MockY[11/04/11 9:52 PM ]: Hola

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:53 PM ]: hello

MockY[11/04/11 9:53 PM ]: How goes it?

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: fine

tgs3[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: ok

MockY[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: Must admit the list took a while to develop

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: I'm about to turn my whole house up to 80 degrees, I can't seem to get warm

tgs3[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: Feel like Anders is going to steamroll us today

MockY[11/04/11 9:54 PM ]: You'll be close by I'd imagine

MockY[11/04/11 9:55 PM ]: so no steamroll exactly

MockY[11/04/11 9:55 PM ]: but we'll see

tgs3[11/04/11 9:55 PM ]: 2 days ago I said to myself that I wouldn't turn my heat on until Erica comes home for Thanksgiving, but I broke that already today

MockY[11/04/11 9:55 PM ]: yeah, fuck it was cold today

MockY[11/04/11 9:56 PM ]: it was 34f here this moring

MockY[11/04/11 9:56 PM ]: Even the cats thought it was a bit chilly

MockY[11/04/11 9:57 PM ]: It's 46.5 right now, so I guess it's getting better

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:57 PM ]: how can you still be going off celsius?

tgs3[11/04/11 9:57 PM ]: Are you chatting outside?

tgs3[11/04/11 9:57 PM ]: Nina's high apparently

tgs3[11/04/11 9:57 PM ]: haha

MockY[11/04/11 9:58 PM ]: hahahahaha

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:58 PM ]: why am I high?

MockY[11/04/11 9:58 PM ]: now that was todays assumtion

MockY[11/04/11 9:58 PM ]: 46 C would be rather warm

MockY[11/04/11 9:58 PM ]:

tgs3[11/04/11 9:59 PM ]: How the fuck is it possible to be 46 degrees celcius right now?

thebrat13n[11/04/11 9:59 PM ]: ok, fine

MockY[11/04/11 9:59 PM ]: Death Valley is attacking West Sac

MockY[11/04/11 9:59 PM ]: Gaaahhh

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:00 PM ]: I didn't really think about it

tgs3[11/04/11 10:00 PM ]: catching Peter disease

MockY[11/04/11 10:00 PM ]: Thta's rather fine. To your defence, I have to convert before posting

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:00 PM ]: apparently

MockY[11/04/11 10:01 PM ]: so you were right in assuming I would spit out Celcius

MockY[11/04/11 10:01 PM ]: had*

MockY[11/04/11 10:01 PM ]: not the 34, but the 46

tgs3[11/04/11 10:02 PM ]: I think it was the .5 that threw Nina

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:03 PM ]: partly

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:03 PM ]: it's not even going to get into the 60s tomorrow

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:04 PM ]: jag måste på dass

MockY[11/04/11 10:04 PM ]: Sweden has warmer weather for some reason

MockY[11/04/11 10:04 PM ]: 2012 is near...

tgs3[11/04/11 10:05 PM ]: Southern Sweden maybe. Not Anders

tgs3[11/04/11 10:05 PM ]: Even they don't

MockY[11/04/11 10:06 PM ]: My mother anyway. She's the one bragging about their "heat"

tgs3[11/04/11 10:08 PM ]: A few days ago they had a day like we had today. That's not being warmer than here

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:10 PM ]: 5 plusgrader och regn jag hatar göteborgsväder

MockY[11/04/11 10:15 PM ]: Du vill ha kallt och is

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:16 PM ]: räcker med 10 minus en vecka utan snö så är isarna klara

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:16 PM ]: sen räcker det med 0-gradigt

MockY[11/04/11 10:17 PM ]: Resterande av säsongen?

