MockY[09/16/11 9:40 PM ]: Broder tuck

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:40 PM ]: honom ser jag inte

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:40 PM ]: trodde det bara var du och jag här

MockY[09/16/11 9:41 PM ]: loli loli lolit

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:41 PM ]:

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:44 PM ]: går det bra med listan?

MockY[09/16/11 9:44 PM ]: Hur mås det på andra sidan jorden?

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:44 PM ]: går på verktabletter

MockY[09/16/11 9:44 PM ]: Jo vars. Den har varit likadan i några timmar nu men undantag för en av dina låtar som helt plätsligt hoppade upp 5 platser

MockY[09/16/11 9:44 PM ]: jasså? Vad nu då?

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:45 PM ]: drog på mej lite vätska i ena lungan efter en förkylning

MockY[09/16/11 9:46 PM ]: det låter mindre trevligt

MockY[09/16/11 9:46 PM ]: Röks fö lite hör jag

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:46 PM ]: haha vill inte hosta

MockY[09/16/11 9:47 PM ]: Annars då. Lever barnen?

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:48 PM ]: ja vildingarna är vid liv

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:48 PM ]: och grannens katt håller på att flytta in

MockY[09/16/11 9:48 PM ]: hehe

MockY[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: full fart låter det som

MockY[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: jasså. Har du pratat med honom om att ni snart kommer adoptera deras katt?

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: sitter och titta på ko och kalv från fönstret

MockY[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: jsyt nu?

MockY[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: hust*

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:49 PM ]: jo dom betar

MockY[09/16/11 9:50 PM ]: Trevlkigt

MockY[09/16/11 9:50 PM ]: kasta katten på dom

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:50 PM ]: jag såg hon smög lite på dom förut

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:51 PM ]: men hon insåg nog att dom var lite stor

MockY[09/16/11 9:52 PM ]: fegt

MockY[09/16/11 9:53 PM ]: iofs så är det största mina katter kan fånga är fjärillar

MockY[09/16/11 9:53 PM ]: dock kom Linux hem med en ödla förra veckan

MockY[09/16/11 9:53 PM ]: Han var bar jäkla stolt

MockY[09/16/11 9:53 PM ]: bra*

thebrat13n[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: My cat used to come home with mice when I lived in Chico

thebrat13n[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: I'm glad she's to old to hunt anymore

MockY[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: hehe

thebrat13n[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: Though, she does still like to catch big bugs

MockY[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: she sure did have a cats heaven for a while in your backyard though

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:54 PM ]: majken största byte var en gräsand

thebrat13n[09/16/11 9:55 PM ]: but she just eats those, she like to play with the mice

MockY[09/16/11 9:55 PM ]: fett med gräsand. Fullvuxen?

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:55 PM ]: nä men nästan

MockY[09/16/11 9:55 PM ]: This is what Linux does all day now when the neighborhood isnät as interessting anymore

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:56 PM ]: sensommar är dom ganska stor

Hebbe[09/16/11 9:56 PM ]: ser mysigt ut

MockY[09/16/11 9:56 PM ]: tycker han med

MockY[09/16/11 9:59 PM ]: had some more beer?

tgs3[09/16/11 10:00 PM ]: Haven't had any in weeks

tgs3[09/16/11 10:00 PM ]: I mean minutes

MockY[09/16/11 10:01 PM ]: Then I shall have a celebratory Drumstick

tgs3[09/16/11 10:03 PM ]: Ice cream or chicken?

tgs3[09/16/11 10:04 PM ]: Just deleted #21 and #22. Sorry Peter and Nina. I tried to keep them

MockY[09/16/11 10:04 PM ]: ice cream

MockY[09/16/11 10:04 PM ]: ass

MockY[09/16/11 10:05 PM ]: but you paid for dinner, so I let that slide

MockY[09/16/11 10:06 PM ]: Problem is, now I want 3 more

tgs3[09/16/11 10:07 PM ]: I'm pretty full

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: I would hope so...

tgs3[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: And sleepy

ragee[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: morrn mornn afton afton

tgs3[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: If I fast all day tomorrow, I'll b efine...

