tgs3[01/07/08 1:26 PM ]: Still awake?

MockY[01/07/08 1:27 PM ]: barely

MockY[01/07/08 1:27 PM ]: just came home

MockY[01/07/08 1:27 PM ]: My chair has never felt this good

MockY[01/07/08 1:28 PM ]:

MockY[01/07/08 1:28 PM ]: and now there\'s voting on top of it all

MockY[01/07/08 1:28 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/07/08 1:33 PM ]: I\'ll call you if there\'s a long delay on your end

MockY[01/07/08 1:34 PM ]: hehe

MockY[01/07/08 1:34 PM ]: I am by myself in the streamer haha. The guys at work must be busy rearanging their icons and stuff

tgs3[01/07/08 1:36 PM ]: Probably

tgs3[01/07/08 1:36 PM ]: So everything went cool. No one had any major issues?

MockY[01/07/08 1:38 PM ]: they sure did have issues, but nothing major

MockY[01/07/08 1:38 PM ]: All I have to do now is clean up

MockY[01/07/08 2:06 PM ]: Tror att Anders kommer skutta iväg ännu mer efter denna runda

tgs3[01/07/08 2:07 PM ]: I\'m starting to think that after every round, but is there any particular reason you think that this round?

tgs3[01/07/08 2:07 PM ]: Do you have a good guess at his song and you like it?

MockY[01/07/08 2:07 PM ]: yup

MockY[01/07/08 2:07 PM ]: I think that my highest song is his

MockY[01/07/08 2:07 PM ]: and the song will most likley do pretty well

MockY[01/07/08 2:08 PM ]: over all

MockY[01/07/08 2:08 PM ]: Had wrong many times before though

tgs3[01/07/08 2:10 PM ]: I have no idea which song is his, except that I don\'t think my highest is his

MockY[01/07/08 2:10 PM ]: its mine then

tgs3[01/07/08 2:11 PM ]: maybe

tgs3[01/07/08 2:11 PM ]: Actually, now that I try, I have a good guess at everyone

tgs3[01/07/08 2:12 PM ]: My song next round rocks, but I\'m expecting text files

MockY[01/07/08 2:13 PM ]: I better get a backup...

MockY[01/07/08 2:13 PM ]: damn I sucked at this theme

MockY[01/07/08 2:13 PM ]: looking for compolations @ amazon did not work

MockY[01/07/08 2:14 PM ]: I think we all have heard Wind Of Change before

tgs3[01/07/08 2:14 PM ]: I grabbed like 10 compilations from Isohunt. I found decent stuff, but ended up with a list of 4 songs that I already knew and liked, which is why I\'m expecting text files

tgs3[01/07/08 2:15 PM ]: I think Winds of Change might have been in all 10 compilations

Ragee[01/07/08 2:15 PM ]: jag sög verkligen pung på detta tema

Ragee[01/07/08 2:15 PM ]: så nu panikletar jag

MockY[01/07/08 2:15 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/07/08 2:16 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/07/08 2:16 PM ]: I know Nina was lookign yesterday. Looks like this is a round for the old men of SOTD

MockY[01/07/08 2:17 PM ]: pysslar han med?

Ragee[01/07/08 2:17 PM ]: men mitt i allt letande så hitta jag ett trevligt deathmetal band

Ragee[01/07/08 2:17 PM ]: ???

tgs3[01/07/08 2:17 PM ]: You keep going in and out, Niklas

tgs3[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: IE today?

Ragee[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: det visste inte jag hahaha

tgs3[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: Or too much downloading going on?

MockY[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: hoppsan

Ragee[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: det är mitt utorrent som är cepe

tgs3[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: Seems like Anders never knows when he does, either

Ragee[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: nje använder mozilla

MockY[01/07/08 2:18 PM ]: most of the times it seems like he is unaware of it

MockY[01/07/08 2:19 PM ]: Swedish ISPs are unreliable

tgs3[01/07/08 2:19 PM ]: internet just weak today somewhere I guess

tgs3[01/07/08 2:19 PM ]: Nothing like the awesomeness of Comcast, huh?

