MockY[01/07/12 8:57 AM ]: Morgon

ragee[01/07/12 8:58 AM ]: Morrn MOrrn

MockY[01/07/12 8:58 AM ]: Nu jävlar ska det drickas kaffe

ragee[01/07/12 8:59 AM ]: Är inte så himmla tidigt änd¨å

tgs3[01/07/12 8:59 AM ]: Party!

ragee[01/07/12 8:59 AM ]: dock vakna jag upp för 15min sen så här är det tidigt oxå

tgs3[01/07/12 9:00 AM ]: Peter was up late with little 5.0

MockY[01/07/12 9:01 AM ]: Jag ville sova till 9, men Mia beslutade sig att så skulle det inte vara

MockY[01/07/12 9:01 AM ]: hon somna 3 minuter sedan haha

MockY[01/07/12 9:01 AM ]: as

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:03 AM ]: man blir ju alldeles förvirrad

tgs3[01/07/12 9:03 AM ]: ?

MockY[01/07/12 9:03 AM ]: Det var på tiden du blev förvirrad. Du vann alldeles för stort denna säsong

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:04 AM ]: theron knappade in bra på mej med alla sina segrar

tgs3[01/07/12 9:06 AM ]: Too bad other people kept sucking so that you got 2nd place 5 millions rounds in a row

tgs3[01/07/12 9:07 AM ]: Looks like some heavy hitters in round 1 next season

MockY[01/07/12 9:08 AM ]: Som vanligt

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:10 AM ]: vilken start det blir, gäller bara att hålla kvallan genom hela säsongen

MockY[01/07/12 9:11 AM ]: Det 'r ju inte s'kert fetbanden levererar

MockY[01/07/12 9:11 AM ]: Tappade prickarna

tgs3[01/07/12 9:13 AM ]: poor guy

MockY[01/07/12 9:14 AM ]: Vissa av säsongens låtar är förjävla bra

MockY[01/07/12 9:15 AM ]: En del växte som satiken, och vissa totalt tappade ståndet

tgs3[01/07/12 9:15 AM ]: Before Peter starts to cry, I guess I better say that the new website looks pretty good.

tgs3[01/07/12 9:15 AM ]: Looks don't matter much to me, but the new features are cool

MockY[01/07/12 9:16 AM ]: glad to hear. The new look is really a wrapper around the search engine

tgs3[01/07/12 9:16 AM ]: I felt really bad about cutting my last 5 songs for the first time in a while. I agree it was a good season

MockY[01/07/12 9:16 AM ]: Thatäs where the change really happened, but I figured I would toss in some handy dandy features here and there as well

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:17 AM ]: har inte hunnit kolla så mycket men det jag har sett och provat verkar bra

MockY[01/07/12 9:17 AM ]: The engine has been done since we visited Anders and voted from his kitchen. Was sick of not being able to use it, so fuck total ststas for now

tgs3[01/07/12 9:17 AM ]: Its even not super narrow for once. You've lost that PB trademark your sites have

MockY[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]: well, you know...

tgs3[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]: YEAH!

tgs3[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]: I don't think anyone knows what you're talking about with the stats stuff

MockY[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]: We have done many seasons now, so we have data to fill the width with

MockY[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]: This

MockY[01/07/12 9:18 AM ]:

MockY[01/07/12 9:19 AM ]: That is the very reason I have not gone live with the site yet, but decided that the site can be without it for now.

MockY[01/07/12 9:20 AM ]: No one used that page anyways most likely

tgs3[01/07/12 9:20 AM ]: Ww. Can. Not.

tgs3[01/07/12 9:20 AM ]: You should just link to the old site for this page until you have it up

MockY[01/07/12 9:21 AM ]: Been waiting 2 years for that page. Will probably take another 2 years

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:21 AM ]: min lista är spikad

tgs3[01/07/12 9:21 AM ]: Doesn't seem like it would be difficult, but what do I know?

tgs3[01/07/12 9:21 AM ]: I'm ready, too

MockY[01/07/12 9:22 AM ]: Min sista låt for för några minuter. Tror inte listan kommer ändras nå mer

ragee[01/07/12 9:22 AM ]: tillbaka

ragee[01/07/12 9:22 AM ]: lite strul på denna sida men nu funkar allt igen

MockY[01/07/12 9:23 AM ]: Håller flickan på att dra i snasen din?