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: där är nog en trött till

MockY[09/16/11 10:08 PM ]: lol

MockY[09/16/11 10:09 PM ]: blir en zombie-röstning idag tydligen

tgs3[09/16/11 10:09 PM ]: It's 07.00. Swedes should be totally awake

tgs3[09/16/11 10:09 PM ]: !

ragee[09/16/11 10:09 PM ]: ja fy satan va trött jasg ärr

ragee[09/16/11 10:09 PM ]: trots att jag somna typ tolv

tgs3[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: I can't remember the last time I slept for 7 hours in a row...

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: varit uppe sen 6.00

ragee[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: mm fett lyxigt

MockY[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: ja me sa katta

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: I need atleast 7 on average to be normal

tgs3[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: haha

tgs3[09/16/11 10:10 PM ]: sucks to be you

ragee[09/16/11 10:11 PM ]: och jag behöver 8

MockY[09/16/11 10:11 PM ]: Jag vet inte vad sömn är l

MockY[09/16/11 10:11 PM ]: längre

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:11 PM ]: jag vill nog helst ha 7 timmar också, i alla fall på höst och vinter

tgs3[09/16/11 10:11 PM ]: There are seasons?

MockY[09/16/11 10:12 PM ]: fishing

tgs3[09/16/11 10:12 PM ]: Sorry. I'm not a farmer.

tgs3[09/16/11 10:12 PM ]: Welcome to 2011.

MockY[09/16/11 10:12 PM ]: Almost over

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:12 PM ]: det beror på att det inte är så många ljusa timmar på vintern

MockY[09/16/11 10:13 PM ]: Christmas is soon here again

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:13 PM ]: is it just me, or did Theron's letters get bigger?

MockY[09/16/11 10:13 PM ]: They are

MockY[09/16/11 10:13 PM ]: Thatäs because the chat knows heäs drunk

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:13 PM ]: ahh...

MockY[09/16/11 10:14 PM ]: It takes 10 minutes before I get the urge to stretch my monitor

ragee[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: vad kostar dt att dra ut en visdomstand i usa

MockY[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: single monitor fucking sucks

MockY[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: kostade mig inget då jag drog ut mina 2

MockY[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: Har försäkring som betalar

tgs3[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: I made them bigger, but it doesn't show on my screen

ragee[09/16/11 10:15 PM ]: fan drog ut en igår och kosta mig 4000kr

ragee[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: lär fan kolla upp om mitt försäkringsbolag pejjar det

MockY[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: kan knappast skada

tgs3[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: I can't understand why anyone would use just one monitor tha wasn't homless

tgs3[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: homeless

tgs3[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: seriously

tgs3[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: Only that dude today has an excuse

MockY[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: men dom betalar bara ifall du gick till en tanddragare dom godkänner

MockY[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: och mest troligt inan du drog ut den

ragee[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: oh damn i

ragee[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: it

MockY[09/16/11 10:16 PM ]: haha

MockY[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: Not even he should have only one Ö=

MockY[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]:

tgs3[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: What weirs experience

tgs3[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: weird

MockY[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: well, I have 2 coming in on Tuesday, so this terror will be over soon enough

tgs3[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: haha

MockY[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: both widescreen nonetheless...

tgs3[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: Ah. Better than me, then

MockY[09/16/11 10:17 PM ]: it's flippin impossible to get proper 19" nowadays

MockY[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: I bought 2 first, but the picture sucked ass

tgs3[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: Stuck on 24 widescreen and 19 normal screen

MockY[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: and they cost more than good widescreens

MockY[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: my new ones are both 21"

MockY[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: so you are still kicking butt

tgs3[09/16/11 10:18 PM ]: I think my 24 cost like $1,500 when I bought it. Worth like $200 now

MockY[09/16/11 10:19 PM ]: the latter is kinda whjat both of mine cost haha

tgs3[09/16/11 10:19 PM ]: Technology marches on

MockY[09/16/11 10:19 PM ]: They almost give out monitors for free these days

tgs3[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: Pretty much

MockY[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: If you want lagacy 19", not only is it harder to get, you have to pay much more and for less quality

