MockY[05/03/09 1:11 AM ]: Hej

thebrat13n[05/03/09 1:11 AM ]: Hi!

MockY[05/03/09 1:15 AM ]: I wish

MockY[05/03/09 1:15 AM ]:

MockY[05/03/09 1:28 AM ]: Ready for the show down?

thebrat13n[05/03/09 1:29 AM ]: I guess...

MockY[05/03/09 1:40 AM ]: höj

MockY[05/03/09 1:40 AM ]:

Hebbe[05/03/09 1:40 AM ]: tjabalang

Hebbe[05/03/09 1:41 AM ]: nää, inte till mej va

MockY[05/03/09 1:41 AM ]: joo oo

MockY[05/03/09 1:41 AM ]: tihi

MockY[05/03/09 1:41 AM ]: Du vann ju säsongen

Hebbe[05/03/09 1:42 AM ]: jaha, trodde du tänkte muta mej

Hebbe[05/03/09 1:42 AM ]: tack

MockY[05/03/09 1:43 AM ]: om det funka som mutning, så är ju det en bonus

Hebbe[05/03/09 1:43 AM ]: nää jag e´omutbar

MockY[05/03/09 1:45 AM ]: tss

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:05 AM ]: är jag kvar här eller är det aldeles tyst här

tgs3[05/03/09 2:06 AM ]: You've missed a lot of talking it looks like

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:06 AM ]: skojjar du

tgs3[05/03/09 2:06 AM ]: Peter was telling us how he's been letting Robert pick his songs for the last 5 seasons and that's why he's done so poorly

tgs3[05/03/09 2:06 AM ]: Also, Robert's been voting for him, too

MockY[05/03/09 2:07 AM ]: Öp

MockY[05/03/09 2:07 AM ]:

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:07 AM ]: I refreshed 'cause it was so quite

MockY[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: I had to let him have a finger in SOTD without anyone knowing it

MockY[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: the secret is out

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: I guess everyone's listening to the songs one last time...

MockY[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: Not me. Trying to find some new stuff

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: det förklarar ju en del

MockY[05/03/09 2:08 AM ]: Have to fill up the tank of bands for the upcoming season

tgs3[05/03/09 2:09 AM ]: I need to do that, too

tgs3[05/03/09 2:09 AM ]: I've been on a real dry spell lately

tgs3[05/03/09 2:09 AM ]: I haven't listened to much lately either, which I guess doesn't help

MockY[05/03/09 2:10 AM ]: It still amazes me how much shit that 99 out of 100 bands there is

MockY[05/03/09 2:11 AM ]: I have listened like crazy the last 3 days and I there is nothing worth mentioning

MockY[05/03/09 2:11 AM ]: sad

tgs3[05/03/09 2:13 AM ]: I find quite a bit of 7 or 8 point songs, but it needs to be a 9 or 10 for me to use it in SOTD because usually 2-3 points get knocked off the score by you losers...

MockY[05/03/09 2:13 AM ]: I would think the record comaponies goes through some type of screening before signing the bands...

MockY[05/03/09 2:13 AM ]: maybe they are drunk as hell when listeting to most of these bands

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:14 AM ]: There's no accounting for taste.

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:14 AM ]: People like different things.

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: I really don't like Radiohead, but some people think that they are the greatest thing ever!

MockY[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: way to much different. Makes it hard to find SOTD suitable tunes. Damn them

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: Peter and I like Depeche Mode, and Theron thinks they suck...

tgs3[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: Musical taste in particular is very hard to nail down

MockY[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: Common, Radiohead is fucking phenomenal

MockY[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]:

tgs3[05/03/09 2:15 AM ]: I can't even know what I myself will like until I really listen well to something

tgs3[05/03/09 2:16 AM ]: And don't "think", I know

MockY[05/03/09 2:16 AM ]: I've leaner hroughout the years that going by genre is pointless.

MockY[05/03/09 2:16 AM ]: learned*

tgs3[05/03/09 2:16 AM ]: They are an exception. They just suck.

MockY[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: haha

MockY[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: Depeche is awesome ffs

tgs3[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: If you're going to correct leaner, you should really correct "common"

MockY[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: never...

