Ragee[10/26/06 8:10 PM ]: Yo yo

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:10 PM ]: Hi

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:11 PM ]: So, how's the new place?

stekarn[10/26/06 8:14 PM ]: Visst är det röstning idag

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:14 PM ]: I thought so

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:15 PM ]: I don't normally just hang out in the chat room and wait to see if people come in...

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:16 PM ]:

stekarn[10/26/06 8:16 PM ]: he he

stekarn[10/26/06 8:18 PM ]: Anders har ett fiskemöte så han är kanske sen

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:20 PM ]: ok\\

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:22 PM ]: I think you make Theron mad

tgs3[10/26/06 8:24 PM ]: Any word on when the fisherman will be joining us?

hebbe[10/26/06 8:42 PM ]: hallå

hebbe[10/26/06 8:43 PM ]: råka somna med oskar

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:43 PM ]: hi

hebbe[10/26/06 8:45 PM ]: var är peter

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:45 PM ]: Theron's calling him now

tgs3[10/26/06 8:46 PM ]: He's taking a test online. He won't be able to vote for 30 more mins

tgs3[10/26/06 8:46 PM ]: That's a number, so he probably means 45

tgs3[10/26/06 8:46 PM ]: Hopefully that's not too late for people

hebbe[10/26/06 8:46 PM ]: ok, då gjorde det inget att jag var sen

tgs3[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: nope

hebbe[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: somna en stund med oskar

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: ok

tgs3[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: It would have been nice if Peter had told us this, but you know how Robert is always complaining about Peter's lack of communication

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: Hello Peter

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:47 PM ]: brb

hebbe[10/26/06 8:51 PM ]: han är ju här nu

tgs3[10/26/06 8:52 PM ]: he's taking a test online right now

hebbe[10/26/06 8:53 PM ]: men han är online

hebbe[10/26/06 8:53 PM ]: så man kan uppa om man vill

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:57 PM ]: montie wayne

thebrat13n[10/26/06 8:58 PM ]: ok, I'm back

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:01 PM ]: sure

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:01 PM ]: upload away

Ragee[10/26/06 9:05 PM ]: Nu är jag ej afk längre

tgs3[10/26/06 9:05 PM ]: I agree

tgs3[10/26/06 9:05 PM ]: Uploading is fine now

stekarn[10/26/06 9:05 PM ]: vad betyder afk

tgs3[10/26/06 9:06 PM ]: Sorry, Niklas, I don't understand what you said

Ragee[10/26/06 9:06 PM ]: away from keyboard

stekarn[10/26/06 9:06 PM ]: inte jag heller tydligen

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:08 PM ]: learn something new every day

stekarn[10/26/06 9:08 PM ]: när skule pter vaa illbaka

hebbe[10/26/06 9:09 PM ]: theron har koll

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:10 PM ]: He's on a phone call, I'll call

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:13 PM ]: Peter says that he's still gonna be another 20-30 minutes

Ragee[10/26/06 9:15 PM ]: oki doki

hebbe[10/26/06 9:17 PM ]: 22.45

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:18 PM ]: At that point he gets kicked out of the test, so that's the latest he'll be

hebbe[10/26/06 9:26 PM ]: vad är det för test

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:29 PM ]: I don't know

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:29 PM ]: Something for school

hebbe[10/26/06 9:30 PM ]: ok

tgs3[10/26/06 9:32 PM ]: I'm still in the chat I hope

tgs3[10/26/06 9:32 PM ]: I was having some problems earlier

hebbe[10/26/06 9:32 PM ]: du é kvar

tgs3[10/26/06 9:32 PM ]: cool

hebbe[10/26/06 9:35 PM ]: jag är då klar för att rösta

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:36 PM ]: I'm gonna need 10 more minutes

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:36 PM ]: just kidding

hebbe[10/26/06 9:37 PM ]: det var jämt den här gången skulle vilja sätta samma poäng på flera igentligen

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:37 PM ]: Me too

tgs3[10/26/06 9:37 PM ]: Hopefully you think the songs are all good and not all bad

hebbe[10/26/06 9:38 PM ]: good but not awsome

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:38 PM ]: yup

tgs3[10/26/06 9:39 PM ]: good enough

stekarn[10/26/06 9:39 PM ]: Elliott är lite orolig kommer tillbaka på typ 15 min

tgs3[10/26/06 9:39 PM ]: ok

hebbe[10/26/06 9:39 PM ]: oki

hebbe[10/26/06 9:40 PM ]: theron har du köpt en bärbar dator nyligen?

tgs3[10/26/06 9:41 PM ]: almost a year ago now. Why?

hebbe[10/26/06 9:41 PM ]: fick något konstig mail

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:42 PM ]: it's that same one that I got, just delet it

