MockY[01/03/08 1:58 PM ]: Först

MockY[01/03/08 2:15 PM ]: Hola

MockY[01/03/08 2:16 PM ]: Hola...

MockY[01/03/08 2:16 PM ]: Hola

MockY[01/03/08 2:16 PM ]: echo

tgs3[01/03/08 2:23 PM ]: settle down

MockY[01/03/08 2:24 PM ]: I WANT TO VOTE DAMN IT!!!!

MockY[01/03/08 2:24 PM ]: ok, now I\'m settled

tgs3[01/03/08 2:29 PM ]: good

Ragee[01/03/08 3:01 PM ]: KRACKIBAAH!!!!

MockY[01/03/08 3:05 PM ]: Aha

MockY[01/03/08 3:05 PM ]: \'I see

MockY[01/03/08 3:05 PM ]: Vilken film såg du?

Ragee[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: Enchanted

Ragee[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: fy fan vilket dyng slut

Ragee[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: drog ner hela filmen

MockY[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: Hahahaha

MockY[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: va fan såg du den filmen för?

Ragee[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: trodde det skulle vara en hyffsad seriös disney film och så visar det sig att det är en jävla puttinutt nutt film

Ragee[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: spyr på slutet

MockY[01/03/08 3:10 PM ]: flickan din eller?

Ragee[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: mådde fan illa

MockY[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: hahahahahaha

MockY[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: Jag har sett den, så jag vet vilket jävla skit det är

Ragee[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: hade bra betyg på imdb samt att trailer så verkade den rolig

MockY[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: jag häll jävla på att tappa sinnet då jag såg den\'

MockY[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: fy fan

Ragee[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: hade Camilla med mig

MockY[01/03/08 3:11 PM ]: men vems förslag

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: Diana tvingade med mig på den filmen

Ragee[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: mitt faktisrt

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: sista gången jag hänger på...

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: hahah du e ju gay

Ragee[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: trodde dne skulle vara hyffsat bra juh samt lite mysig

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: jahapp

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: en redig romantiker hör jag

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: haha

Ragee[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]: mm visst är jag

MockY[01/03/08 3:12 PM ]:

Ragee[01/03/08 3:13 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:14 PM ]: hmm. Talking

tgs3[01/03/08 3:14 PM ]: I guess I better catch up

tgs3[01/03/08 3:14 PM ]: I heard a rumor we were starting late today

Ragee[01/03/08 3:14 PM ]: jupp men filmen sluta tidigt som tur var

MockY[01/03/08 3:16 PM ]: tidigt?

MockY[01/03/08 3:16 PM ]: klippte dom den

MockY[01/03/08 3:16 PM ]: eller blev det en riot då folk upptäckte att filmen sög hästballe?

MockY[01/03/08 3:16 PM ]: dag att ringa Hebbe mannen kanske

MockY[01/03/08 3:16 PM ]: +s

Ragee[01/03/08 3:17 PM ]: jo kanske det kanske

MockY[01/03/08 3:17 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:17 PM ]: haha. Your females have shitty taste in movies. Amy would never want to see that

tgs3[01/03/08 3:17 PM ]: Of course, she watches other kinds of crap, too

thebrat13n[01/03/08 3:18 PM ]: I want to see it...

Ragee[01/03/08 3:18 PM ]: Camilla tyckte faktist den oxå var dålig

tgs3[01/03/08 3:18 PM ]: the fact that these two say it sucks makes me think it might be OK

Ragee[01/03/08 3:19 PM ]: jag har aldrig så dåligt av ett slut i en film

Ragee[01/03/08 3:19 PM ]: *mått

MockY[01/03/08 3:21 PM ]: minns inte ens slutet

MockY[01/03/08 3:21 PM ]: minns knappt filmen

MockY[01/03/08 3:21 PM ]: höll på att göspa ihjäl mig

MockY[01/03/08 3:21 PM ]: gäspa*

tgs3[01/03/08 3:21 PM ]: If you cared about the end that much, it sounds like you were enjoying it

tgs3[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: Peter\'s reaction I understand more in a bad movie.

