MockY[01/10/08 1:54 PM ]: The positive thing about power ballads is that they are very easy to figure out, as in easy to score.

tgs3[01/10/08 2:03 PM ]: Yeah, I said that to Anders on Monday. I could have voted almost right away

tgs3[01/10/08 2:04 PM ]: That doesn\'t mean I don\'t like them (like it usually would if I\'m ready fast), but they sort themselves our and are figured out kinda easily

MockY[01/10/08 2:06 PM ]: yeah, I\'m not saying I dislike them either, but this genre has always been easy to listen to. They all follow a certain pattern and they never fall out of that.

MockY[01/10/08 2:06 PM ]: Though the newcommers tend to put a new twist to it.

MockY[01/10/08 2:11 PM ]: Would be awesome if Axl sang the last part of Avenged Sevenfolds song

MockY[01/10/08 2:11 PM ]: he would fit right in

tgs3[01/10/08 2:13 PM ]: You know I would think that\'s cool

MockY[01/10/08 2:14 PM ]: or a duet with Robin

MockY[01/10/08 2:15 PM ]: I;m waiting for the day where material from Chinese Democracy is being used in SOTD

MockY[01/10/08 2:15 PM ]: Guessing that will never happen

tgs3[01/10/08 2:19 PM ]: Well, there is stuff that might wind up on that album that could be used

tgs3[01/10/08 2:19 PM ]: I\'ve thought about it, but its not terrific, so I\'m hoping there\'s some better stuff if the real album is ever released

MockY[01/10/08 2:19 PM ]: If I were you, I would as soon as it is officially recorded and done, use it regardless.

MockY[01/10/08 2:20 PM ]: just to have Guns in the database

MockY[01/10/08 2:20 PM ]: Maiden made it hehe

MockY[01/10/08 2:20 PM ]: Judas as well

MockY[01/10/08 2:21 PM ]: Even Scorpions

MockY[01/10/08 2:21 PM ]: Only Guns and Queensryche left..kinda

tgs3[01/10/08 2:27 PM ]: You left out the biggest Hard Rock band of all time that is about to release an album, On purpose maybe?

MockY[01/10/08 2:30 PM ]: And how long have you been at the office....?

MockY[01/10/08 2:30 PM ]: You sneaky bastard :p

MockY[01/10/08 2:30 PM ]:

tgs3[01/10/08 2:32 PM ]: huh?

MockY[01/10/08 2:36 PM ]: I didn\'t see you this morning, but yet you were talking in the chat

MockY[01/10/08 2:36 PM ]: so I assumed you were home chatting, or RDPing i chattin

MockY[01/10/08 2:55 PM ]: bröööl

tgs3[01/10/08 2:57 PM ]: I\'ve been here about 90 mins I think

tgs3[01/10/08 2:57 PM ]: mayb 75

tgs3[01/10/08 2:58 PM ]: Anders seems to have taken over Robert\'s position as the last one in every round

MockY[01/10/08 2:58 PM ]: wtf Anders..

tgs3[01/10/08 2:59 PM ]: He still has 15 seconds by my watch

tgs3[01/10/08 2:59 PM ]: pretty much exact

MockY[01/10/08 2:59 PM ]: nad here he is

MockY[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: haha he is turning into Sonja

MockY[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: Gahhh

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: så tjena alla soft rockers

MockY[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: höj

tgs3[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: haha

Ragee[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: yo yo yo

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:00 PM ]: vem har blivit sonja

tgs3[01/10/08 3:01 PM ]: If he was Sonja, he\'d leave as soon as voting is done.

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:01 PM ]: jaha

MockY[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: that\'s Niklas\' job

tgs3[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: pretty much

Ragee[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: måste bara säga att nu förstår jag hur anders kände sig under growl rundan

MockY[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: combine those brothers and we have a male Sonja

MockY[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/10/08 3:03 PM ]: ohh nej, Anders hoppar in och ut igen

tgs3[01/10/08 3:04 PM ]: Really, Niklas? You have no poetic power soul.