MockY[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: Common' or come on

MockY[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: trying out slang here

tgs3[05/03/09 2:17 AM ]: Come on would be what you were trying to say

MockY[05/03/09 2:18 AM ]: This is in a chat, and many use I have seen anyways

MockY[05/03/09 2:18 AM ]: just copying the cool people

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:19 AM ]: depeche hade varit grym om dom hade gjort rockmusik av sina låtar för varje gång man hör en cover av ett rockband så är låtarna bra

tgs3[05/03/09 2:19 AM ]: I'm guessing "many" is stretching it

tgs3[05/03/09 2:19 AM ]: That's totally wrong and I've never seen it before.

MockY[05/03/09 2:20 AM ]: in literature yes. Chatting, not so much

tgs3[05/03/09 2:20 AM ]: Just does to show that chatters are ed

tgs3[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: It's not a shorting of anything in this case, just totally stupic

MockY[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: or funny, or creative, or lazy

MockY[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: or silly

tgs3[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: Um. No. none of those

MockY[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: mnay words can describe it

tgs3[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: Describe what?

MockY[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: how chatter are..other than stupid, as you call Äthem

MockY[05/03/09 2:21 AM ]: "them"

tgs3[05/03/09 2:22 AM ]: I take it back. Only the ones that use common instead of come on are ed

MockY[05/03/09 2:22 AM ]: mm, sure.

tgs3[05/03/09 2:22 AM ]: You might be right Anders, but I can't recall any Depeche Mode covers that I've heard right now

tgs3[05/03/09 2:23 AM ]: Common, you gotta see that it is

MockY[05/03/09 2:23 AM ]: Samma som jag säger om Beatles

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:23 AM ]: enjoy the silence - ryan star

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:24 AM ]: walking my shoes - finger eleven

MockY[05/03/09 2:24 AM ]: Du vill ligga med Ryan

MockY[05/03/09 2:24 AM ]: Snaska kotte

tgs3[05/03/09 2:24 AM ]: I just don't know what songs are Depeche Mode songs mostly. And you're dead wrong about the Beatles

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:25 AM ]: nää men han är duktig på musik

tgs3[05/03/09 2:25 AM ]: Is it time to call Niklas?

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:25 AM ]: jo just det

MockY[05/03/09 2:26 AM ]: han har nog baksmälla

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:26 AM ]: hopefully he remembers we're didn't send you your normal reminder Theron.

tgs3[05/03/09 2:27 AM ]: Yeah, I slacked I guess

ragee[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]: yoo

tgs3[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]: Let the uploading begin...

MockY[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]: Gomorron

MockY[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]: ohh nej, nu skrev jag på chatt vis, nu får Theron spader

MockY[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]:

tgs3[05/03/09 2:31 AM ]: That's not at all in the same class as common

tgs3[05/03/09 2:32 AM ]: c'mon or shortening I get. Common is just dumb....

ragee[05/03/09 2:33 AM ]: Peter vilken tid planerar ni att åka från sthlm?

MockY[05/03/09 2:35 AM ]: not wriiting common right away if that's the word that pops up in the head first, and instead wait to get the "proper" shortening in a chat session is dumb

MockY[05/03/09 2:35 AM ]: Det blir på morgonen det

MockY[05/03/09 2:35 AM ]: dagen innan midsommar

MockY[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: så vi kommer upp till norrland på kvällen

tgs3[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: Why wouldn't you just write come on? It's just as many letters!

ragee[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: damn hade hoppats att det var eftermiddagen

MockY[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: hur så?