MockY[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: so I said fuck it

MockY[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: Newegg was friendly enough to RMA my first set for free

tgs3[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: That's what she said

MockY[09/16/11 10:20 PM ]: Thaty company flippin rocks

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:21 PM ]: sorry nina 21 och 22 var dina, nu åkte dom ut

tgs3[09/16/11 10:21 PM ]: Hey, you can't count us out. We're the Dark Horses

MockY[09/16/11 10:21 PM ]: Seriosuly, if Newegg was a woman, I would fuck her 50 times a day

tgs3[09/16/11 10:21 PM ]: Poor Dee

MockY[09/16/11 10:21 PM ]: I mean, a dish...then I would eat it 50 times a day

MockY[09/16/11 10:22 PM ]: Dont want to go down the road of comparing my wife to a tech sitre'

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:22 PM ]: atleast they were 21 & 22...

MockY[09/16/11 10:22 PM ]: haha

MockY[09/16/11 10:22 PM ]: I had 3 small Häagen-Dazs cones in the freezer

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: tyckte det var otroligt jämt från 17 till 25

MockY[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: I'm down to my last now

tgs3[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: Shall we see what wins this season?

MockY[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: Nugget closes in 40 minutes....

MockY[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: hmm

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: jag är klar

tgs3[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: 17 to 25 is always very even for me

ragee[09/16/11 10:23 PM ]: lite tid till har lite strul k botten som vanligt

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: ja det är en jämn sörja

tgs3[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: So just for next season. It's going to be a little weird to have only 3 songs to vote on

MockY[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: Niklas började med listan fär 10 minuter sedan

tgs3[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: haha

tgs3[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: I thin kits been at least 30 minutes

tgs3[09/16/11 10:24 PM ]: Jerk

MockY[09/16/11 10:25 PM ]: lol

ragee[09/16/11 10:25 PM ]: haha börja nu såklart, gjorde inte ni det

MockY[09/16/11 10:25 PM ]: It will be a bit easier, that's for sure

tgs3[09/16/11 10:26 PM ]: Flashback to seasons 1-6

MockY[09/16/11 10:26 PM ]: And now I'm down to popcicles....

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:27 PM ]: 3 låtar som nådde upp till 32 eller 33p, undra om det är dom som blir mästare

MockY[09/16/11 10:27 PM ]: But I have plenty of popsicles...I think

MockY[09/16/11 10:27 PM ]: Jag räknar med en hattrick i Mästare

MockY[09/16/11 10:27 PM ]: ett*

MockY[09/16/11 10:27 PM ]: fan va jänkare man har gått och blivit

MockY[09/16/11 10:28 PM ]: en hus, ett bil

tgs3[09/16/11 10:28 PM ]: whatever

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: 2 skärmar

tgs3[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: Swedish sucks to make us pick ond

MockY[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: ett skärm

tgs3[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: one

ragee[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: nu så nu känner jag mig bekväm med listan

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:29 PM ]: ett lista

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: ska vi köra igång då?

MockY[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: ett kyyk

MockY[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: ett fätta

MockY[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: en knyll

ragee[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: juppp kör på

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: 1

tgs3[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: 2

MockY[09/16/11 10:30 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: 4

ragee[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: 3323443353545366

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: copperview 1p

MockY[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: Itchy Daze 1p

ragee[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: a new decree 1p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:31 PM ]: Seven Circle Sunrise 1p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:32 PM ]: Young the Giant 1p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:32 PM ]: the letter black 2p

MockY[09/16/11 10:32 PM ]: Sparzanza 2p

ragee[09/16/11 10:32 PM ]: Dorydrive 2p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:32 PM ]: April Divine 2p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: Itchy Daze 2p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: dorydrive 3p

MockY[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: Ben Draiman 3p

ragee[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: Black stone cherry 3p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: Absolute 3p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:33 PM ]: Sparzanza 3p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:34 PM ]: redlight king 4p