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:19 PM ]: ja men det skulle aldrig hända

tgs3[11/04/11 10:20 PM ]: Not with that attitude

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:20 PM ]: behöver ju inte vara kallare än 10 minus i alla fall

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:21 PM ]: men det är inte jag som bestämmer vädret

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:21 PM ]: jag har fått jobb

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:22 PM ]: doing what?

tgs3[11/04/11 10:22 PM ]: TO decide the weather? Congrats

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:22 PM ]: knyta tomtar i juckasjärvi

tgs3[11/04/11 10:23 PM ]: Those must be big laces on a house

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: nä jag ska jobba på norrängskolan

MockY[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: He is lassoing gnomes

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: börjar på måndag

MockY[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: not houses

MockY[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: Va snäll mot tomtarna Anders

MockY[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: annars får man inga presenter

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: how long is that for?

tgs3[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: ah. Got it

tgs3[11/04/11 10:24 PM ]: Poor little guys

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: Blir inga julklappar då Anders är klar med att knyta alla tomtar

tgs3[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: Doing what at the school?

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: elaka jävel

tgs3[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: Being the creepy janitor?

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: haha

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: yes, I can so see that

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: extra resurs i en klass 4

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: creepy but yet friendly

MockY[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: Men grattis Anders

tgs3[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: creepy ones usually are

tgs3[11/04/11 10:25 PM ]: at first

tgs3[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: What does that mean?

MockY[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: så alla svenska släktingar är lärare nu då.

tgs3[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: You're a teacher assistant?

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: stökig klass som behöver hjälp

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: Rika is a teacher?

MockY[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: Och Anders är botemedlet?

tgs3[11/04/11 10:26 PM ]: And you like thismore than your old job?

MockY[11/04/11 10:27 PM ]: She is due to change occupation

MockY[11/04/11 10:27 PM ]: Been shoveling dung for way to long

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:28 PM ]: jag måste få prova i alla fall innan jag vet om jag gillar jobbet

tgs3[11/04/11 10:28 PM ]: I've never tried Rika's job, but I'm pretty sure what I would think of it

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:29 PM ]: Rika's job isn't that bad

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:29 PM ]: ha ha, jag blev erbjuden jobb på en ladugård i umgransele

MockY[11/04/11 10:30 PM ]: Dung asid. It's a very physical job. It requires strong people to do for so long.

MockY[11/04/11 10:30 PM ]: I just don't want my sister in wheelchair by the age of 60

tgs3[11/04/11 10:31 PM ]: Wouldn't doing a physical job keep you healthier than a desk job?

tgs3[11/04/11 10:31 PM ]: I really didn't think her job was THAT physical.

MockY[11/04/11 10:31 PM ]: Sure, but your joints and sholders must take a serious beating I would think

tgs3[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: So you think excercising makes you old sooner?

MockY[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: It's not easy. Though her job has gotten better, much better. Many things are automated now

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: the smaller the place the more physical it is, the bigger places normally have lots of nice conveniences

MockY[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: heavy monoton movements can't be good

tgs3[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: Like robot butlers

MockY[11/04/11 10:32 PM ]: robot butlers...hahaha

tgs3[11/04/11 10:33 PM ]: I don't really know what her day to day job is like, so I can't comment. Short of fucking up your back, I would think a somewhat physical job is good for you

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:34 PM ]: man mäste röra på sig

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:34 PM ]: måste

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:34 PM ]: I think she has carpel tunnel from when she milks at the smaller places, and before the bigger ones were as modernized with the auto suckers

tgs3[11/04/11 10:34 PM ]: yes. You can do that as your chase 10 year olds, Anders

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:35 PM ]: perfekt

tgs3[11/04/11 10:35 PM ]: Yeah, many repetiitve movements will get you, but that can happen in an office, too

MockY[11/04/11 10:35 PM ]: YEah I know. I have gotten issues in my shoulder and a muscle that runs along the top part of my arm, in the left one

tgs3[11/04/11 10:35 PM ]: And 10 year olds aren't so fast, so they are a good mixture of giving you excercise, but being catchable

MockY[11/04/11 10:36 PM ]: Massage really helps, but it's annoying as hell

tgs3[11/04/11 10:36 PM ]: You also kinda did that collated job a bit weirdly if I remember right

tgs3[11/04/11 10:36 PM ]: Or do you mean from just computer work?

