ragee[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: ¨haha mycket möjligt

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: alla letar

MockY[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: tror Nicke dricker bira

Ragee[03/03/08 4:06 PM ]: nope nope

Ragee[03/03/08 4:07 PM ]: är full av livet

Ragee[03/03/08 4:08 PM ]: ja krokus är ju oxå allting då *slurp* *slurp*

MockY[03/03/08 4:09 PM ]: .,..,..,..,,...

tgs3[03/03/08 4:10 PM ]: I'd respond more if I knew what the fuck you guys were talking about

tgs3[03/03/08 4:10 PM ]:

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:12 PM ]: krokus är hårdrock eller blomma

Ragee[03/03/08 4:13 PM ]: skulle nog gissa på att det var bandet

tgs3[03/03/08 4:16 PM ]: Krokus is one of those bands that hasn't really held for me. Usually I more or less still like everything about the same from when I was younger, but not Krokus

MockY[03/03/08 4:16 PM ]: Why are we talking about Krokus?

tgs3[03/03/08 4:17 PM ]: no idea

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:17 PM ]: Ragee[48:45 PM]: ja krokus är ju oxå allting då *slurp* *slurp*

MockY[03/03/08 4:17 PM ]: Vilket jag inte har en aning om vad han menar

MockY[03/03/08 4:18 PM ]: en mening som totalt bortser från alla lagar innom det Svenska språket

MockY[03/03/08 4:18 PM ]: dessutom, va fasen nämde han Krokum mitt i alltihopa för?

MockY[03/03/08 4:19 PM ]: Krokus*

MockY[03/03/08 4:19 PM ]: Kanske jag som är den som är full....förstår ingenting

tgs3[03/03/08 4:20 PM ]: I figured you Swedes knew what was going on, but I guess not

MockY[03/03/08 4:20 PM ]: Well, Iäm not a Swede anymore. Maybe that's why I have a hard time understanding him

Ragee[03/03/08 4:20 PM ]: inte många som fattar här heller när jag börjar prata

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:21 PM ]: du verkar ha ett eget språk

MockY[03/03/08 4:21 PM ]: Please donät tell me that his verbal \"skills\" now are present in his text

tgs3[03/03/08 4:21 PM ]: haha. Yes. Peter, its about time you admit it

Ragee[03/03/08 4:21 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[03/03/08 4:21 PM ]: Until now I've had easier with the text for Niklas, but maybe that's changing

Ragee[03/03/08 4:22 PM ]: Brach schnalla kna!!!!!

MockY[03/03/08 4:22 PM ]: Well, I'll get the work permi8t any day from the point where I get the SSN, I'm officially an American

MockY[03/03/08 4:22 PM ]: Polen schickaburr schickahajja

tgs3[03/03/08 4:22 PM ]: not really, but close enough

tgs3[03/03/08 4:22 PM ]: You can't get drafted right now, so maybe that's best of both worlds while Bush is in office

MockY[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: Officially an American to us. To the state I wont be until I'm a citizen...which will take 40 years

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: ha ha, det låter ju bra, då kan du ju komma hem till sverige igen

tgs3[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: or 3 years

MockY[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: or 35

tgs3[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: It can take as long as you make it, but by law its only 3

Ragee[03/03/08 4:23 PM ]: varför inte mötas halvägs och säga 12

tgs3[03/03/08 4:24 PM ]: I see your math isn't any better than Peter's

tgs3[03/03/08 4:24 PM ]: If you call 12 halfway

Ragee[03/03/08 4:25 PM ]: tänkte lägga till lite men då skulle jag vara allt för generös

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:25 PM ]: 19

MockY[03/03/08 4:25 PM ]: usch va jobbigt det blev

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:25 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[03/03/08 4:27 PM ]: Jag kan meddela att Don Dokken ser officiellt väldigt gammal ut

tgs3[03/03/08 4:27 PM ]: Never would have guessed a rocker from the 80's would look old

MockY[03/03/08 4:28 PM ]: Now you know

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:28 PM ]: dom släpper nytt

MockY[03/03/08 4:28 PM ]: and another funny fact, Dee Snyder is going country

Ragee[03/03/08 4:28 PM ]: trodde alla var konseverade av all sprit

MockY[03/03/08 4:28 PM ]: vilken hjälte

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:29 PM ]: är det därför du dricker niklas?

tgs3[03/03/08 4:29 PM ]: That might sound good

MockY[03/03/08 4:29 PM ]: Haj-Haj är ju uppe och springer fortfarande, så sprit måste ju vara bra för hälsan

MockY[03/03/08 4:30 PM ]: kanske till och med Kokain, se på Nikki Sixx

MockY[03/03/08 4:30 PM ]: Han lever och ser hälsosam ut

tgs3[03/03/08 4:30 PM ]: That was heroine for Nikki

MockY[03/03/08 4:31 PM ]: Same stuff basically

MockY[03/03/08 4:31 PM ]: it frys your brain and eventually kills you...atleast that's what they say. Nikki Sixx is a living proof that this is not true

MockY[03/03/08 4:32 PM ]:

MockY[03/03/08 4:32 PM ]: lol

tgs3[03/03/08 4:34 PM ]: Calling cocaine and heroine the same really puts you in the same group as Bibbi and most Swedes that think pot and cocaine are at the same level

thebrat13n[03/03/08 4:35 PM ]: cocaine and heroine are not even close to the same

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:36 PM ]: men dom ställer till problem

thebrat13n[03/03/08 4:36 PM ]: heroine is much worse

tgs3[03/03/08 4:37 PM ]: I won't watch it, but that country show thing sounds as good as any of these other American Idol wannabees (like Rockstar was)

MockY[03/03/08 4:37 PM ]: This show is pathetic

tgs3[03/03/08 4:37 PM ]: why?