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: ska vi rösta

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: I'm ready

MockY[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: vänta

MockY[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: ska hämta en till kopp kaffe

ragee[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: Nje men min gammla dator reta gallfeber på silvia. Hennes har kraschat och min strular det trådlösa med och hon försökte pratab med sina föreldrar på SKype

MockY[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: brb

ragee[01/07/12 9:24 AM ]: men hon logga in på min telefon nu istället så nu är allt bra igen

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:25 AM ]: ha ha

tgs3[01/07/12 9:25 AM ]: The album point totals are wrong on the new site

tgs3[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: I think you're only looking at the songs that made the album, not all the songs

tgs3[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: And Utgivna Poäng on an album is meaningless. We all give out the same...

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: I'm hungry, I'm going to go grab something really quick

tgs3[01/07/12 9:27 AM ]: Pictures are kinda cool, but I'd prefer to see people's names

MockY[01/07/12 9:27 AM ]: I only count the points given to the songs that made the album

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:27 AM ]: I'm back

ragee[01/07/12 9:28 AM ]: ska hämta nåt att dricka brb

tgs3[01/07/12 9:28 AM ]: I'm front

MockY[01/07/12 9:28 AM ]: In the standings or in the search engine?

tgs3[01/07/12 9:28 AM ]: Tempted to grab a beer, but don't want Erica to think I'm some kind of alcoholic

ragee[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: back

MockY[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: I think that train left the station already buddy

tgs3[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: Sitting on a computer 9.30 in the morning drinking a beer looks a bit weird...

MockY[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: Screw that, I shall grab a beer just because

MockY[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: What the fuck am I doing with coffee

MockY[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: Lost my mind

MockY[01/07/12 9:29 AM ]: Itäs album voting for fuck sake

tgs3[01/07/12 9:30 AM ]: So far I've mostly just shown myself to be an immature, irresponsible consumer of alcohol

tgs3[01/07/12 9:30 AM ]: Alright, you talked me into it, too

MockY[01/07/12 9:30 AM ]: haha, whatever floats your boat sir. Now take a breath and grab a beer

MockY[01/07/12 9:30 AM ]: I just came back with a Pale Ale. Party has started!!!

MockY[01/07/12 9:31 AM ]: SKÅÅÅL!!

tgs3[01/07/12 9:31 AM ]: Cheers!

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:31 AM ]: jag drack en till maten, det får räcka

ragee[01/07/12 9:31 AM ]: SKÅÅL

ragee[01/07/12 9:31 AM ]: och jag ska jobba om et tag så jag får lov att låta bli

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: cheers

ragee[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: blev en pepsi istället

ragee[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: så tråkigt hehe

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: ska filéa 10 kg abborre efter röstningen

MockY[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: trist

MockY[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: Det lät också trist

tgs3[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: Sounds like Anders needs at least 5 beers...

MockY[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: word

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: how may actaul fish is that?

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:32 AM ]: men det var roligt att fiska upp dom

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:33 AM ]: how many fish

MockY[01/07/12 9:33 AM ]: Double that

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:33 AM ]: har inte räknat

MockY[01/07/12 9:33 AM ]: wait a minute, that does not make sense...haha nevermind

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:33 AM ]: farlig kombination öl o kniv

tgs3[01/07/12 9:34 AM ]: That's why you have 10 fingers

tgs3[01/07/12 9:34 AM ]: 7 or 8 of them is more than enough

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:34 AM ]: än så länge

tgs3[01/07/12 9:35 AM ]: At 41, its time to lose one

MockY[01/07/12 9:35 AM ]: En ny grupp mellan alla gammla. Stackars liten

tgs3[01/07/12 9:35 AM ]: Probably a smart move not to fight with the big boys this round

MockY[01/07/12 9:35 AM ]: Man, beer tasted really good this morning

tgs3[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: That's why I did it...