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:37 PM ]: don't forget the video games

MockY[11/04/11 10:37 PM ]: The coolating was not good either. But that discomform eventually disappeared. This one has been active for quite a while

MockY[11/04/11 10:38 PM ]: I hold my left hand ina Alt+Tab ready mode at all time.

tgs3[11/04/11 10:38 PM ]: I've never had any problems besides some temporary soreness

tgs3[11/04/11 10:38 PM ]: I guess I shoudln't say that. Tempting fate.

MockY[11/04/11 10:38 PM ]: Hence the muscle is always tense in one single position. I think the muscle gave me the finger eventually

MockY[11/04/11 10:38 PM ]: My right arm is perfectly fine. Itäs only the left

tgs3[11/04/11 10:39 PM ]: I guess I don't switch programs as often as you

tgs3[11/04/11 10:39 PM ]: two screens kinda kills the need a lot

MockY[11/04/11 10:39 PM ]: I do mostly Ctrl+C, Ctrl+v and alt-tab

MockY[11/04/11 10:39 PM ]: I should do more with it, otherwise this will never go away I don't think

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:39 PM ]: jag skulle inte vilja sitta i kassan på en mataffär hela dagen

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:40 PM ]: well, stop it

tgs3[11/04/11 10:40 PM ]: I agree, for many reasons

MockY[11/04/11 10:40 PM ]: It's hard as hell. I tend to only use my right arm now so it can rest

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:40 PM ]: stupid people, boring, too much food to eat

MockY[11/04/11 10:41 PM ]: I would hate the people interaction the most

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:41 PM ]: and, if I had to stand the whole time, my back would kill me

tgs3[11/04/11 10:41 PM ]: yup

tgs3[11/04/11 10:41 PM ]: to both of you

MockY[11/04/11 10:41 PM ]: not to mention the legs

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:42 PM ]: i sverige sitter dom i kassan

MockY[11/04/11 10:42 PM ]: grocery bagger must suck as well

tgs3[11/04/11 10:42 PM ]: not many do here, I don't think

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: they should

MockY[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: walk and talk with strangers all day

tgs3[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: bagger doesn't seem as bad. A little more variation at least

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: i sverige får man packa själv

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: they don't need to talk to me, and they still do

MockY[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: I rather bag myself.

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:43 PM ]: jag skulle nog kunna packa varor och prata med folk hela dagarna

tgs3[11/04/11 10:44 PM ]: I go to the self serve most of the time unless I have a lot or bought fruit

MockY[11/04/11 10:44 PM ]: jo, du hadde passat

MockY[11/04/11 10:44 PM ]: -d

tgs3[11/04/11 10:44 PM ]:

MockY[11/04/11 10:44 PM ]: wish I had a beer now

tgs3[11/04/11 10:45 PM ]: come on over

MockY[11/04/11 10:45 PM ]: ran out before I could go back to the store

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:45 PM ]: ingen öl på söndag morgon tack

MockY[11/04/11 10:45 PM ]: I wish I could.

tgs3[11/04/11 10:45 PM ]: God's day

MockY[11/04/11 10:46 PM ]: Peter bakc in the day would have been there already

tgs3[11/04/11 10:46 PM ]: New Peter sucks

MockY[11/04/11 10:46 PM ]: My father and brother in law are here

MockY[11/04/11 10:46 PM ]: did not have that 5 years ago?

tgs3[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: KG's there!!! Awesome

MockY[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: man time flies and changes things around

tgs3[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: How does he get along with RJ?

MockY[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: he he

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[11/04/11 10:47 PM ]: I knew I shouldn't have phrazed that way

MockY[11/04/11 10:48 PM ]: and I doubt the awesomeness if it were to be true

tgs3[11/04/11 10:49 PM ]: Alzeimer's people are fun

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:50 PM ]: du kan berätta samma sak hela dagen och det är nytt för dom varje gång

MockY[11/04/11 10:50 PM ]: skulle känna mig väldigt illa till mot om jag gjorde det

MockY[11/04/11 10:51 PM ]: mod*

tgs3[11/04/11 10:51 PM ]: Does sound pretty bad

tgs3[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: Is it time to vote?