MockY[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: Is the legth of the chat window better now Theron?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: I just wanted to be over

MockY[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: That one was even worse

tgs3[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: And Last Kiss and Spider. Man, Sofi should never, ever pick a movie

MockY[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: feardotcom that it

tgs3[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: Peter: yes

MockY[01/03/08 3:22 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/03/08 3:23 PM ]: so far, the worst two movies I have even seen are feardotcom and Course Of Alcatraz

MockY[01/03/08 3:23 PM ]: where the latter takes the price

tgs3[01/03/08 3:23 PM ]: Curse?

MockY[01/03/08 3:23 PM ]: thank goodness i rented it so I could just eject it

tgs3[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: Or was it a race?

MockY[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: yes, curse

MockY[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: my bad

MockY[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: race to survival maybe

MockY[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: for*

MockY[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: but the crappiest shit I have ever seen...though I never finished it

tgs3[01/03/08 3:24 PM ]: Any of the movies mentioned today seem like pretty obvious crap from the start

MockY[01/03/08 3:25 PM ]: but Spider Man?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:25 PM ]: Spider

tgs3[01/03/08 3:25 PM ]: The \"Man\" was part of the next sentence

tgs3[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: Maybe a subconscious mistake

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: ahh

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: I see

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: like in, Man, that was horrible

tgs3[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: Weren\'t you there for that one?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: Yes

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: Never seen Spider nor do I plan to

tgs3[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: Spider, I mean

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: did I

MockY[01/03/08 3:26 PM ]: ?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]: I think you\'re wrong

MockY[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]: haha, I might very well be wrong

tgs3[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]: hmm

tgs3[01/03/08 3:27 PM ]: it\'s formatting weird on my end

MockY[01/03/08 3:28 PM ]: ohh yeah, that one

MockY[01/03/08 3:28 PM ]: it is here too

MockY[01/03/08 3:28 PM ]: :/

MockY[01/03/08 3:28 PM ]: comma slash..trigger that little fella

MockY[01/03/08 3:28 PM ]: +s

tgs3[01/03/08 3:29 PM ]: But there\'s no ,- in what I paste

MockY[01/03/08 3:29 PM ]: Quite a step down from Schindler\'s List

tgs3[01/03/08 3:29 PM ]: ,/ I mean

MockY[01/03/08 3:29 PM ]: I mean colon

MockY[01/03/08 3:29 PM ]: there\'s two

MockY[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: http: //

tgs3[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: hmm, that wasn\'t any better. Oh well

MockY[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: works for me

MockY[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: send a screen

tgs3[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: But I\'m not pasting the http part, it just shows up when I hit enter

Ragee[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: hahaha anders hade glömt att vi skkulle röästa idag

MockY[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: Glömt!!?

thebrat13n[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: omg

MockY[01/03/08 3:30 PM ]: Hur e det möjligt

MockY[01/03/08 3:31 PM ]: det e ju Torsdag

Ragee[01/03/08 3:31 PM ]: \"Just ja äre torsdag idag, jag kommer in på en gång\"

Ragee[01/03/08 3:31 PM ]: hahaha

MockY[01/03/08 3:31 PM ]: Mannen kanske skulle kolla mailen oftare än 1 gång per vecka

tgs3[01/03/08 3:32 PM ]: I think he just wasn\'t thinking it was Thursday today. I\'m sure that

tgs3[01/03/08 3:32 PM ]: \'s happened to us all

MockY[01/03/08 3:32 PM ]: To us I can see...but Anders...

tgs3[01/03/08 3:32 PM ]: He\'s old, you know

MockY[01/03/08 3:33 PM ]: He is the head on the nail, the leader of all order

MockY[01/03/08 3:33 PM ]: haha, I guess

MockY[01/03/08 3:33 PM ]: lol

tgs3[01/03/08 3:33 PM ]: Welcome, old man

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:33 PM ]: det håller på att bli snurrigt nu med alla helgdagar

tgs3[01/03/08 3:34 PM ]: You missed all the exciting movie talk

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:34 PM ]: vet nästan inte vilken dag det är

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:34 PM ]: jag har sett 2 gamm-filmer idag

tgs3[01/03/08 3:35 PM ]: which ones?

