MockY[12/27/07 1:50 PM ]: Först!

Ragee[12/27/07 2:36 PM ]: BRACK SCHNALLA KNA!!!!!

tgs3[12/27/07 2:38 PM ]: Yes!

Ragee[12/27/07 2:39 PM ]: Underbart!!

MockY[12/27/07 2:40 PM ]: neee ee

MockY[12/27/07 2:40 PM ]: din pappa

MockY[12/27/07 2:43 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 2:43 PM ]:

tgs3[12/27/07 2:51 PM ]: Why do you have a pencil shoved in your crotch?

tgs3[12/27/07 2:52 PM ]:

tgs3[12/27/07 2:54 PM ]: You don\'t have the round 5 songs on the website, Mr. Webmaster, sir.

MockY[12/27/07 2:55 PM ]: I know...but the current round is still current

MockY[12/27/07 2:55 PM ]: Had no idea what to do so I decided to leave it alone

tgs3[12/27/07 2:55 PM ]: mostly

Ragee[12/27/07 2:55 PM ]: just dä

MockY[12/27/07 2:56 PM ]: hmm

MockY[12/27/07 2:56 PM ]: gubben rör sig enbart då jag skriver

MockY[12/27/07 2:56 PM ]: knas

MockY[12/27/07 2:56 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 2:56 PM ]:

tgs3[12/27/07 2:57 PM ]: moves all the time for me

tgs3[12/27/07 2:57 PM ]: There\'s potential for someone to have a really good or really bad day today

MockY[12/27/07 2:57 PM ]: hmm, the second one does, but not the first happend when I minimized the window...

MockY[12/27/07 2:57 PM ]: very bizarre

tgs3[12/27/07 2:57 PM ]: In the standings I mean

MockY[12/27/07 2:58 PM ]: yeah, I think I might will end up throwing up when this is over

MockY[12/27/07 2:58 PM ]: :(

tgs3[12/27/07 2:58 PM ]: ah. Poor Mocks....

tgs3[12/27/07 2:59 PM ]: Can the chat window be longer? It\'s kinda shortish now

MockY[12/27/07 2:59 PM ]: yeah it can

tgs3[12/27/07 2:59 PM ]: It would let a person see more and not need to go to the chat log if they step out and pee as often\\

MockY[12/27/07 2:59 PM ]: I\'ll make it bigger when this day is over

tgs3[12/27/07 2:59 PM ]: And then there\'s the blank white space that serves no purpose at all

MockY[12/27/07 3:01 PM ]: refresh

MockY[12/27/07 3:02 PM ]: Without poking in the source code, this is as long as it gets

tgs3[12/27/07 3:02 PM ]: Um., now there\'s more white space

tgs3[12/27/07 3:02 PM ]: I was kinda hoping for more chat, not a bigger border

MockY[12/27/07 3:02 PM ]: Yeah it is. I expanded the frame the chat resides in. I went a bit to far, but since the source code states that the window is not taller than this, I have to change it

MockY[12/27/07 3:03 PM ]: right now I just changed the tallness of the frame

MockY[12/27/07 3:03 PM ]: hence the white space

MockY[12/27/07 3:03 PM ]: I\'ll make it pretty when I get home

MockY[12/27/07 3:03 PM ]: and I\'ll see how much I can strech the actual chat window

tgs3[12/27/07 3:03 PM ]: It\'s not pretty I care about, its the actual size of the chat frame

MockY[12/27/07 3:04 PM ]: I know, but I can\'t do it until I get home. The prettyness is just a bonus while I\'m at it

MockY[12/27/07 3:04 PM ]: right now, this is as tall as the window has always been

MockY[12/27/07 3:04 PM ]: and as tall as it can get without me poking in the source code

MockY[12/27/07 3:04 PM ]: which I\'ll leave for tonight

tgs3[12/27/07 3:05 PM ]: ok

MockY[12/27/07 3:05 PM ]: how long do you want it?

tgs3[12/27/07 3:05 PM ]: I\'m glad we tried this double round, but I think it might have been confusing with two normal rounds

tgs3[12/27/07 3:06 PM ]: Its easy to keep them apart with the screamin\'

Ragee[12/27/07 3:06 PM ]: hehe rätt stor skillnad

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:06 PM ]: tjaba longlang filedang

MockY[12/27/07 3:07 PM ]: pillefjong

MockY[12/27/07 3:07 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:08 PM ]: den där har jag nog inte sett förrut

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:08 PM ]: those are a strange collection of emoticons

MockY[12/27/07 3:08 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 3:08 PM ]: haha, yeah they are