MockY[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: sure

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: min lista är spikad

tgs3[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: So back to regular voting on Monday?

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: sure

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: 1

tgs3[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: I'll remind Niklas

tgs3[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: 2

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: 22.00 måndag och torsdag

thebrat13n[11/04/11 10:55 PM ]: 3

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:56 PM ]: hoppas vi får en låt av nicke

MockY[11/04/11 10:56 PM ]: if it means that he will jon again, but wanted a week, I would not mind waiting for him

MockY[11/04/11 10:56 PM ]: join*

tgs3[11/04/11 10:56 PM ]: Sure, but he didn't say anything about that

MockY[11/04/11 10:57 PM ]: But if he is ready by Monday, awesome

tgs3[11/04/11 10:57 PM ]: My music list could sure use another week

tgs3[11/04/11 10:57 PM ]: Probably wouldn't help, though

MockY[11/04/11 10:57 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:57 PM ]: jag kan köra en speed-sodt direkt

MockY[11/04/11 10:58 PM ]: shit, nu e Anders farlig

tgs3[11/04/11 10:58 PM ]: So what's different?

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:58 PM ]: märkte att det fanns i mej fortfarande bara jag gav det lite tid

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:58 PM ]: mer tid att leta musik

MockY[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: mjo det förstår jag

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: men nu börjar jag jobba igen

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]:

MockY[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: stackarn

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: nu kör vi

Hebbe[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: stereolith 1p

MockY[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: Soil 1p

tgs3[11/04/11 10:59 PM ]: A Day To Remember 1p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: A Day to Remember 1p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: Desperate Union 2p

MockY[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: Edisun 2p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: Birds of Toyko 2p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: Cavo 2p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:00 PM ]: Otherwise 3p

MockY[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Heart-Set Self-Destruct 3p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Static Cycle 3p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 3p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Stealing Eden 4p

MockY[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Caroline's Spine 4p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Dexter Freebish 4p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:01 PM ]: Man Made Machine 4p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:02 PM ]: Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster 5p

MockY[11/04/11 11:02 PM ]: Abandon Kansas 5p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:02 PM ]: Ember 5p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:02 PM ]: Evanescence 5p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:02 PM ]: cavo 6p

MockY[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Adelitas Way 6p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Stealing Eden 6p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Neetobreathe 6p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: bush 7p

MockY[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Plan Three 7p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Icon For Hire 7p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:03 PM ]: Soil 7p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:04 PM ]: Icon For Hire 8p

MockY[11/04/11 11:04 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 8p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:04 PM ]: Kids in the Way 8p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:04 PM ]: Desperate Union 8p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:04 PM ]: Neetobreathe 9p

MockY[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Needtobreathe 9p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Cervello 9p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Bush 9p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: The Siren Tower 10p

MockY[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Egypt Central 10p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Otherwise 10p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:05 PM ]: Plan Three 10p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:06 PM ]: Evanescence 11p

MockY[11/04/11 11:06 PM ]: Desperate Union 11p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:06 PM ]: Adelitas Way 11p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:06 PM ]: Stereolith 11p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:07 PM ]: Adelitas Way 12p

MockY[11/04/11 11:07 PM ]: Evans Blue 12p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:07 PM ]: Soulidium 12p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:07 PM ]: The Vital Side 12p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: staind 13p

MockY[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: Carvello 13p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: Go Van Gogh 13p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: Caroline's Spine 13p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: 7eventh Time Down 14p

MockY[11/04/11 11:08 PM ]: Blue October 14p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Blue October 14p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Blue October 14p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: that's weird

MockY[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Wow

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Panic! At The Disco 15p

MockY[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Icon For Hire 15p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:09 PM ]: Plan Three 15p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Panic! At the Disco 15p

MockY[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Close one

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Evans Blue 16p

MockY[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Pop Evil 16p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Caroline's Spine 16p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:10 PM ]: Egypt Central 16p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:11 PM ]: Angels Fall 17p

MockY[11/04/11 11:11 PM ]: Birds of Tokyo 17p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:11 PM ]: Panic! At The Disco 17p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:11 PM ]: Birds of Tokyo 17p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:12 PM ]: pop evil 18p

MockY[11/04/11 11:12 PM ]: Kids In The Way 18p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:12 PM ]: Egypt Central 18p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:12 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 18p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:13 PM ]: Heart-Set Self-Destruct 19p

MockY[11/04/11 11:13 PM ]: Ember 19p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:13 PM ]: Pop Evil 19p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:13 PM ]: Evans Blue 19p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:14 PM ]: och 20 poäng går till .....