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:42 PM ]: delete

tgs3[10/26/06 9:42 PM ]: I get spam on my sotd account every now and then

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:42 PM ]: amazon confirmation

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:43 PM ]: This one says that it somes from you

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:43 PM ]: comes

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:43 PM ]: not somes

tgs3[10/26/06 9:44 PM ]: They just took the name out of someone's address book

hebbe[10/26/06 9:46 PM ]: typ det ser ut som att jag har köpt en dator från amazon för 2482 dollar

hebbe[10/26/06 9:46 PM ]: typ en orderbekräftelse

tgs3[10/26/06 9:49 PM ]: Yeah, Nina got one a while back

tgs3[10/26/06 9:49 PM ]: I'ved gotten one, too

tgs3[10/26/06 9:49 PM ]: it's a fake

tgs3[10/26/06 9:49 PM ]: They just want you to log on and give them some of your information

tgs3[10/26/06 9:49 PM ]: It's not really from Amazon

hebbe[10/26/06 9:50 PM ]: ok jag har inte fått såna mail tidigare

hebbe[10/26/06 9:50 PM ]: bara fått mail som ser ut som skräp

Ragee[10/26/06 9:51 PM ]: jag får mail från amazon

hebbe[10/26/06 9:52 PM ]: gick det bra peter

MockY[10/26/06 9:53 PM ]: gahhh

MockY[10/26/06 9:53 PM ]: fittprov

MockY[10/26/06 9:53 PM ]: gick åt arslet och blev en skit

MockY[10/26/06 9:53 PM ]: som Haj-Haj skulle ha sagt

MockY[10/26/06 9:53 PM ]: typ

hebbe[10/26/06 9:54 PM ]: du är väll bra på fittprov

hebbe[10/26/06 9:54 PM ]: måste du inte klara proven

MockY[10/26/06 9:55 PM ]: jag \"pluggar\" tydligen inte tillräckligt

MockY[10/26/06 9:55 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 9:55 PM ]: aj aj då

MockY[10/26/06 9:56 PM ]: jag vill ha ett 100%-igt resultat

MockY[10/26/06 9:56 PM ]: men det fick jag ju inte

MockY[10/26/06 9:56 PM ]: går nog fint endå ska du se

hebbe[10/26/06 9:56 PM ]: vi hoppas på det

MockY[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]: så vad har hänt i kanalen medans jag seglade i cyberspace?

hebbe[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]: inte mycke

thebrat13n[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]:
just waiting for you

hebbe[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]:
robert är och tittar till ploppen

MockY[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 9:57 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:00 PM ]:
Morsan och Sonja är ute på stan' fortfarande

MockY[10/26/06 10:00 PM ]:
undrar v ad dom små filurerna hittar på

hebbe[10/26/06 10:01 PM ]:
då gick det ju bra i chicago för henne

tgs3[10/26/06 10:01 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:01 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:01 PM ]:
hon var lite orolig för det

hebbe[10/26/06 10:01 PM ]:
är det fest

Ragee[10/26/06 10:02 PM ]:
varför skulle det gå dl¨åligt i chicago

Ragee[10/26/06 10:02 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:02 PM ]:
hon är väl ororlig över hennes engelska

hebbe[10/26/06 10:03 PM ]:
hon gillar inte den flygplatsen, ont om tid och så

tgs3[10/26/06 10:03 PM ]:
no party here. Wherever SOnja and Bibbi are

tgs3[10/26/06 10:03 PM ]:
Bob's maybe?

hebbe[10/26/06 10:04 PM ]:
är det party där

stekarn[10/26/06 10:04 PM ]:
ja då är jag tillbaka

hebbe[10/26/06 10:05 PM ]:
vad trevligt alla är samlade

hebbe[10/26/06 10:05 PM ]:
då kan vi ju bestämma nästa röstning

hebbe[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]:
jag föreslår måndag

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]: Either is fine for me

stekarn[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]: måndag låter bra för mig

tgs3[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]: I thought we were going to that new system with one on the weekends

hebbe[10/26/06 10:06 PM ]: kan inte tisdag

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:07 PM ]: Monday is actually better for me anyway

Ragee[10/26/06 10:07 PM ]: måndag funkar för mig

hebbe[10/26/06 10:07 PM ]: jobbar lördag och söndag

tgs3[10/26/06 10:07 PM ]: Monday works for me, too

tgs3[10/26/06 10:07 PM ]: So that weekend thing isn't going to happen I guess

stekarn[10/26/06 10:08 PM ]: jag har ett annat stort problem

MockY[10/26/06 10:08 PM ]: brööl

hebbe[10/26/06 10:08 PM ]: jag jobbar natt i helgen

tgs3[10/26/06 10:08 PM ]: You're married to her now

MockY[10/26/06 10:08 PM ]: coool

hebbe[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: få höra robert, har du fått en vårts på snoppen

hebbe[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: vårta

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: what's the problem?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: Night? Then that doesn't interfere

tgs3[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: Or you're not up in the mornings maybe?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]: Jag tänkte överaska Sofi med en gourmetresa till umeå imorrn som 30-årspresent men det är värsta stormen på väg så jag vet inte om jag ska boka av allt

hebbe[10/26/06 10:09 PM ]:
sover till ca:11.00

MockY[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
boka resa till USA istället