MockY[01/07/08 2:20 PM ]: hehe

tgs3[01/07/08 2:22 PM ]: My goal, which will probably go to hell starting today, is to get 10p over the last 4 rounds. That means Anders can\'t get more than 5p, or he\'s got me beat.

tgs3[01/07/08 2:22 PM ]: Unfortunately, its probably more likely he gets 10p and I get 5p

MockY[01/07/08 2:23 PM ]: yeah, history has a habit of repeating itself

MockY[01/07/08 2:36 PM ]: Damn RDP, can\'t escape work anywhere

tgs3[01/07/08 2:39 PM ]: yes

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:47 PM ]: Is Peter actually in the room chatting?

Ragee[01/07/08 2:48 PM ]: jupp

MockY[01/07/08 2:48 PM ]: kinda

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:48 PM ]: ok

tgs3[01/07/08 2:48 PM ]: He\'s at home apparently doing stuff at work, as well

MockY[01/07/08 2:48 PM ]: I nod once in a while when the keys on the keyboard presses to hard on my forehead

MockY[01/07/08 2:49 PM ]: but the more I fix now, the fewer things I have to do tomorrow

MockY[01/07/08 2:53 PM ]: Holy smokes...updates by tgs3

MockY[01/07/08 2:53 PM ]: w00000t

tgs3[01/07/08 2:53 PM ]: yup

tgs3[01/07/08 2:54 PM ]: I thought that what you meant when you said I had been busy on Saturday. I guess you just meant the photo album

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:54 PM ]: what\'s updated by tgs3?

tgs3[01/07/08 2:55 PM ]: streamer

tgs3[01/07/08 2:55 PM ]: 2007 portion of my photo album

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:55 PM ]: ahhhh]

tgs3[01/07/08 2:55 PM ]: click the update link in the Streamer, and you\'ll see what it was

MockY[01/07/08 2:56 PM ]: yes, photos is what I meant

MockY[01/07/08 2:56 PM ]:

MockY[01/07/08 2:57 PM ]: correct format this time...wonder what the hell was up with the chat last time

tgs3[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: Talk to the webmaster

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: The internet is slow here right now

MockY[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: Blame your broer

MockY[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: brother

tgs3[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: ???

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:58 PM ]: ok,

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:59 PM ]: damn you Theron

tgs3[01/07/08 2:59 PM ]: What did I do?

MockY[01/07/08 2:59 PM ]: all the porn he is transfering to his work computer

thebrat13n[01/07/08 2:59 PM ]: I don\'t know

MockY[01/07/08 2:59 PM ]: well, someone is probably downloading a bunch of movies and what not

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:00 PM ]: shouldn\'t you be able to tell if people are doing that?

tgs3[01/07/08 3:00 PM ]: Peter, is there a serious answer?

MockY[01/07/08 3:01 PM ]: not really...looking at the graphs right now

MockY[01/07/08 3:01 PM ]: it seems like there is a fairly even distribution

MockY[01/07/08 3:01 PM ]: but many are uploading/downloading as we speak

MockY[01/07/08 3:02 PM ]: is downloading more than others however

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:02 PM ]: who is that?

MockY[01/07/08 3:03 PM ]: don\'t have the tool or knowledge to check from here who it is

tgs3[01/07/08 3:04 PM ]: I\'m 124

MockY[01/07/08 3:05 PM ]: and you are transfering as well I see

tgs3[01/07/08 3:06 PM ]: very little

tgs3[01/07/08 3:06 PM ]: just on Firefox

tgs3[01/07/08 3:06 PM ]: and occasional automatic email checks and downloads

MockY[01/07/08 3:07 PM ]: not saying much, but you did show up

Ragee[01/07/08 3:07 PM ]: anders intenet strular igen

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:08 PM ]: sucks for him

tgs3[01/07/08 3:08 PM ]: and us

MockY[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: Most of the traffic in internal. From the file server to the Terminal server

MockY[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: that should have little effect on the WAN however

MockY[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: is INternet still slow?

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: mycket

MockY[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: Hebbemannen!!

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:09 PM ]: nope

MockY[01/07/08 3:10 PM ]: good

MockY[01/07/08 3:10 PM ]: then its just internal

MockY[01/07/08 3:10 PM ]: start freaking out that there was a huge bandwidth usage, but no one was using it

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:10 PM ]: I\'ll leave the freaking out to you guys

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:10 PM ]: I was commenting that the interenet was slow

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:11 PM ]: thought you\'d want to know, and it\'s annoying

tgs3[01/07/08 3:11 PM ]: haha. is Nina.