MockY[09/16/11 10:34 PM ]: Matt Mays 4p

ragee[09/16/11 10:34 PM ]: Ben Draiman 4p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:34 PM ]: Oomph! 4p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:34 PM ]: The Letter Black 4p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Star City Meltdown 5p

MockY[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Times Of Grace 5p

ragee[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Takida 5p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Orianthi 5p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Dorydrive 5p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Ben Draiman 6p

MockY[09/16/11 10:35 PM ]: Fair To Midland 6p

ragee[09/16/11 10:36 PM ]: Accept 6p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:36 PM ]: Takida 6p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:36 PM ]: Stria 6p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:36 PM ]: itchy daze 7p

MockY[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: April Divine 7p

ragee[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: Theory of a deadman 7p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: Sparzanza 7p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: Times of Grace 7p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: Juliana Down 8p

MockY[09/16/11 10:37 PM ]: The Daylights 8p

ragee[09/16/11 10:38 PM ]: Blue October 8p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:38 PM ]: Fair to Midland 8p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:38 PM ]: A New Decree 8p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:38 PM ]: accept 9p

MockY[09/16/11 10:39 PM ]: Blue October 9p

ragee[09/16/11 10:39 PM ]: Manga 9p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:39 PM ]: Theory of a Deadman 9p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:40 PM ]: Blue October 9p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:40 PM ]: sparzanza 10p

MockY[09/16/11 10:40 PM ]: Emarosa 10p

ragee[09/16/11 10:40 PM ]: Copperview 10p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:40 PM ]: Black Stone Cherry 10p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:41 PM ]: The Haunted 10p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:41 PM ]: manga 11p

MockY[09/16/11 10:41 PM ]: Young The Giant 11p

ragee[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: We Are The Fallen 11p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: Time of Grace 11p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: Fair to Midland 11p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: sorry

tgs3[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: ??

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: absolute 12p

MockY[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: ??

MockY[09/16/11 10:42 PM ]: In Flames 12p

ragee[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: april divine 12p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: O.A.R. 12p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: it might have come out right, but I hit enter before Theron's came up for me

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: Not Tonight Josephine 12p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: corroded 13p

MockY[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: Black Stone Cherry 13p

ragee[09/16/11 10:43 PM ]: Deligma 13p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:44 PM ]: Calling All Cars 13p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:44 PM ]: Juliana Down 13p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:44 PM ]: We Are The Fallen 14p

MockY[09/16/11 10:44 PM ]: We Are The Fallen 14p

ragee[09/16/11 10:44 PM ]: Absolute 14p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: Redlight King 14p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: Emarosa 14p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: Switchfoot 15p

MockY[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: The Letter Black 15p

ragee[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: Julia Down

ragee[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: 15p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:45 PM ]: Young The Giant 15p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: Copperview 15p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: the haunted 16p

MockY[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: House Of Lords 16p

ragee[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: The haunted 16p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: Switchfoot 16p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:46 PM ]: Corroded 16p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:47 PM ]: alucrash 17p

MockY[09/16/11 10:47 PM ]: Heavensdust 17p

ragee[09/16/11 10:48 PM ]: times of grace 17p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:48 PM ]: In Flames 17p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:48 PM ]: Theory of a Deadman 17p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:48 PM ]: fair to midland 18p

MockY[09/16/11 10:48 PM ]: Theory Of A Deadman 18p

ragee[09/16/11 10:49 PM ]: the daylight 18p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:49 PM ]: Juliana Down 18p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:49 PM ]: Heavensdust 18p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:49 PM ]: in flames 19p

MockY[09/16/11 10:49 PM ]: Switchfoot 19p

ragee[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: Heavensdust 19p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: Accept 19p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: Black Stone Cherry 19p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: och 20 poäng går till ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: ...................

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: HeavensDust

MockY[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: Självklar vinnare......

