tgs3[08/30/09 2:02 AM ]: Think Niklas will remember? I didn't send out any reminders this season

tgs3[08/30/09 2:02 AM ]: You're finished your update?

MockY[08/30/09 2:03 AM ]: The first push anyway

ragee[08/30/09 2:03 AM ]: morrn morrn

MockY[08/30/09 2:03 AM ]: It is all explained in the pdf document you can d

MockY[08/30/09 2:03 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 2:04 AM ]: mom mom

MockY[08/30/09 2:04 AM ]: There are still some things that I wish I had time for, but no showstoppers

tgs3[08/30/09 2:04 AM ]:

tgs3[08/30/09 2:05 AM ]: Something only I will read, most likely

tgs3[08/30/09 2:05 AM ]: Maybe if you send it out in an email, you'll have some luck with the others

MockY[08/30/09 2:05 AM ]: So since I just uploaded it all about 15 minutes ago (Anders was already in the chat), I have yet to test it all to see it works on the server

MockY[08/30/09 2:05 AM ]: Well, I suggest that everyone should read it

MockY[08/30/09 2:06 AM ]: as much time as I have put into this, 3 minutes of peoples time does not seem to much to ask for

MockY[08/30/09 2:06 AM ]: It's not just my website....

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:06 AM ]: jag läser för fullt

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]: I don't normally jump at the chance to read something really long is Swedish

tgs3[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]: ha, see. Anders is a good boy

MockY[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]: Then skip to the features section

MockY[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]: I can translate it easily as well

MockY[08/30/09 2:07 AM ]: but I just finished it and had no time to do so before people showed up :(

MockY[08/30/09 2:08 AM ]: It has pictures as well

tgs3[08/30/09 2:08 AM ]: I just emailed you an English translation, Nina

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:08 AM ]: thank you

tgs3[08/30/09 2:09 AM ]: See? I told you it was too much for him to read...

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:09 AM ]: ha ha ha ha

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:10 AM ]: han somna redan

ragee[08/30/09 2:10 AM ]: morrn morrn

MockY[08/30/09 2:10 AM ]: Han vakna aldrig

MockY[08/30/09 2:10 AM ]: hansurfar i sömnen

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:12 AM ]: är det så man gör

MockY[08/30/09 2:13 AM ]: snart går han ifrån rummet igen och kommer sen tillbaka och säger "morn morrn" för en tredje gång

tgs3[08/30/09 2:14 AM ]: I totally disagree that those are the top 5 bands in SOTD

MockY[08/30/09 2:15 AM ]: If so, the database is incorrect, and it should be corrected

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:16 AM ]: det är väl så många gånger dom är använda

MockY[08/30/09 2:16 AM ]: precis

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:17 AM ]: ja då gick hon

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:17 AM ]: closed the browser by accident

MockY[08/30/09 2:18 AM ]: Som sagt, jag visste inte vilka 3 statestiker jag skulla ha med, så det fick bli dessa. Kan ändras närsom helst

tgs3[08/30/09 2:18 AM ]: Anders got my point, Peter did not

MockY[08/30/09 2:18 AM ]: ?

MockY[08/30/09 2:19 AM ]: So what was your point?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:19 AM ]: Those are not the top 5 bands in SOTD, those are the most used bands in SOTD

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:19 AM ]: kanske ska stå mest använda

tgs3[08/30/09 2:19 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 2:19 AM ]: Får inte plats

MockY[08/30/09 2:20 AM ]: Måste orda om det...hmm

MockY[08/30/09 2:20 AM ]: Hade det först, men det blev för mycket för headern

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:20 AM ]: vi får gnugga geni knölarna

MockY[08/30/09 2:20 AM ]: Jag har inga kvar

MockY[08/30/09 2:20 AM ]: jag är helt tom efter denna månad

MockY[08/30/09 2:21 AM ]: Ska ta en dags semester från datorer i morgon

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:21 AM ]: vi får hjälpas åt

MockY[08/30/09 2:21 AM ]: Mjo, nu vänder jag mig till er

tgs3[08/30/09 2:21 AM ]: Whoa. Magic.

tgs3[08/30/09 2:22 AM ]: A new song appeard in Nuvarande Låtar

MockY[08/30/09 2:22 AM ]: Are you watching porn?