tgs3[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: I agree

MockY[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: I may have to continue this party as I move the two offices in this house

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: nä nu kör vi

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: 1

tgs3[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: sure

tgs3[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: 2

MockY[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: oki dookie

ragee[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: 4233q45134134242342332324234424343

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:36 AM ]: 5

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:37 AM ]: hinder 1p

MockY[01/07/12 9:37 AM ]: Delain 1p

ragee[01/07/12 9:37 AM ]: Deepfield 1p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:37 AM ]: Needtobreathe 1p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:37 AM ]: Ghosts of Eden 1p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:38 AM ]: Delain 2p

MockY[01/07/12 9:38 AM ]: Allele 2p

ragee[01/07/12 9:38 AM ]: Tonight Alive 2p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:38 AM ]: Inner 61 2p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:38 AM ]: Goo Goo Dolls 2p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:39 AM ]: Seven Year Riot 3p

MockY[01/07/12 9:39 AM ]: Framing Hanley 3p

ragee[01/07/12 9:39 AM ]: Hiersonic 3p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:39 AM ]: Final Thought 3p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: Matt Kearney 3p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: The Dreaming 4p

MockY[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: Rev Theory 4p

ragee[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: Chevelle 4p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: Redeem 4p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:40 AM ]: Seven Year Riot 4p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:41 AM ]: Falling Up 5p

MockY[01/07/12 9:41 AM ]: Heaven Is Where 5p

ragee[01/07/12 9:41 AM ]: Krim 5p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:41 AM ]: In Flames 5p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:41 AM ]: Downplay 5p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:42 AM ]: Several Union 6p

MockY[01/07/12 9:42 AM ]: 3 Doors Down 6p

ragee[01/07/12 9:42 AM ]: Daughtry 6p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:42 AM ]: Gossip 6p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:42 AM ]: Scars on 45 6p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Dead By Sunrise 7p

MockY[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Scars On 45 7p

ragee[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Ghost Of Eden 7p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Krim 7p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Hierosonic 7p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:43 AM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 8p

MockY[01/07/12 9:44 AM ]: In Flames 8p

ragee[01/07/12 9:44 AM ]: Inner 61 8p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:44 AM ]: Deepfield 8p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:44 AM ]: All I Know 8p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: Krim 9p

MockY[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: Matthew Mayfield 9p

ragee[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: The Dreaming 9p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: The Dreaming 9p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: Evans Blue 9p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:45 AM ]: Tonight Alive 10p

MockY[01/07/12 9:46 AM ]: Redeem 10p

ragee[01/07/12 9:46 AM ]: Otherwise 10p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:46 AM ]: Heaven is Where 10p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:46 AM ]: Inner 61 10p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:46 AM ]: In Flames 11p

MockY[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Evans Blue 11p

ragee[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Goo Goo Dolls 11p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Framing Hanley 11p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Chevelle 11p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Needtobreathe 12p

MockY[01/07/12 9:47 AM ]: Chevelle 12p

ragee[01/07/12 9:48 AM ]: Several Union 12p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:48 AM ]: Hiersonic 12p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:48 AM ]: Rev Theory 12p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:48 AM ]: Dead Letter Circus 13p

MockY[01/07/12 9:49 AM ]: Dead Letter Circus 13p

ragee[01/07/12 9:49 AM ]: 3 Doors Downs 13p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:49 AM ]: Hell or Highwater 13p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:49 AM ]: Automatic Fire 13p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:49 AM ]: D.A.D 14p

MockY[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Seven Year Riot 14p

ragee[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Evans Blue 14p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Goo Goo Dolls 14p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Allele 14p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Evans Blue 15p

MockY[01/07/12 9:50 AM ]: Nickelback 15p

ragee[01/07/12 9:51 AM ]: Nickelback 15p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:51 AM ]: Scars on 45 15p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:51 AM ]: Hell or Highwater 15p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:51 AM ]: 3 Doors Down 16p

MockY[01/07/12 9:51 AM ]: Hiersonic 16p

ragee[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: Delain 16p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 16p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: 3 Doors Down 16p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: Framing Hanley 17p

