MockY[11/05/07 3:50 PM ]: Hebbe-mannen


Hebbe[11/05/07 3:51 PM ]: nu är jag med


MockY[11/05/07 3:51 PM ]: puss


tgs3[11/05/07 3:52 PM ]: Peter, where are you?


MockY[11/05/07 3:52 PM ]: At Sonjas


MockY[11/05/07 3:52 PM ]: So is Anders


tgs3[11/05/07 3:56 PM ]: NIklas is in the house!


Hebbe[11/05/07 3:56 PM ]: är jag kvar


MockY[11/05/07 3:57 PM ]: mm


Ragee[11/05/07 3:57 PM ]: yoooo


tgs3[11/05/07 3:58 PM ]: yes


MockY[11/05/07 3:58 PM ]: härlish


tgs3[11/05/07 3:59 PM ]: So what\'s up with Robba Turbo?


Ragee[11/05/07 3:59 PM ]: ingen aning


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:01 PM ]: alla inne


Ragee[11/05/07 4:01 PM ]: wohooo


MockY[11/05/07 4:02 PM ]: w000t


tgs3[11/05/07 4:02 PM ]: So have you tossed the wedding video up anywhere yet, Peter?


MockY[11/05/07 4:02 PM ]: no


MockY[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: I need a moment with my computer sometime in the furture


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: wow, you\'re lagging


tgs3[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: I thought about it last night, but Anders told me he was using the computer and that I had to go to bed


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: ha ha


MockY[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: havent even updated sotd


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: I saw that


tgs3[11/05/07 4:03 PM ]: Marriage is already draining you of energy...


MockY[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: it sure is


stekarn[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: ska inte du vara på böllopsresa nu


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: det verkar inte finnas mycke tid den här veckan heller


MockY[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: nee


tgs3[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: He already had it. :_


tgs3[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: for about 10 hours...


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:04 PM ]: vi far och fiskar istället


MockY[11/05/07 4:05 PM ]: din mamma


tgs3[11/05/07 4:05 PM ]: He can do it while we\'re finishing the keg on Wedndesday night


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:05 PM ]: min mamma


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:05 PM ]: har du kollat hur länge vi kan ha ölkaggen


tgs3[11/05/07 4:06 PM ]: forever!


tgs3[11/05/07 4:06 PM ]: Check your email


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:06 PM ]: ok


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:06 PM ]: låter bra


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:07 PM ]: you sent out an email about how long we have the keg?


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:08 PM ]: låter normalt


tgs3[11/05/07 4:08 PM ]: to Peter and Anders


tgs3[11/05/07 4:08 PM ]: Sorry, it was part of a fishing email


tgs3[11/05/07 4:09 PM ]: So how Sweden? Nice and warm?


stekarn[11/05/07 4:09 PM ]: snö


Ragee[11/05/07 4:09 PM ]: nej kallt som fan


Ragee[11/05/07 4:09 PM ]: och halt


tgs3[11/05/07 4:09 PM ]: I\'m thinking about coming for a visit in the summer. Hopefully it\'s better then


stekarn[11/05/07 4:10 PM ]: he he


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:10 PM ]: är golfsäsongen slut nu


stekarn[11/05/07 4:11 PM ]: om man köper bil av en private seller tillkommer det några mer avgifter då theron


tgs3[11/05/07 4:11 PM ]: I\'ll give you a super early warning this year. It will be for about two weeks sometime between June 17 and July 10


tgs3[11/05/07 4:11 PM ]: In California, you\'d still have to pay sales tax 7.75%


tgs3[11/05/07 4:13 PM ]: But overall there should be less costs than from a dealship


tgs3[11/05/07 4:13 PM ]: But I\'m not 100% sure


tgs3[11/05/07 4:13 PM ]: I can do a little research on this and get you better answers to the costs if you want.


tgs3[11/05/07 4:14 PM ]: I had meant to when I got back, but then I forgot about it, and then I wasn\'t sure if you were still thinking about it


stekarn[11/05/07 4:14 PM ]: då måste man ju göra upp med säljaren om att skriva ner värdet


tgs3[11/05/07 4:15 PM ]: Yup.


stekarn[11/05/07 4:15 PM ]: dollarn är ju så jäkulskt låg nu


tgs3[11/05/07 4:15 PM ]: It\'s a usual thing to report less, but I don\'t know how much people are willing to fudge it


tgs3[11/05/07 4:16 PM ]: I haven\'t bought from an individual in about 20 years


MockY[11/05/07 4:16 PM ]: mmm fudge


stekarn[11/05/07 4:17 PM ]: jag måste ju hitta rätt bil å


tgs3[11/05/07 4:17 PM ]: yup


stekarn[11/05/07 4:17 PM ]: den jag ville ha finns i virginia


tgs3[11/05/07 4:17 PM ]: You could be looking now if you had come with Anders and Bibbi


MockY[11/05/07 4:17 PM ]: lycka till


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:19 PM ]: då hade bara fått leta bilar


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:19 PM ]: roligare att leta skivor


MockY[11/05/07 4:19 PM ]: håller med


tgs3[11/05/07 4:19 PM ]: I guess


tgs3[11/05/07 4:20 PM ]: Cars takes longer, so I\'ll agree because of that


tgs3[11/05/07 4:21 PM ]: Shall we vote?