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:04 PM ]: I actually like this genre and it started to get to me a little bit too

Ragee[01/10/08 3:04 PM ]: tydligen inte

Ragee[01/10/08 3:04 PM ]: denna runda var gräslig

MockY[01/10/08 3:05 PM ]: As long as you don\'t pay attention to the lyrics, these songs are not that bad

MockY[01/10/08 3:05 PM ]: or the genre as a whole

tgs3[01/10/08 3:05 PM ]: 5 in a row is he problem. They tend to be really good sandwiched between a couple of \"real\" songs

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:05 PM ]: yup

tgs3[01/10/08 3:06 PM ]: These lyrics don\'t seem dumber than average to me, but then again, I don\'t pay attention to lyrics

Ragee[01/10/08 3:06 PM ]: har fått lov att varja med cannibal corpse för att kunna klara detta

tgs3[01/10/08 3:06 PM ]: haha

Ragee[01/10/08 3:07 PM ]: får samma lättnads känsla varje gång

MockY[01/10/08 3:08 PM ]: vet väl inte om Cannibal Corpse är det bästa valet dock lol

MockY[01/10/08 3:08 PM ]: Nu va det en stund sedan Anders hoppade ut...undrar om han e ok

Ragee[01/10/08 3:09 PM ]: kunde inte hitta nåt brutalare

tgs3[01/10/08 3:10 PM ]: Think he hurt himself?

MockY[01/10/08 3:10 PM ]: Who knows

MockY[01/10/08 3:10 PM ]: Maybe the house is on fire

MockY[01/10/08 3:11 PM ]: Heck, our neighbours apartment exploded yesterday. I am pretty sure it was a methlab...

MockY[01/10/08 3:11 PM ]: I hate my area

MockY[01/10/08 3:11 PM ]: I SOOOO want to get out of that shit hole

MockY[01/10/08 3:11 PM ]: but pretty stuck til all immigration papers are final

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:12 PM ]: nu kom jag tillbaka

MockY[01/10/08 3:13 PM ]: WB

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:13 PM ]: tack

tgs3[01/10/08 3:13 PM ]: cool

tgs3[01/10/08 3:13 PM ]: Peter was worried your meth lab blew up

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:14 PM ]: You\'re not allowed to move?

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:15 PM ]: meth lab?

MockY[01/10/08 3:15 PM ]: I am, but it complicates the whole immigration process, and potentially halts it

tgs3[01/10/08 3:15 PM ]: I think he\'s just worried the papers won\'t find his new address correctly

MockY[01/10/08 3:15 PM ]: Anfetanmin labb

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: THat\'s weird that it\'s the same word, but we have meth in front of it

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: jaha, skulle behöva ett för att få in lite stora pengar

MockY[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: precis

tgs3[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: Cause we\'re 4 letters better than Swedish

MockY[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: se upp mead explotionsrisken dock

MockY[01/10/08 3:16 PM ]: grannarnas lägenhet gick i bitar igår

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: skojjar du

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: nope

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: nu är jag ju inte säker på att det va ett meth labb dock...

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: vill flytta från mitt äckliga jävla område liväl

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: hur nära bodde dom

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: är det inte våltäckter eller meth labs, så är det polis raider osv

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: jävla hood

MockY[01/10/08 3:17 PM ]: huset bredvid

MockY[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: 15 meter max

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: huga

MockY[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: mm typ

tgs3[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: Remember to investigate this shit before you move. I\'m sure there are websites you can go to to check out the crime rate for certain areas

MockY[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: det va typ 45 unga afrosar utanför som slog och skrek på varandra

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: lite lugnare här i busjön, har ett rum ledigt i gäststugan

MockY[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/10/08 3:18 PM ]: Det är för kallt

MockY[01/10/08 3:19 PM ]: plus att ditt internet stinker mer än mitt rövhål efter 5 veckor utan att duscha

tgs3[01/10/08 3:19 PM ]: Have you been our there lately? Better make sure one of your neighbors doesn\'t use it for a lab.