MockY[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: Daughtry 17p

ragee[01/07/12 9:52 AM ]: Rev Theory 17p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:53 AM ]: Otherwise 17p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:53 AM ]: Daughtry 17p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:53 AM ]: Downplay 18p

MockY[01/07/12 9:53 AM ]: Otherwise 18p

ragee[01/07/12 9:54 AM ]: Allele 18p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:54 AM ]: Automatic Fire 18p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:54 AM ]: Monte Pittman 18p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:54 AM ]: Otherwise 19p

MockY[01/07/12 9:55 AM ]: Downplay 19p

ragee[01/07/12 9:55 AM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 19p

tgs3[01/07/12 9:55 AM ]: Daughtry 19p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:55 AM ]: Nickelback 19p

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:55 AM ]: och 20 poäng går till ................

Hebbe[01/07/12 9:56 AM ]: Chevelle

MockY[01/07/12 9:56 AM ]: Min 20 går till en fruktat skön låt. Mummsigt värre

MockY[01/07/12 9:56 AM ]: ...och den ör ....

MockY[01/07/12 9:56 AM ]: Needtobreathe

ragee[01/07/12 9:56 AM ]: AUTOMATIC FIRE!!!! Ratta tattaatataattaaaaaaaaaa

MockY[01/07/12 9:57 AM ]: ****dead****

tgs3[01/07/12 9:57 AM ]: Nickelback 20p, i was about to say to Peter's disgust, but it looks like he got aboard the Nickelback train

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:57 AM ]: Redeem 20p

MockY[01/07/12 9:58 AM ]: Nothing on FFDP Nina...shame on you

ragee[01/07/12 9:58 AM ]: oj oj en fullpoängare till mig

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:59 AM ]: Sorry, I didn't think that song was that great

MockY[01/07/12 9:59 AM ]: does not need to be great to make top 20

thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:59 AM ]: I like other things better

MockY[01/07/12 9:59 AM ]: apparently

ragee[01/07/12 10:00 AM ]: ja det var då en jäkla svår album röstning detta

thebrat13n[01/07/12 10:00 AM ]: You are so silly...

ragee[01/07/12 10:00 AM ]: så mångra bra låtar man fick lov att lägga åt sidan

tgs3[01/07/12 10:01 AM ]: Peter and Nina both not voting for Automatic Fire seems weirder than FFDP

tgs3[01/07/12 10:01 AM ]: In Flames got treater worse than FFDP

tgs3[01/07/12 10:01 AM ]: I feel bad I didn't vote it higher

MockY[01/07/12 10:02 AM ]: Automatic Fire was the last song to drop off the list

ragee[01/07/12 10:02 AM ]: allt under 20p är en skam hahaha

MockY[01/07/12 10:02 AM ]: 5 minutes prior to voting

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:02 AM ]: 1. nickelback 69p

thebrat13n[01/07/12 10:02 AM ]: I voted for Automatic Fire 13p

MockY[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: If only Downplay had a better chorus. The verses are so flippin awesome

ragee[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: att In Flames inte alltid vinner är för mig ett av de största mysteriumen

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: 2. otherwise 64p

MockY[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: It's still good, but that song have potentials of becoming the song of the century

tgs3[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: Congrats to Anders and Nina for Mastare songs

thebrat13n[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: it's not a mystery to me

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: 3. daughtry 59p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:03 AM ]: tack

thebrat13n[01/07/12 10:04 AM ]: yippy

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:04 AM ]: 4. automatic fire 51p

tgs3[01/07/12 10:04 AM ]: Album win #2 for Nickelback

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:04 AM ]: 5. 3 doors down 51p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:04 AM ]: 6. evans blue 49p

MockY[01/07/12 10:05 AM ]: Dags för en ny öl

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:05 AM ]: 7. chevelle 47p borde haft 80p

MockY[01/07/12 10:05 AM ]: denna tömmdes lavinartat

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:06 AM ]: 8. Five Finger Death Punch 43p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:06 AM ]: 9. downplay 42p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: 10. hierosonic 38p