MockY[08/30/09 2:22 AM ]: Ahh

tgs3[08/30/09 2:22 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 2:23 AM ]: Yup, you are in charge of some parts of the site from now on

ragee[08/30/09 2:23 AM ]: trevlig morgonl'sning

tgs3[08/30/09 2:24 AM ]: Cool new message on the front page now

MockY[08/30/09 2:24 AM ]: lol

MockY[08/30/09 2:25 AM ]: I see I have to put a max height on that element. 6 songs breaks the box hehe

MockY[08/30/09 2:25 AM ]: oops

ragee[08/30/09 2:25 AM ]: hihi

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:26 AM ]: vad händer om det kommer mera

MockY[08/30/09 2:27 AM ]: Måste ändra designen lite då. Men jag tror inte Robert kommer tebax

tgs3[08/30/09 2:27 AM ]: That's what happens

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:28 AM ]: tror inte jag heller

MockY[08/30/09 2:28 AM ]: haha

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:28 AM ]: cool

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:28 AM ]: många låtar med rob

MockY[08/30/09 2:28 AM ]: Sätter dit ett filter lite senare. Måste ta ett brejk från kod.

tgs3[08/30/09 2:29 AM ]: He's SO GREAT!!!!!!!

tgs3[08/30/09 2:29 AM ]: What's the point?

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:29 AM ]: har Amy hjärntvättat dej

tgs3[08/30/09 2:29 AM ]: Do think someone's really going to flood the folder with a bunch of songs like I did?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:29 AM ]:

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:30 AM ]: bara Theron

MockY[08/30/09 2:30 AM ]: No, not that. But I was thinking in terms of SQL injection. But since this does not use that, there should be no security issue

MockY[08/30/09 2:30 AM ]: This simply grab content from a read only folder

MockY[08/30/09 2:30 AM ]: so you have to add via FTP

MockY[08/30/09 2:31 AM ]: so I guess there i nothing to freak about

MockY[08/30/09 2:31 AM ]: since only you guys have access to it

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:32 AM ]: precis

tgs3[08/30/09 2:34 AM ]: I don't have enough red numbers on the stats page. Something is wrong

MockY[08/30/09 2:34 AM ]: Det ser lite fullt ut, men det fick plats nu (Står nu Top 5 Använda Band)

MockY[08/30/09 2:34 AM ]: You have to take that one up with God

tgs3[08/30/09 2:34 AM ]: I guess I haven't kept up with the news. When did the United Kingdom change their flag?

MockY[08/30/09 2:35 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: Or was that a serious question_

MockY[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: Then I don't know

tgs3[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: You're going with England? Lame

MockY[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: You want Great Brittain?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: I thought these were countries?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: England is not a country

tgs3[08/30/09 2:36 AM ]: You spent all the time, so you should do what you like

MockY[08/30/09 2:37 AM ]: Eaily changed...

MockY[08/30/09 2:38 AM ]: Hmm, there is no flag fro Great Brittain in the collection I have

MockY[08/30/09 2:38 AM ]: So I guess someone is not agreeing with you

tgs3[08/30/09 2:38 AM ]: Overall, it looks better to me. I'd lose the footer, but it all seems a bit better. The behind the scenes stuff is, well, behind the scenes and only on your end

MockY[08/30/09 2:39 AM ]: That is where the change has been made

tgs3[08/30/09 2:39 AM ]: no shit

MockY[08/30/09 2:39 AM ]: Odd that there is no GB flag...hmm

MockY[08/30/09 2:40 AM ]: But there is one for European Union...hmmm

tgs3[08/30/09 2:40 AM ]: Where are you looking?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:40 AM ]: Or is it not onlne somewhere?

MockY[08/30/09 2:41 AM ]: I want it to llok the same as the other flags

MockY[08/30/09 2:41 AM ]: I did find it. It was under United Kingdom

tgs3[08/30/09 2:41 AM ]: You can cut it out of the Australian flag

tgs3[08/30/09 2:41 AM ]: Umm, that's the name I originallly used

tgs3[08/30/09 2:43 AM ]: So what are people's thoughts on the text filing suggestion I made?

tgs3[08/30/09 2:43 AM ]: We should probably have some kind of official vote once we decide on a rule to vote on