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:14 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch

MockY[11/04/11 11:15 PM ]: Sirenkastaren 20p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:15 PM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 20p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:15 PM ]: Angels Fall 20p

MockY[11/04/11 11:15 PM ]: Two top points. Sweet

tgs3[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: I agree

tgs3[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: Album winner looks pretty obvious

MockY[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: W0000t!

tgs3[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: But 9p 3 times in the round made that the big favorite coming in

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: jag trodde ffdp skulle få en maxpoäng

MockY[11/04/11 11:16 PM ]: Dumma Nina

MockY[11/04/11 11:17 PM ]: Niklas hintade att han skulle gett en 20:a också

MockY[11/04/11 11:17 PM ]: Dumam Niklas

MockY[11/04/11 11:17 PM ]:

tgs3[11/04/11 11:17 PM ]: Yeah, I could see that

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:18 PM ]: probably

MockY[11/04/11 11:18 PM ]: but else, it smells older gentlemen in the top

MockY[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]:

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: 1. Five Finger Death Punch 58p grattis peter

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: I don't know what that means

MockY[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: Tackar och bockar.

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: grattis

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: 2. pop evil 53p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:19 PM ]: yeah, me!

MockY[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: w000t

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: 3. evans blue 47p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: Congrats, Peter. Also don;'t know what the fuck you're smelling

MockY[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: The underdogs took top places

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: I don't think I'm an older gentlemen

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: 4. panic at the disco 47p

MockY[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: Joke gone south clearly

MockY[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:20 PM ]: nu börjar det

MockY[11/04/11 11:21 PM ]: Ha en rolig resa

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:21 PM ]: 4. egypt central 44p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:21 PM ]: yes, now it starts

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:21 PM ]: 5. menar jag

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:21 PM ]: 6. blue october 42p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: 7. angels falls 37p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: birds of tokyo 36p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: 8.

tgs3[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: I got a mastare anyway. Barely

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: 9. carolines spine 33p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:22 PM ]: inte jag

tgs3[11/04/11 11:23 PM ]: 5 of the last 6 are Anders

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:23 PM ]: 10.plan three 32p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:23 PM ]: 11. the siren tower 30p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:24 PM ]: 12. icon for hire 30p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:24 PM ]: 13. adelitas way 29p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:24 PM ]: Anders had a damn fine showing, but yes, he didn't rape and pillage as much as I thought he would

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:24 PM ]: 14. kids in the way 26p

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:24 PM ]: There was only two songs that didn't get voted on

MockY[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: hahaha

MockY[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: on my screen, the first scentence is about Anders raping

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: 15. 7eventh time down 25p

MockY[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: second, Kids in the way

tgs3[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: Yup, Only Nina and Anders got 0's

MockY[11/04/11 11:25 PM ]: damn

MockY[11/04/11 11:26 PM ]: I guess it's more common with less people

tgs3[11/04/11 11:26 PM ]: yup

tgs3[11/04/11 11:26 PM ]: We used to only vote for 15 songs when there were 4 of us

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:26 PM ]: 16. ember 24p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:27 PM ]: 17. needtobreathe 24p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:28 PM ]: 18. heart-set self-destruct 22p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:28 PM ]: 19 cervello 22p

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: 20. dersperate union 21p

MockY[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: I don't remember that

MockY[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: haha

tgs3[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: Nice to squeeze those songs on to the album

MockY[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: man it's been a while

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: 21. evanecene 16p

MockY[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: I though that song would make it

tgs3[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: not surprised you don't. It's a number after all