MockY[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: Hej, fick en top 10

tgs3[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: 4 in the top 9 isn't bad at all

MockY[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: it is not at all

ragee[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: oh nej inte ens top tio för mig trots In Flames var me denna säsong

ragee[01/07/12 10:07 AM ]: shame on you

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: 11. redeem 34p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: 12. allele 34p

MockY[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: Needtobreath och Downplay var överlägsna denna säsong. Redigt trevliga låtar. Tack för dom

ragee[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: så nära haha

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: 13. needtobreathe 33p

MockY[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: w000t

tgs3[01/07/12 10:08 AM ]: you're welcome

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:09 AM ]: 14. framing hanley 31p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:09 AM ]: fel

MockY[01/07/12 10:09 AM ]: Needtobreath makes me want to hang glide over the Sierras. Downplay makes me want to headbang all day long

MockY[01/07/12 10:09 AM ]: bad ass

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:10 AM ]: 14. rev theory 33p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:10 AM ]: 15. framing hanley 31p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:10 AM ]: 16. hell or high water 28p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:11 AM ]: 17. scars on 45 28p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:11 AM ]: 18. goo goo dolls 27p

tgs3[01/07/12 10:12 AM ]: one for everyone there

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:12 AM ]: 19. dead letter circus 26p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: 20 in flames 24p

ragee[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: yay tre på albumet

ragee[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: fan att man inte har nån öl att fira med

MockY[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]:

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: 21. the dreaming 22p

ragee[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: ?

MockY[01/07/12 10:13 AM ]: Hamnat på albumet 2 gånger samtidigt som dom hamnade 5:a i rundan

MockY[01/07/12 10:14 AM ]: konstigt

ragee[01/07/12 10:14 AM ]: ahhha haha

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:14 AM ]: 22. seven year riot 21p

ragee[01/07/12 10:14 AM ]: annu konstigare med Strata

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:14 AM ]: 23. krim 21p

MockY[01/07/12 10:16 AM ]: Jag har gott om öl att fira med, bara att komma hit

MockY[01/07/12 10:16 AM ]: nahh, 3:a bara juh

MockY[01/07/12 10:16 AM ]: Dock är dom ensam om det

tgs3[01/07/12 10:17 AM ]: So lets hope for 22 songs

MockY[01/07/12 10:17 AM ]: or 23

MockY[01/07/12 10:17 AM ]: meany

MockY[01/07/12 10:17 AM ]: Man this album went to fanders

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:18 AM ]: nä räcker med 18

tgs3[01/07/12 10:18 AM ]: We're all mean

tgs3[01/07/12 10:18 AM ]: 10 0 pointers for the kids, but none for the 2 old men

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:19 AM ]: jag hade en 3p

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:19 AM ]: theron räddade mig

MockY[01/07/12 10:20 AM ]: shit

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: dax fär abborrfiléning

MockY[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: This will NOT repeat itself. I am seriously going to kick some ass this season

tgs3[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: haha

MockY[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: I have a stay at home wife now damn it

tgs3[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: I had at least 2 people vote on 9 of my songs

MockY[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: I shall put her to work

MockY[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: "Here darling, this is called Myspace..."

tgs3[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: Nina saved All I Know

Hebbe[01/07/12 10:21 AM ]: vi hörs på måndag

tgs3[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: bye

ragee[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: yes yes cya all Tack för denna sösong

tgs3[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: same here

MockY[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: jahapp

tgs3[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: round sounds good so far

MockY[01/07/12 10:22 AM ]: Puss dårå

MockY[01/07/12 10:23 AM ]: Skååååååål!

MockY[01/07/12 10:23 AM ]: Nu jävlar är jag igång

MockY[01/07/12 10:24 AM ]: 1.5 Sierra Nevads och jag är rund under fötterna. Man är tydligen inte 19 längre

thebrat13n[01/07/12 10:25 AM ]: Well, I guess I'm off to buy new running shoes.

tgs3[01/07/12 10:25 AM ]: haha

tgs3[01/07/12 10:25 AM ]: It was an open bar at one of the dinners in Hawaii. Not a good thing

MockY[01/07/12 10:25 AM ]: That is quite the oposite of what I will be doing

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: haha

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: fucking awesome

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: sound extremely dangerous

tgs3[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: You're selling your running shoes?