MockY[08/30/09 2:44 AM ]: Alright, flag changed

tgs3[08/30/09 2:44 AM ]: Just to be clear, here's my rule suggestion: "You can't text file a song you heard for the first time in the last 2 weeks"

tgs3[08/30/09 2:45 AM ]: Hasn't changed for me

MockY[08/30/09 2:45 AM ]: refresh

tgs3[08/30/09 2:45 AM ]: no shit

MockY[08/30/09 2:45 AM ]: Well, it changed for me

tgs3[08/30/09 2:45 AM ]: OK. it worked on the latest refresh

tgs3[08/30/09 2:46 AM ]: it didn't the first time

MockY[08/30/09 2:46 AM ]: ...

tgs3[08/30/09 2:46 AM ]: Maybe my browser likes the old flag better

MockY[08/30/09 2:46 AM ]: I shall change it back...

MockY[08/30/09 2:47 AM ]: Well, I agree with the 2 week rule

tgs3[08/30/09 2:48 AM ]: Do a search on England. Look at how often they were used before and after Robert was in SOTD. Pretty big difference

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:48 AM ]: ok med den regeln

tgs3[08/30/09 2:48 AM ]: 3 votes for. Nina and Niklas don't matter

tgs3[08/30/09 2:48 AM ]: But I would like to know your opinions

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:49 AM ]: I think that it's a good idea

tgs3[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: So now we just need to hear from Silvia.

tgs3[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: I mean NIklas...

ragee[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: jag tycker man ska få texta oavsett hur ny den är

tgs3[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: Sorry, you're out voted

ragee[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: tycker sotd även ska handla om nya låtar

ragee[08/30/09 2:50 AM ]: asså som så få som möjligt hört

tgs3[08/30/09 2:51 AM ]: That makes sense, but I disagree

Hebbe[08/30/09 2:52 AM ]: blue octobers senaste cd blev diskad redan innan den var släppt

tgs3[08/30/09 2:53 AM ]: Yeah, I don't see that SOTD is better because me and Peter happened to have heard the Blue October CD a couple of days before Anders tried to use them

ragee[08/30/09 2:54 AM ]: true true men ändå hehe

tgs3[08/30/09 2:54 AM ]: It's not like a person will be able to use more than one song from such an album anyway. By the next season, it will be way past the 2 week limit.

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:54 AM ]: And, you should really have heard the song before you text file it also

tgs3[08/30/09 2:55 AM ]: You mean the WHOLE song?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:55 AM ]: yeah

tgs3[08/30/09 2:55 AM ]: Not just a snippet?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 2:55 AM ]: like that Scrubs Superman song

tgs3[08/30/09 2:56 AM ]: Yeah, I won't think just hearing the 10 seconds that start Scrubs would be enough to text file that song

tgs3[08/30/09 2:58 AM ]: Just checked. 13 seconds

MockY[08/30/09 2:58 AM ]: The DVDs features the entire song

tgs3[08/30/09 2:59 AM ]: And the sky is blue

tgs3[08/30/09 2:59 AM ]: During the day

tgs3[08/30/09 2:59 AM ]: Except in Sweden, where its mostly gray and white

MockY[08/30/09 2:59 AM ]: not last time I checked

tgs3[08/30/09 3:01 AM ]: SInce Anders wanted it brought up, I will. Does anyone give a shit about a bunch of songs being used from the same album?

tgs3[08/30/09 3:01 AM ]: I don't care if someone does that.

MockY[08/30/09 3:01 AM ]: You know I donät

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:01 AM ]: nope

tgs3[08/30/09 3:01 AM ]: You're a donut

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:02 AM ]: mmm...donut

tgs3[08/30/09 3:03 AM ]:

tgs3[08/30/09 3:03 AM ]: Hmm. Donut burgers...

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:04 AM ]: that's just weird

tgs3[08/30/09 3:05 AM ]: Well, people aren't talking much I see. Shoudl we vote?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:05 AM ]: I'm ready

MockY[08/30/09 3:05 AM ]: That is freakin aweful

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:06 AM ]: 3 min

MockY[08/30/09 3:06 AM ]: It's 75 and I'm burnig up...something is wrong

tgs3[08/30/09 3:06 AM ]: Apparently everyone is busy checking out all the new features

MockY[08/30/09 3:07 AM ]: If only...

MockY[08/30/09 3:07 AM ]:

tgs3[08/30/09 3:07 AM ]: Talking about the sexy old lady that lives next door to you?