MockY[09/16/11 10:50 PM ]: MANGA

ragee[09/16/11 10:51 PM ]: Switchfoot

tgs3[09/16/11 10:51 PM ]: Blue October 20p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:51 PM ]: Ben Draiman 20p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:51 PM ]: Nice. 3 different 20p songs for Theron

MockY[09/16/11 10:52 PM ]: Congrats

ragee[09/16/11 10:52 PM ]: hihi vilken lyckosg

MockY[09/16/11 10:52 PM ]: Dags att sätta på lite Accept

tgs3[09/16/11 10:52 PM ]: Why not?

tgs3[09/16/11 10:53 PM ]: Looks like some real names in round 1 next season

tgs3[09/16/11 10:54 PM ]: Soil being the least known. In SOTD anyway. Probably Blue October in the real world

MockY[09/16/11 10:54 PM ]: I would think Soil there as well

tgs3[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: I guess. Hard to know what the average person thinks

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: Hate Me was pretty popular...

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: 1. heavensdust 74p grattis theron

ragee[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: GRATTIS

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:55 PM ]: 2. switchfoot 70p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: 3. juliana down 54p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: so close, it would have been funny if my one song on the album won it.

tgs3[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: Woo Hoo

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: 4. theory of a deadman 51p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: Mastare #2 for you anyway

MockY[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: w00t, men ser man på

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: 5 in flames 48p

MockY[09/16/11 10:56 PM ]: fick man med sig en mästare endå

ragee[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: top fem iF FÖR MIG

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: everybody is in the top five,

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: alla fick topp 5

thebrat13n[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: that's kinda cool

ragee[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: fan va snällt

MockY[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: trevligt

tgs3[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: Yes it is

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:57 PM ]: 6 blue october 46p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:58 PM ]: 7 black stone cherry 45p klart bästa låten FYY på er

tgs3[09/16/11 10:58 PM ]: And now Anders takes over. The fucker

tgs3[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: Pretty generic song

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: 8. fair to midland 43p

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: FEEEEL

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: 9. the haunted 42p

MockY[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: bara jag som rösta på klart bästa låten

MockY[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: som inte var min det vill säga

Hebbe[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: 10. manga 40p

tgs3[09/16/11 10:59 PM ]: Anders only gave FTM 18p. That's practically hate

MockY[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: Båda Göteborgarna klarade sig

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: I wonder what the record is for songs not getting voted on...?

MockY[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: for one person, total?

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: det har du nog tagit nina

tgs3[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: Whatever the record is, you might have broken it

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:00 PM ]: yes

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:01 PM ]: 11. times of grace 40p

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:01 PM ]: I think so, another record for me

tgs3[09/16/11 11:01 PM ]: Anders only had one song that had less than 2 votes on it. Very impressive

MockY[09/16/11 11:01 PM ]: You definately have that in a sleep sack my dear

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:01 PM ]: I probably already had that record anyway

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: 12. we are the fallen 39p

tgs3[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: Probably

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: 13. accept 34p

tgs3[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: Peter voted for all of Anders songs except Takida. Kiss ass.

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: 14. ben draiman 33p

MockY[09/16/11 11:02 PM ]: yeas, the Germans made it as well

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: 15. corroded 29p

MockY[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: I was the only one using all new bands this season

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: 16. absolute 29p

ragee[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: två låtar aif

MockY[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: Feeling a little proud of that...just to give me something to give myself a medal over

tgs3[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: MockY[4:03:06 AM]: I was the only one using all new bands this season

tgs3[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: ???

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:03 PM ]: 17. young the giant 27p

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: Shit

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: The Haunted

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: forgot about thos fuckers

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: I guess I should give that medal back

ragee[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: hihi peter peter

tgs3[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: They are very forgetable. I agree

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: haha

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: You have 3 songs so far Niklas...

MockY[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: tss

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:04 PM ]: vad har du lärt dej av det?

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:05 PM ]: peter

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:05 PM ]: 18. the daylights 26p

ragee[09/16/11 11:05 PM ]: ahhh just ja ftm hahah sopa mig

ragee[09/16/11 11:05 PM ]: trött tror jag

MockY[09/16/11 11:06 PM ]: Lärt mig av vad?