Ragee[01/03/08 3:35 PM ]: vikka då?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:36 PM ]: I won

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:36 PM ]: signs

tgs3[01/03/08 3:36 PM ]: And Unbreakable?

tgs3[01/03/08 3:36 PM ]: is my guess

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:36 PM ]: och en halvdålig film med steve martin och goldie hawn

tgs3[01/03/08 3:37 PM ]: In a house? Or in New York?

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:37 PM ]: ny

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:37 PM ]: n.y.

tgs3[01/03/08 3:37 PM ]: The Out of Towners - looked kinda crappy to me

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:38 PM ]: cleese var också med

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:38 PM ]: jag ska inte se om den i alla fall

tgs3[01/03/08 3:38 PM ]: big 4.9 on imdb

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:39 PM ]: ?

MockY[01/03/08 3:39 PM ]: Streamer Info: 73284 låtar, 6243 skivor, 1680 olika grupper och artister, 405 GB i storlek

Ragee[01/03/08 3:39 PM ]: niice niice

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:40 PM ]: operation mindcrime 2 har en kapad låt

MockY[01/03/08 3:40 PM ]: uppdateringar kommer hit så fort dom händer

MockY[01/03/08 3:40 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:40 PM ]: About 200 days of music

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: kul

tgs3[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: If you listen to the whole thing straight through

MockY[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]:

MockY[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: hmm fortfarande knas

tgs3[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: fine on this end

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: peter, operation mindcrime 2 har en kapad låt

MockY[01/03/08 3:41 PM ]: ohh well

MockY[01/03/08 3:42 PM ]: då skall jag genast försöka ersätta den

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:42 PM ]: låter bra

tgs3[01/03/08 3:43 PM ]: I\'m just going to use all albums that have (2007) to listen for songs for SOTD

tgs3[01/03/08 3:43 PM ]: I bet someone could do fine doing that

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:43 PM ]: tror jag med

MockY[01/03/08 3:44 PM ]: hehe

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:44 PM ]: du använde en gammal låt på omg. 5

tgs3[01/03/08 3:44 PM ]: Yeah, I\'m not really going to do that

tgs3[01/03/08 3:44 PM ]: But it could be done

tgs3[01/03/08 3:45 PM ]: I definitely have many pre-2007 songs in my list

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:46 PM ]: jag måste sortera bort en massa låtar från min lista, kommer aldrig hinna använda alla

MockY[01/03/08 3:46 PM ]: Streamern fick sig ett nytt skin för några månader sedan

MockY[01/03/08 3:46 PM ]: för er som använder den och den ser knasig ut...täm browser cachen och temporära internet filer

MockY[01/03/08 3:47 PM ]: det nya skinnet tillåter låtnedladdning, album omslag, addning av mappar samt den nu tillåter videos att streamas

tgs3[01/03/08 3:47 PM ]: I like having a big giant list. Good music to listen to at times, if nothing else

tgs3[01/03/08 3:48 PM ]: Sometimes even if I know I\'ll never use a song, I still put it in my list to \"honor\" the song as being good, just not good enough. Pretty silly I guess

MockY[01/03/08 3:48 PM ]: That\'s what the Accept discography is for

MockY[01/03/08 3:48 PM ]: what ever floats your boat Theron

tgs3[01/03/08 3:49 PM ]: Who knows. Maybe my music change will shift at some point and I\'lllike the song alot more a year or so down the line.