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:11 PM ]: I wasn\'t downloading anything

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:11 PM ]: har ni också problem

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:12 PM ]: I don\'t even have the slingbox on

MockY[01/07/08 3:12 PM ]: now itäs calm however

MockY[01/07/08 3:12 PM ]: The world is going under!!

tgs3[01/07/08 3:12 PM ]: I just report the facts, maam

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:13 PM ]: kommer mina meddelanden fram

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:13 PM ]: yup

tgs3[01/07/08 3:13 PM ]: yes

tgs3[01/07/08 3:13 PM ]: 3 of them anyway

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: bra

tgs3[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: less

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: då tror jag att vi ska rösta så fort som möjligt

MockY[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: hehe

MockY[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: jag e redo

Ragee[01/07/08 3:14 PM ]: mej mä

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:15 PM ]: 1

Ragee[01/07/08 3:15 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:15 PM ]: 3

tgs3[01/07/08 3:15 PM ]: 4

MockY[01/07/08 3:15 PM ]: Vervepipe is out

MockY[01/07/08 3:16 PM ]: with their asses first it appears

MockY[01/07/08 3:16 PM ]: 5

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:16 PM ]: spout 4p

MockY[01/07/08 3:16 PM ]: Spout 3p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: Hurt 4p

tgs3[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: Underwhelmed 5p

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: Spout 4p

tgs3[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: damn

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: matt toka 6p

MockY[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: that must have....Hurt 5p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: Matt Toka 5p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:17 PM ]: hoho

tgs3[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: Matt Toka 5p

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: Matt Tako 6p

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: Theron: did you mean 6?

tgs3[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: matt was 6p for me

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: hurt 7p

MockY[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: All Ends 7p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:18 PM ]: Spout 6p

tgs3[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: All Ends 7p

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: Underwhelmed 7p

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: all ends 8p

MockY[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: Underwhelmed 8p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: Underwhelmed 7p

tgs3[01/07/08 3:19 PM ]: Hurt 9p

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:20 PM ]: All Ends 8p

MockY[01/07/08 3:20 PM ]: Usch så illa det gick då Och Anders kammar hem ytterligare blir ju vansinnig på pojkjäveln

tgs3[01/07/08 3:20 PM ]: I feel like Robert this round. Everything is all upside down and wrong

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:21 PM ]: Niklas and Peter: You guys suck

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:21 PM ]: 1. all ends 30p grattis niklas

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:21 PM ]: 2. underwhelmed 27p

MockY[01/07/08 3:21 PM ]: What!

MockY[01/07/08 3:21 PM ]: det såg jag inte

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: 3. hurt 25p

Ragee[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: JAAAAAAAA

MockY[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: haha får skylla på att jag e trött

Ragee[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: nu jävlar vänder jhaha

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: 4. matt toka-huvet 23p

MockY[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: frustrerande

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: 5. spout 17p

tgs3[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: you all suck

tgs3[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: But congrats to Niklas for another win

Ragee[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: du suger

MockY[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: Jag gissade rätt på alla låtar

tgs3[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: OK, I take that back.

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: shouldn\'t I have 26p?

Ragee[01/07/08 3:22 PM ]: underbart

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: nevermind, I\'m stupid

MockY[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: dock ej orningen .. trodde Anders lätt skulle ta hem segern

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: jag gissa fel på alla

MockY[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: Well in that case, I should have 45

Ragee[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: jag är grymt förvånad

MockY[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:23 PM ]: jag trodde jag skulle sopa mattan med er idag, men jag hade fel

MockY[01/07/08 3:24 PM ]: jag trodde det samma

tgs3[01/07/08 3:24 PM ]: That\'s because you song wasn\'t that good

Ragee[01/07/08 3:24 PM ]: fan hamnar jag två nu eller

tgs3[01/07/08 3:24 PM ]: Just kinda boring. 5p is right for it

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:24 PM ]: tydligen

tgs3[01/07/08 3:25 PM ]: For the millionth time, I should never use a slow song, because what I like in a slow song no one else likes

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:25 PM ]: hitta den när jag var i usa

tgs3[01/07/08 3:25 PM ]: Except NIklas it appears.

