thebrat13n: did someone tell Robert to come here

hebbe from x.x.x.210 joined the chat 40 minutes ago

MockY: yes

tgs3: Hello

thebrat13n: cool

MockY: denna chat e segare an satan da man skriver

MockY: irriterande

MockY: undrar om det lagget gar att fixa

hebbe: nu är alla här

tgs3: Not being able to change text colot is a slight negative

Ragee: mysko att alla chatter har funkat skit fint för mig

thebrat13n: it does lag a little, but that doesn't matter as long as it does it in the end

Stekarn from x.x.x.171 joined the chat 39 minutes ago

thebrat13n: yeah, Robert is here!!

Stekarn: hej hej

hebbe: nu är alla här

Stekarn: jo denna är seg ibland

thebrat13n: yup

Stekarn: jag behöver några min till

tgs3: It's a little slowe

thebrat13n: yup

tgs3: Seems slower today than before

thebrat13n: but not unbearably so, but if there are better things out there, bring it on

MockY: mIRC is instant :)

thebrat13n: I think it's slower today too

MockY: I will make some more tests and shit...I'm not giving up

Stekarn: man blir lite orolig för hebbe med modem

hebbe: du verkar också seg

hebbe: går lite trögt ibland

MockY: put 2 different caht systems on a remote server to see if it is the chat or the server that causes these issues

tgs3: .

tgs3: Mine is not updating automatically today

tgs3: .

MockY: .

tgs3: I think its the website that is slow, so Anders shouldn't have any more problems than us with this site

MockY: wtf

MockY: now it doesn't work at all for me

tgs3: The world is against us!!!

hebbe: verka funka för mej

Stekarn: jag gillar att man ser vad dom andra har skrivit när man kommer in i chatten

hebbe: eller

Stekarn: .

tgs3: Yeah, I like having the history right as you come in, too

MockY: I can see wghat I say in the log, but not in the main window

hebbe: får tydligen refresha lite ibland

tgs3: We see it

hebbe: går inge bra det här

Stekarn: jag måste gå in på my preferences ibland för updating

tgs3: Maybe we should vote before we tear our hair out in frustration?

hebbe: har vi några alternativ

MockY: nu har jag refcreshat i alla fall

Stekarn: jag är klar

MockY: men funkar inte for mig enda

MockY: kuk

Stekarn: lättröstat idag

Ragee: jag är jätte klar

MockY from x.x.x.193 joined the chat 30 minutes ago

hebbe: då kör vi, spännande

Stekarn: tror inte jag blir sist idag för det finns ju annat skit också

MockY: gahh

MockY: loggad in med IE och det verkar funka

Stekarn: nej jag blir nog sist ändå

MockY: Kanske alla chattar far fnatt bara for att alla inte anvander samma browser

hebbe: 1

tgs3: maybe

tgs3: 2

Stekarn: 3

MockY: 4

thebrat13n: 5

Ragee: väldigt

thebrat13n: Now what I write isn't showing up

Ragee: 4

hebbe: modest mouse 4p

thebrat13n: ok, I'm back

MockY: Modest Mouse 4p

Ragee: Submersed 3p

Stekarn: submersed 2p

thebrat13n: I'm goinna log out and log back in

thebrat13n: nope, still not working

tgs3: Lostprophets 3p

thebrat13n from x.x.x.193 joined the chat 25 minutes ago

thebrat13n: I'm still trying to get mine to work

thebrat13n: ok, now I'm goo

thebrat13n: Modest Mouse 5p

hebbe: lost prophets 5p

MockY: Submersed 5p

MockY: wtf

Ragee: Lostprophets 5p

Stekarn: Lostprophets 3p

tgs3: Modest Mouse 5p

MockY: laggade sa in ihelvete

thebrat13n: April Divine 6p

hebbe: forty foot 7p

MockY: Forty Foot Echo 6p

Ragee: Burn Season 6p

hebbe: 6p menar jag

Stekarn: burn season 4p

tgs3: April Devine 7p

thebrat13n: Forty Foot Echo 7p

MockY: .

hebbe: burn season 7p

MockY: Lostprophets 7p

Ragee: April Divine 7p

Stekarn: April Devine 7p

tgs3: Burn Season 8p

thebrat13n: Submersed 8p

hebbe: submersed 8p

MockY: April Divine 8p

Ragee: Modest Mouse 8p

Stekarn: Forty Foot Echo 8p

tgs3: Forty Foot Echo 9p

thebrat13n: Burn Season 9p

Stekarn: va fan submersed toksög ju

Ragee: spännande :)

MockY: haha

Ragee: håller med robert helt

tgs3: what could you possibly have against that song?

tgs3: I can see not liking it as much as me, but suck?