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:06 PM ]: 19 copperveiw 26p

MockY[09/16/11 11:06 PM ]: Jag lärde att du har vattenlunga idag

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:06 PM ]: att nästan bara använda nya band

MockY[09/16/11 11:06 PM ]: Att det är tunt där ute, lärde jag mig av det

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: 20. emarosa 24p

MockY[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: Samt att man inte kammar hem extrema poäng

MockY[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: men man fick med sig en mästare i all afall

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: 21. sparzanza 22p

tgs3[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: Looks like 7 songs for Anders

MockY[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: good stuff

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:07 PM ]: 22. the letter black 21p

tgs3[09/16/11 11:08 PM ]: Or maybe not. Long songs this season. Maybe only 19 will make it

ragee[09/16/11 11:08 PM ]: nästan fyra låtar

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:08 PM ]: 23. april divine 21p

tgs3[09/16/11 11:08 PM ]: Nina and Anders fucked up by not voting The Letter Black higher

tgs3[09/16/11 11:09 PM ]: My songs almost finished in reverse order of how I like them. Oh well.

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:09 PM ]: shouldn't you blame Niklas for not voting on it at all?

MockY[09/16/11 11:09 PM ]: Fick tydligen med mig 4 också

tgs3[09/16/11 11:09 PM ]: I expect him to suck

ragee[09/16/11 11:09 PM ]: hahahahahaha

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:10 PM ]: I made it so that Ben Draiman made it....

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:10 PM ]: which did you want more?

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:10 PM ]: ha ha

tgs3[09/16/11 11:10 PM ]: haha. No idea

tgs3[09/16/11 11:11 PM ]: I should really bitch about Peter. Nina and Anders voted for 8 of my songs and Nikllas 7 of them. Fuckin' Peter only voted for 5 of them.

tgs3[09/16/11 11:11 PM ]: But they were high points mostly

MockY[09/16/11 11:12 PM ]: so there...

tgs3[09/16/11 11:12 PM ]: Looking at the results, my main thought overall is that Nina really sucks

ragee[09/16/11 11:13 PM ]: stackars tjej

tgs3[09/16/11 11:13 PM ]: Yes. We are sexist apparently

ragee[09/16/11 11:14 PM ]: kanske går bättre under nästa säsong

MockY[09/16/11 11:14 PM ]: And no with Niklas out of the picture, the one dude who stole the

MockY[09/16/11 11:14 PM ]: now*

MockY[09/16/11 11:15 PM ]: If only a tad less wide...

MockY[09/16/11 11:15 PM ]: I will most likely end up carving at one of the walls. I shall have a server before I die

tgs3[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: I think the alcohol is really starting to hit you

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: yeah, I don't think it will go that well for me this season at all, I'm even less prepared than normal

tgs3[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: No way!!!

MockY[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: Once the media collection starts to get up into the 50TB range (which is around the corner), rack servers is the nicest solution

tgs3[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: I'm shocked to hear that

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: and that's saying something...

MockY[09/16/11 11:16 PM ]: Confidence....

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: are you carving into one of my walls?

MockY[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: the nook in the living room

tgs3[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: I was prepared last season, but I haven't listened to shit over the last month

MockY[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: it almost fits a server rack

MockY[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: I just have to remove one sheet of drywall

tgs3[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: almost?

tgs3[09/16/11 11:17 PM ]: It seems wide enough, but I guess not

MockY[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: So if I carve 1/2 or each side

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: there's plenty of room in the office. We don't use it for much anyway

tgs3[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: ah

MockY[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: How is that heling me?

MockY[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: Though I would like to build one for you hehe

tgs3[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: No one cares about you

MockY[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: I think Theron should convert the guest room into a chilled server room

MockY[09/16/11 11:18 PM ]: with racks up the wazoo

tgs3[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: I'd pick the excercise room first

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: I should probably get a air conditioner guy out here, it's the least air conditioned room in the house for some reason

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: dax för frukost

tgs3[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: Chilled would help me there, too

MockY[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: Further away from all the buzzing I guess

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: måndag 22.00?

tgs3[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: Yup

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: yup

MockY[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: yeah, one server and you are having issues

tgs3[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: It's back on like Donkey Kong!!!