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: I guess that would be the oposite

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: hahaha

tgs3[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: Luckily they only had mixed tropical drinks and Bud Light, and only 3 hours

tgs3[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: COuld have been much worse

MockY[01/07/12 10:26 AM ]: no, I meant I, the furthest I will move is from the office to the Kitchen

MockY[01/07/12 10:27 AM ]: I might find my way out to the hot tub at some point

MockY[01/07/12 10:27 AM ]: ahh, no wonder why they can have "open bar"

MockY[01/07/12 10:27 AM ]: They offer nothing of interest

MockY[01/07/12 10:27 AM ]: though I would down way to many tropical drinks

MockY[01/07/12 10:28 AM ]: I would have the bartender ÄsurpriseÄ me every time

MockY[01/07/12 10:28 AM ]: and he would probably end up giving me the same drink every time, without me even knowing it

tgs3[01/07/12 10:29 AM ]: They only had like 3 choices, so not a lot of surprises

tgs3[01/07/12 10:29 AM ]: Too much sweat juice for me, so I quickly moved to beer, but the damage was already done by then

tgs3[01/07/12 10:30 AM ]: 21 songs is 81:51. I will let you decide if 20 or 21 make it

tgs3[01/07/12 10:30 AM ]: I'll assume 21 in my file

tgs3[01/07/12 10:31 AM ]: It would only be 20 if dumb old me was burning the album

MockY[01/07/12 10:31 AM ]: 21 it is

MockY[01/07/12 10:32 AM ]: I hope people are more happy with the choice of bios picture this time

MockY[01/07/12 10:32 AM ]:

MockY[01/07/12 10:32 AM ]: I figured I would go normal this time

MockY[01/07/12 10:34 AM ]: Atleast for you and Nina

MockY[01/07/12 10:34 AM ]: I like those shots of you

tgs3[01/07/12 10:34 AM ]: results have been sent

tgs3[01/07/12 10:34 AM ]:

tgs3[01/07/12 10:35 AM ]: Yeah, I saw they were nice, normal pictures this time

MockY[01/07/12 10:35 AM ]: awesome, thanks

tgs3[01/07/12 10:35 AM ]: Did you get my other feedback?

MockY[01/07/12 10:35 AM ]: You said it overall looked nice, but some of the data is wrong

tgs3[01/07/12 10:35 AM ]: tgs3[01/07/12 9:25 AM ]: The album point totals are wrong on the new site tgs3[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: I think you\\'re only looking at the songs that made the album, not all the songs tgs3[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: And Utgivna Poäng on an album is meaningless. We all give out the same... thebrat13n[01/07/12 9:26 AM ]: I\\'m hungry, I\\'m going to go grab something really quick tgs3[01/07/12 9:27 AM ]: Pictures are kinda cool, but I\\'d prefer to see people\\'s names

MockY[01/07/12 10:36 AM ]: I answered them. For thie first two, I deliberately only count the songs that actually made the album

MockY[01/07/12 10:36 AM ]: Now if that makes sense or not is a different story

MockY[01/07/12 10:37 AM ]: The pictures, where are you referring to them?

tgs3[01/07/12 10:37 AM ]: It does not

MockY[01/07/12 10:37 AM ]: As I'm using them in multiple spots

tgs3[01/07/12 10:37 AM ]: When I look at the standings or whatever stats, I want to see people's names, not have to figure out who's picture it is

MockY[01/07/12 10:38 AM ]: ok, so you are refrring to the Season stats then

MockY[01/07/12 10:38 AM ]: The names can easily be used there, though I prefer to use the pictyures on the main page

MockY[01/07/12 10:38 AM ]: As well as in the search engine

tgs3[01/07/12 10:39 AM ]: It's your site, you can do as you wish, but i prefer names

MockY[01/07/12 10:39 AM ]: Everywhere?

tgs3[01/07/12 10:39 AM ]: Pretty much

MockY[01/07/12 10:39 AM ]: The main page displays the name when hovering over

tgs3[01/07/12 10:39 AM ]: Both would be nice, but probably won't fit

tgs3[01/07/12 10:40 AM ]: I want to be able to glance at it, not have to figure out what is going on

MockY[01/07/12 10:40 AM ]: I rather stick with it on the main page as it fits better (due to our different name lengths)

tgs3[01/07/12 10:40 AM ]: Functionality is much more important than looks to me...