MockY[12/27/07 3:08 PM ]: will add some more tonight

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:09 PM ]: så vi har en massa nya snubbar

MockY[12/27/07 3:09 PM ]: plus din mamma

Ragee[12/27/07 3:09 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:10 PM ]: min mamma

Ragee[12/27/07 3:10 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 3:11 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 3:11 PM ]: Jag ger upp...haha

Ragee[12/27/07 3:11 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:11 PM ]:

Ragee[12/27/07 3:12 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:12 PM ]: har du ingen som blöder ur öronen för den hade passat nu

Ragee[12/27/07 3:12 PM ]: spindeltarzan

MockY[12/27/07 3:15 PM ]: tycker du ska starta upp Photoshop och skapa din egen

MockY[12/27/07 3:15 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: ska vi rösta av omg 4

MockY[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: tycker jag

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: så vi kommer nån vart

tgs3[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: Sure

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: 1

Ragee[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: absolut

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: 1

Ragee[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: 345

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:16 PM ]: 2

MockY[12/27/07 3:17 PM ]: 66

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:18 PM ]: children of bodom 1p

MockY[12/27/07 3:18 PM ]: Demon Hunter 4p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:18 PM ]: Demon Hunter 6p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:18 PM ]: Anon Amarth 3p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:18 PM ]: Anon Amarth 3p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: amon amarth 2p

MockY[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: Children Of Bodom 5p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: Soilwork 7p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: Demon Hunter 5p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: Children of Bodom 4p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:19 PM ]: soilwork 3p

MockY[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: Amon Amarth 7p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 8p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: Soilwork 7p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: Soilwork 6p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: five finger 4p

MockY[12/27/07 3:20 PM ]: FFDP 9p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: CoB 9p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 8p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: Demon Hunter 7p

MockY[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: Himmel va Anders kastar ur sig poä tog du väl endå i?

tgs3[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: 1p on Bodom? Really? Come on....

MockY[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: qord

MockY[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: word

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: den är riktigt dålig

Ragee[12/27/07 3:21 PM ]: skärpning Anders bli en man FFS

MockY[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: lol

MockY[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: typ

Ragee[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: diggar CoB sten hårt

MockY[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: Anders är rädd

Ragee[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: skall se dem live för andra gången nästa år

MockY[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: Tyskland?

Ragee[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: jupp

MockY[12/27/07 3:22 PM ]: ta kort

tgs3[12/27/07 3:23 PM ]: I just would have thought Anders would like the powermetalish play of Children of Bodom

tgs3[12/27/07 3:23 PM ]: And yes, they votes do seem a bit extremely low, but Anders is usually the highest, so I gess he has the right to do something like that

MockY[12/27/07 3:23 PM ]: I think that some of the songs scared him so much that it effected the other songs negativetly...more so than normally

MockY[12/27/07 3:23 PM ]: maybe it even rubbs off on the current round as well

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:23 PM ]: för mej känns dom som om dom spelar b-klass

Ragee[12/27/07 3:24 PM ]: mm myckket möjligt

MockY[12/27/07 3:24 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:24 PM ]: peter om du hade använt rätt låt från soilwork hade du fått 7p

MockY[12/27/07 3:24 PM ]: oj då, så du tar i

MockY[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: men saken är ju den att jag vill använda den bästa låten från plattan

tgs3[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: I thought it was a good round overall

MockY[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: 9 poängarn

tgs3[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: It barely stuck out as a bad round compared to the other good rounds this season

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: tror du använde den sämsta

MockY[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: du e ju helknas

MockY[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]: haha

MockY[12/27/07 3:25 PM ]:

Ragee[12/27/07 3:26 PM ]: anders är en fjant när det kommer till riktigt mumsig musik

tgs3[12/27/07 3:26 PM ]: Looks like a congrats are dur to Nina...

tgs3[12/27/07 3:26 PM ]: With the all the death punches in the last round

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:26 PM ]: 1. ffdp 29p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: grattis nina

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: Due to my kindness

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: yippy

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: !!

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: Remember that folk

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: s

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: You\'re the greatest

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]:

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: 2. soilwork 23p

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: w000t

tgs3[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: I didn\'t think it stuck any more that Demon Hunter and Soilwork in terms of real singing

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: so in reality....