MockY[08/30/09 3:07 AM ]: She is yummy alright

tgs3[08/30/09 3:08 AM ]: Talking about the sexy old lady that lives next door to you?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:08 AM ]: I've actually felt like I'm getting sick all day.

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:08 AM ]: I'm hoping I'm wrong

tgs3[08/30/09 3:08 AM ]: Uh oh. My sickness is spreading?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:08 AM ]: Hope not

tgs3[08/30/09 3:09 AM ]: I guess you didn't like this past season very much, Peter?

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:09 AM ]: Good thing I can just sleep in tomorrow

MockY[08/30/09 3:10 AM ]: That is correct

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:10 AM ]: I thought it was a really good season

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:10 AM ]: nu kan vi rösta

tgs3[08/30/09 3:10 AM ]: I thought it lacked abit on the top end, but it was deep.

ragee[08/30/09 3:10 AM ]: cool cool

tgs3[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: Peter tied his own record for lowest points given out in a season.

tgs3[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: 1

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: kunde ha varit mer toplåtar

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: 2

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: 3

MockY[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: 2

ragee[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: mm försvåtrar en del

MockY[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: Men jag hade ju bara toplåtar

MockY[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: så jag vette fasen vad ni snackar om

ragee[08/30/09 3:11 AM ]: 423

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: inept 1p

ragee[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: Finger Eleven 1p

ragee[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: hehe sorry

ragee[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: börjar bra

MockY[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: Razorlight 1p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: Soil 1p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:12 AM ]: Europe 1p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:13 AM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 2p

MockY[08/30/09 3:13 AM ]: I Am G 2p

ragee[08/30/09 3:13 AM ]: Soul Side In 2p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:13 AM ]: Brinck & Maria Marcus 2p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:13 AM ]: Remy Zero 2p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:14 AM ]: Ben Moody 3p

MockY[08/30/09 3:14 AM ]: Smash Into Pieces 3p

ragee[08/30/09 3:14 AM ]: Hail the villain 3p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:14 AM ]: Razorlight 3p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: Ryan Star 3p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: Apoptygma Berzerk 4p

MockY[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: Carolina Liar 4p

ragee[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: Ben Moody 4p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: Plan Three 4p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:15 AM ]: We Are The Fallen 4p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:16 AM ]: The Turn 5p

MockY[08/30/09 3:16 AM ]: Sterr 5p

ragee[08/30/09 3:16 AM ]: chevelle 5p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:16 AM ]: Epidemic 5p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:16 AM ]: Brinck And Maria Marcus 5p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:17 AM ]: I Am Gho st 6p

MockY[08/30/09 3:17 AM ]: Milow 6p

ragee[08/30/09 3:17 AM ]: sunrise avenue 6p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:17 AM ]: Defaze 6p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:17 AM ]: Ben Moody 6p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: Rise Electric 7p

MockY[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: Ben Moody 7p

ragee[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: third day 7p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: The Urgency 7p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: Plan Three 7p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:18 AM ]: Live 8p

MockY[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: Europe 8p

ragee[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: pucifer 8p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: FInger Eleven 8p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: The Turn 8p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: Carolina Liar 9p

MockY[08/30/09 3:19 AM ]: Engel 9p

ragee[08/30/09 3:20 AM ]: plan three 9p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:20 AM ]: Europe 9p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:20 AM ]: Finger Eleven 9p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:20 AM ]: Haste The Day 10p

MockY[08/30/09 3:20 AM ]: We Are The Fallen 10p

ragee[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: tobias regner 10p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: Apoptygma Bezerk 10p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: Dead Letter Circus 10p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: Eskimo Joe 11p

MockY[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: Tobias Regner 11p

ragee[08/30/09 3:21 AM ]: Brinck & Maria Marcus 11p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: Ryan Star 11p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: Hypnogaja 11p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: Sick Puppies 12p

MockY[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: People In Planes 12p

ragee[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: Sterr 12p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:22 AM ]: Sterr 12p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:23 AM ]: Carolina Liar 12p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:23 AM ]: Remy Zero 13p

MockY[08/30/09 3:23 AM ]: Finger Eleven 13p

ragee[08/30/09 3:23 AM ]: People In Planes 13p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:23 AM ]: Manic Street Preachers 13p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:24 AM ]: Third Day 13p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:24 AM ]: Soul Side In 14p