MockY[03/03/08 4:37 PM ]: But yet very ammusing

MockY[03/03/08 4:38 PM ]: Because Country is the only thing that exisist for these country dudes, and as soon as Dee or anyone else says anything negative about it, or even mention another music style, they go wild and starts yelling at the contenstans

MockY[03/03/08 4:38 PM ]: Dee laughs in their faces every time this happens, therefore very ammusing

tgs3[03/03/08 4:39 PM ]: What's the pathetic part?

MockY[03/03/08 4:39 PM ]: but the behaviour of the country dudes in the show, reminds me of die hard Hard Rock fans that get upset if their hero cuts their hair

MockY[03/03/08 4:39 PM ]: The country dudes are pathetic

MockY[03/03/08 4:40 PM ]: Think they are all that because they are successful at contry without even aknowledging any other genre

tgs3[03/03/08 4:40 PM ]: I can't believe you watch it....

MockY[03/03/08 4:40 PM ]: it's like no other music exists for them

MockY[03/03/08 4:40 PM ]: which is the pathetic part of it

MockY[03/03/08 4:41 PM ]: It's all because of Dee Snyder and his tries to infiltrate the Country stars

tgs3[03/03/08 4:41 PM ]: And I'm sure typical rock stars talk about country music, and jazz, and opera and blues and classical music

MockY[03/03/08 4:41 PM ]: trying to widen their's not going very well for hom though

MockY[03/03/08 4:41 PM ]: I bet they do

tgs3[03/03/08 4:42 PM ]: sure....

MockY[03/03/08 4:43 PM ]: The pathetic part is that they (the hosts) treat the contestants as they are there to get fully into country and have it as heir favorite genre. And if they don't the hosts gets pissed

Hebbe[03/03/08 4:44 PM ]: god natt

Ragee[03/03/08 4:45 PM ]: natti natti

tgs3[03/03/08 4:45 PM ]: g'night

MockY[03/03/08 4:46 PM ]: for fuck sake, this is a show about people far from this genre to try something new and therefore make an entertaining show.

tgs3[03/03/08 4:46 PM ]: And just how is that pathetic?

MockY[03/03/08 4:46 PM ]: and then call on them saying that they should get the fuck home if they are not there to fully get into Country

tgs3[03/03/08 4:46 PM ]: So if people on Rockstar went on about how they like jazz and country music, Tommy Lee and the gang would be OK with it?

MockY[03/03/08 4:46 PM ]: and not just because of the challange or what ever \"wrong\" answer they have

tgs3[03/03/08 4:47 PM ]: I guess I'd have to see it to know, and that will never happen

MockY[03/03/08 4:48 PM ]: last example was when the finalist for some American Idol season made a song (which was required) and sounded to poppy, then the host questioned her intentions in the show

MockY[03/03/08 4:48 PM ]: haha what the hell, no one comes from Contry, and now they should be full blooded country stars

MockY[03/03/08 4:48 PM ]: idiot

MockY[03/03/08 4:49 PM ]: He got personally offended that she didn't sound Country enough

MockY[03/03/08 4:49 PM ]: douchebag

tgs3[03/03/08 4:49 PM ]: you're so right. He sucks

MockY[03/03/08 4:51 PM ]: If this was a non TV show, and it was a Country camp..then fine. But you toss in people with a musical background far from Country and then expect them to sound country at the first try...and then get personally offended by it saying they are not there for country. Fo fuck sakes dude, wake up. This is a VH1 show, what do you expect

MockY[03/03/08 4:52 PM ]: Can't beleive I am deffending an American Idol finalist...

MockY[03/03/08 4:52 PM ]: what's wrong with me

MockY[03/03/08 4:52 PM ]: haha

MockY[03/03/08 4:53 PM ]: oh well, either way, Dee Snyder picks up on this all the time and talks back. Haha itäs hilarious

tgs3[03/03/08 4:56 PM ]: Seems like its doing what it was intended to do, get people interested. You seem to care a Hell of a lot.

MockY[03/03/08 4:56 PM ]: I donät care, I just find it funny to watch because of Dee's stiring in the pot

MockY[03/03/08 4:57 PM ]: he is a cranky sob without coffee. I know now more about my child hood hero than I ever did

tgs3[03/03/08 4:57 PM ]: sure

MockY[03/03/08 4:57 PM ]: educational hehe