Ragee[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
vad har det med röstning på måndag att göra?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
jag har inte köpt någon annan present och hon fyller år på tisdag

MockY[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
härt finns det ingen storm

hebbe[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
skulle inte vilja resa i den här stormen

MockY[10/26/06 10:10 PM ]:
än i all afall

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
So, now you don't have anything?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
grejjen är ju att jag vill överraska henne

tgs3[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
Let her vote for you as her present

stekarn[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
ja precis nina

tgs3[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
I'm sure that'll make her very happy

hebbe[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
ha ha ha

tgs3[10/26/06 10:11 PM ]:
That WOULD be a surprise

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
How about a vasectomoy?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
jag får se hur det ser ut imorrn eftermiddag. Om jag tar mig ner så behöver jag nog inte vara rädd att alla biljetter på bion ska vara slut

MockY[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
Överaska henne med att göra pepparkaksgubbar i många lustiga sexualpositioner

tgs3[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
Then she won't have to carry any more buns in the oven

MockY[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
om hon blir glad är en helt annan sak

hebbe[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
annars får du åka på lördag

MockY[10/26/06 10:13 PM ]:
men överaskad blir hon

MockY[10/26/06 10:14 PM ]:
Theron, now that was a lame joke... :

stekarn[10/26/06 10:14 PM ]:
det skulle knappt vara en överraskning om jag skulle baka pepparkakor

MockY[10/26/06 10:15 PM ]:
pepparkaksgubbar som havas sex

hebbe[10/26/06 10:15 PM ]:
visst var det på söndag vi skulle komma

MockY[10/26/06 10:15 PM ]:
om det skulle vara hennes present så lovar jag att hon hade blivit översakad

MockY[10/26/06 10:15 PM ]:
hon förväntar sig nog något annat

stekarn[10/26/06 10:15 PM ]:
problemet med lördagen är ju att hon har bestämt söndag som dagen då alla ska komma

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:16 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:16 PM ]:
då får du väll fixa allt på lördag förmiddag

MockY[10/26/06 10:16 PM ]:
ska vi sparka igång kanske?

hebbe[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:
ja é me

stekarn[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:
om det skulle vara hennes present så skulle inte jag bli överraskad om det endast är pepparkaksgubbarna som får ha sex i detta hus

MockY[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:
stackars liten

MockY[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:

stekarn[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:

Ragee[10/26/06 10:17 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:18 PM ]:
det saknas låtar i ftp:n

stekarn[10/26/06 10:19 PM ]:
lägg in en låt då

hebbe[10/26/06 10:19 PM ]:
ska försöka

tgs3[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
Then she won't have to carry any more buns in the oven

MockY[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
time for a new chatroom, Pete

hebbe[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
he he

tgs3[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
I thought everyone got real quiet all of a sudden

MockY[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
I cuncur

stekarn[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
he he

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
we did

MockY[10/26/06 10:20 PM ]:
check the log lol

hebbe[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:
då kan vi väll rösta då

MockY[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:
tycker jag

stekarn[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:

stekarn[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:
the red jump... 4p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:21 PM ]:
Red Jump 2

stekarn[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
Red Jump 4p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
kom emot enter

Ragee[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
Red Jumpsuit 2p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
Neko Case 4p

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
Duncan Sheik 5p

hebbe[10/26/06 10:22 PM ]:
neco case 5p

MockY[10/26/06 10:23 PM ]:
Anberlin 5p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:23 PM ]:
Neko Case 4p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:23 PM ]:
The Black Maria 4p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:23 PM ]:
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 5p

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:23 PM ]:
The Black Maria 6p

hebbe[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
anberlin 6p

MockY[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
Duncan 6p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
Incubus 5p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
Anberlin 5p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
Duncan Sheik 6p

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:24 PM ]:
Anberlin 7p

hebbe[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
the black maria 7p

MockY[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
Black Maria 8p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
Black Maria 7p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
Duncan Sheik 6p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
Anberlin 7p

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
Neko Case 8p

hebbe[10/26/06 10:25 PM ]:
incubus 8p

MockY[10/26/06 10:26 PM ]:
Neko Case 9p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:26 PM ]:
Duncan Sheik 8p

stekarn[10/26/06 10:26 PM ]:
Incubus 8p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:26 PM ]:
Incubus 8p

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:26 PM ]:
Incubus 9p

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
Wow, vilken överaskning! Trevligt minst sagt.