Ragee: just ja är det inte tema nu?

tgs3: You young Swedes are weird

MockY: mjo

MockY: mjo

thebrat13n: yes it is

Stekarn: oftast har du ju bra låtar theron så ta inte illa upp

tgs3: Looks like I should have used Burn Season a long time ago

MockY: sa vi har en sugrunda framfor oss

MockY: spannande

MockY: haha

tgs3: I thought you guys would think it was too generic

thebrat13n: the one that you're uploading now

tgs3: haha

thebrat13n: I like it when people use music that they like

tgs3: I'm not worried, just surprised/confused

Ragee: glömde bort att det var tema...skulle igentligen ha uppat en annan låt

MockY: haha

Stekarn: jag tänkte att jag tar en riktigt bra låt denna gång för det brukar ju gå dåligt då oavset jag tror ni gillar den eller ej

tgs3: Well you need to tell one of me or Peter to delete it then

Ragee: men jag tror ni nog ogillar denna oxå

Stekarn: ha ha ha ha

MockY: suck

Ragee: får ha två sug rundor hehe

MockY: forsok inte nu att damma over dina spar

hebbe: 1. forty foot echo 36p grattis niklas

Ragee: YEAAY

MockY: tala nu om for Theron eller mig vilken lat du hade sa plockar vi bort den

hebbe: 2. april divine 35p

thebrat13n: close one

hebbe: 3. burn season 34p

thebrat13n: they were all very close up ther

tgs3: damn, close Congrats Nilklas

hebbe: 4. submersed 26p

tgs3: YES

thebrat13n: there

MockY: oj, vilket gap

tgs3: I beat Robert's crap :)

Stekarn: ha ha ha ha

hebbe: 5. modest mouse 26p

Stekarn: vilken bedrift

hebbe: 6. lost prophets 23p

MockY: jag va svinsaker pa att Modest Mouse skulle hamna sist

Stekarn: jag å

Ragee: jag rädda låten hehe

tgs3: I was really regretting that I bumped Modest Mouse up to 5p right before the vote :-)

MockY: lol

thebrat13n: yeah, me too, that sucks

Stekarn: men jag tvekade när jag hörde den andra dyngan

MockY: haha

hebbe: jag var säker på att vinna, april divine är ju en klar 10p

tgs3: It's not in order of age anymore. Niklas has slipped past Peter...

hebbe from x.x.x.210 joined the chat 10 minutes ago

thebrat13n: So, when are we voting next?

thebrat13n: I'm hungry and want to go get some lunch

hebbe: när vi har en fungerande chat

tgs3: I'm fine with whatever

tgs3: The sooner the better to get some better music to listen to

Ragee: till och med jag har problem med denna chat nu

thebrat13n: My song is awesome

Ragee: måste uppdatera för hand

MockY: word

Stekarn: dixie chicks ja jävlar jag säger då det nåt för Peter de

hebbe: ha ha

tgs3: I think it IS Peter

MockY: jag skulle garna ligga med sangerskan

MockY: het som fan

tgs3: Really? I don't think that much of any of them

Stekarn: låter onekligen som det

MockY: tss you're gay

hebbe: ska vi rösta söndag?

thebrat13n: If we set a time

Stekarn: söndag blir bra

Ragee: söndag blir fin fint

Stekarn: ska du med på inflames anders

hebbe: nope

thebrat13n: so, what time?

Stekarn: ursäkt tack

tgs3: I don't have a problem with any of them, but "het som fan" doesn't decribe them

thebrat13n: the singer a cutie

hebbe: var spelar dom

MockY: ni missade ju nyss Levellers

tgs3: Do you people really think I know which one the singer is?