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: 22. bush 16p

tgs3[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: 21 songs made the album, so were right

tgs3[11/04/11 11:29 PM ]: Bush justmissed

tgs3[11/04/11 11:30 PM ]: It probably would have made it if the song was shorter

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:30 PM ]: tycker att man måste ha 20p för att nå albumplats

tgs3[11/04/11 11:31 PM ]: Bush pushes the album to 82:36, which I assume is too much

tgs3[11/04/11 11:31 PM ]: haha

MockY[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: tss

tgs3[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: Even with Evanescense just scraping by, it looks like Nina got more songs on than Peter

tgs3[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: Good thing he has the overall win to feel good about

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: yippee

MockY[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: man I lost. But I am happy with the number one slot

MockY[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: it's always special

MockY[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]:

tgs3[11/04/11 11:33 PM ]: All 5 of my new bands made it. Apparently I do a bad job picking songs from old bands

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:34 PM ]: peter hade 2 låtar före min första

tgs3[11/04/11 11:35 PM ]: Anders put all 5 of his old bands in the top 10. No wonder why he wanted to change the rule

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:35 PM ]: dom gamla banden jag körde är med i top 9

tgs3[11/04/11 11:35 PM ]: Peter was either hot or cold this season

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:37 PM ]: kommer att bli intressant och se om ni gillar mina nya fynd

tgs3[11/04/11 11:38 PM ]: Chances are we will

tgs3[11/04/11 11:38 PM ]: At least more than my old crap

MockY[11/04/11 11:39 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:40 PM ]: jag har t o m köpt en platta

tgs3[11/04/11 11:40 PM ]: I haven't done that in a long time

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:41 PM ]: köper inte ofta längre

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:42 PM ]: skulle behöva en sväng på amoeba

tgs3[11/04/11 11:43 PM ]: I gotta say Amoeeba was more fun in the 90's. The internet has ruined music stores for me

tgs3[11/04/11 11:43 PM ]: Not that it still isn't fun to make a group trip down to Amoeba the next time you're here

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:44 PM ]: i sverige har jag inte hittat någon bra skivaffär än

tgs3[11/04/11 11:44 PM ]:

tgs3[11/04/11 11:44 PM ]: What more do you need?

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:45 PM ]: det är roligare att bläddra med cd-skivorna

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:46 PM ]: på amoeba kan man köpa billiga skivor på bara att dom ser bra ut

tgs3[11/04/11 11:46 PM ]: That can be a little fun when they're $1

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:47 PM ]: jag har en sån hemma som jag inte kört

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:47 PM ]: tror bara att det är jag som gillar den, möjligtvis peter

tgs3[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: I used one about a year ago finally. It got 0p on the album

MockY[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: I got the latest FFDP in the mail 2 days ago

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: Peter, when should we be at your house?

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: tomorrow

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: härligt

tgs3[11/04/11 11:48 PM ]: I'm leaving in 20 minutes

MockY[11/04/11 11:49 PM ]: I think she said 6pm

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:49 PM ]: it kind of waivered between 5 & 6 so I just wanted to make sure

tgs3[11/04/11 11:49 PM ]: Without Niklas in SOTD last season we only used 5 different countries I see.

MockY[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: I don't think anyone dies if you show up at 5 either

tgs3[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: Didn't even use FInland. Just Sweden and the bigger 4 English speaking countries

tgs3[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: "she" is Diana I assume?

MockY[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: There is usually at least one band from Finland each season

MockY[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: that's odd

tgs3[11/04/11 11:50 PM ]: I guess you guys decided to keep late?