MockY[01/03/08 3:49 PM ]: maybe you will, but maybe not us

MockY[01/03/08 3:49 PM ]: I have done that many times..using a song that has been in my B list forever, but gradually moved to A list and finally made it to SOTD

tgs3[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: And there it dies?

MockY[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: but did horribly in SOTD, meaning that it lived in the B list for a reason

tgs3[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: Yeah, that\'s happened.

MockY[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: But then again, sometimes someone else will use a B list song and do well with it

MockY[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: true

tgs3[01/03/08 3:50 PM ]: There was one season in particular when lots of my B stuff was used

tgs3[01/03/08 3:51 PM ]: Burn Season comes to mind in particular

tgs3[01/03/08 3:52 PM ]: Stupid Theron

thebrat13n[01/03/08 3:52 PM ]: You guys are chatty today

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:52 PM ]: nu är det nån som använder ett band som jag hade tänkt köra på omg. 9

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:52 PM ]: fan också

tgs3[01/03/08 3:52 PM ]: That happens

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: har valt på tok fel till råga på allt

tgs3[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: The chance of someone else using, or text filing a song, definitely plays into what songs gets used sometimes

Ragee[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: varför just omgpng 9

tgs3[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: Because round 8 is a theme round

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: hade en låt för omg 7

tgs3[01/03/08 3:53 PM ]: So you can use it next season, Anders

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:54 PM ]: och omg 8 är tema

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:54 PM ]: får göra det

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:54 PM ]: låten är ju kvar

tgs3[01/03/08 3:54 PM ]: NIna, any idea what the theme will be for round 4 next season?

thebrat13n[01/03/08 3:56 PM ]: Nope, but I\'ll get back to you...

tgs3[01/03/08 3:56 PM ]: danke

MockY[01/03/08 3:57 PM ]: Songs from Secret Samadhi

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:58 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[01/03/08 3:58 PM ]: That would violate a rule. Duh....

Hebbe[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]: hooters - jonny b är från 1987

MockY[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]:

MockY[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]: a rule...I count many

tgs3[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]: Hey, that\'s the year I graduated from high school

MockY[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]:

MockY[01/03/08 3:59 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:00 PM ]: snacka om gamm-låt

tgs3[01/03/08 4:00 PM ]: thanks. It was pretty easy actually. Kinda like Heald...

MockY[01/03/08 4:00 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/03/08 4:00 PM ]: you wish

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:01 PM ]: den kan ju aldrig klara sig

MockY[01/03/08 4:02 PM ]: återstår juh att se

tgs3[01/03/08 4:02 PM ]: I think Rika used to listen to the Hooters, but I coul dbe mixing her up with someone else

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: jag har 4 album här på hyllan

MockY[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: nope, you are correct sir

MockY[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: so does Anders

MockY[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: still

tgs3[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: apparently

MockY[01/03/08 4:03 PM ]: Hooters och Survivor

tgs3[01/03/08 4:04 PM ]: That one I know for sure

MockY[01/03/08 4:04 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:04 PM ]: jag lyssna igenom dom, dom håller inte längre, bara en del låtar

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:04 PM ]: Survivor har jag bara en cd med

MockY[01/03/08 4:05 PM ]: du kanske skulle börja lyssna på dom igen

tgs3[01/03/08 4:05 PM ]: Very few albums get worse for when I go back and listen to them, but this summer I realized Monster Magnet was one of them that did

MockY[01/03/08 4:05 PM ]: nu när Maculy sjunger där

MockY[01/03/08 4:05 PM ]: eller va fasen han nu heter...Robin

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: Megan?

MockY[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: Monster Magnet just keep releasing crap from far beyond hell

MockY[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: fuck, their latest is just as bad as the worst Therapy? album

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: finns den på

tgs3[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: But even the original album they came thru with doesn\'t do much for me any more

tgs3[01/03/08 4:06 PM ]: Not that I was ever as big a fan as Robert was of them

MockY[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: A bit Manowar over it...