MockY[11/05/07 4:22 PM ]: yes we shall


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:22 PM ]: nästa röstning på fredag?


stekarn[11/05/07 4:22 PM ]:;?tracktype=usedcc&searchType=21&pageNumber=0&numResultsPerPage=50&largeNumResultsPerPage=0&sortorder=descending&sortfield=PRICE+descending&certifiedOnly=false&criteria=K-|E-|M-_12_|D-_3662_|N-N|R-30|I-1|P-PRICE+descending|Q-descending|Z-95624&aff=national&paId=246035120&recnum=10&leadExists=true


MockY[11/05/07 4:22 PM ]: wöööörd


Ragee[11/05/07 4:23 PM ]: det skulle nog kunna gå bra


stekarn[11/05/07 4:23 PM ]: jag gillade dock denna men den har inte 4wd


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:23 PM ]: jag e klar för röstning


Ragee[11/05/07 4:23 PM ]: mej mä


stekarn[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: okej jag mä


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 1


Ragee[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 2


MockY[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 3


tgs3[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: And you definitely want 4wd...


tgs3[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 4


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 5


stekarn[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: jo jag känner det speciellt nu


stekarn[11/05/07 4:24 PM ]: 6


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:25 PM ]: radiohead 2p


MockY[11/05/07 4:25 PM ]: Radiohead 1p


Ragee[11/05/07 4:25 PM ]: Radiohead 4p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:25 PM ]: building roma 3p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: Radiohead 2p


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: Radiohead 2p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: building rome 4p


MockY[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: Kill The Alarm 3p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: yess över 10


Ragee[11/05/07 4:26 PM ]: Kill The Alarm 5p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:27 PM ]: Kill The Alarm 4p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:27 PM ]: Dolores O\'riordan 4p


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:27 PM ]: Building Rome in a Day 5p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:28 PM ]: shadows fall 5p


MockY[11/05/07 4:28 PM ]: Shadows Fall 5p


Ragee[11/05/07 4:28 PM ]: Shadows Fall 6p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:28 PM ]: Shadows Fall 5p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:28 PM ]: Building Rome in a Day 6p


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:29 PM ]: Delores O\'riordan 7p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:29 PM ]: kill the alarm 7p


MockY[11/05/07 4:29 PM ]: Dan Wilson 6p


Ragee[11/05/07 4:29 PM ]: Dan Wilson 7p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: Delores O\'riordan 6p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: Shadows Fall 7p


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: Kill the Alarm 8p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: dolores 8p


MockY[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: Building Rome 7p


Ragee[11/05/07 4:30 PM ]: Dolores O´riordan 8p


stekarn[11/05/07 4:31 PM ]: Dan Wilson 7p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:31 PM ]: Dan Wilson 8p


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:31 PM ]: Dan Wilson 9p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:31 PM ]: yes


MockY[11/05/07 4:31 PM ]: ...


tgs3[11/05/07 4:32 PM ]: congrats, redhead


tgs3[11/05/07 4:32 PM ]: Bac k to the lead for Anders


Ragee[11/05/07 4:32 PM ]: trevlig runda


stekarn[11/05/07 4:32 PM ]: jämt där uppe nu va


tgs3[11/05/07 4:32 PM ]: Because of weirdos like you and Peter...


tgs3[11/05/07 4:33 PM ]:


MockY[11/05/07 4:33 PM ]:


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:33 PM ]: 1. dan wilson 37p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:33 PM ]: 2. dolores 33p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:34 PM ]: 3. shadows fall 28p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: 4. kill the alarm 27p


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: 5. building rome 25p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: Nina and Niklas definitely had me confused as to who was who this round


Ragee[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: hahaha


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: haha


tgs3[11/05/07 4:35 PM ]: So Anders has a point on me heading into the last round


tgs3[11/05/07 4:36 PM ]: Not feeling very sure about my chances right now


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:36 PM ]: 6. radiohead 11p


tgs3[11/05/07 4:36 PM ]: That was....not a good song


MockY[11/05/07 4:36 PM ]: all


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:37 PM ]: radiohead vart totalsågad


Ragee[11/05/07 4:40 PM ]: lär ta och plugga lite


Ragee[11/05/07 4:40 PM ]: men vi ses igen på fredag då


tgs3[11/05/07 4:40 PM ]: Friday?


MockY[11/05/07 4:41 PM ]: och så far han innan vi ens bestämt...suck


tgs3[11/05/07 4:41 PM ]: Did I mess when we decided?


MockY[11/05/07 4:41 PM ]: Niklas...


tgs3[11/05/07 4:42 PM ]: I have a meeting with a company Friday here at the offie. It\'ll probably be over at 23:00 if want to schedule it for then


tgs3[11/05/07 4:42 PM ]: Or we could just do Saturday


tgs3[11/05/07 4:42 PM ]: Or Wednesday


tgs3[11/05/07 4:43 PM ]: of course, we\'d 2 more songs to make that happen


tgs3[11/05/07 4:45 PM ]: hallllooooo......


MockY[11/05/07 4:45 PM ]: Im up for whatever. Not just Thursday ofcourse


MockY[11/05/07 4:45 PM ]: helllluu


stekarn[11/05/07 4:45 PM ]: jag kan alla kvällar tror jag. måste sova nu kollar mailen sedan


tgs3[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: OK


tgs3[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: g\'night


tgs3[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: Send me an email about cars if you have anything else you want to tell me or ned to know


MockY[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: happ då far jag till jobbet då


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: stekarn, nu förväntar jag mej höga poäng påå omg. 10


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: whenever is fine for me


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:46 PM ]: använder den låten för din skul


tgs3[11/05/07 4:47 PM ]: I see you remaining fuckers in person, so we talk SOTD at dinner and bore everyone tonight. haha


thebrat13n[11/05/07 4:47 PM ]: I gotta go, bye!


tgs3[11/05/07 4:47 PM ]: back to work for me....


Hebbe[11/05/07 4:47 PM ]: ok vi ses på pannkaksmiddag