MockY[12/27/07 3:27 PM ]: hehe

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: 3. demon hunter 22p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: I didn\'t think so either

MockY[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: it barely has any screams at all time wise

MockY[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: Demon Hunter is pretty darn close as well

tgs3[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: OK, maybe not Soilwork

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: 4. children 19p

MockY[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: Soilwork...hmm not so much

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: I timed it, it has 2 seconds more screaming

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: 5. amon amarth 15p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: But he kinda sings some of the sreaming stuff, not true GROWL

MockY[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: but appears to be small children compared to the other 2 death wishes

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: I just has alot of music in it too

Ragee[12/27/07 3:28 PM ]: jag kom sist :(

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: :(

MockY[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: Överaskad?

MockY[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: lol

Ragee[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: nope

Ragee[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: den ända som våga använda death metal

tgs3[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: Damn, I lost to Demon Hunter. What\'s wrong with NIna and Anders?

MockY[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: men du ska ha fett med props för att du står stark när det gäller att hålla dig till temat

Ragee[12/27/07 3:29 PM ]: tack tack

tgs3[12/27/07 3:30 PM ]: It was pretty much the more your stuck to the theme, the worse you did...

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:30 PM ]: ha ha

Ragee[12/27/07 3:30 PM ]: mm hehe trodde det från början oxå

MockY[12/27/07 3:30 PM ]: 8 osynliga poäng till Nicke

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:30 PM ]: konstigt

MockY[12/27/07 3:31 PM ]: du ja

tgs3[12/27/07 3:31 PM ]: haha

MockY[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: jaha...

Ragee[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: va fuck drog han för

MockY[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: WB

tgs3[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: ie

MockY[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: Nicke: IE

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: vem

MockY[12/27/07 3:32 PM ]: du

tgs3[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: Anders also increased his lead by a point after that round. *sigh*

MockY[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: vem annars

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: ja

MockY[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: fucker

MockY[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: och mest troligt ytterligare efter denna runda

Ragee[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: jag har mozilla

MockY[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: men inte Anders

Ragee[12/27/07 3:33 PM ]: just ja hehe

tgs3[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: Oh wait. Nevermind. It\'s still 3 points

MockY[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: vilket e varför han försvinner lite då och då

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: nu var vi där igen

MockY[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: och tydligen något vi måste leva med tills jag kommer till Sverige

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: I gave him 3p for 3rd place by accident because that\'s what 3rd got last time, since there was really no 3rd place

MockY[12/27/07 3:34 PM ]: ahh

MockY[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: so your numbers are wrong, and not mine?

MockY[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: wierd

tgs3[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: So Nina and Peter have the chance of having really excellent days today

MockY[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: let roll ffs

MockY[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: before its to late hehe

MockY[12/27/07 3:35 PM ]: my luck might run out

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:36 PM ]: I\'m not counting on it this round

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:36 PM ]: a couple of points if I\'m lucky

MockY[12/27/07 3:37 PM ]: since Season 4, I\'m not counting on any round

tgs3[12/27/07 3:37 PM ]: liar

tgs3[12/27/07 3:37 PM ]: Breed 77?

MockY[12/27/07 3:37 PM ]: but almost

tgs3[12/27/07 3:38 PM ]: round 5 was a lot harder to judge for me

Ragee[12/27/07 3:38 PM ]: jag lär vara klar med röstningen innan 220

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:38 PM ]: ja det var jämt

MockY[12/27/07 3:39 PM ]: röstar du 2, 3, 4, 5 denna gång?

Ragee[12/27/07 3:39 PM ]: jag??

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:39 PM ]: måste du vara klar före 22

Ragee[12/27/07 3:39 PM ]: jupp

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: då är det bäst vi röstar

MockY[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: 20 minuter ju

Ragee[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: vi har iaf 20min

MockY[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: ska väl vara tillräckligt...

Ragee[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: mm

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: är alla klara

MockY[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: jag e i alla fall

tgs3[12/27/07 3:40 PM ]: I\'m ready

Ragee[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: jupp

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: 1

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: ok

tgs3[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: 2

MockY[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: 3

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: 4

Ragee[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: 2345

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: miser 5p

MockY[12/27/07 3:41 PM ]: Atrocity 4p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:42 PM ]: Familiar 4p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:42 PM ]: Miser 5p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:42 PM ]: Atrocity 4p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:42 PM ]: atrocity 6p

MockY[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: Miser (rimmar ju på Fiser..fniss fniss) 5p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: Crumbland 5p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: Crumbland 6p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: Tokio Hotel 6p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: tokio hotel 7p

MockY[12/27/07 3:43 PM ]: Familiar 48 7p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: Tokio Hotel 6p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: Atrocity 7p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: Familiar 48 7p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: familiar 8p

MockY[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: Crumbland 8p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:44 PM ]: Miser 7p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: Tokio Hotel 8p

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: Crumbland 9p

MockY[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: Lätt seger för Crumbland

MockY[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: Anders igen....