MockY: Dom lirade ju forra veckan

Ragee: jag mssade både levellers och kommer missa inflames

thebrat13n: So, what time on Sunday?

MockY: the singer is hot from hell

tgs3: A time on Sunday would be nice

tgs3: from?

Ragee: 21:00

hebbe: 21.00

Stekarn: ha ha ha



thebrat13n: ok, talk to you on Sunday then!

Ragee: störande som fan att in flames spelar i gävle och jag inte lyckas få tag i biljett

Stekarn: dom spelar i umeå

hebbe: sen när blev du intresserad av att fara på en sån koncert

MockY: vad jag tycker e knasigt e att jag inte hort nagot om Levelers, fast dom nyss spelade i Sverige

MockY: Jag och Theron ska snart dra pa The Haunted

tgs3: 21:00 sounds good

Stekarn: inget nytt så vi sket it

MockY: Samn Blue October

MockY: samt*

MockY: inge nytt?

Ragee: nje nu skall jag lägga mig

hebbe: blue october låter det

Stekarn: plus att det var en söndag och jag jobbade måndag

MockY: dom har val aldrig lirat nage ni aldrig hort

MockY: Blir tredje gangen jag ser Blue October

MockY: andra gangen jag ser The Haunted

MockY: Och andra gangen jag ser Placebo

Stekarn: men jag har ju redan sett dom på truth and lies turnen

MockY: April blir en redig konsert manad

Stekarn: vart spelar placebo

hebbe: vi hörs, god natt

MockY: Och sa ska jag mest troligt intervjua Dredge om 2 veckor

MockY: Placebo lirar pa The Fillmore i San Francisco


MockY: .

Stekarn: dom skulle jag vilja se

MockY: Dom e riktigt trevliga att se

Stekarn: dredg coolt

Stekarn: första gången du såg dom kunde du ju knappt några låtar så detta blir nog betydligt bättre

tgs3: Dredg isn't bad, but you passed up Angie

Stekarn: aparo?

MockY: Angie was in San Fran. Dredg is here in Sacramento

Stekarn: svårt val

tgs3: yes

Stekarn: skulle nog tagit dredg

tgs3: You're going to SF for crap like The Haunted...

MockY: I would not go for Dredg if it was in San Francisco

tgs3: Me neither :)

MockY: haha

tgs3: Ozzfest is 7/17 this year


MockY: I just checked 2 days ago and they didn't know

tgs3: The bands seem pretty cool

MockY: wtf

MockY: did they release it today?

MockY: haha joker you

MockY: they still don't

MockY: .

tgs3: yes, no news on thaty et

tgs3: I did give a link :)

Stekarn: det coolaste skulle vara om dom sket i att anonsera banden i och med att det är gratis

MockY: De e inte gratis

tgs3: So they bands will suck even worse than usual

Stekarn: det står ju det

MockY: Varfor det star det i headern vet jag inte

MockY: Antar tat man kan vinna det nagonstans

tgs3: Last year was some high quality in my opinion but a typical ozzfest will have 15-20 bands of which less than half don't suck

tgs3: I'm not exactly sure of the details, but it is supposedt o be free this year

MockY: I think that this year will rock your socks man

tgs3: I don't know if its all tickets or only the fitst 1000 or something

MockY: How the hell are we supposed to get tickets then?

MockY: Fuck free tickets....

tgs3: You don't think we can be fast?

tgs3: I hope Black Sabbath comes this year. Dio is back as their lead singer :)


MockY: Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bill will be touring late next year along with new Black Sabbath album. However, Ozzy wishes Tony and Ronnie much success in their project together.

MockY: So I don't see Dio singing for Black Sabbath

tgs3: Hmm. The new album has him as the singer

tgs3: Maybe it was just a studio think

tgs3: Or maybe it was just a song

tgs3: Looks like you need to get the tickets ftom the ozzfest website whenn the time comes.

tgs3: Second stage bands have to pay up to $100,000 to participate. haha

tgs3: That might up the quality I guess

MockY: or the oposite

tgs3: Gotta work, "See" everyone on Sunday

MockY: bye