MockY[11/04/11 11:51 PM ]: yes, my wife Diana

MockY[11/04/11 11:51 PM ]:

tgs3[11/04/11 11:51 PM ]: Bibbi's probably still jet l;agged, but I guess it doesn't really matter

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:51 PM ]: då får jag köra någon finskt nästa säsong

tgs3[11/04/11 11:52 PM ]: Niklas will be back to do that

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:52 PM ]: jag har en faktiskt

thebrat13n[11/04/11 11:53 PM ]: ok, I'm going to bed. Good Night

MockY[11/04/11 11:53 PM ]: Have a good one

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:53 PM ]: god natt, nina

tgs3[11/04/11 11:53 PM ]: g'night

MockY[11/04/11 11:54 PM ]: I talked to Niklas over Skype the other day

MockY[11/04/11 11:55 PM ]: He seems happy and hopeful over there in England

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:55 PM ]: låter bra det

MockY[11/04/11 11:55 PM ]: He even mentioned that they may not come to usa at all

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:55 PM ]: jobbar dom med nått

MockY[11/04/11 11:55 PM ]: simply just stay there

MockY[11/04/11 11:56 PM ]: Nej, inegn av dom har jobb än

tgs3[11/04/11 11:56 PM ]: Really?

tgs3[11/04/11 11:56 PM ]: WTF

tgs3[11/04/11 11:56 PM ]: That's great, but I can't imagine what's so great about it

MockY[11/04/11 11:56 PM ]: Niklas påstår att många söker jobb dock, så han verkar hoppful då han ger ut sitt CV till olika ställen

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:57 PM ]: då lär ju pengarna ta slut

tgs3[11/04/11 11:57 PM ]: The opposite reason to be hopeful. Or do you mean businesses are looking for workers?

MockY[11/04/11 11:57 PM ]: so if both gets a job, they will most likely just stay there

tgs3[11/04/11 11:57 PM ]: And if I grow wings, I'll be able to fly

MockY[11/04/11 11:58 PM ]: yes, theay are looking in numbers according to him

MockY[11/04/11 11:58 PM ]: Sounds like an old amercan fable to me...but who am I to say

Hebbe[11/04/11 11:58 PM ]: fly like an eagle theron

tgs3[11/04/11 11:58 PM ]: cool

MockY[11/04/11 11:58 PM ]: lol

MockY[11/04/11 11:59 PM ]: han bor i ett hus som han delar med 2 eller 3 andra familjer

MockY[11/04/11 11:59 PM ]: alla utlänningar som han själv

MockY[11/04/11 11:59 PM ]: Ungern, Spanien te.x

tgs3[11/05/11 12:00 AM ]: Sounds like a nightmare, but I'm glad he enjoys it

tgs3[11/05/11 12:00 AM ]: At least they'll understand him since they aren't Swedish

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:00 AM ]: vilket kulturhus

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: haha

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: vänta bara tills alla börja ligga med varandra

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: Vilket drama

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: hahaha

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: Värsta såpan

MockY[11/05/11 12:01 AM ]: Det är ju spännande ju. Det behöver han

MockY[11/05/11 12:03 AM ]: Skämt å sido. Jag hoppas han hittar något hans trivs med, vare sig det är i Sverige eler England

tgs3[11/05/11 12:03 AM ]: Or West Sac

MockY[11/05/11 12:04 AM ]: Or that

MockY[11/05/11 12:05 AM ]: Sylvia apprently underwent a medical procedure when she got operated on little after they arrived

MockY[11/05/11 12:05 AM ]: She is fine

tgs3[11/05/11 12:06 AM ]: What was the problem?

MockY[11/05/11 12:06 AM ]: They don't hvae to pay, but will have to get a job or pay for the next visit

MockY[11/05/11 12:07 AM ]: Some growth near her groin that caused tremendous pain and finally bursted

MockY[11/05/11 12:07 AM ]: They had to go to the emergency apparently

MockY[11/05/11 12:07 AM ]: Where she went under the knife

MockY[11/05/11 12:07 AM ]: But like I said, she is just fine now

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:08 AM ]: ok

tgs3[11/05/11 12:08 AM ]: hmm

tgs3[11/05/11 12:08 AM ]: Well, I'm glad to hear it all worked out

MockY[11/05/11 12:08 AM ]: Now you are just as informed as I

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:08 AM ]: vad är groin

MockY[11/05/11 12:09 AM ]: ligärdet

MockY[11/05/11 12:09 AM ]: livgärdet

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:09 AM ]: vad är det för organ?