MockY[08/30/09 3:24 AM ]: Ryan Star 14p

ragee[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Defaze 14p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Sick Puppies 14p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Sterr 14p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: We Are The Fallen 15p

MockY[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Plan Three 15p

ragee[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Smash Into Pieces 15p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:25 AM ]: Eskimo Joe 15p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:26 AM ]: Hail The Villain 15p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:26 AM ]: The Urgency 16p

MockY[08/30/09 3:26 AM ]: Royal Bliss 16p

ragee[08/30/09 3:26 AM ]: Evans Blue 16p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:26 AM ]: People In Planes 16p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:27 AM ]: Royal Bliss 16p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:27 AM ]: Third Day 17p

MockY[08/30/09 3:27 AM ]: Evans Blue 17p

ragee[08/30/09 3:27 AM ]: Europe 17p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:28 AM ]: Milow 17p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:28 AM ]: Smash Into Pieces 17p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:28 AM ]: milow 18p

MockY[08/30/09 3:28 AM ]: Live 18p

ragee[08/30/09 3:28 AM ]: Haste The Day 18p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:29 AM ]: Smash Into Pieces 18p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:29 AM ]: Echovalve 18p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:29 AM ]: Dead Letter Circus 19p

MockY[08/30/09 3:29 AM ]: Third Day 19p

ragee[08/30/09 3:29 AM ]: Ryan Star 19p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:30 AM ]: Evans Blue 19p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:30 AM ]: Evans Blue 19p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:30 AM ]: och 20p går till ...........

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:30 AM ]: Chevelle

MockY[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Chevelle 20p

ragee[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Five Finger Death Punch 20p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Sia 20p

thebrat13n[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Chevelle 20p

MockY[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Could you send me the album vote file when Anders is done with about 15 entries?

MockY[08/30/09 3:31 AM ]: Theron...

MockY[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: Jag fick i alla fall en 20-poänagre

tgs3[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: Sure

MockY[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: Och Anders blev utan

MockY[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: va konstigt

tgs3[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: He got lots elsewhere

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:32 AM ]: ja det blev jag men jag fick några 19

MockY[08/30/09 3:33 AM ]: He always does....but let me have atleast this one

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: 1. Evans Blue 71p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: congrats

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: 2. Chevelle 65p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: on my band

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: tack, sorry

tgs3[08/30/09 3:36 AM ]: don't be

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:37 AM ]: 3. third Day 56p

MockY[08/30/09 3:37 AM ]: Att Evans Blue skulle vinna igen....

MockY[08/30/09 3:37 AM ]: Bara gammla gubbar i top detta album

ragee[08/30/09 3:37 AM ]: hmm

tgs3[08/30/09 3:37 AM ]: Cool. 2 in the top 3 anyway

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:38 AM ]: 4. Smash into Pieces 53p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:39 AM ]: 5. Ryan Star 47p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:39 AM ]: 6. Sterr 43p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:39 AM ]: Here comes the Anders dominance...

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:40 AM ]: nu går vi över till nina

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:40 AM ]: 7. milow 41p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:40 AM ]: 8. People In Planes 41å

MockY[08/30/09 3:41 AM ]: Ser dött ut på Peter-fronten

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:41 AM ]: 9. Europe 35p

MockY[08/30/09 3:41 AM ]: skitsäsong

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:41 AM ]: 10. Plan Three 35p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:42 AM ]: 11. Royal Bliss 32p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:42 AM ]: 12. Finger Eleven 31p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:43 AM ]: 13. Dead Letter Circus 29p heja Peter

MockY[08/30/09 3:43 AM ]: lol

tgs3[08/30/09 3:43 AM ]: 7 out of 12 for Anders so far

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:43 AM ]: det slutar där

tgs3[08/30/09 3:44 AM ]: thanks god

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:44 AM ]: 14. we are the fallen 29p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:44 AM ]: Cool, didn't expect them to make the album at all

MockY[08/30/09 3:44 AM ]: 7 of 12

MockY[08/30/09 3:44 AM ]: THAT IS FUCKING NAAAASTY!!!!

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:45 AM ]: 15. Haste the day 28p

MockY[08/30/09 3:45 AM ]: YOU SUCK!!!