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
skoj med SOTD

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
Looks like our little test taker kicked butt

stekarn[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
Härliga Dredg-influenser i incubus låt

Ragee[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
bara jag som rösta dåligt på incubus haha

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
jag älskar denna

hebbe[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
har incubus got mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
normalt är jag ingen Incubus fan precis

MockY[10/26/06 10:27 PM ]:
,men denna är grym

stekarn[10/26/06 10:28 PM ]:
tycker jag inte dom har med denna

MockY[10/26/06 10:28 PM ]:
Incubus kan inte gå mainstream. Dom låter för udda. Men efter Therons beskriving så har dom nog variot det i flera år

MockY[10/26/06 10:28 PM ]:
mainstream alltså

stekarn[10/26/06 10:28 PM ]:
dredg är väll inte direkt mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:28 PM ]:

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
har inte påstått det heller

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
Men Theron definition av mainstream är lite annorlunda än våran

stekarn[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
inte du men anders kanske

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
säljer man massa plattor så är man mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
enligt honom

tgs3[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
Their album from 5-6 years ago was huge

stekarn[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
bara för att en platta säljer behöver den inte vara mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
jag brukar få lyssna mycke mer för att gilla incubus

MockY[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
they sure was

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:29 PM ]:
If the radio plays your music, then you're mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
nej, men det tycker Theron

tgs3[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
If lots of people buy the album and it gets played on the radio a lot, it's not mainstream?

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
om jag uppfattat det rätt

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
That last album was mainstream

hebbe[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
jag gillar incubus

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
se, sa ju det

stekarn[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
om den spelas i ja

tgs3[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
You guys can use the word to mean whatever you want, but you're misusing it

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
mjo, men jvad jag försöker säga att Theron och Nina tar ordet Mainstream väldigt litterärt

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
vi använder det ordet för att beskriva musiken

MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]:
inte framgångarna

stekarn[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
i usa finns det så många radiokanaler.

MockY[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
sen om det är rätt eller inte är en helt annan sak

hebbe[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
1. incubus 38p grattis peter

hebbe[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
2. the black maria 32p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
I don't believe you really have a clue what you mean, let alone what I mean

hebbe[10/26/06 10:31 PM ]:
3. duncan sheik 31p

tgs3[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:
but congrats

hebbe[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:
4. neco case 30p

hebbe[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:
5. anberlin 30p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:
fy fan

Ragee[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]:
6. the red jump.. 17p

Ragee[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]: Jävla Peter

Ragee[10/26/06 10:32 PM ]: neco case var icke bra

MockY[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]: uhh? why not. I know what the definition \"mainstream\" means. However, what I am trying to say is that me along with my brothers (mis)use that word when we use it when describing the music

hebbe[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]: lite otur niklas

Ragee[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]: blir petad av den låten suck...

stekarn[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]: skulle aldrig få för mig att kalla losing my religion eller enjoy the silence för mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
we don't mean the success

MockY[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
precis vad jag försöker säga

MockY[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
vi använder inte ordet i ordets rätta bemärkelse

Ragee[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
nu lär jag hoppa i kojs

Ragee[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
cya later

tgs3[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
Then maybe you should say what you actually do mean rather than what you don't mean

MockY[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]:
hör ni mig över huvud taget?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:33 PM ]: bye, sleepy

MockY[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: which would be what?

hebbe[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: jag vet vad du menar

tgs3[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: I don't have a fucking clue

stekarn[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: mainstream för mig är när ett band säljer ut sig genom att vara musikbranshen mer till lags

hebbe[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: god natt niklas

MockY[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: Theron does not for some reason

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: How can we take it literally, but you use it correctly and not mean the same thing

MockY[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: IU didn't say we used it correctly

tgs3[10/26/06 10:34 PM ]: Kick their asses, Nina!!

MockY[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]: I just said that that is a word we use when describing a certain type of music

MockY[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]: whether its right or not

tgs3[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]: I don't believe the 4 of you have the same definition. Perhaps I'm wrong

MockY[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]:
you are wrong

stekarn[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]:
sedan när ett band råkar sälja bra även om dom gör en udda grej så kan man knappast gå och kalla dom för mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]:
3 actually

MockY[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]:
don't know about Niklas in this case

hebbe[10/26/06 10:35 PM ]:
robert beskrev det ju bra

tgs3[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]:
I seriously doubt you really mean anything concrete by calling something \"mainstream\" except to be negative and condecending

MockY[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]:
se, jag och Robert vet precis vad vi pratar om när vi använder ordet mainstream till varandra

tgs3[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]:
stekarn[10:35:37 PM]: sedan när ett band råkar sälja bra även om dom gör en udda grej så kan man knappast gå och kalla dom för mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]:
jag säger bara att det är ett ord vi använder för att beskriva musiken och INTE dess framgångar

tgs3[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]:
That's the very fucking definition of the word,. Robert

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]: use another word

MockY[10/26/06 10:36 PM ]: Which both me and him (I hope) knows

tgs3[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: Like I said, you're free to use the word as you see fit.