MockY[01/07/12 10:41 AM ]: I tend to agree, but if it gets to wide on the main page, it can't be on the right column

tgs3[01/07/12 10:41 AM ]: I'm going to write a Greasemonkey script that changes it on my screen

MockY[01/07/12 10:41 AM ]: I wanted to get away from the clusterfuck we have on the old. As in the bottom portion of the site gets pushed down depending on how much news there is and the amount of chat out take

MockY[01/07/12 10:41 AM ]: go right ahead

MockY[01/07/12 10:42 AM ]: wont that mess up the bios page as well?

tgs3[01/07/12 10:42 AM ]: Do you really think I'm going to do that?

tgs3[01/07/12 10:43 AM ]: Do you not know how lazy I am?

MockY[01/07/12 10:43 AM ]: I have not used grease monkey in years, so I don't know how precis the settings can be set

MockY[01/07/12 10:44 AM ]: or are you saying you wont use Greasemonkey?

MockY[01/07/12 10:44 AM ]: you foolish man you

tgs3[01/07/12 10:44 AM ]: I'm not going to figure out how to write a script, if that's what you're asking

MockY[01/07/12 10:45 AM ]: Well then...

MockY[01/07/12 10:45 AM ]: Either way, since this is pretty much version 1 of version 5, please enlighten me in terms of what other fetures we coul;d have and what stats to display...and where

MockY[01/07/12 10:46 AM ]: Liek I said in the mail, my imagination is just as vivid as a gray brick

MockY[01/07/12 10:46 AM ]: man, the beer is really getting to my spelling

tgs3[01/07/12 10:47 AM ]: I'll send things when they occur to me

MockY[01/07/12 10:47 AM ]: much appreciated

tgs3[01/07/12 10:47 AM ]: But you're ignoring my feedback so far..

MockY[01/07/12 10:48 AM ]: Man, how fast do you think I am. I am a lazy mother fucker as well. Why do you think I have waited for this release for so long

MockY[01/07/12 10:48 AM ]: heck it was done by the time we got back from Anders

MockY[01/07/12 10:48 AM ]: I just hate design so much that I never pushed it out

MockY[01/07/12 10:49 AM ]: I wont touch the design now in a very long time. Just dreading the total stats page

tgs3[01/07/12 10:50 AM ]: Not expecting instant changes, but you bascially said "no" to everything

tgs3[01/07/12 10:50 AM ]: Which is totally your prerogative

MockY[01/07/12 10:51 AM ]: No, I'll change it in the season stats. I was just testing out the images there

MockY[01/07/12 10:51 AM ]: But due to space constraints, I'll keep it on the main page. At least for now

MockY[01/07/12 10:51 AM ]: The search engine don't need the use of images either

MockY[01/07/12 10:51 AM ]: since there is plenty of space there

MockY[01/07/12 10:52 AM ]: Until we hit 9 members. Those rown will be wide

MockY[01/07/12 10:52 AM ]: rows*

MockY[01/07/12 10:53 AM ]: Browsing around in the Grupp Index, man we have gone through alot of bands

MockY[01/07/12 10:54 AM ]: 10+ years... pretty darn cool that we are stil going strong

tgs3[01/07/12 10:54 AM ]: Yup

tgs3[01/07/12 10:55 AM ]: I actually don't mind the pictures as much in the search since the pictures are always in the same place, its not like you need to figure out who is who

MockY[01/07/12 10:55 AM ]: And very odd that we keep coming up with solid tunes

MockY[01/07/12 10:55 AM ]: Besides, you're so pretty that I don't mind looking at you