MockY[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: behöver du lift?

ragee[05/03/09 2:36 AM ]: hade velat åka med er upp me vi kommer inte lyckas ta oss till sthlm fören 17:15

MockY[05/03/09 2:37 AM ]: det e assent ju

ragee[05/03/09 2:37 AM ]: nja lite kanske hehe

MockY[05/03/09 2:37 AM ]: vi lämnar nog Stockholm runt 09.00

ragee[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: men vet inte om 40min på arlana är nog för att hina med planet till lycksele

MockY[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: tar väl runt 8 timmar att resa upp till Norr har jag för mig

MockY[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: 'eller är det längre?

tgs3[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: That's about right

ragee[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: borde väl vara 8timmar från sthlm

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: 80 mil tror jag

tgs3[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: A bit longer if you're going to Rika's

MockY[05/03/09 2:38 AM ]: tar nog längre

MockY[05/03/09 2:39 AM ]: kommer åka kusten, så syrran e ju inte först

ragee[05/03/09 2:39 AM ]: aja får ringa till flygbolaget och höra

MockY[05/03/09 2:39 AM ]: blir inte*

MockY[05/03/09 2:39 AM ]: ahh yes, true..if I continue

MockY[05/03/09 2:39 AM ]: Spelar mindre roll var vi hamnar den kvällen

MockY[05/03/09 2:40 AM ]: Det där få ni Svennar styra upp best ni vill

tgs3[05/03/09 2:41 AM ]: Just remember to hook up the webcam

MockY[05/03/09 2:41 AM ]: Speaking of which, Iäm installing an IP Camera in my garage

MockY[05/03/09 2:42 AM ]: so sick tired of caving in for my OCD impulses

MockY[05/03/09 2:42 AM ]: donät know how many times I have turned back home, just to find the garage door closed

MockY[05/03/09 2:42 AM ]: *sigh*

tgs3[05/03/09 2:42 AM ]: InterPlanetary?

MockY[05/03/09 2:43 AM ]: *googling*

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:43 AM ]: håller du fortfarande på att låsa dörren 10 ggr innar du far hemifrån

MockY[05/03/09 2:43 AM ]: Referring to IP?

MockY[05/03/09 2:43 AM ]: dörren e alltid låst

MockY[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: det e garageporten som jag har problem med att "minnas" ifall jag stängt eller inte

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: du fattar vad jag menar

MockY[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: jobbigt som fan

tgs3[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: Yes, referring to IP

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: jag minns i umeå

tgs3[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: Just don't do it

MockY[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: why?

tgs3[05/03/09 2:44 AM ]: OCD is very curable. You just have to fight it

MockY[05/03/09 2:45 AM ]: I hate fighting

tgs3[05/03/09 2:45 AM ]: And clearly you doing these other rituals?

MockY[05/03/09 2:45 AM ]: You get community service for such I've heard

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:45 AM ]: jag behövde bara fråga om du låst 4 sekunder efter du låst så var du tvungen att gå tillbaka och kolla

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:46 AM ]: ska vi rösta

MockY[05/03/09 2:46 AM ]: Känns bättre att vara på säkra sidan. Jag klarar inte av stress. Vill inte stressa om ifall någon tagot våra prylar pågrund av en öppen garageport

MockY[05/03/09 2:46 AM ]: din mamma ska rösta

tgs3[05/03/09 2:47 AM ]: I'm ready any time

ragee[05/03/09 2:47 AM ]: ja vi kan rösta

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:47 AM ]: 1

MockY[05/03/09 2:48 AM ]: 2

ragee[05/03/09 2:48 AM ]: 675

tgs3[05/03/09 2:48 AM ]: 3

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:49 AM ]: 5

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:50 AM ]: stereoside 1p

MockY[05/03/09 2:50 AM ]: The Turn 1p

ragee[05/03/09 2:50 AM ]: Celina Ree 1p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:51 AM ]: 7 Days Away 1p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:51 AM ]: Queensryche 1p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:51 AM ]: crash parallel 2p

MockY[05/03/09 2:51 AM ]: Papercut Massacre 2p

ragee[05/03/09 2:51 AM ]: epica 2p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:52 AM ]: Outshine 2p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:52 AM ]: The Turn 2p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:52 AM ]: Papa Roach 3p

MockY[05/03/09 2:52 AM ]: Papa Roach 3p

ragee[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: fate under fire 3p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: Innerpartysystem 3p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: Stereoside 3p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: Secondhand Serenade 4p

MockY[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: Ryan Star 4p

ragee[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: red 4p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 4p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:53 AM ]: My Darkest Days 4p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:54 AM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 5p

MockY[05/03/09 2:54 AM ]: Dakona 5p

ragee[05/03/09 2:54 AM ]: papercut massacre 5p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:54 AM ]: Stereoside 5p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:54 AM ]: 7 Days Away 5p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: Pedwell 6p