MockY[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: suck

Ragee[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: han förtjänar inte å vinna

MockY[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: när ska detta elände sluta

Ragee[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: iaf inte med tanke på hur han rösta förra rundan

MockY[12/27/07 3:45 PM ]: va fan

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: That\'s about how I thought that it would go

MockY[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: förbannad man blir på pojken då

tgs3[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: Easy victory?

tgs3[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: You lose what little math you have?

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: ganska jämt

tgs3[12/27/07 3:46 PM ]: I think it\'ll be pretty close

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: 1. crumbland 28p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: 2. tokio hotel 27p

MockY[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: meeen så nära

MockY[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: jäkla Nina

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: 3. familiar 48 26p

tgs3[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: Congrats Anders. Sorta

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:47 PM ]: 4. miser 22p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: tack

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: 5. atrocity 21p

Ragee[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: fan skulle jag ge mest poäng til miser

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: niklas voted you the same as me...

Ragee[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: nollat 3ggr irad nu FAAAN

tgs3[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: 6p for both Anders and Peter today

MockY[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: sure, but you gave Crumbland the 9 pointer

MockY[12/27/07 3:48 PM ]: :(

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:49 PM ]: ahhh

MockY[12/27/07 3:49 PM ]: Nicke: Jag känner din smärta

tgs3[12/27/07 3:49 PM ]: I almost switched Mizer and Crumbland, which would have given the win to Peter

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:49 PM ]: You gave it 8

MockY[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: but you gave it the 9 to tip it over...

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: See, yell at Theron

MockY[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: gahh, ltes yell at Theron as well

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: Even if I has just given it an 8 it would have won

MockY[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: should not complain, I could have been Niklas

tgs3[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]: It\'s all Niklas fault. Familiar 48 should have won

MockY[12/27/07 3:50 PM ]:

Ragee[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: sluta spraka på nån som ligger

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: hitta crumbland när jag var i usa

Ragee[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: *spraka

Ragee[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: *sparka

MockY[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: du är inte välkommen längre

tgs3[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: I think its 16p, 12p, 10p, 7p and 6p now

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: stackars niklas

tgs3[12/27/07 3:51 PM ]: Anders is still catchable, but damn, he\'d doing well

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: I only have 5p

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: blir nog sämre nästa gång

tgs3[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: But a new shit this round I see

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: ha ha ha ha

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: There\'s a song missing

MockY[12/27/07 3:52 PM ]: is this season 20?

Ragee[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: typ

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: thats me

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: +1

MockY[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: mixed up the rounds...

tgs3[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: Hmm. Tried to say \"A bunch of new shit this round...\". I can\'t type apparently

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:53 PM ]: saknas 1 låt

MockY[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: har jag tur så har ni alla hört den...så jag kan byta platta

Ragee[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: jag har uppat iaf och jag lär sticka nu

tgs3[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: Yes it does

Ragee[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: cya nästa torsdag

tgs3[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: I think Peter has already admitted its him

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: ok, be safe

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: maybe he\'s trying to fool us

MockY[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: yes...

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: he\'s a sneaky guy

tgs3[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: Bye, have a good first day of 2008

MockY[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: maybe I am

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:54 PM ]: hade

MockY[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: hare

MockY[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: kanin

tgs3[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: not really. And less able to access his home songs than you\'d think he\'d be

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: carrot

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: I know, we\'ve discussed it

tgs3[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: Hit him with a carrot?

MockY[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: no, I have full access now.

MockY[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: But I never ripped the CD :(

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:55 PM ]: sure, do you have one

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: stupid peter

tgs3[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: yes

MockY[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: otherwise I would have uploaded it

MockY[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]:

MockY[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: stupid but hungry....anyone?

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: me, me, me

Hebbe[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: du köpte den inte igår precis

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: I\'m fracking starving today

tgs3[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: I guess

thebrat13n[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: dock him a point

MockY[12/27/07 3:56 PM ]: haha

MockY[12/27/07 3:59 PM ]: evil

Hebbe[12/27/07 4:00 PM ]: jag kommer inte gilla min låt mest den här gången

Hebbe[12/27/07 4:01 PM ]: MockY Har gått från

Hebbe[12/27/07 4:04 PM ]: jow

thebrat13n[12/27/07 4:04 PM ]: I think he\'s hungry a ready to go

Hebbe[12/27/07 4:05 PM ]: vi hörs om en vecka

thebrat13n[12/27/07 4:05 PM ]: ok, have a Happy New Year!!

Hebbe[12/27/07 4:05 PM ]: gott nytt år på er alla