MockY[11/05/11 12:09 AM ]: inget organ

MockY[11/05/11 12:10 AM ]: mellan ett lår och ett organ...

tgs3[11/05/11 12:10 AM ]: ljumske

tgs3[11/05/11 12:10 AM ]: Is what Google says

MockY[11/05/11 12:10 AM ]: that's probably more correct

tgs3[11/05/11 12:11 AM ]: Your word translated to life guard haha

MockY[11/05/11 12:11 AM ]: LOL!!!

tgs3[11/05/11 12:12 AM ]: No wonder she's having problems. Apparently she fucked too many life guards

MockY[11/05/11 12:12 AM ]: Hahaha, you are killing me. I'm dying overe here....

MockY[11/05/11 12:12 AM ]: Ass

MockY[11/05/11 12:12 AM ]:

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:12 AM ]: ok

tgs3[11/05/11 12:13 AM ]: It's probably easy to get sand in there with those dudes

MockY[11/05/11 12:13 AM ]: I love Anders often descriptive replies

MockY[11/05/11 12:14 AM ]:

tgs3[11/05/11 12:14 AM ]: haha

tgs3[11/05/11 12:14 AM ]: Until she left, I think Nina might have set a personal record for the most she's ever talked

MockY[11/05/11 12:14 AM ]: Can se him laughing in ok's

MockY[11/05/11 12:15 AM ]: we must do a word count immediately from all chats

MockY[11/05/11 12:15 AM ]: or not....

MockY[11/05/11 12:15 AM ]:

tgs3[11/05/11 12:15 AM ]: I'll let you take care of that

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:15 AM ]: ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

MockY[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: Nice to see when all of us are loud

MockY[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: We must do a Skype voting one of these days

tgs3[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: definitely

MockY[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: That would be bad ass

tgs3[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: DOn't know why we haven't tried sooner

tgs3[11/05/11 12:16 AM ]: Or very silent

MockY[11/05/11 12:17 AM ]: It would give SOTD a whole new dimention

MockY[11/05/11 12:17 AM ]: yeah, I can see that happening haha

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:17 AM ]: dax att installera skype igen då

MockY[11/05/11 12:17 AM ]: but still

tgs3[11/05/11 12:17 AM ]: yes

MockY[11/05/11 12:18 AM ]: Though I think I had issues with my current camera on the desktop (dropped it to many times). But it works just fine on my laptop.

MockY[11/05/11 12:19 AM ]: but just sound is bad ass as well

tgs3[11/05/11 12:19 AM ]: Yeah, I wasn't even thinking about the video, just sound is great

MockY[11/05/11 12:19 AM ]: Besides, I'm half naked all the time now Don't wanna have to dress up for SOTD lol

tgs3[11/05/11 12:19 AM ]: I'll have to stop voting naked if we get the video going

tgs3[11/05/11 12:19 AM ]: beatcha

MockY[11/05/11 12:20 AM ]: consult the log

tgs3[11/05/11 12:20 AM ]: I generally type with my penis during the actual album voting

MockY[11/05/11 12:20 AM ]: No wonder why you liked that old chair of yours

MockY[11/05/11 12:20 AM ]: It helped out

tgs3[11/05/11 12:21 AM ]: yes

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:25 AM ]: tror vi skippar kamra

tgs3[11/05/11 12:27 AM ]: damn

MockY[11/05/11 12:27 AM ]:

tgs3[11/05/11 12:28 AM ]: it's harder to type when you're that happy

Hebbe[11/05/11 12:28 AM ]: dutta på du

MockY[11/05/11 12:30 AM ]: I must do other thing with my left arm now....

MockY[11/05/11 12:30 AM ]: Might as well

tgs3[11/05/11 12:30 AM ]: You use your left, too?

tgs3[11/05/11 12:31 AM ]: Well, I gotta get up in the morning, so I guess this is a good time to say goodbye.

tgs3[11/05/11 12:31 AM ]: Good bye

MockY[11/05/11 12:31 AM ]: good bye

tgs3[11/05/11 12:31 AM ]: best bye