MockY[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: Placebo 6p

ragee[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: ag silver 6

tgs3[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: Daniel Wirtz 6p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: David Cook 6p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: Dakona 7p

MockY[05/03/09 2:55 AM ]: Since October 7p

ragee[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: since october 7p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: A Balladeer 7p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: Ryan Star 7p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: Juke Kartel 8p

MockY[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: Signs Of Betryal 8p

ragee[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: reflexion 8p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: Papa Roach 8p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:56 AM ]: Dakona 8p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:57 AM ]: Epica 9p

MockY[05/03/09 2:57 AM ]: Crash Parallel 9p

ragee[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: dead confederate 9p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: Placebo 9p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: Papercut Massacre 9p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: Reflexion 10p

MockY[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: Shinedown 10p

ragee[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: david cook 10p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:58 AM ]: Hurt 10p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: Entwine 10p

Hebbe[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: Shinedown 11p

MockY[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: A Balladeer 11p

ragee[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: faces of march 11p

tgs3[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: Crash Parallel 11p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 2:59 AM ]: Icon & the Black Roses 11p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: Daniel Wirtz 12p

MockY[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: Dead Confederate 12p

ragee[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: pedwell 12p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: My Darkest Days 12p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: Ag Silver 12p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: Ag Silver 13p

MockY[05/03/09 3:00 AM ]: Volbeat 13p

ragee[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: outshine 13p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Dead Confederate 13p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Placebo 13p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Renegade Five 14p

MockY[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Ag Silver 14p

ragee[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: a ballader 14p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Dakona 14p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:01 AM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 14p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: Decyfer Down 15p

MockY[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: Entwine 15p

ragee[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: decyfer down 15p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: David Cook 15p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: Renegade Five 15p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:02 AM ]: red 16p

MockY[05/03/09 3:03 AM ]: Gotthard 16p

ragee[05/03/09 3:03 AM ]: ryan star 16p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:03 AM ]: Renegade Five 16p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:03 AM ]: Volbeat 16p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:03 AM ]: Papercut Massacre 17p

MockY[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: Renegade Five 17p

ragee[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: crash parallel 17p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: Decypher Down 17p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: Red 17p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: Icon & The Black Roses

MockY[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: Red 18p

ragee[05/03/09 3:04 AM ]: gotthaqrd 18p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: Entwine 18p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: Decyfer Down 18p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: Dead Confederate 19p

MockY[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: David Cook 19p

ragee[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: entwine 19p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: Icon & The Black Roses 19p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:05 AM ]: Pedwell 19p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:06 AM ]: och 20p går till ........

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:06 AM ]: Hurt

MockY[05/03/09 3:06 AM ]: Nee, den går ju till...

MockY[05/03/09 3:06 AM ]: Depeche Mode

ragee[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: Icon & the Black Roses 20p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: Volbeat 20p

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: Shinedown 20p

ragee[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: hmm interessant

MockY[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: ohh

MockY[05/03/09 3:07 AM ]: väldigt

tgs3[05/03/09 3:08 AM ]: Any of my songs are out of the running...

tgs3[05/03/09 3:12 AM ]: Peter left in disgust over how much Anders keeps killing us all

MockY[05/03/09 3:13 AM ]: Hmm

MockY[05/03/09 3:13 AM ]: Odd

tgs3[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: ?

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: 1. icon & the black roses 68p

MockY[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: Jaaa!!!

MockY[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: P en temarundare

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: grattis peter

MockY[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: så jävla kul

tgs3[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: Congrats

MockY[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: Plåster på såren

MockY[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: danke

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:14 AM ]: 2. decyfer down 65p

MockY[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: jjjaaa!