MockY[08/30/09 3:45 AM ]: ohh I like that one

tgs3[08/30/09 3:45 AM ]: Looks like I got 5 on the album. I was only counting on 4.

MockY[08/30/09 3:45 AM ]: deserving of the #1 spot though

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:46 AM ]: 16, Live 26p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:46 AM ]: 17. eskimo joe 26p

MockY[08/30/09 3:46 AM ]: yeah baby!

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:46 AM ]: 18. sick puppies 26p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:47 AM ]: 19. Carolina Liar 25p, heja Niklas

ragee[08/30/09 3:47 AM ]: fan va skönt blev ej utan

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:48 AM ]: 20. The Urgency 23p

ragee[08/30/09 3:48 AM ]: dock var Apoptygma Berzerk så sjuykt mycket bättre

ragee[08/30/09 3:48 AM ]: när jag hitta låtern med dem trodde jag tom att jag skulle vinna album

ragee[08/30/09 3:48 AM ]: men icke

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:48 AM ]: den sjönk

ragee[08/30/09 3:49 AM ]: blir bara bättre och bättre

ragee[08/30/09 3:49 AM ]: får fortfrande gåshud

tgs3[08/30/09 3:49 AM ]: It's not bad, but let's not get carried away

tgs3[08/30/09 3:49 AM ]: It did deserve to make the album, though

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:50 AM ]: 21. five finger death punch 22p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:50 AM ]: Looks like Peter might get 5, too. Depending.

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:50 AM ]: 22. tobias regner 21p

tgs3[08/30/09 3:50 AM ]: The songs seem short this season, so I think it'll work

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: 23. sia 20p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: 24. defaze 20p

MockY[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: FFSP is SOOO deserving a spot on the album

MockY[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: wierdos

MockY[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: FFDP*

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: 25. ben moody 20p

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:51 AM ]: den sjönk

ragee[08/30/09 3:52 AM ]: FFDP är överlägsen denna säsong

tgs3[08/30/09 3:52 AM ]: sure

tgs3[08/30/09 3:53 AM ]: I think there needs to be a rule that if everyone votes for a song, it makes the album regardless of its points

tgs3[08/30/09 3:53 AM ]: Ben Moody agrees with this

MockY[08/30/09 3:53 AM ]: haha

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:54 AM ]: ser ut som om jag fick många albumpoäng den här gången

tgs3[08/30/09 3:54 AM ]: I used Ben Moody twice this season and got text filed with another song of his. I'm a big fan of his apparently

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:55 AM ]: den andra är bättre

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:56 AM ]: han gjorde bättre låtar i Evanesence

tgs3[08/30/09 3:56 AM ]: 350 points. You did better in season 28

Hebbe[08/30/09 3:56 AM ]: är det möjligt

tgs3[08/30/09 3:57 AM ]: Yes. And I'm shocked to see that I hold the record with 355 points in season 22

MockY[08/30/09 3:57 AM ]:

MockY[08/30/09 3:57 AM ]:

tgs3[08/30/09 3:58 AM ]: We'll see what the rest of We Are The Fallen sounds like

tgs3[08/30/09 3:59 AM ]: Actually, Anders in Season 10 got 400 I see now

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:00 AM ]: 6 personer som röstade då

tgs3[08/30/09 4:01 AM ]: Yeah, but I don't know that it makes it easier. Maybe even harder if you look at the totals of the other seasons when there were 6 of us

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:02 AM ]: ganska lika tycker jag

tgs3[08/30/09 4:03 AM ]: pretty much

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:04 AM ]: röstning på måndag

tgs3[08/30/09 4:04 AM ]: Yup.

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:04 AM ]: ska ta hand om min lilla familj nu

tgs3[08/30/09 4:04 AM ]: I'm leading season 32 so far!!!

tgs3[08/30/09 4:04 AM ]: Take that, Anders!!

tgs3[08/30/09 4:05 AM ]: It's after 01.00 here, so I'm off to bed. Talk to you later

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:05 AM ]: hur då

tgs3[08/30/09 4:05 AM ]: You're only tied for the lead in season 32 so far

Hebbe[08/30/09 4:06 AM ]: god natt

tgs3[08/30/09 4:06 AM ]: g.night

MockY[08/30/09 4:06 AM ]: YEah, Iäm going as well, as soon as I have edited the database to reflect todays vote

MockY[08/30/09 4:06 AM ]: gnight