MockY[01/10/08 3:19 PM ]: eyah, I will do a thurough investigation before I move. I do NOT want to deal with this shit again

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:19 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[01/10/08 3:19 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:20 PM ]: det går att pimpla på sjön

MockY[01/10/08 3:20 PM ]: totalt oviktigt ifall huset man bor i inte har bredband

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: finns i lycksele

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: sure

MockY[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: mjo, men inte i din göststuga

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: 1

MockY[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: gäst*

MockY[01/10/08 3:21 PM ]: 3

tgs3[01/10/08 3:22 PM ]: 4

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:22 PM ]: 5

Ragee[01/10/08 3:22 PM ]: 234234

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:23 PM ]: avenged sevenfold 5p

MockY[01/10/08 3:23 PM ]: Avenged Sevenfold 4p

Ragee[01/10/08 3:23 PM ]: Avenged Sevenfold 2p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Saigon Kick 4p

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Sentenced 5p

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: sentenced 6p

MockY[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Saigon Kick 5p

Ragee[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Saigon Kick 3p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Robin McCauley 5p

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:24 PM ]: Robin McAuley 6p

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:25 PM ]: saigon kick 7p

MockY[01/10/08 3:25 PM ]: Sentenced 6p

Ragee[01/10/08 3:25 PM ]: Sebastian Bach 4p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:25 PM ]: Sentenced 6p

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:25 PM ]: Sebastian Bach 7p

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: sebastian bach 8p

MockY[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: Robin \"The Almighty Voice From Heaven\" McAuly 8p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: Sebastian Bach 8p

Ragee[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: Robin McAuley 6p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: oops

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:26 PM ]: Avenged Sevenfold 8p

MockY[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: Intressant

MockY[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: inte en dålig runda alls

MockY[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: inte bäst heller, men absolut inte dålig

Ragee[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: ush jag ryser

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: ha ha ha, jag gissa bara rätt på peter

tgs3[01/10/08 3:27 PM ]: Your guys\' choice in slow music sucks!

MockY[01/10/08 3:28 PM ]: Men jag tycker Axl skulla passa in i alla dessa låtar haha

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:28 PM ]: aldrig, han skulle förstöra dom totalt

MockY[01/10/08 3:28 PM ]: Speciellt i Avenged

MockY[01/10/08 3:28 PM ]: Sångaren är förskäcklig

MockY[01/10/08 3:28 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: axl också

MockY[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: du gillar inte Guns låter det som hahah

tgs3[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: Yes, he doesn\'t fit into your cookie cutter version of what a singer should sound like

MockY[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: Axel är inte bra, men den blir bar ifall musiken är passande

MockY[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: precis som Accept

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: några bra låtar, men dom skulle bli bättre med nån annan sångare

MockY[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: skulle vilja höra han sjunga Scarborough Fair

MockY[01/10/08 3:29 PM ]: Udo alltså

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:30 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[01/10/08 3:30 PM ]: eller...vill och vill....

MockY[01/10/08 3:30 PM ]: men skulle vara intressant

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: varken Udo eller Axl har speciellt bra röster, men dom är båda bra sångare. Så ifall musiken är passande så låter det bra

tgs3[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: Anders\' lead must be just about impossible to overcome now

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: I Guns fall så är inte låtmatrealet det bästa dock

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: 1. sebastian bach 27p

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: grattis peter

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: JAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: Vilken glad överaskning

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: Congrats, Peter.

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: Äntligen en vinnst

MockY[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: -n

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: 2. robin mcauley 25p

tgs3[01/10/08 3:31 PM ]: On winning with my suggestion

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: heck yeah

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: thanks for making me paying more attention to this fool

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: 3. sentenced 23p

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: more than just uploading the album that is

Ragee[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: JAAA två poäng

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: verkar som de erfarna pudelrockarna tog hem detta

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: 1,2 samt 3

Ragee[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: då går ni inte om mig ändå hehe

MockY[01/10/08 3:32 PM ]: erfarenhet vinner tydligen ibland

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:33 PM ]: 4. avenged sevenfold 19p

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:33 PM ]: 5. saigon kick 19p

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:33 PM ]: I hate coming in last when it\'s you\'re own vote that does it

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:33 PM ]: det vet man aldrig

tgs3[01/10/08 3:33 PM ]: Looks like Nina knocked herself out of it with her vote for me. Sorry that you had good taste, NIna.