MockY[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: it's just that we use it describing the music whether it's accurate or not

tgs3[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: I prefer to use language they way the majority does so that I can be understood

MockY[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: hehe

MockY[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]:

hebbe[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: jag menar det han skrev tidigare

tgs3[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: But you're definitely NOT describing the music

MockY[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: sure, but do you understand what I'm trying to say now?

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:37 PM ]: Drive, Pardon Me, adn Wish you Were Here are all mainstream songs

MockY[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: sure

MockY[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: but that is how WE describe thje music

tgs3[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: Fuckin' A they are

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: You're saying they aren't mainstream

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: ?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: But it DOESN'T describe anything.

MockY[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: sure do

tgs3[10/26/06 10:38 PM ]: Or not the music anyway

tgs3[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: You're saying it doesn't sound much like pop

tgs3[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: That's a pretty shitty description

MockY[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: they are as a band mainstream (due to their success) but their music is not

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: pop is not mainstream

tgs3[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: I expect a hell of a lot more out of a professional writer.

MockY[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]: usually it is

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]:
no it's not

MockY[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]:
You don't have to read

stekarn[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]:
Theron ordet mainstream i musikens betydelse är jag övertygad om att det är musiknördar som har uppfunnit och jag är ganska säker på att deras mening med ordet är precis vad peter och jag beskrev

tgs3[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]:
Now Nina is losing me as well

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:39 PM ]:
is rock pop?

MockY[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: what??

MockY[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: no, rock is rock

MockY[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: and pop is pop

MockY[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: oitherwise there would be no point of haveing genres

hebbe[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: lättlysnad musik

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: so rock can't be mainstream?

hebbe[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: ja

MockY[10/26/06 10:40 PM ]: Britney , Christina, All RnB

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: sådant är extremt mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: enbart gjort för att generera pengar

tgs3[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: But, Robert, you guys STILL haven't said what it \"describes\"

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: och inget annat

tgs3[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: And the word mainstream is not a \"music\" word

tgs3[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: It means what it means

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: it describes the feeling of the song

stekarn[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: Lives nya Nickelback levellers nya

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: it sounds mainstream or it does not

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: simnple as that

tgs3[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: Levellers?

MockY[10/26/06 10:41 PM ]: word

tgs3[10/26/06 10:42 PM ]: Shittiest......definition......ever

stekarn[10/26/06 10:42 PM ]: Det kan vara Mainstream utan att det säljer bra

stekarn[10/26/06 10:42 PM ]: okej vissa låtar

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: Yes, they can sound mainstream and still sell badly

MockY[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: so what if it is the shittiest ever?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: Make you happy tokmainstream

tgs3[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: So the definition of a song that is mainstream is if it sounds mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: All I'm saying is that this is the word we use

MockY[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: I'm not arguing anything else

MockY[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: yes

MockY[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: correct

tgs3[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: Sorry for being so crazy to think you guys we're being unclear.

stekarn[10/26/06 10:43 PM ]: ja nu fattar alla utom theron

MockY[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: tgs3: So the definition of a song that is mainstream is if it sounds mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: This is what we said 50 minutes ago

tgs3[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: I'm being fucking sarcastic

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: So, are agreeing that Incubus is mainstream

tgs3[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: That's a retarded definition

stekarn[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: he hehe

tgs3[10/26/06 10:44 PM ]: You can't use the word itself in the definition

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: I would have said that that album went mainstream, except then they came out with this

stekarn[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: jag tror det är lättare för mig att förstå som inte pratar engelska

hebbe[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: jag tycker inte incubus är mainstrea, det var ett skämt från början

MockY[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: no they are NOT

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: Now, they are mainstream

tgs3[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: I'll hold to what I said earlier, you guys don't really mean ANYTHING when you say that, you just do it to be condesending and feel cool musically

MockY[10/26/06 10:45 PM ]: we ARE cool

stekarn[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: ha ha ha ha

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: how can they not be mainstream...

hebbe[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: ha hah aha ha ha

tgs3[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: so you agree with me, Peter

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: If they get played on 100.5 the Zone, they're mainstream

stekarn[10/26/06 10:46 PM ]: jag har bara deras första platta så jag kan inte utala mig

MockY[10/26/06 10:47 PM ]: no I'm not

tgs3[10/26/06 10:47 PM ]: So you have the songs Nina mentioned earlier?