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: dubbel

MockY[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: rena rama julafton

ragee[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: kul kul

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: 3. enwine 62p

MockY[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: luk luk baklänges

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:15 AM ]: 4. renegade five 62p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: 5. red 55p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: Yeah Theron

ragee[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: jag är med på topp 5 för en gpångsksull

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: 6. dead confederate 53p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: And everyone joins the party

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: almost top five

MockY[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: I left

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:16 AM ]: 7. david cook 50p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: 8. volbeat 49p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: 9. ag silver 45p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: And don't think you're coming back, either

MockY[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: :(

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: 10. shinedown 41p

MockY[05/03/09 3:17 AM ]: I'm a light weight

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:18 AM ]: 11. crash parallel 39p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:18 AM ]: 12. pedwell 37p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:18 AM ]: 13. gotthard 34p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: 14. dakona 34p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: 15. papercut massacre 33p

ragee[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: yey två låtar med

tgs3[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: I thnk we should cut the album off at 15 this season

MockY[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: That usually means that Anders have the rest

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: 16. a balladeer 32p

MockY[05/03/09 3:19 AM ]: has

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:20 AM ]: tycker inte jag

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:20 AM ]: 17. hurt 30p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:20 AM ]: 18. placebo 28p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:21 AM ]: 19. ryan star 27p

MockY[05/03/09 3:21 AM ]: And I was right.

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:21 AM ]: 20. thousand foot krutch 23p

ragee[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: cool cool 3 låtar

MockY[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: kanske

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: 21. depeche mode 20p

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: 22. daniel wirtz 18p

tgs3[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: Assuming 20 make it, 7 for Anders, 5 for Theron, 3 for Nina and Niklas, 2 for Peter

tgs3[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: Maybe Nina gets 4, or Niklas only gets 2...

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:22 AM ]: 23. reflexion 18p

MockY[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: Having those few 2 at the top is some comfort

tgs3[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: Better than #19 and #20

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: I'm hoping for 4

MockY[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: much

tgs3[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: A season win is always nice

MockY[05/03/09 3:23 AM ]: Me too

MockY[05/03/09 3:24 AM ]: hoping for 4 that is

MockY[05/03/09 3:24 AM ]: for Nina

MockY[05/03/09 3:24 AM ]: Ohh by the way

MockY[05/03/09 3:24 AM ]: I have no tagged all Sotd Albums

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:25 AM ]: trodde inte jag skulle få med mer än max 5 låtar, men jag hade tur nu igen

MockY[05/03/09 3:25 AM ]: so they all now have correct tagging so that all players can index them correctly

tgs3[05/03/09 3:25 AM ]: Yeah, WTF was up with Gotthard?

MockY[05/03/09 3:25 AM ]: regardless of player )Songbird, Winamp, MediaPlayer, iTunes and so forth)

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: haha kul att det fanns 2 som tyckte som mej

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: och placebo helt otippad

MockY[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: totalt

MockY[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: jag rösta lägst på den

MockY[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: haha

MockY[05/03/09 3:26 AM ]: kanske skulle ha lyssnat på låtarna lite mer

tgs3[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: No you didn't

MockY[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: you and Nina voted higher on it than I did

MockY[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: Can't remember Niklas

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: va, har du slarvat, peter

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: I was hoping a couple did better than they did, but I was really that suprised

MockY[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: but that's a chocker in itself

tgs3[05/03/09 3:27 AM ]: You voted Gotthard and Placebo 2nd highest

tgs3[05/03/09 3:28 AM ]: Nina's the one that really helped on Placebo

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:28 AM ]: Niklas didn't vote for Placebo

MockY[05/03/09 3:28 AM ]: hehe nej då, jag e bara överaskad att jag rösta lägre på Placebo än de andra Amerikanerna

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:28 AM ]: It grew on me

ragee[05/03/09 3:28 AM ]: tycker det är trist att palcebo låten var så kass

MockY[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: lol

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: ha ha

tgs3[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: Stop lieing, Peter

tgs3[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: Ah,you mean today, Ok, I get it

tgs3[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: It grew on me, too

MockY[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: yes I did

tgs3[05/03/09 3:29 AM ]: I originally thought I'd have it around #20, but it kept rising

tgs3[05/03/09 3:30 AM ]: So voting as usual on Monday?

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:30 AM ]: går bra

MockY[05/03/09 3:30 AM ]: now quickly go back and listen to the older CDs. Who knows, maybe you'll start enjoying them in the car

tgs3[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: Who ever said we didn't already enjoy Placebo>

tgs3[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: ?