MockY[09/16/11 11:19 PM ]: just the few machines we have at work is hetaing up he entire office I noticed

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: I should get some sleep to be rested for our long walk tomorrow

MockY[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: it was damn warm in there on Thursday

Hebbe[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: då hörs vi ha en trevlig helg

tgs3[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: pfft

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: you too, bye

tgs3[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: "see" you soon, Anders

MockY[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: mjo, ma kanske skulle gosa med flickorna

tgs3[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: fag

MockY[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: dock är det ett jäkla snarkande där inne

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:20 PM ]: I don't know where Niklas went

tgs3[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: I'm not sure he does, either

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: isn't that the opposite of fag?

MockY[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: He fell asleep again

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: probably

tgs3[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: Nah, I don't mean homosexual, I mean fag

MockY[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: not in the world of Theron

tgs3[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: There's a difference

MockY[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: as in , cigarette

MockY[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: you brittsh fag you

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:21 PM ]: Just thought I would say bye to him since I don't know when I'll hear from him again

tgs3[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: Fuck, you are clueless

MockY[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: Ahh I see

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: it's actually a group of sticks you light to start a bonfire

ragee[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: jag är kva

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: short for faggot

tgs3[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: Nina, too

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: Niklas!

ragee[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: lite halvsovandes dock haha

ragee[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: men nu är jag fullt vaken

tgs3[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]:

MockY[09/16/11 11:22 PM ]: I believe it is a large mountain that consists of chocolate

ragee[09/16/11 11:23 PM ]: ja har vi tur nu så är jag bara borta en säsong

MockY[09/16/11 11:23 PM ]: He's great in Parks and Req

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:24 PM ]: It'll probably be for atleast two seasons, unless we're slower than normal

tgs3[09/16/11 11:24 PM ]: I agree, but man, that's like the worst of him

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:24 PM ]: He's hilarious

MockY[09/16/11 11:25 PM ]: I checked him out after his first date

MockY[09/16/11 11:25 PM ]: funny ass dude

MockY[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: what...when..who

tgs3[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: Agreed, His TV show is both funny and weird

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: so, where are you trying to go Niklas?

MockY[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: You have not finished parks and req

MockY[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: ?

ragee[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: har jag tur så ska jag ju ha internet någon gång under tiden jag är i England

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: Besides England...

MockY[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: Du hamnar i Norge efter 3 veckor

MockY[09/16/11 11:26 PM ]: Då pengarna har sinat

tgs3[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: It would be nice to have updates from you like once a month, Niklas

tgs3[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: Just so we know you're alive in these crazy foriegn countries

ragee[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: jo jag ska höra av mig och berätta hur det går

MockY[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: weekly email would be even nicer

thebrat13n[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: I hope everything goes how you want it to go

ragee[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: värsta fall på nåt it café

ragee[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: hoppas jag också'

tgs3[09/16/11 11:27 PM ]: Yes, hopefully it totally rocks

MockY[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: enjoy. Soon you are over 30 with a hairy gut

MockY[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: *looking down*

tgs3[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: 30?

ragee[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: haha har man väl redan haha

tgs3[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: That was like 19 for me...

MockY[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: Nej fan, jag måste bajsa

MockY[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: puss och kram

tgs3[09/16/11 11:28 PM ]: Or maybe 17...

MockY[09/16/11 11:29 PM ]: hör av dig Nicke

MockY[09/16/11 11:29 PM ]: starta en blogg eller nåt

tgs3[09/16/11 11:29 PM ]: bye

ragee[09/16/11 11:29 PM ]: ja det kanske kan va nåt

ragee[09/16/11 11:30 PM ]: ska klura på jag kommer gå till väga

ragee[09/16/11 11:30 PM ]: annars gästar jag nog chatten ibland

ragee[09/16/11 11:30 PM ]: aja ska försöka sova igen då

ragee[09/16/11 11:30 PM ]: vi ses mycket snart igen

ragee[09/16/11 11:31 PM ]: hade super gött nu alla så ska jag komma tillbaka sen med massa mumiga låtar hehe

tgs3[09/16/11 11:31 PM ]: awesome