hebbe[10/26/06 10:47 PM ]: lyssna på \"Rice Electric - Lonley Ones\" den är mainstrem

tgs3[10/26/06 10:47 PM ]: Then please give me a concrete definiution of how you \"describe\" a song when you call it mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: since the majority of people who \"knows\" music are using this word like us, I really don't agree with you

tgs3[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: You're the wordsmith, not me

tgs3[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: Feel free to go in Swedish

MockY[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: I can't describe a sound

tgs3[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: I havenm't expressed an opinion. What is it you're disagreeing with?

stekarn[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]:
det roligaste av allt är att TOOL och SOAD skulle kunna göra vilken smörja som helst och ändå hamna först på albumlistan. Jag har VÄLDIGT svårt att kalla det för mainstream då.

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:48 PM ]: who is agreeing with you?

MockY[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: iwhen it feels a bit \"la la la la\"

tgs3[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: I have the dictionairy on my side

MockY[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: will not help Theron

MockY[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: We know what we mean when using the word

MockY[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: and no dictionary will ever change that

tgs3[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: You are SO proving me right with your every sentence

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: So, what is mainstream in your opinion?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: You don't mean anything

hebbe[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: radiovänlig lättlysnad musik

MockY[10/26/06 10:49 PM ]: so?

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: typ

tgs3[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: Who are you spekaing to?

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: peter?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: NIna.

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: are we seriously starting this all over again?

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: tgs3: So the definition of a song that is mainstream is if it sounds mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: simple as taht

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: peter

tgs3[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: He can't define it obviously

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: what?

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: I can't

tgs3[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: You are SO proving me right with your every sentence

MockY[10/26/06 10:50 PM ]: it's a feeling that you get when listening to it

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: Give me song that is mainstream Peter

MockY[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: and your point is?

MockY[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: www.billboard.com

tgs3[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: And you all share this same feeling?!? What a load of shit

MockY[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: and pick 70 of the top 100

MockY[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: we sure do

tgs3[10/26/06 10:51 PM ]: randomly?

tgs3[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: You really believe this?

MockY[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: we have always agreed on that \"feeling\" when we sit down and listen to a song

hebbe[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: det finns säkert undantag

MockY[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: we usually agree that this or that sounds mainstream

stekarn[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: Mainstream i svensk ordlista skulle beskriva ordet som vad majoriteten vill ha för tillfället. Inte vad dom kommer att vilja ha.

MockY[10/26/06 10:52 PM ]: hence the word \"usually\"

tgs3[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: Sure, when something soungs kinda a poppy you guys might use that word and might sometimes all agree

tgs3[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: Robert, that sounds right to me

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: So, you agree with Anders that Rise Electric is mainstream

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: ?

MockY[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: donno that song title

stekarn[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: jag kan lätt erkänna att jag gillar viss mainstream

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: it's one of the songs that was uploaded today

MockY[10/26/06 10:53 PM ]: det är ju inte det vi diskuterar

MockY[10/26/06 10:54 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 10:54 PM ]: ah

tgs3[10/26/06 10:54 PM ]: We're not discussing anything because you have yet to say what the hell you mean

MockY[10/26/06 10:54 PM ]: Which I have done 5 thousand times

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: no, not once, all you say is that it's a feeling

tgs3[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: You said you used the word to \"DESCRIBE\" the music, yet it clearly doesn't desribe jackshit in your world

tgs3[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: yes

MockY[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: it describes plenty in my world

tgs3[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: such as?

MockY[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: why would I use a word in \"my world\" that doesn't describe something to me

tgs3[10/26/06 10:55 PM ]: because you're a dumbass

stekarn[10/26/06 10:56 PM ]: sedan är det väll klart att man har vissa meningsskiljeakter om vad som är mainstream för begreppet är ju ändå ganska vagt

MockY[10/26/06 10:56 PM ]: then if I used the term tortoise poo or elephant when I do it, doesnt mean that I don't mean the same

MockY[10/26/06 10:56 PM ]: then it the actual meaning of the word is actually misused is a total.ly different thing

MockY[10/26/06 10:56 PM ]: if*

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:56 PM ]: he is admitting that he doesn't use the work correctly

tgs3[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: But you'd still be able to define the word when someone asks you what you mean, but you're not able to do that

tgs3[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: Sure, Peter's admitted to misusing the word from the start

MockY[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: Mainstream to me is usually something very shallow, something that dies quickly, music made for the sole purpose of generating money, usually fairly popish and easy to listen to

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: I know, but then don't use a work that actually means something in these contexts

tgs3[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: But he's not really misusing the word so much as not using it at all

stekarn[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: jag vet att jag använder ordet korrekt men det är det svenska ordet mainstream som jag använder

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: I would prefer you use elephant poo

MockY[10/26/06 10:57 PM ]: and since most people don't have the slightes clue of what music is, this is what they go with