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: jag har svårt för monster magnet

MockY[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: not the music but the feeling

Ragee[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: tycker det är dynga jag

MockY[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: though Manowar rocks still to this day

tgs3[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: We might get a lot of hits if that was the URL

tgs3[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: um, sure

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: gott nytt år på er

MockY[01/03/08 4:07 PM ]: ja, du kan väl kolla själv Anders

tgs3[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: Happy 2008!

MockY[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: den finns i streamern i alla fall

tgs3[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: Shall we vote?

MockY[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: yes we shall

tgs3[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: I have a few errands to run eventually

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: The Hooters did not make it

MockY[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 4:08 PM ]: Looks like the old dudes got booted out of this round

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:09 PM ]: 1

tgs3[01/03/08 4:09 PM ]: 2

MockY[01/03/08 4:09 PM ]: 2

Ragee[01/03/08 4:09 PM ]: 45

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:10 PM ]: ok

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:10 PM ]: surrogate 4p

MockY[01/03/08 4:10 PM ]: The Boxer Rebellion 3p

Ragee[01/03/08 4:10 PM ]: Surrogate 2p

Ragee[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: hallu???

tgs3[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: Looks like anyone that\'s not those two will probably get 2p

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: hallå

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: Did you vote Theron?

tgs3[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: Yes

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: inte för mej

tgs3[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: The Boxer Rebellion 3p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: showed up for me

Ragee[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: inte för mig heller

MockY[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: there you go

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:12 PM ]: Surrogate 3p

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:13 PM ]: the boxer 5p

MockY[01/03/08 4:13 PM ]: Nomy 5p

Ragee[01/03/08 4:13 PM ]: As Fast As 3p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:13 PM ]: Surrogate 4p

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:13 PM ]: As Fast As 5p

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: nomy 7p

MockY[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: Big Dume 6p

Ragee[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: Big Dume 5p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: As Fast As 5p

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: Big Dume 7p

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: big dume 8p

MockY[01/03/08 4:14 PM ]: As Fast As 9p

Ragee[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: The Boxer Rebellion 6p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: Nomy 8p

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: Nomy 8p

MockY[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: Ja jag skördade då jävlar inge framgångar med min Ameoba 1 dollars CD

MockY[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: men ni andra gjorde dock det

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: ha ha ha ha ha

Ragee[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: vilken jävla dyng omgång

MockY[01/03/08 4:15 PM ]: skulle ha kört Rearviewmirror igen

MockY[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: önskar jag kunde gå tillbaka i tiden och välja bröstvårtan istället

MockY[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: haha

MockY[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: eller va fan det nu va på framsidan

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: jag peter och theron har kört one dollar cd

MockY[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: har fortfarande inte lyssnat på den

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:16 PM ]: gör det

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: jag gilla min andra 1 dolar cd

MockY[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: mjo, det va en gämd temarunda för mig, Anders och Theron

MockY[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: fniss

MockY[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: gömd*

tgs3[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: I hope you other two are OK with that

MockY[01/03/08 4:17 PM ]: well, now its over anyhow lol

tgs3[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: 9p on As Fast As, Peter? What?

MockY[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: fuck yeah

MockY[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: cool song

tgs3[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: And generic as hell

MockY[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: someting moved me...have no idea what sice its not really my type of music

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:18 PM ]: jag trodde peter skulle ge mej 2p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: I suggest you listen to 13 year old girls music more if you are such a big fan of that

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: 1. nomy 28p

MockY[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: but the singer reminded me a bit of the singer of Manic Street Preachers

Ragee[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: JAAAA

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: grattis niklas

tgs3[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: Congrats, niklas

Ragee[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: äntlish

MockY[01/03/08 4:19 PM ]: I\'ll give Erica a call, maybe she can help me out

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: 2. big dume 26p, skulle vilja höra resten theron

tgs3[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: Nah, she likes better music than that