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: saknas en låt

tgs3[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: Hell, I've used them in the past

MockY[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: I thought you didn't like them at all

tgs3[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: No idea where you got that from

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: jag är inget fan av placebo, men jag gillar den här låten

MockY[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: Used them based on your compeditors, never thought you actually liked them

tgs3[05/03/09 3:31 AM ]: Nina must have brainwashed you into thinking that

MockY[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: glad to hear

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: saknas en låt

tgs3[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: I never said anything like that about Placebo

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: inte nu

tgs3[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: That I used them for the competitors...

MockY[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: Lär dig refresha Anders

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:32 AM ]: märkte det

tgs3[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: We're all tied with Anders in Season 30!!!

tgs3[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: Yeah baby!!!

MockY[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: YEAH!!!

ragee[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: ska väl återgå till sängs

MockY[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: 30 Seasons

ragee[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: men vi kör väl igång igen på måndag?

MockY[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: crazy

MockY[05/03/09 3:35 AM ]: That will be the name of my band... 30 Seasons

ragee[05/03/09 3:36 AM ]: ohh föresten så ska jag till slovakien på torsdag nästa vecka

MockY[05/03/09 3:36 AM ]: så temarundan blir framskjuten

MockY[05/03/09 3:36 AM ]: ?

ragee[05/03/09 3:36 AM ]: så ska vi rösta imorgon och sen den 14:e?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:37 AM ]: Or Wednesday?

ragee[05/03/09 3:37 AM ]: jo men det kan vi nog göra

ragee[05/03/09 3:37 AM ]: aja ses imorgoin

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:37 AM ]: blir nog bra

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: theron du hade döpt den här till cd28, betyder det att speed-sotd är döpt till speed-sotd cd1

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: Are you sick?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: Time to re-stock the music cabinet this month, I think

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: Or trying to get tired>

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: ?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: I just forgot to change the name, Anders

tgs3[05/03/09 3:40 AM ]: It shoudl have said CD29

MockY[05/03/09 3:41 AM ]: Neither, I just the taste of it

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:41 AM ]: ok blev lite förvirrad

tgs3[05/03/09 3:41 AM ]: Not really sure why I have a name on there at all. It doesn't really need one

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:42 AM ]: 3 nya band i omg 1

tgs3[05/03/09 3:43 AM ]: And 2 bands that have finished in the top 3 in the album voting

MockY[05/03/09 3:43 AM ]: ovanligt många kanske?

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:44 AM ]: för att var a omg 1 tror jag

tgs3[05/03/09 3:44 AM ]: Sometimes I save my better stuff for round 2 or 3 since round 1 usually has better than average competition

MockY[05/03/09 3:44 AM ]: You get tired of chamomile?

MockY[05/03/09 3:45 AM ]: did you this time?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:45 AM ]: Maybe

tgs3[05/03/09 3:45 AM ]: Seasons 24 and 27 also had 3 new bands in round 1

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:46 AM ]: får en känsla av att alla har gjort det

tgs3[05/03/09 3:46 AM ]: Don't like the sound of round 1?

MockY[05/03/09 3:46 AM ]:

MockY[05/03/09 3:46 AM ]: looks like it does. Good to know

tgs3[05/03/09 3:46 AM ]: It seemed good on the first brief listen

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:47 AM ]: inte lika bra som omg 1 brukar vara

MockY[05/03/09 3:47 AM ]: hmm

MockY[05/03/09 3:47 AM ]: låter inte lovande

MockY[05/03/09 3:47 AM ]: jag som har en bra låt..trodde jag

tgs3[05/03/09 3:47 AM ]: Me, too

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:48 AM ]: jag har bara tvärlyssnat på dom, kommer säkert ändra sig

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:48 AM ]: Don't drink Chamomile too often though, you can get a allergic reaction

MockY[05/03/09 3:48 AM ]: Dum-Anders

tgs3[05/03/09 3:48 AM ]: I'm checking out some new music right now. What's in round 1 is way better than most of what I've heard over the last 20 minutes

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:48 AM ]: jag kanske tycker att jag inte har en kanonlåt själv

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]:

MockY[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]: lol

tgs3[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]: never

Hebbe[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]: nä vi hörs på måndag, hej då

MockY[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]: happ

MockY[05/03/09 3:49 AM ]: puss då

tgs3[05/03/09 3:50 AM ]: g'day, sir

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:51 AM ]: I should probably get to sleep, It's past my bedtime

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:51 AM ]: But, gotta say, like to vote on Saturdays than Fridays

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:51 AM ]: better than Fridays

MockY[05/03/09 3:51 AM ]: Itäs nice alright

MockY[05/03/09 3:51 AM ]: The time is not the greatest for a group session

MockY[05/03/09 3:52 AM ]: but still nice

thebrat13n[05/03/09 3:52 AM ]: g'night

MockY[05/03/09 3:52 AM ]: g'night

tgs3[05/03/09 3:53 AM ]: g'night

tgs3[05/03/09 3:53 AM ]: from the Count of Monte Cresta!

MockY[05/03/09 3:54 AM ]: well then, I shall do some webdesign then

MockY[05/03/09 3:55 AM ]: did you have the files from previosu seasons

MockY[05/03/09 3:55 AM ]: or are you still working on it?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: I'll get the files update through today's vote either today or tomorrow

tgs3[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: Anders' stats are starting to look very disgusting

MockY[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: All I need for tonight is the album list

MockY[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: but that's fine

MockY[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: take your tim

MockY[05/03/09 3:56 AM ]: e

MockY[05/03/09 3:57 AM ]: yeah, he stinks

tgs3[05/03/09 3:57 AM ]: Album list?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:57 AM ]: You mean what Anders gave you?

tgs3[05/03/09 3:58 AM ]: I actually need to know how many made the album to finalize the file for both season 28 and 29...

MockY[05/03/09 3:58 AM ]: no, I just want the order of all songs for the last 2 seasons

MockY[05/03/09 3:58 AM ]:

MockY[05/03/09 3:58 AM ]: hmm rtue that

MockY[05/03/09 3:59 AM ]: I need to know the order of the songs before determining that though

MockY[05/03/09 3:59 AM ]: don't have it written down

MockY[05/03/09 3:59 AM ]: though I can go back in the chat logs

MockY[05/03/09 3:59 AM ]: I'll do that right now and email you when done

tgs3[05/03/09 4:00 AM ]: Nah

tgs3[05/03/09 4:00 AM ]: I'll get you that file in a minute

tgs3[05/03/09 4:00 AM ]: hold on

MockY[05/03/09 4:01 AM ]: well, I already did 28

MockY[05/03/09 4:01 AM ]: it\\s all upl;oaded and correctly tagged

MockY[05/03/09 4:01 AM ]: and we just dod 29, so I\\ll do 29

MockY[05/03/09 4:01 AM ]: did*

MockY[05/03/09 4:02 AM ]: which is todays

tgs3[05/03/09 4:03 AM ]: So 20 made the season 28 album?

tgs3[05/03/09 4:04 AM ]: Let me know how many make season 29...

MockY[05/03/09 4:04 AM ]: that appears to be the case

tgs3[05/03/09 4:04 AM ]: Craving Lucy is mine, fucker

MockY[05/03/09 4:04 AM ]: the amount I uploaded is what I could fit on a regular CD with overburn

tgs3[05/03/09 4:05 AM ]: Get your name off my mp3!!!

MockY[05/03/09 4:05 AM ]: lol

MockY[05/03/09 4:05 AM ]: just rename it

tgs3[05/03/09 4:06 AM ]: OK

tgs3[05/03/09 4:06 AM ]: Went from 3 to 5 songs, which was nice

MockY[05/03/09 4:06 AM ]: I bet

MockY[05/03/09 4:06 AM ]: I forgot how that sensation was like

MockY[05/03/09 4:08 AM ]: That must mean that the song is mis/named in the round as well

tgs3[05/03/09 4:11 AM ]: Not any longer

MockY[05/03/09 4:11 AM ]: good

tgs3[05/03/09 4:17 AM ]: logging out now. Still on MSN...

MockY[05/03/09 4:18 AM ]: ok

MockY[05/03/09 4:18 AM ]: thanks for the file