MockY[10/26/06 10:58 PM ]: because they don't analyze the music, they barely listens too it

hebbe[10/26/06 10:58 PM ]: jag beskriver ordet som lättlyssnad radiovänlig musik

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:58 PM ]: then when you say elephant poo I'll know that you are describing this feeling of yours, even thought I don't really know what the feeling is

tgs3[10/26/06 10:58 PM ]: You told me you were using the word to describe MUSIC. what you just said doesn't describe music AT ALL

tgs3[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: You're talking about other people's tastes, which is exactly what you told me your weren't doing

MockY[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: well in this case, EVERY Swede that I have talked to, knows what I mean when I use Mainstream

MockY[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: I just said it was appealing to most peaople

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: I don't really understand that \" lättlyssnad radiovänlig musik\" either

MockY[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: and why

tgs3[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: I think you guys are all just equally clueless

MockY[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: then if they listen to that or something else is their pronlem not mine

thebrat13n[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: I think that you mean that they're sell outs

MockY[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: I coudn't care less

tgs3[10/26/06 10:59 PM ]: All Muslims agree with Jesse's crazy ideas, doesn't make them any less clueless

hebbe[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: god natt

MockY[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: well that is not the point now is it?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: g'night

tgs3[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: I wish you'd join the talk, Anders

tgs3[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: It's fun

MockY[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: if the majority is \"clueless\", how come they are cluelöess then?

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: what is \"lättlyssnad\"?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: who are you respondiong to?

MockY[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: you

tgs3[10/26/06 11:00 PM ]: easy listened to

MockY[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: easy to listen too

tgs3[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: something with a beat you can dance to

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: I know, but is that like, easy listening music?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: Anythign Supernova likes

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: Like you here in a store

MockY[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: it's like saying 80% of the poulation is a minority

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:01 PM ]: hear

MockY[10/26/06 11:02 PM ]: most stuff they play on MTV, tv shows and so on

tgs3[10/26/06 11:02 PM ]: Is what?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:02 PM ]: Please describe the music

MockY[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: you know what I mean which is why I'm not going to continue this conversation

MockY[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: I need to get to work

tgs3[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: MockY[10/26/06 10:30 PM ]: vi använder det ordet för att beskriva musiken

tgs3[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: Yes you do

tgs3[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: Quitter

tgs3[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: I don't think you mean anything

tgs3[10/26/06 11:03 PM ]: So, no, I don't know what you mean\\

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:05 PM ]: I heard drive in two t v shows, so that proves that Incubus in Mainstream

tgs3[10/26/06 11:05 PM ]: Of course it is

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:05 PM ]: And, I wouldn't classify Rise Electric as Mainstream

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:06 PM ]: it could be, but only if it did well

tgs3[10/26/06 11:06 PM ]: What they really mean is \"generic\" and not mainstream. They think they mean a lot more than that, which is why I'm arguing, but I honestly don't think its any more sophisticated that that.

tgs3[10/26/06 11:07 PM ]: Yes, in the real world, things become mainsteam

stekarn[10/26/06 11:08 PM ]:
Det är bara så theron att viss musik som man lyssnar på har väldigt många svårt att förstå sig på och viss annan musik som man lyssnar på förstår sig folk på lite lättare. Och det har jag faktiskt ganska lätt att förutse. Vissa band kräver helt enkelt lite mer av lyssnarna. Men även sådana band blir stora ibland och dom överlever också ganska länge för dom får ofta en väldigt trogen fanbase

tgs3[10/26/06 11:09 PM ]:
Then why not just say that? Why mis use the word mainstreamn instead?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:10 PM ]: Wouldn't it be more accurate and clearer to simply call a song simple or easily listened to instead?

stekarn[10/26/06 11:10 PM ]: Men dom banden brukar tappa till slut dom också för oftast tar kreativiteten slut och dom säljer ut sig för att försöka överleva

tgs3[10/26/06 11:11 PM ]:
And you consider that a negative, don't you? \"

tgs3[10/26/06 11:11 PM ]:

stekarn[10/26/06 11:12 PM ]:
väldigt negativt för jag gillar inte speciellt mycket utav det som spelas på radion idag

tgs3[10/26/06 11:12 PM ]:
Obviously the people that do this don't. Or they wouldn't make that choice

tgs3[10/26/06 11:13 PM ]: Luckily no one forces you to listen to the radio

stekarn[10/26/06 11:13 PM ]: jag tror att det är dom satans skivbolagens fel

tgs3[10/26/06 11:13 PM ]: Everyone is leaving us

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:14 PM ]: I do agree that what gets played on the radio here is probably not quite the same as in Swedem