MockY[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: hehe

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: don\'t do it, it never turns out wel

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: l

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: 3. as fast as 22p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:20 PM ]: Sure, I\'ll upload now. It\'s fairly different than the rest of the CD, but I got lucky with that song on there

tgs3[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: Damn, Anders just keeps racking up points

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: 4. the boxer 17p

MockY[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: yes he does

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: another 1 pointer for Nina

MockY[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: I came last...which I suspected

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: 5. surrogate 13p

MockY[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: that album was horrible

MockY[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: boring beyond boring

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:21 PM ]: ha ha ha

MockY[01/03/08 4:22 PM ]: freakin Ameoba...I shall sue them for selling such crap

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:22 PM ]: min tredje dollar cd klarade jag nästan inte att lyssna igenom

tgs3[01/03/08 4:22 PM ]: I actually thought the sound of the song was OK for Surrogate, but thge song itself as kinda boring and repetitive

MockY[01/03/08 4:22 PM ]: Woman...seeking man...

tgs3[01/03/08 4:23 PM ]: 18p, 13p, 12p, 11p, 7p is now the points, I believe

Ragee[01/03/08 4:23 PM ]: fortfarande botten för mig fy fan

MockY[01/03/08 4:23 PM ]: klagskalle

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:23 PM ]: är du uppe på andra theron

tgs3[01/03/08 4:23 PM ]: Um, no NIklas

MockY[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: trodde niklas hade 11p

tgs3[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: Yes, Theron -13, Peter -12, Niklas -11

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: i suck

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: då är det ju jämt

MockY[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: Men Niklas gillar att klaga...

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: i mitten

tgs3[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: Yes, the fight for 2nd place rages on

MockY[01/03/08 4:24 PM ]: haha

tgs3[01/03/08 4:25 PM ]: Nina could even join us with a good showing this next round

thebrat13n[01/03/08 4:25 PM ]: One could only hope

tgs3[01/03/08 4:26 PM ]: I\'m totally ready for round 8, by the way.

Ragee[01/03/08 4:26 PM ]: det är inte jag

tgs3[01/03/08 4:26 PM ]: Heard some sweet music trying to find something for it. Mostly old stuff I hadn\'t heard in a while

MockY[01/03/08 4:27 PM ]: I will this weekend. I will work all weekend, so I\'m going to blast some slow rockers in my odffice

MockY[01/03/08 4:27 PM ]:

tgs3[01/03/08 4:27 PM ]: What are you working on?

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:28 PM ]: bananer

tgs3[01/03/08 4:28 PM ]: hmm

MockY[01/03/08 4:28 PM ]: My goel is to set everything up. Be done and ready so to speak

tgs3[01/03/08 4:28 PM ]: ah

MockY[01/03/08 4:29 PM ]: I start school next week, so I rather do it (or atleast try) before I\'m limited on time

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:30 PM ]: äntligen

MockY[01/03/08 4:33 PM ]: äntligen vad?

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:33 PM ]: är ni kvar

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:33 PM ]: börja skola

MockY[01/03/08 4:33 PM ]: mm

MockY[01/03/08 4:33 PM ]: hehe typ

Ragee[01/03/08 4:35 PM ]: skall se på film nu så cya

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:35 PM ]: hörs på måndag

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]: bajjar du på 2 min

MockY[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]: Om du minns att vi ska rösta vill säga

MockY[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]: jag pissa bara

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]: jo nu kommer en normal vecka

MockY[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]: kroppen ångrade sig i sista minut

MockY[01/03/08 4:36 PM ]:

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:37 PM ]: då blev det väll ingen sån

MockY[01/03/08 4:38 PM ]: nej, det bidde inte så

Hebbe[01/03/08 4:38 PM ]: verkar som låtarna klarar sig, ska lägga mej nu. good bajs