MockY[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: 7p lead for Anders

MockY[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]:

MockY[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: Nothing we can do...

MockY[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: Damn you Anders

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: oops

MockY[01/10/08 3:34 PM ]: Jag ska fan klippa ner dig...

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: Anders needs 5p more to break the season record for points with 5 or more voters.

tgs3[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: I give up!

MockY[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: nahh, donät

MockY[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: \'t

tgs3[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: I\'m using something for myself in round 10

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:35 PM ]: ibland har man flyt

MockY[01/10/08 3:36 PM ]: But he sure makes me sick ...

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:36 PM ]: ohh, by the way

MockY[01/10/08 3:36 PM ]: men att jag vann, sicken roligt överaskning. Synd amn inte klarar av det på en vanlig runda

MockY[01/10/08 3:36 PM ]: -t

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:36 PM ]: The theme for round 4 next season is \"Comedy Song\"

MockY[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: holy crap

tgs3[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: cool!

tgs3[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: I\'ve been waiting for that

MockY[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: Iäm text filing Adam Sandler already

MockY[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]:

tgs3[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: Always thought Robert would do it eventually

tgs3[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: Weird Al here I come.

MockY[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: tenacious D here I come

MockY[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: kan ju finnas några svenska komedi-sånger

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:37 PM ]: thought I should get it out there now so you all have time to find something

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:38 PM ]: I know that Niklas is going to love this theme

MockY[01/10/08 3:39 PM ]: Most his bands are already comedy...just look how they look haha

MockY[01/10/08 3:39 PM ]: maybe the songs are not that funny...

MockY[01/10/08 3:39 PM ]: ohh well

Ragee[01/10/08 3:40 PM ]: vad har jag missat nu

MockY[01/10/08 3:41 PM ]: Haha Cornelis äger juh

Ragee[01/10/08 3:42 PM ]: skall det vara en komsik låt nästa tema?

tgs3[01/10/08 3:42 PM ]: yes

Ragee[01/10/08 3:42 PM ]: ohh nooo

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:42 PM ]: hahaha

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:42 PM ]: Apocalyptica, var det inte dom som körde metallica-covers på cello

Ragee[01/10/08 3:43 PM ]: jupp

MockY[01/10/08 3:43 PM ]: mm

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:43 PM ]: är det samma band

MockY[01/10/08 3:43 PM ]: mm

tgs3[01/10/08 3:44 PM ]: The Three Days Grace lead singer is on this song by them

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:45 PM ]: ok, låter bra

MockY[01/10/08 3:45 PM ]: Har du inte koll på dina Finnska band?

MockY[01/10/08 3:45 PM ]: -n

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:46 PM ]: inte alla tydligen

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: Well, I have some things to take care of, so I have to go

thebrat13n[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: I\'ll talk to you all on Monday

MockY[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: have a nice one then

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: ok bye, nina

Ragee[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: mm jag lär ta igen all sömn jag gått miste om denna vecka

Ragee[01/10/08 3:47 PM ]: tror jag har sovit 5 timmar sen i söndags

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:48 PM ]: sov gott, niklas

MockY[01/10/08 3:48 PM ]: Vilken tung jävla runda vi har nu

MockY[01/10/08 3:48 PM ]: jävlar i det

MockY[01/10/08 3:48 PM ]: Modern Rock all the way!!!!!

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:49 PM ]: verkar lovande

MockY[01/10/08 3:49 PM ]: mycket

tgs3[01/10/08 3:50 PM ]: sounds good on first listen

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:50 PM ]: lyssna på beauty of gray idag

MockY[01/10/08 3:51 PM ]: jaha..?

tgs3[01/10/08 3:51 PM ]: I guess you have enough new stuff?