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:14 PM ]: Sweden

stekarn[10/26/06 11:14 PM ]: det känns bara som att det är svårare för ett kreativt band att klara sig idag än vad det var på 90-talet

tgs3[10/26/06 11:16 PM ]: I have no idea if that's the case or not, but I would guess the opposite

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:16 PM ]: I think that it's easier since you don't have to rely on the radio anymore to hear something

tgs3[10/26/06 11:16 PM ]: There are many more ways to get music out to the masses now than there was before

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:16 PM ]: Anybody can put anything on the internet

tgs3[10/26/06 11:16 PM ]: Before it was the domain of a handfull of record companies. If they didn't like what you did, you were pretty much screwed

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:17 PM ]: Now, on XM, there's a station that dedicated to playing artists that aren't signed with record companies

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:17 PM ]: I think that it's only Canadian bands though

tgs3[10/26/06 11:17 PM ]: I also don't think its the record companies fault that song you don't like are on the radio. They're just trying to make money, they put out what the mnost people will buy/listen to.

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:18 PM ]: kinda weird

stekarn[10/26/06 11:18 PM ]:
det är ju bara att se på myspace det är inga nyskapande band som tar sig upp på topplistan där direkt

tgs3[10/26/06 11:18 PM ]:
damn canucks!!

tgs3[10/26/06 11:18 PM ]: And you think in the old days bands just go big overnight?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:19 PM ]: Those bands are up there because thats what the kids like

tgs3[10/26/06 11:20 PM ]: http://www.yvoschaap.com/myspace/

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:20 PM ]: coldplay kinda just made it big with their first album

tgs3[10/26/06 11:20 PM ]: I don't know who a lot of those bands/people are

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:20 PM ]: yellow was huge

tgs3[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: Doesn't mean they're not big in some other genre, though

stekarn[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: nej givetvis inte men det fanns fler stora skivbolag och musikbranshen var helt annorlunda nu är det mest hopplock av band och realitysåpor som gäller

tgs3[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: Sure, they did, and that still happens, but do you know how long they stuggled to get that album makde

tgs3[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: ?

tgs3[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: They could have written Yellow a decade ago

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:21 PM ]: nope

tgs3[10/26/06 11:22 PM ]: me, neither

tgs3[10/26/06 11:22 PM ]: I think you're seeing a couple of trends and blowing that way out of proportion, Robert

stekarn[10/26/06 11:22 PM ]: det finns ju knappt band på topplistan som skriver sin egen musik

tgs3[10/26/06 11:22 PM ]: Reality show winners is giving people what they want

tgs3[10/26/06 11:23 PM ]: In the old days (before rock), no one wrote their own music

tgs3[10/26/06 11:23 PM ]: What does that have to do with anything

tgs3[10/26/06 11:24 PM ]: Just because someone can sing or play a guitar doesn't mean they should write music

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:24 PM ]: Sometimes what I hear a song, I wonder if the person singing it wrote it

tgs3[10/26/06 11:24 PM ]: Or that someone that isn't that good at those things can't write some really killer songs. It seems to me its a BETTER system when those things are separated

stekarn[10/26/06 11:25 PM ]:
det är väll bara så att jag har haft turen att uppleva 90-talet. Jag vet bara theron att så gott som allt som jag tycker är bra har musikerna själv skrivit

tgs3[10/26/06 11:25 PM ]:
I don't know Robert, I look at that Myspace list and think you couldn't be more wrong

tgs3[10/26/06 11:25 PM ]:
I see all kinds of new acts on there

tgs3[10/26/06 11:26 PM ]:
That doesn't mean it wouldn't be better with a better singer

stekarn[10/26/06 11:27 PM ]:
det har jag aldrig sagt. Men skapa musik som jag gillar kan dom tydilgen inte

tgs3[10/26/06 11:27 PM ]:

tgs3[10/26/06 11:28 PM ]:
You're old

stekarn[10/26/06 11:28 PM ]:
he he

tgs3[10/26/06 11:28 PM ]:
\"Sonny, in my day music was really music, dagnabbit!\"

tgs3[10/26/06 11:28 PM ]: Welcome to middle age

tgs3[10/26/06 11:31 PM ]: Oh well, this was fun, but I gotta work

tgs3[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]: See you on Monday,, hopefully. Good luck with Sofi

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]:

thebrat13n[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]:
good luck

stekarn[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]:
Första nya bandet som jag riktigt tyckt om sedan Tom Mcrae är FTM och det är den bästa plattan sedan 94 för mig. Dom fick ett skivkontrakt tack vare Serj Tankain. Och hade inte han brytt sig om nyskapande musik så skulle dom aldrig fått något kontrakt

stekarn[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]:
okej ha de

stekarn[10/26/06 11:32 PM ]:
jag behöver good luck med vädret

stekarn[10/26/06 11:33 PM ]:
men än så länge ser det lungt ut