Ragee[01/07/08 3:25 PM ]: hehehe

Ragee[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: tyckte det var en rätt trevlig truddilutt

tgs3[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: And Anders pushes his lead out to 6p

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: det känns tryggt

MockY[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: sopa

Ragee[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: tre rundor kvar

Ragee[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: fan nu jävlar skall jag komma ikapp och vinna

MockY[01/07/08 3:26 PM ]: rävskit...din jäkla pajas

Ragee[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: inga mer röster på anders låtar

MockY[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: så har jag fått skrika ut lite avund

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: långt ifrån klart

tgs3[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: I tried to push him down this round

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: nu ska man få njuta av lite power-ballader

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:27 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[01/07/08 3:28 PM ]: Actually. I thought that was Niklas

Ragee[01/07/08 3:28 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[01/07/08 3:28 PM ]: My crappy guesses were mostly wrong today

MockY[01/07/08 3:28 PM ]: I was spot on...but walk away with only 1 point for that

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:29 PM ]: Collective Soul is out

tgs3[01/07/08 3:29 PM ]: much texting going on today

MockY[01/07/08 3:29 PM ]: 3 filer på Collective

MockY[01/07/08 3:29 PM ]: riktigt söndertextad låt

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:30 PM ]: jag inte hunnit texta den ens

MockY[01/07/08 3:30 PM ]: haha då har alltså alla hört den...n

MockY[01/07/08 3:31 PM ]: lol

MockY[01/07/08 3:31 PM ]: MSG vs. Skid Row

MockY[01/07/08 3:31 PM ]: intressant

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:31 PM ]: är schenker med?

tgs3[01/07/08 3:31 PM ]: Some old men in the round today

MockY[01/07/08 3:32 PM ]: nej men Robin

MockY[01/07/08 3:32 PM ]: Survivor vs Skid Row då kanske

tgs3[01/07/08 3:32 PM ]: Peter doesn\'t like to say who\'s actually in the round, but name some other bands instead

MockY[01/07/08 3:33 PM ]: its a fun game..try it out

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:33 PM ]: är survivior med?

MockY[01/07/08 3:33 PM ]: åter igen...Robin McAuly

thebrat13n[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: good, it\'s not just me...

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: jaha

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: det såg jag

MockY[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: din mamma

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: min mamma

MockY[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: mm

MockY[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: mmmm mammmma

tgs3[01/07/08 3:34 PM ]: It\'s Shadows vs. Kramer!!!!

tgs3[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: How was that, Peter?

MockY[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: många M blir det...

MockY[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: brilliant

MockY[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: and you enjoyed every bit of it

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: min mammamammamamma

MockY[01/07/08 3:35 PM ]: kardemumma

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:36 PM ]: kardemamma

tgs3[01/07/08 3:36 PM ]: Sorry, it\'s really Shadows vs. Bieler!!

MockY[01/07/08 3:36 PM ]: i din mamma?

MockY[01/07/08 3:36 PM ]: usch då

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:36 PM ]: min mamma

MockY[01/07/08 3:37 PM ]: Only Americans

MockY[01/07/08 3:37 PM ]: sp far...

tgs3[01/07/08 3:37 PM ]: ONly Americans are this damn good

MockY[01/07/08 3:37 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/07/08 3:37 PM ]: I think you lost you mamma

tgs3[01/07/08 3:38 PM ]: As usual, my song is easily the best.

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:38 PM ]: vaddå only americans

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:38 PM ]: som idag då

MockY[01/07/08 3:39 PM ]: hmm fick nyss 210 skivor (20gig) med skivor....ser inte fram emot att sortera det

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:39 PM ]: då kanske du får en bra låt att ställa upp med

MockY[01/07/08 3:40 PM ]: du har ju redan tagit alla juh

MockY[01/07/08 3:40 PM ]: finns inge kvar att hitta

MockY[01/07/08 3:40 PM ]: Det är som att plocka svamp med dig...du går sp stark framåt att man kanppt får sig en murkla

MockY[01/07/08 3:41 PM ]: ta nu och ge med dig av dina poäng din ståltratt

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:41 PM ]: niklas hann ju ta all ends

MockY[01/07/08 3:42 PM ]: en kåt gammal kärring....