MockY[01/10/08 3:51 PM ]: tror den blir textad

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:51 PM ]: den är så jävla bra

MockY[01/10/08 3:52 PM ]: Bästa verren finns på MTV Unplugged

MockY[01/10/08 3:52 PM ]: Och jag har hört många

MockY[01/10/08 3:52 PM ]: näst bästa verren är från 99X Accoustic Sessions

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:52 PM ]: och så lyssnar man på live idag

MockY[01/10/08 3:52 PM ]: Live från den perioden rockar ju

tgs3[01/10/08 3:54 PM ]: They play rock music?

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:54 PM ]: jag menar att man saknar gamla live

MockY[01/10/08 3:55 PM ]: ahh

MockY[01/10/08 3:55 PM ]: mjo det är en tragisk utveckling

MockY[01/10/08 3:55 PM ]: Snacka om bortkastad talang

MockY[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: Men dra enda in i helvete va min låt äger

MockY[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: så jävla bra

tgs3[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: All say the same thing I say just about every time we get to round 8 or so. \"Next season I will really rule!\"

MockY[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: kommer dock gå kasst i det skiter jag i. ASBRA låt

tgs3[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: hmmm. That\'s what I think every time.

MockY[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: haha, yeah, can I join you on that hehe

MockY[01/10/08 3:56 PM ]: I tend to think I will as well

tgs3[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: Except the part where you don\'t care, because you\'re fucking lieing

MockY[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: looked at the total stats yesterday...and it\'s sad....

tgs3[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: But I know what you mean

tgs3[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: not for Anders

MockY[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: Sure I care, but I know for a fact that it will not do very well

tgs3[01/10/08 3:57 PM ]: But that\'s not at all the same thing.

MockY[01/10/08 3:58 PM ]: Getting 4 points out of it as well would be kick ass

tgs3[01/10/08 3:58 PM ]: Damn, I have a lot of choices for round 10. Never realized how many songs in my list probably only really appeal to me.

MockY[01/10/08 3:59 PM ]: It\'s fun none the less

MockY[01/10/08 3:59 PM ]: three words hahaha

tgs3[01/10/08 3:59 PM ]: Sure. it just makes we want to vote more often.

Hebbe[01/10/08 3:59 PM ]: jag vet vilken låt som vinner

MockY[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]: min?

MockY[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]:

tgs3[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]: I have no idea at all. But I guess that\'s why I have 14p and anders has 24p. He\'s the Man.

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]: som jag gissar så tror jag theron

MockY[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]: He sure is...

MockY[01/10/08 4:00 PM ]: But next season.....

tgs3[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]:

MockY[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]: See, Iäm ready

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]: men jag tror jag får poäng

tgs3[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]: I always think you\'ll get points.

MockY[01/10/08 4:01 PM ]: Jag hoppas på poäng, men jag går ini denna runda utan speciellt höga förväntningar

tgs3[01/10/08 4:02 PM ]: Of course, its a bit easier now than it used to be

MockY[01/10/08 4:02 PM ]: mer än vad man kan säga då jag använda Breed77 för fösta gången hehe

MockY[01/10/08 4:02 PM ]: which is nice in some ways

MockY[01/10/08 4:02 PM ]: it doesn\'t hurt as much anymore hehe

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:03 PM ]: jag har inte så många topplåtar kvar, längre

tgs3[01/10/08 4:03 PM ]: Well, I gotta work. Seeya on Monday.

tgs3[01/10/08 4:04 PM ]: I still have lots. To me. Which only means so much.

MockY[01/10/08 4:04 PM ]: lol

MockY[01/10/08 4:04 PM ]: Hare och kanin

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:04 PM ]: hörs på måndag då

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:05 PM ]: då var det väl dax att sova då

Hebbe[01/10/08 4:06 PM ]: god natt, good day och trevlig helg