MockY[01/07/12 10:55 AM ]: They will go away in the season stats, for sure

MockY[01/07/12 10:56 AM ]: There is also room for more resources and info under each seacrh result, but i ran out of ideas

MockY[01/07/12 10:56 AM ]: The round and album points is the info that is the mian infor anyways

tgs3[01/07/12 10:57 AM ]: Looks good so far

MockY[01/07/12 10:58 AM ]: As long as it is an imporvement, I've done my job. But I think the search engine is much more useful now, and easier to use. I have been using it for 2 years now but got annoyed every time the data got stale, which was often....

MockY[01/07/12 10:58 AM ]: again I'm lazy, and having to apply a local copy of the live database is a drag

MockY[01/07/12 10:58 AM ]: now I don't have to >(

MockY[01/07/12 10:58 AM ]:

tgs3[01/07/12 10:59 AM ]: gotcha

tgs3[01/07/12 10:59 AM ]: Now if I only had good songs to use for season 46 to have put into the database

MockY[01/07/12 10:59 AM ]: or has it been 2 years since the Anders trip

MockY[01/07/12 10:59 AM ]: crap, time flies

tgs3[01/07/12 11:00 AM ]: 15 months

MockY[01/07/12 11:00 AM ]: I gathered some tunes when we had that 4 day weekend, so I feel better off this season than last one anyways

MockY[01/07/12 11:00 AM ]: barely over a year

tgs3[01/07/12 11:00 AM ]: I haven't given new music a single thought until today

MockY[01/07/12 11:01 AM ]: good, I guess it's moving slower after all

tgs3[01/07/12 11:01 AM ]: And it's just "thought" so far...

MockY[01/07/12 11:01 AM ]: Well, keep them beers coming, and I'm sure you'll whip something up

tgs3[01/07/12 11:01 AM ]: I settled at one. I'm old

MockY[01/07/12 11:03 AM ]: I think I'm good after 2

MockY[01/07/12 11:03 AM ]: Otherwise, I wont do anything of what I have planned for today

tgs3[01/07/12 11:04 AM ]: 2 more days and Peter's back to running country

MockY[01/07/12 11:05 AM ]: or 9

tgs3[01/07/12 11:05 AM ]: nipe

tgs3[01/07/12 11:06 AM ]: nope

MockY[01/07/12 11:06 AM ]: really now

MockY[01/07/12 11:06 AM ]: So my weak mind will be overwritten by you it seems

MockY[01/07/12 11:06 AM ]: Damn, I better drink some more beer today then

tgs3[01/07/12 11:09 AM ]: Chris and me have been off for almost 2 weeks, so its probablyt better for you to not put it off

tgs3[01/07/12 11:09 AM ]: I've been sick, so will be taking it pretty easy that first week

tgs3[01/07/12 11:09 AM ]: You're free to ignore this at sufffer more in 9 days

MockY[01/07/12 11:10 AM ]: if you only knew how bad my legs are

MockY[01/07/12 11:10 AM ]: If I walk to the kitchen and back, I swear I caqn feel it in my legs

tgs3[01/07/12 11:10 AM ]: They'll be better in 9 days?

MockY[01/07/12 11:10 AM ]: this is bad, really fucking bad

MockY[01/07/12 11:11 AM ]: I badly need to move around again, cause this is just sad

tgs3[01/07/12 11:11 AM ]: Good thing we didn't go until the spring or summer like the original plan

tgs3[01/07/12 11:11 AM ]: Until you came back to work, I mean

MockY[01/07/12 11:11 AM ]: yeah, I am very ready to go back, on many accounts

tgs3[01/07/12 11:16 AM ]: Getting hungry. I assume I'll see you at Sonja's tomorrow?

MockY[01/07/12 11:18 AM ]: absolutley

tgs3[01/07/12 11:18 AM ]: Enjoy yourself until then

tgs3[01/07/12 11:19 AM ]: Hopefully i'll have my Hawaii pictures organized and uploaded by then

tgs3[01/07/12 11:19 AM ]: talk to you later