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:42 PM ]: dom är 2 kåta kärringar

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:43 PM ]: varav en är syrra till nån gitarrist i in flames

tgs3[01/07/08 3:44 PM ]: I could be wrong like I am a lot about this, but guessing who is who so far this round seems very easy

MockY[01/07/08 3:44 PM ]: well there are missing songs...cheater

MockY[01/07/08 3:44 PM ]:

MockY[01/07/08 3:44 PM ]: cant start the guessing game just yet

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:45 PM ]: jag vet min egen igen

tgs3[01/07/08 3:45 PM ]: I have a good guess on who is missing

MockY[01/07/08 3:45 PM ]: jag med faktiskt

MockY[01/07/08 3:45 PM ]: I am

tgs3[01/07/08 3:46 PM ]: not mentally...

MockY[01/07/08 3:46 PM ]: I\'ll upload mine when I wake up

MockY[01/07/08 3:46 PM ]: to tired to upload songs right now

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:46 PM ]: men jag har mina aningar

MockY[01/07/08 3:47 PM ]: jag ska dock crasha

MockY[01/07/08 3:47 PM ]: håller på att avlida här

MockY[01/07/08 3:47 PM ]: puss i ljumsken på er alla

tgs3[01/07/08 3:47 PM ]: Look what I found:

tgs3[01/07/08 3:47 PM ]:

tgs3[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]: g\'night Peter

MockY[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]: that was not yesterday

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]: adjö

tgs3[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]: Or this one:

Ragee[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]: Sentenced är inte hela låten...

tgs3[01/07/08 3:48 PM ]:

Ragee[01/07/08 3:49 PM ]: Mocky behöver ta bort den så den rätta versionen kommer in

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:49 PM ]: då får du lägga in hela

Ragee[01/07/08 3:50 PM ]: sätter en siffra efter den rätta

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:50 PM ]: oki

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:51 PM ]: nu tror jag att jag vet vilka låtar alla har

tgs3[01/07/08 3:53 PM ]: Me, too. And I\'m changing from what I thought before

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:53 PM ]: ha ha ha

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:53 PM ]: niklas gav mej en ledtråd

tgs3[01/07/08 3:54 PM ]: me, too

Ragee[01/07/08 3:54 PM ]: nu är hela låten inne

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:55 PM ]: vad kul, då fick du ju uppa två låtar

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:55 PM ]: får du dubbla poäng då?

Ragee[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: hehe

Ragee[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: kan ju hoppas

tgs3[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: Double zero is still zero

Ragee[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: nej nu lär jag ge kroppen lite sömn

tgs3[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: g\'night

Ragee[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: cya on thursday

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: kan bara bli en nolla

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:56 PM ]: hej då

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:58 PM ]: vilken harmoni vi har i den här omgången, man blir ju alldeles lugn

Hebbe[01/07/08 3:59 PM ]: känner 80-tals feeling här mmmmmm

tgs3[01/07/08 4:00 PM ]: Yup. I might go to sleep to this tonight

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:01 PM ]: jag måste ladda mp3-spelaren, men jag tänkte samma sak

tgs3[01/07/08 4:02 PM ]: I also think I\'m ready to vote.

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:02 PM ]: ha ha ha. redan

tgs3[01/07/08 4:02 PM ]: It\'s usually a bad sign when songs fall into place very fast, but not this time. The songs just seem to have a very logical order already

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:03 PM ]: det var lite githic över en låt

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:03 PM ]: gothic

tgs3[01/07/08 4:03 PM ]: That\'s Niklas for you

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:03 PM ]: det var hans andra uppning

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:04 PM ]: så det måste vara nina

tgs3[01/07/08 4:04 PM ]: I was thinking that could be the case, too. But I think Niklas just got cutoff on his first upload. But maybe not

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:05 PM ]: tror inte det, niklas är ärligheten själv

tgs3[01/07/08 4:07 PM ]: I did think Nina was the one that got text filed earlier, so I thought she was the one missing, so that makes a lot of sense

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:07 PM ]: jo precis

tgs3[01/07/08 4:08 PM ]: I\'m still at home, so I better get going to work before the day is all gone.

tgs3[01/07/08 4:08 PM ]: Seeya on Thursday

Hebbe[01/07/08 4:08 PM ]: vi hörs

tgs3[01/07/08 4:09 PM ]: If you\'re interested, you have pictures online here:

tgs3[01/07/08 4:09 PM ]:

tgs3[01/07/08 4:09 PM ]: bye